09/20/2021-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2021 7:00 PM HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING ­ 403 N 7TH STREET SANGER, TEXAS 1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum, Invocation, and Pledge. 2.CITIZEN INPUT: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or discuss any issues brought up during this section.) 3.CONSENT AGENDA: a.APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1.Consider the minutes from the September 7, 2021, Work Session. 2.Consider the minutes from the September 7, 2021, Regular Meeting. 3.Consider the minutes from the September 8, 2021, Joint Work Session. 4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5.GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Consider a General Services Agreement with Power Engineers for general engineering services, and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement. (Ciocan) 6.INFORMATION ITEMS: a.ATMOS RATE FILING ­ RIDER GCR b.MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT ­ JULY 31, 2021 c.CAPITAL PROJECTS RECAP ­ SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 d.DISBURSEMENTS REPORT FOR JULY 2021 e.DISBURSEMENTS REPORT FOR AUGUST 2021 7.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: (The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may Page 1 AGENDACITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGMONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 20217:00 PMHISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING ­ 403 N 7TH STREETSANGER, TEXAS1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum, Invocation, and Pledge.2.CITIZEN INPUT:(Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or discuss any issuesbrought up during this section.)3.CONSENT AGENDA:a.APPROVAL OF MINUTES1.Consider the minutes from the September 7, 2021, Work Session.2.Consider the minutes from the September 7, 2021, Regular Meeting.3.Consider the minutes from the September 8, 2021, Joint Work Session.4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.REGULAR AGENDA5.GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENTConsider a General Services Agreement with Power Engineers for general engineering services, andauthorize the Mayor to execute said agreement. (Ciocan)6.INFORMATION ITEMS:a.ATMOS RATE FILING ­ RIDER GCRb.MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT ­ JULY 31, 2021c.CAPITAL PROJECTS RECAP ­ SEPTEMBER 9, 2021d.DISBURSEMENTS REPORT FOR JULY 2021e.DISBURSEMENTS REPORT FOR AUGUST 20217.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS:(The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Council or at the call of the Mayor). 8.EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, the City Council Will Meet in a Closed Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code: a.Government Code Section 551.074 ­ Personnel Matters: To deliberate the duties of the City Attorney 9.RECONVENE: OPEN MEETING: Reconvene Into Regular Session And Take Any Action Deemed Necessary As A Result Of The Executive Closed Session. a.LEGAL REPRESENTATION ­ HAYES, BERRY, WHITE & VANZANT, LLP Consider an engagement agreement for legal services with Hayes, Berry, White & Vanzant, LLP, and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement. (Noblitt) 10.ADJOURN. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the City Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said notice was posted on the following date and time, and remained posted continuously for at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled time of said meeting and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned. September 17, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. Kelly Edwards, City Secretary City of Sanger, Texas Date/Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for additional accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458­7930 for further information. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. a.1. AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2021 TO: John Noblitt, City Manager FROM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary ITEM/CAPTION: Consider the minutes from the September 7, 2021, Work Session. AGENDA TYPE: Consent Agenda ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: N/A LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Approve the meeting minutes. ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type 09­07­2021 Mins CC WKS 9/13/2021 Cover Memo Page 3 Page 1 of 2 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2021 6:00 PM HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING 403 N 7TH STREET SANGER, TEXAS COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu, Councilmembers: Marissa Barrett, Allen Chick, Dennis Dillon and Victor Gann. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, Assistant City Manager Alina Ciocan, City Secretary Kelly Edwards, Director of Finance Clayton Gray, Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw, Director of Finance Clayton Gray, Director of Public Works Jim Bolz, Interim Police Chief Jonathan Perkins, Director of Development Services Ramie Hammond, and Social Media Manager Laura Klenke. 1. Call Meeting to Order Mayor Muir called the Work Session to order at 6:03 p.m. 2. Review of the 2021-2022 Proposed Budget. Director Gray provided a presentation and overview of the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2021- 2022. Councilmembers viewed the following items: General Fund revenues and expenditures, additions and revisions to the Internal Services Fund, 4B Fund expenditures, and Truth in Taxation requirements. Discussion ensued regarding the receipt of numbers from Denton County Appraisal District and approval of the budget. Page 4 Page 2 of 2 3. Overview of Items on the Regular Agenda Director Hammond provided an overview of Item 6 regarding the replat of Block A, Lots 1-4 of Marion Point Acres. 4. Adjourn There being no further agenda items for discussion, Mayor Muir adjourned the Work Session at 6:54 p.m. _____________________________ Thomas E. Muir, Mayor _______________________________ Kelly Edwards, City Secretary Page 5 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. a.2. AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2021 TO: John Noblitt, City Manager FROM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary ITEM/CAPTION: Consider the minutes from the September 7, 2021, Regular Meeting. AGENDA TYPE: Consent Agenda ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: N/A LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Approve the meeting minutes. ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type 09­07­2021 CC Mins Reg 9/13/2021 Cover Memo Page 6 Page 1 of 5 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2021 7:00 PM HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING 403 N 7TH STREET SANGER, TEXAS COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu, Councilmembers: Marissa Barrett, Allen Chick, Dennis Dillon and Victor Gann. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, Assistant City Manager Alina Ciocan, City Secretary Kelly Edwards, Director of Finance Clayton Gray, Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw, Director of Finance Clayton Gray, Director of Public Works Jim Bolz, Interim Police Chief Jonathan Perkins, Director of Development Services Ramie Hammond, and Social Media Manager Laura Klenke. 1. Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum, Invocation, and Pledge. Mayor Muir called the Regular Session to order at 7:04 p.m. The invocation given by Councilmember Chick the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Gann. 2. CITIZEN INPUT: No one addressed the Council. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES 1. Consider the minutes of the August 16, 2021, Regular Meeting b. H.B. 2073 PAID QUARANTINE LEAVE FOR EMERGENCY SERVICES PERSONNEL POLICY Page 7 Page 2 of 5 Consider a policy regarding Quarantine Leave for Fire Fighters, Peace Officers, Detention Officers, and Emergency Medical Technicians employed by the City of Sanger. (Perkins/Staton) c. CDBG - JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE AGREEMENT Consider a Joint Administrative Agreement between Denton County and the City of Sanger regarding the administration of the Community Development Block Grant program, and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement. (Ciocan) Motion made by Councilmember Barrett to approve the consent agenda as presented. Councilmember Bilyeu seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. There were no items removed from the consent agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5. BOARD AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Consider appointing an applicant to the 4B Development Corporation. (Bradshaw/Edwards) Director Bradshaw provided an overview of the applicant’s application. Motion made by Councilmember Dillon to appoint Stephanie Wood to the 4B Development Corporation. Councilmember Bilyeu seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 6. MARION POINT ACRES - REPLAT Conduct a public hearing and consider a Replat of Block A Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3, Lot 4 of the Marion Point Acres, within the City of Sanger’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, being approximately 26.444 acres, reclaiming unused right-of-way and increasing acreage to 27.36. (Hammonds) Mayor Muir opened the public hearing at 7:13 p.m. Director Hammonds provided an overview of the proposed Replat, variances requested by the applicant, and staff’s recommendation for denial due to not receiving approval from the County. Lee, Allison, applicant, provided an overview of the right-of-way abandonment, easement, and county meetings process. Mayor Muir closed the public hearing at 7:19 p.m. Motion made by Councilmember Bilyeu to deny the Replat of Block A, Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3, Lot 4 of the Marion Point Acres, within the City of Sanger’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, being approximately 26.444 acres, reclaiming unused right-of-way and increasing acreage to 27.36. Councilmember Barrett seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Page 8 Page 3 of 5 7. FM 455 UTILITY RELOCATION AWARD OF CONTRACT Consider awarding a bid and approving a contract with Primoris Distribution Services for the IH 35 Electric Utility Relocation Project and, authorizing the Mayor and/or City Manager to execute the agreement and any related documents pending City Attorney approval as to form. (Prater) City Manager Noblitt provided an overview of the item. Motion made by Councilmember Barrett to award the bid and approve a contract with Primoris Distribution Services for the IH 35 Electric Utility Relocation Project and, authorizing the Mayor and/or City Manager to execute the agreement and any related documents pending City Attorney approval as to form. Councilmember Bilyeu seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 8. 4A INDUSTR IAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FY 2020-2021 BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR SEWER LINE PROJECT Consider Ordinance #09-22-2021, Amending the budget for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021, and authorizing amended expenditures as provided. (Bradshaw) Director Bradshaw provided an overview of the proposed amendment. Discussion ensued regarding sewer service to the southside of FM 455 and Plum and TxDOT restrictions not allowing the city to bore under FM 455. Motion made by Councilmember Barrett to approve Ordinance 09-22-21, Amending the budget for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021, and authorizing amended expenditures as provided. Councilmember Bilyeu seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 9. PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE 2021-2022 BUDGET Conduct a public hearing for the proposed budget for the City of Sanger for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. Mayor Muir opened the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. No one addressed the Council. Mayor Muir closed the public hearing at 7:46 p.m. 10. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED TAX RATE Conduct a public hearing on a proposal to increase total tax revenues from properties on the tax roll in the preceding year by 6.82% with the proposed tax rate $0.633711 per $100 of assessed valuation. (Proposed tax rate is a decrease from the preceding year's tax rate of $0.6791 per $100 of assessed valuation). Mayor Muir opened the public hearing at 7:46 p.m. Lynn Morgan, 217 Diane, spoke in opposition of setting the tax rate above the voter approved rate. Mayor Muir closed the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. Page 9 Page 4 of 5 11. ORDINANCE #09-18-21 APPROVING 2021 TAX ROLLS Consider Ordinance #09-18-21, Approving the 2021 Tax Rolls and providing for an effective date. (Gray) Director Gray provided a presentation of the slides regarding the tax rate comparison and the average value of residence. Motion made by Councilmember Chick to approve Ordinance 09-18-21, Approving the 2021 Tax Rolls and providing for an effective date. Councilmember Bilyeu seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 12. ORDINANCE #19-19-21 ADOPTING 2021-2022 BUDGET Consider Ordinance #19-19-21, Adopting the budget providing for the appropriation of funds for operating and capital expenditures for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2021 and ending September 30, 2022, providing for the intra- and inter-department and fund transfers, providing for unexpected revenues such as grants, donations, and insurance proceeds, providing for an effective date, and providing for approval of the investment policy. (Gray) Motion made by Councilmember Bilyeu to approve Ordinance 09-19-21, Adopting the budget providing for the appropriation of funds for operating and capital expenditures for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2021 and ending September 30, 2022, providing for the intra and inter‐department and fund transfers, providing for unexpected revenues such as grants, donations, and insurance proceeds, providing for an effective date, and providing for approval of the investment policy. Councilmember Dillon seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. The City Secretary conducted a roll-call vote and the Councilmembers voted as follows: AYES: Councilmember Barrett, Councilmember Bilyeu, Councilmember Chick, Councilmember Dillon, and Councilmember Gann. NAYS: None 13. ORDINANCE #09-20-21 RATIFYING PROPERTY TAX INCREASE Consider Ordinance #09-20-21, Ratifying the Property Tax Increase reflected in the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget and providing for an effective date. (Gray) Motion made by Councilmember Chick to approve Ordinance 09-20-21, Ratifying the Property Tax Increase reflected in the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget and providing for an effective date. Councilmember Gann seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 14. ORDINANCE #09-21-21 LEVYING A TAX RATE Consider Ordinance #09-21-21, Setting the City's Ad Valorem tax rate at $0.633711/$100 of taxable assessed valuation for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2021 and ending September 30, 2022. (Gray) Page 10 Page 5 of 5 Councilmember Gann moved that the property tax rate be increased by the adoption of a tax rate of $0.633711 per $100, which is effectively a 6.82 percent increase in the tax rate. Councilmember Barrett seconded the motion. AYES: Councilmember Barrett, Councilmember Bilyeu, Councilmember Chick, Councilmember Dillon, and Councilmember Gann. NAYS: None 15. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: No future agenda item. 16. INFORMATION ITEMS: No information items. 17. ADJOURN. There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 8:14 p.m. _____________________________ Thomas E. Muir, Mayor _______________________________ Kelly Edwards, City Secretary Page 11 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. a.3. AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2021 TO: John Noblitt, City Manager FROM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary ITEM/CAPTION: Consider the minutes from the September 8, 2021, Joint Work Session. AGENDA TYPE: Consent Agenda ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: N/A LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Approval of the meeting minutes. ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type 09­08­2021 Mins Joint WKS 9/13/2021 Cover Memo Page 12 Page 1 of 2 MINUTES JOINT CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 2021 HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING 403 N 7TH STREET SANGER, TEXAS COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu, Councilmembers: Marissa Barrett, Allen Chick, Dennis Dillon and Victor Gann. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, Assistant City Manager Alina Ciocan, City Secretary Kelly Edwards, Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw, Permit Technician Stefanie Dodson, and Director of Development Services Ramie Hammond. 1. Call Work Session to Order Mayor Muir welcomed everyone calling the City Council to order at 5:34 p.m. Mrs. Sue Allison called the 4A Industrial Development Corporation to order at 5:34 p.m. Mr. Jeff Springer called the 4B Development Corporation to order at 5:34 p.m. Mr. Matt Fuller called the Planning and Zoning Commission to order at 5:34 p.m. 2. CITIZEN INPUT: No one addressed the Council. 3. WORK SESSION: a. TAX INCENTIVE POLICY PRESENTATION Incentive Training and Proposed Tax Incentive Policy. Director Bradshaw introduced Mr. Greg Last, Best Practices, LLC. Page 13 Page 2 of 2 Mr. Last provided a presentation and overview of local tax incentives. Discussion ensued regarding tax abatement policies, monies that can be included into a Chapter 380 Agreement, using multiple funds for a Mixed Use development, and Tax Increment Financing. b. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Presentation and discussion of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Rick Leisner, Norris Designs, provided a presentation and overview of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Jason Claunch, Catalyst Commercial, Inc, provided a presentation and overview of the market potential for the city. 4. ADJOURN Mayor Muir adjourned the work session at 7:64 p.m. _____________________________ Thomas E. Muir, Mayor _______________________________ Kelly Edwards, City Secretary Page 14 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 5. AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2021 TO: John Noblitt, City Manager FROM: Alina Ciocan, Assistant City Manager ITEM/CAPTION: GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Consider a General Services Agreement with Power Engineers for general engineering services, and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement. (Ciocan) AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: Staff is seeking to engage in an agreement for electric engineering services to assist with more complex and strategic utility projects. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: Agreement was reviewed by Legal.  FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: Power Engineers does not require a monthly retainer.  Future task orders and related fees would be brought before the Council for consideration. FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Staff recommends approval.  ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Page 15 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. 5.AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2021TO: John Noblitt, City ManagerFROM: Alina Ciocan, Assistant City ManagerITEM/CAPTION:GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENTConsider a General Services Agreement with Power Engineers for general engineering services, and authorize theMayor to execute said agreement. (Ciocan)AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:Staff is seeking to engage in an agreement for electric engineering services to assist with more complex and strategicutility projects.LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:Agreement was reviewed by Legal. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:Power Engineers does not require a monthly retainer.  Future task orders and related fees would be brought before theCouncil for consideration.FUNDS:N/ASTAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED:Staff recommends approval.  ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type General Services Agreement 9/2/2021 Cover Memo Power Engineers Fort Worth SUS Fee Schedule 2021 9/15/2021 Cover Memo Page 16 HLY 007-10721 (06/15/2021) BF POWER ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED 3940 GLENBROOK DR. / P.O. BOX 1066 Client GSA PHONE (208) 788-3456 HAILEY, ID 83333 FAX (208) 788-2082 GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT POWER Engineers, Incorporated 3940 Glenbrook Drive Hailey, Idaho 83333 (208) 788-3456 (208) 788-2082 (fax) and City of Sanger 502 Elm Street P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Page 17 HLY 007-10721 (06/15/2021) BF POWER ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED 3940 Glenbrook Dr. / P.O. Box 1066 CLIENT GSA Phone (208) 788-3456 Hailey, ID 83333 Fax (208) 788-2082 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1: PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES ..................................................................................... 1 1.1 Effective Date .................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Services to be Performed by Engineer ........................................................................................... 1 1.3 Standard Of Care ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.4 Authorization To Perform ................................................................................................................ 1 1.5 Site Observation .............................................................................................................................. 1 SECTION 2: CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................ 2 SECTION 3: COMPENSATION ............................................................................................................. 2 SECTION 4: DELAYS ............................................................................................................................ 3 SECTION 5: CHANGES IN THE SCOPE OF WORK .................................................................................. 3 5.1 Change Orders ................................................................................................................................ 3 5.2 Changed Conditions ........................................................................................................................ 3 5.3 Differing Site Conditions .................................................................................................................. 4 SECTION 6: SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION ................................................................................ 4 6.1 Suspension ...................................................................................................................................... 4 6.2 Termination For Cause .................................................................................................................... 4 6.3 Termination For Convenience ......................................................................................................... 4 6.4 Termination Compensation ............................................................................................................. 4 SECTION 7: INDEMNIFICATION .......................................................................................................... 4 SECTION 8: INSURANCE ..................................................................................................................... 5 8.1 Limits ............................................................................................................................................... 5 8.2 Endorsements ................................................................................................................................. 5 8.3 Proof Of Insurance .......................................................................................................................... 5 SECTION 9: LIMITATION OF LIABILITY ............................................................................................... 6 SECTION 10: INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR .................................................................................... 6 SECTION 11: DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................. 6 11.1 Ownership and Reuse of Documents ............................................................................................. 6 11.2 Documents Supplied by Others....................................................................................................... 7 SECTION 12: CONFIDENTIALITY ......................................................................................................... 7 SECTION 13: DISPUTE RESOLUTION ................................................................................................ 7 13.1 Exclusive Manner of Dispute Resolution ......................................................................................... 7 13.2 Negotiation Between Executives ..................................................................................................... 7 13.3 Mediation ......................................................................................................................................... 8 13.4 Notice .............................................................................................................................................. 8 13.5 Costs and Fees ............................................................................................................................... 8 SECTION 14: MISCELLANEOUS .......................................................................................................... 8 14.1 Notices ............................................................................................................................................. 8 14.2 Applicable Law and Venue .............................................................................................................. 8 14.3 Subcontractors ................................................................................................................................ 8 14.4 Successors and Assigns ................................................................................................................. 8 14.5 Equal Opportunity Employment....................................................................................................... 9 14.6 Entire Agreement ............................................................................................................................ 9 14.7 Severability ...................................................................................................................................... 9 14.8. Survival ............................................................................................................................................ 9 14.9 Counterparts .................................................................................................................................... 9 Page 18 HLY 007-10721 (06/15/2021) BF POWER ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED 3940 Glenbrook Dr. / P.O. Box 1066 CLIENT GSA Phone (208) 788-3456 Hailey, ID 83333 Page 1 of 9 Fax (208) 788-2082 GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This General Services Agreement (“Agreement”), is entered into by and between POWER Engineers, Incorporated (hereinafter “POWER”) with its principal place of business located at 3940 Glenbrook Drive, Hailey, Idaho 83333 and The City of Sanger, Texas (hereinafter “Client”) with its principal place of business located at 502 Elm Street, P.O. Box 1729, Sanger, Texas 76266. SECTION 1: PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES 1.1 Effective Date The effective date of this Agreement shall be the date of execution by the parties below. This Agreement shall terminate three (3) years from the Effective Date, unless mutually agreed in writing and addended hereto. 1.2 Services to be Performed by Engineer The general engineering services required by Client shall be performed as Client may from time to time request, and as mutually agreed between Client and POWER and incorporated into a task order (“Task Order”), a form of which is attached hereto. At Client’s request, POWER shall prepare a description of Services (“Proposal”) for each Task Order requested by Client. All Task Orders and related Proposals shall be limited by a not to exceed amount agreed by the parties subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and incorporated herein by this reference. In the event of any ambig uity or inconsistency between the terms of this Agreement and any attached Task Order and related Proposal, it is agreed that the provisions contained in the Task Order and related Proposal shall control. Written approval of the Proposal by Client shall constitute agreed upon Services. This Agreement will remain in full force and effect until the completion of any work under a given Task Order issued prior to the expiration of this Agreement. 1.3 Standard Of Care POWER represents that it will perform its services in accordance with generally accepted professional practices existing at the time of performance for the locality where the services are performed. NO OTHER REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE OR INTENDED BY THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES PROVIDED. 1.4 Authorization To Perform POWER represents it is appropriately licensed and registered to perform its Services in the location(s) contemplated by this Agreement. 1.5 Site Observation If required within the scope of POWER’s Services, POWER shall make visi ts to the site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction as POWER deems necessary in order to observe the progress of Contractor(s)’ work. POWER shall not, during such visits or as a result of such observations of Contractor(s)’ work in progress, supervise, direct or have control over Contractor(s)’ work. POWER shall not have any authority over or responsibility for the means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures of construction selected by Contractor(s), for safety precautions and programs incident to the work of Contractor(s) or for any failure of Contractor(s) to comply with laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes or orders applicable to Contractor(s) furnishing and performing their Work. Accordingly, POWER can neither guarantee the performance of the construction contracts by Contractor(s) nor assume responsibility for Contractor(s)’ failure to furnish and perform their work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Page 19 HLY 007-10721 (06/15/2021) BF POWER ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED 3940 Glenbrook Dr. / P.O. Box 1066 CLIENT GSA Phone (208) 788-3456 Hailey, ID 83333 Page 2 of 9 Fax (208) 788-2082 It is understood and agreed that POWER shall have no constructive use or control of Owner’s site, and therefore shall have no responsibility whatsoever for construction site safety. Such responsibility has been wholly vested in the general contractor. 1.6 Estimates In providing quantity estimates or opinions of probable construction cost, the Client understands that POWER has no control over the cost or availability of labor, equipment or materials, or over market conditions or the general contractor’s method of pricing, and that POWER’s estimates are made on the basis of Power’s best judgment and experience. POWER makes no warranty, express or implied, that the bids or negotiated cost of the Work, or estimated quantities will not vary from estimates provided and accordingly, Client releases POWER to the extent allowable by law from any and all liability arising from inaccurate estimates, whether such liability or claims are based upon breach of contract, negligence, breach of warranty or any other legal theory. SECTION 2: CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES Client shall timely provide all criteria and information as may be identified by POWER. POWER may use such information, requirements, reports, data, surveys and instructions in performing its Services and is entitled to rely upon the accuracy and completion thereof. Client shall designate a person to act with authority on Client’s behalf with respect to all aspects of the project which shall be stated in the Task Order. Client shall examine and respond promptly to POWER’s submittals and requests. Client shall give prompt written notice to POWER whenever Client observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in the Work. Client acknowledges that certain increased costs and changes in the Work may be required because of possible omissions, ambiguities, or inconsistencies in the drawings and specifications prepared by POWER, and therefore, that the final construction cost of the Work may exceed anticipated construction costs. The Client agrees to set aside a reserve in the amount of the Project construction costs as a contingency to be used, as required, to pay for any such increased costs and changes in the Work. The Client further agrees to the extent allowable by law to make no claim by way of direct or third-party action against POWER or its subconsultants with respect to any increased costs or changes in the Work within the contingency amount because of such changes, increased costs, or because of any claims made by the general contractor relating to such changes. SECTION 3: COMPENSATION In consideration for the Services performed by POWER, Client shall pay POWER the compensation as set forth in the Task Order. Invoices will be submitted by POWER periodically, approximately once a month and are due within thirty (30) calendar days of invoice date. If Client objects to all or any portion of an invoice, Client shall notify POWER within seven (7) calendar days of invoice date, identify the cause of disagreement, and pay when due that portion of the invoice not in dispute. All undisputed outstanding balances will accrue a finance charge of 1.0% per month for each month the invoice is outstanding. The agreed upon Contract Price does not include an amount to pay for any taxes, fees, or assessments applicable to the Work, with the exception of applicable employment taxes. Any taxes, fees, or assessments enacted by local, state, or federal government required to be paid, will be added to amounts due to POWER under this Agreement. Page 20 HLY 007-10721 (06/15/2021) BF POWER ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED 3940 Glenbrook Dr. / P.O. Box 1066 CLIENT GSA Phone (208) 788-3456 Hailey, ID 83333 Page 3 of 9 Fax (208) 788-2082 SECTION 4: DELAYS POWER shall not be responsible for delays caused by factors beyond POWER’s reasonable control, including but not limited to delays because of strikes, lockouts, work slowdowns or stoppages, accidents, acts of God, failure of any governmental or other regulatory authority to act in a timely manner, failure of the Client to furnish timely information or approve or disapprove of POWER’s Services or work product promptly, or delays caused by faulty performance by the Client or by contractors of any level. When such delays beyond POWER’s reasonable control occur, the Client agrees that POWER shall not be responsible for any damages, nor shall POWER be deemed to be in default of this Agreement. In the event of such delay, the Schedule shall be extended for a period of time equal to such delay and POWER shall be compensated for costs incurred as a result of such delay. SECTION 5: CHANGES IN THE SCOPE OF WORK 5.1 Change Orders (a) Client, without invalidating this Agreement, may order changes in the scope of work consisting of additions, deletions, or other revisions, POWER’s compensation and the design completion date being adjusted accordingly. All such changes in the Project shall be authorized by Change Order, signed by Client and POWER. POWER shall not be required to perform out-of-scope or extra work without its written approval. (b) A Change Order is a written order to POWER, signed by the Client‘s authorized agent and POWER, issued after the execution of this Agreement, authorizing an addition, deletion, or revision in the Services or an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Schedule. (c) The increase or decrease in the Contract Price and change in Schedule resulting from a change in the Project shall be determined by mutual agreement. (d) Subject to (e) below, if the parties are unable to agree to a Change Order, POWER, upon receipt of a written order signed by Client, shall promptly proceed with the Services involved. The cost of such additional Services shall then be determined on the basis of the actual time and expense incurred for performing the Services attributed to the change, charged at the rates set forth in the Schedule of Charges. In such case, POWER shall maintain a separate time and expense accounting for the additional Services. The amount of decrease in the Contract Price resulting from any deletion or change will be the amount of the actual net decrease computed by POWER. When both an increase and decrease occur in any one change order, the change in compensation shall be calculated by adding the increase or subtracting the decrease to arrive at a net change. (e) If the parties are unable to come to agreement on the terms of a Change Order within thirty (30) days, they shall submit the dispute to resolution pursuant to Section 13 of this Agreement. 5.2 Changed Conditions POWER’s Services and any known conditions are as set forth in the Contract Documents. If conditions differ materially from those set forth in the Contract Documents, then the Contract Price and the Schedule shall be equitably adjusted by Change Order. Page 21 HLY 007-10721 (06/15/2021) BF POWER ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED 3940 Glenbrook Dr. / P.O. Box 1066 CLIENT GSA Phone (208) 788-3456 Hailey, ID 83333 Page 4 of 9 Fax (208) 788-2082 5.3 Differing Site Conditions (a) POWER’s Services are based on certain conditions as set forth in the Contract Documents. POWER shall promptly notify Client of the following unforeseen conditions, hereinafter called “Differing Site Conditions.” i. Subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site of the Services differing materially from those indicated, described, or delineated in the Contract Documents; and ii. Physical conditions at the site of the Services of an unusual nature differing materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally expected; and iii. Hazardous or toxic materials. (b) Client shall promptly review the Differing Site Conditions to determine the necessity of obtaining additional explorations, tests, or engineering services with respect thereto, and shall advise POWER, in writing, of how the Client wishes to proceed. Such determination by Client shall be made within five (5) business days of notice from POWER of the Differing Site Condition(s). If the Client determines that because of the Differing Site Condition(s) a change in the Services is required, a Change Order shall be issued to reflect and document the consequences of the Differing Site Condition(s). (c) In each such case, an adjustment in the Contract Price or an extension of the Schedule, or any combination thereof, shall be granted to POWER to the extent any adjustment or extension is attributable to any such Differing Site Condition(s). SECTION 6: SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION 6.1 Suspension In the event the Project is suspended for longer than thirty (30) days, POWER shall have the right to terminate this Agreement. 6.2 Termination For Cause Either party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement should the other fail to cure any material breach of this Agreement within seven (7) days notice from the non-breaching party. 6.3 Termination For Convenience Client shall have the right to terminate this Agreement for convenience after providing POWER seven (7) days written notice. 6.4 Termination Compensation In case of such termination, POWER shall be paid: (a) For completed and acceptable Services executed in accordance with the Contract Documents prior to the effective date of termination. (b) For expenses sustained prior to the effective date of termination in performing Services and furnishing labor, materials or equipment as required by the Contract Documents in connection with uncompleted Services. (c) For all claims, costs, losses and damages incurred in settlement of terminated contracts with subcontractors, suppliers and others. SECTION 7: INDEMNIFICATION POWER agrees, to the extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold the Client harmless from any claim, damage, liability or cost (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs of defense) Page 22 HLY 007-10721 (06/15/2021) BF POWER ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED 3940 Glenbrook Dr. / P.O. Box 1066 CLIENT GSA Phone (208) 788-3456 Hailey, ID 83333 Page 5 of 9 Fax (208) 788-2082 to the extent caused by POWER’s negligent acts, errors or omissions in the performance of professional services under this Agreement and those of its subconsultants or anyone for whom POWER is legally liable. Notwithstanding the above, POWER’s obligation to indemnify and hold harmless shall extend only to POWER’s percentage of negligence contributing to such claim, damage, loss or expense on a comparative basis of fault and responsibility between POWER and Client. It is the express intent of this indemnity clause that POWER shall not be obligated to indemnify Client for Client’s own negligence. Client agrees, to the extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold POWER harmless from any claim, damage, liability or cost (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs of defense) arising in whole or in part and in any manner from the acts or failure to act, omissions, breach or default of Client, or those of its contractors, subcontractors or consultants or anyone for whom the Client is legally liable, and arising from the project that is the subject of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the above, Client’s obligation to indemnify and hold harmless shall extend only to Client’s percentage of negligence contributing to such claim, damage, loss or expense on a comparative basis of fault and responsibility between POWER and Client. It is the express intent of this indemnity clause that Client shall not be obligated to indemnify POWER for POWER’S own negligence. In addition, Client agrees to the extent allowable by law to indemnify and hold harmless POWER from or against any claim or allegation that any process, technology, equipment, materials or information provided by Client in connection with this Agreement constitutes an infringement of any U.S. patent, trade secret, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights of any third party. The indemnification obligations of POWER and Client provided in this Section shall expire on the fifth year anniversary from the termination or completion of POWER’s professional services provided under this Agreement. SECTION 8: INSURANCE 8.1 Limits During the performance of the Services under this Agreement, POWER shall maintain the following insurance: (a) General Liability insurance with bodily injury and property damage limits of $1,000,000 for each occurrence and $2,000,000 in the general aggregate. (b) Automobile Liability insurance with bodily injury and property damage limits of $1,000,000 combined single limit for each accident. (c) Workers’ Compensation insurance in accordance with statutory requirements and Employer’s Liability Insurance with limits of $500,000 bodily injury by disease per accident, bodily injury by disease per employee and policy limits. (d) Professional Liability insurance with limits of $1,000,000 per claim and annual aggregate. 8.2 Endorsements Client shall be named as an additional insured on policies (a) and (b) listed above to the extent claims arise from the Services which are performed pursuant to this Agreement. 8.3 Proof Of Insurance POWER shall furnish to Client a certificate of insurance evidencing the above and including a provision that such insurance shall not be canceled without at least thirty (30) days written notice to Client. Page 23 HLY 007-10721 (06/15/2021) BF POWER ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED 3940 Glenbrook Dr. / P.O. Box 1066 CLIENT GSA Phone (208) 788-3456 Hailey, ID 83333 Page 6 of 9 Fax (208) 788-2082 SECTION 9: LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Client agrees to limit POWER’s liability to the Client for insurable events arising from POWER’s performance to the insurance limits stated in Section 8, above, or to the total compensation received by POWER, for the Services under which the liability arises, whichever is less. POWER’s liability for non-insurable events including breach of contract or breach of warranty shall not exceed $100,000.00. Neither POWER nor Client nor either party’s suppliers, agents, officers, and directors shall have any liability regardless of the theory of recovery, including breach of contract or negligence, to the other party for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages, cost or expense whatsoever, including but not limited to loss of revenue or profit, whether actual or anticipated, loss of use, failure to realize anticipated savings, loss of or damage to data or other commercial or economic loss. This waiver of consequential damages is made regardless that (i) either party has been advised of the possibility of such damages and (ii) that such damages may be foreseeable. SECTION 10: INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR POWER agrees that it is an independent contractor and not an agent, joint venturer, partner or employee of the Client, nor is it entitled to any employee benefits provided by the Client. POWER shall be responsible for payment of any and all unemployment, social security, withholding, and other payroll taxes for its employees as applicable. SECTION 11: DOCUMENTS 11.1 Ownership and Reuse of Documents (a) The Client acknowledges that POWER’s drawings and specifications, including all documents on electronic media, are instruments of service for use solely with respect to this Project and, unless otherwise provided, POWER shall be deemed the author of the drawings and specifications and shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright. The Client shall be permitted to retain copies, including reproducible copies, of the drawings and specifications for the Client’s information, reference and use in connection with the Project. The Client agrees to waive any claim against POWER arising from any unauthorized transfer, reuse or modification of the drawings and specifications. (b) Electronic files furnished by POWER shall be subject to an acceptance period of thirty (30) days during which the Client agrees to review and/or perform appropriate acceptance tests. POWER shall correct any discrepancies or errors detected and reported within the acceptance period at no charge to the Client. After the acceptance period, the electronic files shall be deemed to be accepted and POWER shall have no obligation to correct errors or maintain electronic files. The Client is aware that differences may exist between the electronic files delivered and the printed hard-copy documents. In the event of a conflict between the signed or sealed hard-copy documents prepared by POWER and the electronic files, the hard-copy documents shall govern. (c) The Client agrees, to the extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold POWER harmless from any claim, liability or cost (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and defense costs) Page 24 HLY 007-10721 (06/15/2021) BF POWER ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED 3940 Glenbrook Dr. / P.O. Box 1066 CLIENT GSA Phone (208) 788-3456 Hailey, ID 83333 Page 7 of 9 Fax (208) 788-2082 arising or allegedly arising out of any reuse or modification of the documents by the Client or any person or entity that acquires or obtains the documents from or through the Client. 11.2 Documents Supplied by Others The parties agree that from time to time POWER may need information from Client for the rendering of the Services hereunder and Client agrees to provide POWER such information as is then available. Client recognizes that it is impossible for POWER to assure the sufficiency and accuracy of such information. Accordingly, Client to the extent allowable by law waives any claim against POWER for liability or injury or loss allegedly arising from errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in documents, drawings, plans or data provided to POWER by Client or by other third parties. If any of the work or Services must be redone because of errors in drawings, plans, or data supplied to POWER, then POWER shall be compensated for such extra Services and the Schedule shall be adjusted accordingly. SECTION 12: CONFIDENTIALITY It is understood that the parties may supply to each other confidential or proprietary data during the performance of this Agreement. The parties agree to protect such data from disclosure to outside parties, except where access to such data is necessary for the purpose of performing the services hereunder. Such data shall be marked “Confidential” or “Proprietary” or defined as confidential or proprietary in a separate writing. This confidentiality requirement shall not apply to data that is known to the parties prior to the execution of this Agreement or is in the public domain. In the event such data is subpoenaed by court order, or other legal process, the receiving party shall notify the other party within five (5) business days of r eceipt of such court order or legal process. In the event that Client and POWER have signed a separate Confidentiality or Non-Disclosure Agreement, then such Agreement shall supersede this Section 12. SECTION 13: DISPUTE RESOLUTION 13.1 Manner of Dispute Resolution Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, the means and method of resolving disputes shall be as set forth in this Agreement. 13.2 Negotiation Between Executives The Parties shall attempt in good faith to resolve any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or any breach hereof or any Work performed hereunder, promptly by negotiation between executives who have authority to settle the controversy. Any party may give the other party written notice of any dispute not resolved during the normal course of business. Such notice shall include a statement of that party’s position and documentation supporting that parties claim and the name and title of the executive who will be representing that party and any other person who will accompany the executive. The receiving party shall respond in kind within fifteen (15) days of the date of notice. Within thirty (30) days after delivery of the initial notice, the executives of both parties shall meet at a mutually acceptable time and place and use good faith efforts to resolve the dispute. If dispute is not then resolved, either party may give the other written notice that these executive negotiations are concluded. Negotiations pursuant to this Section shall be confidential and shall be treated as compromise and settlement negotiations for purposes of Law and rules of evidence. Time requirements herein may be modified upon mutual written consent of the parties. Page 25 HLY 007-10721 (06/15/2021) BF POWER ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED 3940 Glenbrook Dr. / P.O. Box 1066 CLIENT GSA Phone (208) 788-3456 Hailey, ID 83333 Page 8 of 9 Fax (208) 788-2082 13.3 Mediation In the event that the parties are unable to settle the dispute through dir ect negotiations as set forth above, all remaining controversies or claims shall then be submitted to mediation within ten (10) days from written notice of concluded negotiations pursuant to Section 13.2. This Agreement to mediate and any other agreement or consent to mediate entered into in accordance with this Agreement shall be specifically enforceable under the prevailing law of any court having jurisdiction. If after mediation the dispute is not resolved, the parties may file suit in a court of appropriate jurisdiction to adjudicate all remaining controversies or claims. 13.4 Notice Notice of the demand for mediation shall be filed in writing with the other party to this Agreement. The demand for mediation shall be made within a reasonable time after the claim, dispute or other matter in question has arisen, and in no event shall it be made after the date when institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such claim, dispute or other matter in question would be barred by the applicable statute of limitations. 13.5 Costs and Fees The parties shall share equally the costs and fees of the mediator. Each party shall pay its own costs and attorneys’ fees incurred in mediation or any subsequent litigation. SECTION 14: MISCELLANEOUS 14.1 Notices Any notice hereunder shall be deemed served as follows (i) by hand delivery in writing (ii) by overnight carrier, or (iii) by certified mail service, return receipt requested. No faxed or e- mailed Notices will be accepted. Notices shall also be served to the business address identified below, or to the address specified in the Task Order for a particular project: For POWER: Curtis Trivitt Sr. Project Manager POWER Engineers, Incorporated 3940 Glenbrook Drive Hailey, Idaho 83333 For Client: Thomas Muir Mayor City of Sanger 502 Elm Street P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 14.2 Applicable Law and Venue This Agreement and all rights, obligations, liabilities, and responsibilities of the parties hereto shall be governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. Venue for any dispute shall be Denton County, Texas. 14.3 Subcontractors At its request, Client shall have the right to pre-approve the subcontracting of any services to be performed under this Agreement, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 14.4 Successors and Assigns Client and POWER each binds itself and its partners, successors, executors, administrators, assigns and legal representatives to the other party to this Agreement and to the partners, successors, executors, administrators, assigns, and legal representatives of such other party, in respect to all covenants, agreements, and obligations of this Agreement. This Agreement Page 26 HLY 007-10721 (06/15/2021) BF POWER ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED 3940 Glenbrook Dr. / P.O. Box 1066 CLIENT GSA Phone (208) 788-3456 Hailey, ID 83333 Page 9 of 9 Fax (208) 788-2082 shall not be assigned by either party without the other party’s express written consent. Provided, however, POWER shall be entitled to subcontract portions of its work to ot her companies in which POWER has an ownership interest without first obtaining the written consent provided for under this Section. 14.5 Equal Opportunity Employment POWER and Client expressly agree not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, or disability and shall during the performance of this Agreement comply with all applicable Executive Orders and federal regulations. 14.6 Entire Agreement The terms and conditions herein represent the entire agreement between the parties, and shall not be modified except by written instrument duly executed by both parties. 14.7 Severability If any provision of this Agreement is held to be in violation of any applicable law rendering such provision void and unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed severed from the Agreement and the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 14.8. Survival All representations, indemnifications, warranties and guarantees made in, required by or given in accordance with the Contract Documents, as well as all continuing obligations indicated in the Contract Documents, will survive final payment, completion and acceptance of the Services and termination or completion of the Agreement. 14.9 Counterparts This Contract may be executed simultaneously, by a duly authorized representative in counterparts and by facsimile or e-mailed signature, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same agreement. This Agreement is effective this _____day of September 2021. Client By: _____________________________ Printed: _________________________ Title: ___________________________ POWER Engineers, Incorporated By: _____________________________ Printed: _________________________ Title: ___________________________ Page 27 Page 1 Ft Worth SUS 2021 Fees (10/12/2020) gc POWER ENGINEERS INC. 2021 FORT WORTH SUS SCHEDULE OF CHARGES This standard Schedule of Charges is for professional services. Unless agreed otherwise, charges for work on continuing projects will be based on the then current Schedule of Charges. A new Schedule of Charges will be issued to be effective January 1 of each new year and as necessary on an intermediate basis to accommodate new items or revised charges. Invoices will be submitted monthly and/or upon completion of the work and will be due and payable when issued. All accounts not paid within thirty (30) days after Owner's receipt of the invoice will bear a SERVICE CHARGE OF 1.0% PER MONTH for each month the invoice is unpaid. PERSONNEL CLASSIFICATION 10 Senior Project Manager I ......................................................................................................................................$195.00/hr. Senior Project Engineer III Strategic Consultant III 9 Project Manager III ...............................................................................................................................................$184.50/hr. Construction Manager III Senior Project Engineer II Project Lead IV Sr. Environmental Planner II 8 Project Manager II ................................................................................................................................................$174.00/hr. Sr. Project Lead Construction Manager II Senior Project Engineer I Engineer V Project Engineer III Project Lead III Architect V Sr. Consultant II Strategic Consultant I Sr. Environmental Planner I Environmental Specialist V 7 Project Manager I .................................................................................................................................................$156.00/hr. Construction Manager I Project Engineer II Engineer IV Designer V Project Lead II Environmental Specialist IV Procurement Specialist IV Project Administrator III Scheduling Specialist IV Architect IV Sr. GIS Analyst I Sr. Consultant I Sr. Biologist I Environmental Planner III Sr. Cultural Resource Specialist I 6 Project Engineer I .................................................................................................................................................$138.00/hr. Engineer III Designer IV Environmental Specialist III Procurement Specialist III Scheduling Specialist III Project Administrator II Project Lead I Technical Writer V Architect III Field Representative VI Technician V Cultural Resource Specialist III Consultant II Environmental Planner II Biologist III Page 28 Page 2 Ft Worth SUS 2021 Fees (10/12/2020) gc POWER ENGINEERS INC. 2021 FORT WORTH SUS SCHEDULE OF CHARGES This standard Schedule of Charges is for professional services. Unless agreed otherwise, charges for work on continuing projects will be based on the then current Schedule of Charges. A new Schedule of Charges will be issued to be effective January 1 of each new year and as necessary on an intermediate basis to accommodate new items or revised charges. Invoices will be submitted monthly and/or upon completion of the work and will be due and payable when issued. All accounts not paid within thirty (30) days after Owner's receipt of the invoice will bear a SERVICE CHARGE OF 1.0% PER MONTH for each month the invoice is unpaid. 5 Engineer II ............................................................................................................................................................$124.00/hr. Designer III Technician IV Environmental Specialist II Procurement Specialist II Scheduling Specialist II Programmer III Project Administrator I Technical Writer IV Architect II Field Representative V Visual Resource Specialist II Systems Analyst I GIS Analyst II Environmental Planner I Biologist II Cultural Resource Specialist II 4 Engineer I .............................................................................................................................................................$115.00/hr. Designer II Technician III Environmental Specialist I Procurement Specialist I Field Representative IV Scheduling Specialist I Programmer II Project Managers Assistant III Technical Writer III Architect I Administrative Assistant II Office Administrator II GIS Analyst I Biologist I 3 Designer I .............................................................................................................................................................$101.00/hr. Drafter III Technician II Administrative Assistant I Field Representative III Staff Assistant II Programmer I Project Managers Assistant II Technical Writer II Office Administrator I Mailroom Tech III Printroom Tech III 2 Drafter II .................................................................................................................................................................. $84.00/hr. Staff Assistant I Field Representative II Project Managers Assistant I Technical Writer I Technician I Internship II Mailroom Tech II Printroom Tech II Receptionist II GIS Technician I 1 Drafter I ................................................................................................................................................................... $65.00/hr. General Office Assistant Field Representative I Internship I Mailroom Tech I Printroom Tech I Receptionist I Personnel with specialized experience are employed by or on retainer to POWER. Charges for these specialists are negotiated on an individual basis depending on the assignment. Professional time for depositions and testimony is charged at 1.5 times the rate for services; full-day minimums apply. Page 29 Page 3 Ft Worth SUS 2021 Fees (10/12/2020) gc POWER ENGINEERS INC. 2021 FORT WORTH SUS SCHEDULE OF CHARGES This standard Schedule of Charges is for professional services. Unless agreed otherwise, charges for work on continuing projects will be based on the then current Schedule of Charges. A new Schedule of Charges will be issued to be effective January 1 of each new year and as necessary on an intermediate basis to accommodate new items or revised charges. Invoices will be submitted monthly and/or upon completion of the work and will be due and payable when issued. All accounts not paid within thirty (30) days after Owner's receipt of the invoice will bear a SERVICE CHARGE OF 1.0% PER MONTH for each month the invoice is unpaid. SPECIAL APPLICATION SOFTWARE Level I Software * $10.00/hr. Level II Software ** $20.00/hr. Level III Software *** $35.00/hr. Level IV Software **** $60.00/hr. * Level I Software includes, among others: Structural Design, Foundation Design, HVAC Design, Conveyor Design, and Rockwell RSView & RSLogix. ** Level II Software includes, among others: ASPEN OneLiner, ESA Easy Power, Milsoft Windmil, OSI ETAP, Pathloss, SKM PTW, SynerGEE, Smart Plant P&ID, Smart Plant Instrumentation, Autodesk Revit, Navisworks, PTW, Matlab, PLS-Cad, TL-PRO, AutoCAD, AutoCAD Plant, AutoCAD Civil 3D, MicroStation, and specialized estimating programs. ***Level III Software includes, among others: CDEGS (RESAP/MALZ), GE PSLF, PSCAD (PSCAD/EMTDC), PTI PSS/E, WinIGS, Smart Plant 3D, PDS, ArcGis, Caesar II, and Electrocon CAPE. ****Level IV Software includes, among others: CDEGS, CDEGS (HiFREQ), Aspentech, and Autodesk 3D Max. SURVEY EQUIPMENT Company-Owned Survey Equip. to Support Field Crew $100.00/day COMPANY VEHICLE Company Vehicle $95.00/day REPRODUCTION Drawings – Black & White Large Scale Drawings (C Size) $1.90/ea. Large Scale Drawings (D Size) $3.30/ea. Large Scale Drawings (E Size) $5.50/ea. Drawings – Color Large Scale Drawings (C Size) $6.00/ea. Large Scale Drawings (D Size) $10.90/ea. Large Scale Drawings (E Size) $17.50/ea. Documents – Black & White Single-sided Copies 8 x 11 $0.11/ea. 11 x 17 $0.17/ea. Double-sided Copies 8 x 11 $0.22/ea. 11 x 17 $0.34/ea. Documents – Color Single-sided Copies 8 x 11 $0.50/ea. 11 x 17 $1.00/ea. Double-sided Copies 8 x 11 $1.00/ea. Spiral Comb $2.65/ea. 3 Ring Binder Dependent on size Special Copy Center Projects (Labor) $45.00/hr. PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORDING Portable Video Camera $35.00/day Video Tapes $10.00/ea PER DIEM Hours Worked – up to 4 Hours $25.00/day Hours Worked – 5 Hours and over $30.00/day Other expenses such as rental equipment, photography, transportation, rental vehicles, shipping, outside computer services, lodging, meals, other reproduction, express mail, courier/delivery service, special supplies, are charged at cost. Page 30 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 6.a. AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2021 TO: John Noblitt, City Manager FROM:  ITEM/CAPTION: ATMOS RATE FILING ­ RIDER GCR AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:   BACKGROUND: N/A LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type August ­ Atmos Energy Rider GCR Rate Filing under Docket No. 10170 9/7/2021 Cover Memo Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51 Page 52 Page 53 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 6.b. AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2021 TO: John Noblitt, City Manager FROM: Clayton Gray, Finance Director ITEM/CAPTION: MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT ­ JULY 31, 2021 AGENDA TYPE:  ACTION REQUESTED:   BACKGROUND: LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: FUNDS: STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Financial Report July 31, 2021 9/9/2021 Cover Memo Page 54 Expenditure Category Annual Budget Expenditures & Encumbrances Percent of Budget Salaries & Benefits 6,545,931$ 5,003,352$ 76% Supplies & Materials 603,710 434,240 72% Maintenance & Operations 7,152,775 5,545,161 78% Contract Services 2,203,434 1,926,930 87% Utilities 511,300 380,605 74% Capital Expenses 811,000 209,300 26% Debt Service 1,623,477 86,465 5% Other Department Expense 92,994 8,932 10% Transfers 5,744,637 4,576,091 80% Total 25,289,258$ 18,171,076$ 72% July 31, 2021 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT Combined General, Enterprise, and Internal Service Fund Expenditures by Classification This is the financial report for the period ended July 31, 2021. Revenues and expenditures reflect activity from October 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021 or eighty-three percent (83-%) of the fiscal year. GENERAL FUND The General Fund has collected one hundred and one percent (101%) of projected operating revenues. All revenues are performing within projections. Year-to-date Property Tax Collections are 104% of the annual projection. Year to date General Fund operating expenditures are seventy-three percent (73%) of the annual budget. All expenditure categories are within projections. ENTERPRISE FUND The Enterprise Fund has collected seventy-seven percent (77%) of projected operating revenues. All revenue categories are performing within projections. Year to date Enterprise Fund operating expenditures are seventy-eight percent (78%) of the annual budget. All expenditure categories are within projections. INTERNAL SERVICE FUND The Internal Service Fund has collected seventy-seven percent (77%) of projected operating revenues. All revenue categories are performing within projections. Year to date Internal Service Fund operating expenditures are eighty percent (80%) of the annual budget. All expenditure categories are within projections. Page 1 of 12 Page 55 Annual Budget Year to Date Actual Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Operating Revenues Property Taxes 4,450,618$ 4,623,447$ 104%(172,829)$ Sales & Beverage Taxes 931,500 1,050,062 113%(118,562) Franchise Fees 932,952 794,793 85%138,159 Solid Waste 983,000 815,363 83%167,637 Licenses & Permits 344,500 430,044 125%(85,544) Fines & Forfeitures 74,466 123,436 166%(48,970) Department Revenues 689,500 713,401 103%(23,901) Interest & Miscellaneous 102,500 76,492 (3,646) 71%29,654 Total Operating Revenues 8,509,036 8,627,038 (3,646) 101%(114,356) Operating Expenditures Police 1,767,564 1,277,259 118,180 79%372,124 Animal Control 139,400 97,425 - 70%41,975 Fire 1,648,363 935,729 53,242 60%659,392 Municipal Court 190,849 184,269 - 97%6,580 Development Services 611,904 370,820 5,367 61%235,717 Streets 497,836 346,560 37,363 77%113,914 Parks 627,492 367,450 78,352 71%181,688 Recreation 84,100 72,816 - 87%11,284 Library 309,430 240,718 - 78%68,712 Solid Waste 912,000 769,563 - 84%142,437 Non-Departmental - - - 0%- Total Operating Expenditures 6,788,938 4,662,609 292,504 73%1,833,823 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 1,720,098 3,964,429 (296,150) (1,948,179) Transfers Transfer From Enterprise Fund - PILOT 85,000 70,833 83%14,167 Transfer From Debt Service Fund 51,535 51,535 100%- Transfer To Capital Projects Fund (520,725) (520,725) 100%- Transfer to Storm Recovery (400,000) (333,333) 83%(66,667) Transfer To Internal Service Fund (935,908) (721,610) 77%(214,298) Total Transfers (1,720,098) (1,453,300) 84%(266,798) Net Change in Fund Balance -$ 2,511,129$ (296,150)$ (2,214,977)$ Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 7,241,058 7,241,058 - Fund Balance, End of Year 7,241,058$ 9,456,037$ (2,214,977)$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS GENERAL FUND REVENUE & EXPENDITURES July 31, 2021 0%25%50%75%100% Other Revenues Solid Waste Franchise Fees Sales & Beverage Taxes Property Taxes General Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Solid Waste Library Recreation Parks Streets Development Services Municipal Court Fire Animal Control Police General Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Page 2 of 12 Page 56 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS GENERAL FUND 3-YEAR REVENUE TRENDS July 31, 2021 $- $250,000 $500,000 $750,000 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 $1,750,000 $2,000,000 $2,250,000 $2,500,000 $2,750,000 $3,000,000 $3,250,000 $3,500,000 $3,750,000 $4,000,000 $4,250,000 $4,500,000 $4,750,000 $5,000,000 CURRENT PROPERTY TAX REVENUE 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 $- $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 $1,000,000 $1,100,000 SALES & BEVERAGE TAX REVENUE 2020-2021 2018-2019 2017-2018 $- $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 FRANCHISE FEE REVENUE 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 Page 3 of 12 Page 57 Annual Budget Year to Date Actual Emcumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Operating Revenues Water 2,160,522$ 1,727,317$ 80%433,205$ Wastewater 2,111,191 1,692,258 80%418,933 Electric 7,732,500 5,863,532 76%1,868,968 Penalties & Fees 212,500 141,933 67%70,567 Interest 300,000 285,423 95%14,577 Miscellaneous 101,500 63,552 63%37,948 Total Operating Revenues 12,618,213 9,774,015 77%2,844,198 Operating Expenditures Water 1,355,773 963,591 85,968 77%306,214 Wastewater 699,304 620,587 55,074 97%23,644 Electric 6,675,132 5,022,761 18,812 76%1,633,557 Total Operating Expenditures 8,730,209 6,606,939 159,854 78%1,963,415 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 3,888,004 3,167,076 (159,854) 880,783 Transfers Transfer to Enterprise Debt Service (1,800,000) (1,273,367) 71%(526,633) Transfer to Enterprise CIP (447,142) (447,142) 100%- Transfers to Storm Recovery Fund (152,000) (126,667) 83%(25,333) Transfer to General Fund - PILOT (85,000) (70,833) 83%(14,167) Transfers to Internal Service Fund (1,403,862) (1,082,414) 77%(321,448) Total Transfers (3,888,004) (3,000,423) 77%(887,581) Net Change in Fund Balance -$ 6,798$ 1,768,364$ Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 5,856,271 5,856,271 - Fund Balance, End of Year 5,856,271$ 5,863,069$ 1,768,364$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUE & EXPENDITURES July 31, 2021 0%25%50%75%100% Other Income Electric Wastewater Water Enterprise Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Electric Wastewater Water Enterprise Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Page 4 of 12 Page 58 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND 3-YEAR REVENUE TRENDS July 31, 2021 $- $250,000 $500,000 $750,000 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 $1,750,000 $2,000,000 $2,250,000 WATER SALES REVENUE 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 $- $250,000 $500,000 $750,000 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 $1,750,000 $2,000,000 WASTE WATER SALES REVENUE 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 $- $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 ELECTRIC SALES REVENUE 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 Page 5 of 12 Page 59 Annual Budget Year to Date Actual Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Operating Expenditures Mayor & Council 205,400 198,610 6,014 100%775 Administration 463,750 265,332 - 57%198,419 Public Works 124,770 94,144 20,815 92%9,811 Finance 610,200 495,876 16,240 84%98,085 Engineering 343,250 244,535 6,461 73%92,254 Fleet Services 105,400 87,937 - 83%17,462 Facilities 223,300 170,847 17,522 84%34,931 Non-Departmental 263,700 246,743 2,000 94%14,957 Total Operating Expenditures 2,339,770 1,804,024 69,052 80%466,694 Transfers Transfer From Enterprise Fund 1,403,862 1,082,414 77%321,448 Transfer From General Fund 935,908 721,610 77%214,298 Total Transfers 2,339,770 1,804,024 77%535,746 Net Change in Fund Balance -$ -$ (69,052)$ 69,052$ Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 1,745,609 - Fund Balance, End of Year 1,745,609$ 69,052$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS INTERNAL SERVICE FUND REVENUE & EXPENDITURES July 31, 2021 0%25%50%75%100% Transfer From General Fund Transfer From Enterprise Fund Internal Service Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Non-Departmental Facilities Fleet Services Engineering Finance Public Works Administration Mayor & Council General Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Page 6 of 12 Page 60 Name General Fund Enterprise Fund Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund Total UNRESTRICTED Cash for Operations 9,023,867$ 1,295,817$ -$ -$ 10,319,684$ Contingency Reserves for Operations 1,050,509 1,044,362 - - 2,094,871 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED 10,074,376$ 2,340,179$ -$ -$ 12,414,555$ RESTRICTED Debt Service -$ 2,043,169$ 712,027$ -$ 2,755,196$ Water Deposits - 493,687 - - 493,687 Equipment Replacement 571,382 132,862 - - 704,244 Electric Storm Recovery - 1,159,936 - - 1,159,936 Hotel Occupancy Tax 110,909 - - - 110,909 Grant Funds 2,367 2,367 Keep Sanger Beautiful (KSB)5,526 - - 5,526 Library 96,899 - - - 96,899 Court Security 13,534 - - - 13,534 Court Technology 777 - - - 777 Child Safety Fee 54,571 54,571 Donations 19,638 - - - 19,638 TOTAL RESTRICTED 875,603$ 3,829,654$ 712,027$ -$ 5,417,284$ CAPITAL PROJECTS General Capital Projects -$ -$ -$ 2,516,516$ 2,516,516$ Enterprise Capital Projects - - - 5,961,940 5,961,940 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS -$ -$ -$ 8,478,456$ 8,478,456$ TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 10,949,979$ 6,169,833$ 712,027$ 8,478,456$ 26,310,295$ July 31, 2021 CASH AND INVESTMENTS CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Debt Service 47% Water Deposits 8% Equipment Replacement 12% Electric Storm Recovery 20% Other 13% Restricted Unrestricted 46% Restricted 22% Capital Projects 32% Total Cash & Investments Cash for Operations 83% Contingency Reserves for Operations 17% Unrestricted General Capital Projects 30% Enterprise Capital Projects 70% Capital Projects Page 7 of 12 Page 61 Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Pooled Cash 001-00-1000 0.05%8,977,267$ 8,737,185$ Employee Benefits Cash 110-00-1000 0.20%20,802 20,802 Employee Benefits MM 110-00-1010 0.20%90,814 90,709 Internal Service Fund 180-00-1000 132,887 175,171 OPERATING ACCOUNTS 9,221,770$ 9,023,867$ GF Contingency Reserve MM 2487969 001-00-1031 0.20%618,284$ 619,177$ GF Contingency Reserve CD Prosperity 001-00-1039 4/26/2022 0.55%216,966 217,074 GF Contingency Reserve CD 674907 001-00-1043 7/13/2022 0.45%214,231 214,258 CONTINGENCY RESERVE 1,049,481$ 1,050,509$ *GF Equipment Replacement MM 2376237 001-00-1032 0.20%172,988$ 173,662$ *GF Equipment Replacement CD 719706 001-00-1033 7/6/2022 0.45%64,379$ 64,387$ *General Storm Recovery Pooled Cash 201-00-1000 0.05%300,000 333,333 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVES 537,367$ 571,382$ *Hotel Occupancy Tax 050-00-1000 73,690$ 110,909$ *Police Grant Fund 320-00-1000 2,367 2,367 *Fire Grant Fund 324-00-1000 67,504 67,504 *Library Grant Fund 342-00-1000 14 14 *Beautification Board - KSB 432-00-1000 5,526 5,526 *Library Restricted for Building Expansion 442-00-1000 44,604 44,604 *Library Building Expansion CD 702994 442-00-1035 1/22/2022 0.45%52,289 52,295 *Parkland Dedication Fund 450-00-1000 104,428 104,428 *Roadway Impact Fee Fund 451-00-1000 1,115,850 1,123,350 *Court Security Restricted Fund 470-00-1000 13,320 13,534 *Court Technology Restricted Fund 471-00-1000 1,100 777 *Child Safety Fee Fund 475-00-1000 54,571 54,571 *Forfeited Property Fund 480-00-1000 9,247 9,247 *Police Donations 620-00-1000 78 78 *Fire Donations 624-00-1000 6,775 6,775 *Banner Account for Parks 632-00-1000 6,311 6,311 *Library Donations 642-00-1000 6,474 6,474 OTHER 1,564,148$ 1,608,764$ TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 12,372,766$ 12,254,522$ TOTAL UNRESTRICTED 10,271,251$ 10,074,376$ *Restricted Funds GENERAL FUND July 31, 2021 CASH AND INVESTMENTS Page 8 of 12 Page 62 Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Pooled Cash 008-00-1010 0.05%702,730$ 1,295,817$ OPERATING ACCOUNTS 702,730$ 1,295,817$ *Pooled Cash 008-00-1010 0.05%203,093$ 193,687$ *Water Deposit CD 2375850 008-00-1041 1/3/2022 0.45%300,000 300,000 WATER DEPOSIT REFUND ACCOUNT 503,093$ 493,687$ *Combined EF Debt Service MM 2376113 008-00-1039 0.20%2,700,688 2,043,169 BOND FUNDS 2,700,688$ 2,043,169$ EF Contingency Reserve MM 2809753 008-00-1012 0.20%616,756$ 617,647$ EF Contingency Reserve CD 787860 008-00-1014 2/14/2022 0.45%319,343 319,382 EF Reserve CD 642541 008-00-1040 9/25/2021 0.45%107,320 107,333 CONTINGENCY RESERVES 1,043,419$ 1,044,362$ *EF Storm Recovery MM 208-00-1033 0.20%1,170,915$ 1,159,936$ *EF Equipment Replacement MM 2376202 008-00-1034 0.20%132,314 132,862 OTHER 1,303,229$ 1,292,798$ TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 6,253,159$ 6,169,833$ TOTAL UNRESTRICTED 1,746,149$ 2,340,179$ *Restricted Funds ENTERPRISE FUND July 31, 2021 CASH AND INVESTMENTS Page 9 of 12 Page 63 Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Pooled Cash 003-00-1000 0.05%948,202$ 652,593$ *DSF Money Market 2376105 003-00-1010 0.20%59,348 59,434 TOTAL RESTRICTED 1,007,550$ 712,027$ Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Pooled Cash 004-00-1000 0.05%2,513,463$ 2,516,516$ TOTAL RESTRICTED 2,513,463$ 2,516,516$ Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Sewer Capital Improvements MM-10% Rev 840-00-1020 0.20%1,514,321$ 1,516,507$ *Sewer Capital Reserve MM 2380226 Tap Fees 840-00-1038 0.20%2,348,603 2,354,993 *SEWER CAPITAL RESERVE - TAP FEES 3,862,924$ 3,871,500$ *Water Capital Reserve MM 2376156 840-00-1037 0.20%1,876,616$ 1,883,825$ *Pooled Cash 840-00-1000 0.05%129,741 206,615 TOTAL RESTRICTED 5,869,281$ 5,961,940$ *Restricted Funds ENTERPRISE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND DEBT SERVICE FUND DEBT SERVICE & CAPITAL PROJECTS CASH AND INVESTMENTS July 31, 2021 Page 10 of 12 Page 64 Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Pooled Cash 41-00-1000 0.05%1,088,060$ 1,123,253$ *Cash NOW 900020693 Prosperity 41-00-1010 0.05%331,859 331,873 *4A MM 902551273 Prosperity 41-00-1012 0.20%479,577 479,616 *Sanger TX Ind Corp CD 486639 41-00-1013 11/2/2021 0.25%95,731 95,739 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 1,995,227$ 2,030,481$ Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Pooled Cash 42-00-1000 0.05%1,228,403$ 1,275,436$ *Cash MM 2379694 42-00-1010 0.05%196,886 197,170 *4B CD 653500 42-00-1013 4/3/2022 0.45%22,119 22,122 *4B CD 659924 42-00-1014 11/12/2021 0.45%21,875 21,878 *4B CD 664243 42-00-1015 6/5/2022 0.45%21,971 21,974 *4B CD 673277 42-00-1016 7/9/2022 0.45%21,924 21,927 *4B CD 686115 42-00-1017 8/4/2021 0.45%21,943 21,946 *4B CD 689521 42-00-1018 9/11/2021 0.45%21,864 21,866 *4B CD 694371 42-00-1019 10/14/2021 0.45%21,948 21,951 *4B CD 697230 42-00-1020 11/17/2021 0.45%22,074 22,077 *4B CD 699934 42-00-1021 12/18/2021 0.45%21,998 22,000 *4B CD 702285 42-00-1022 1/31/2022 0.45%21,809 21,811 *4B CD 706078 42-00-1023 2/19/2022 0.45%21,719 21,722 *4B CD 720097 42-00-1024 2/9/2022 0.45%21,402 21,404 *4B CD 720119 42-00-1025 11/9/2021 0.45%21,437 21,439 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 1,709,372$ 1,756,723$ *Restricted Funds 4B FUND 4A & 4B FUNDS July 31, 2021 CASH AND INVESTMENTS 4A FUND Page 11 of 12 Page 65 a. b. Clayton Gray John Noblitt Clayton Gray John Noblitt Finance Director City Manager Ethics Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest In accordance with the PFIA,investment officers are required to file a disclosure statement with the Texas Ethics Commission and the governing body if: the officer has a business relationship with a business organization offering to engage in an investment transaction with the City (as defined in 2256.005 (i) (1-3); or the officer is related within the second degree by affinity or consanguinity,as determined under Chapter 573 of the Texas Government Code,to an individual seeking to transact investment business with the entity. PFIA 2256.005 (i). CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS INVESTMENT REPORT July 31, 2021 The Monthly Investment Report is in full compliance with the objectives,restrictions,and strategies as set forth in the City of Sanger's Investment Policy and Texas Government Code 2256.023,the Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA). The City only invests in Money Market accounts and Certificates of Deposit.Interest is paid monthly on all accounts.Therefore,book value and market value are the same and the City does not have accrued interest on its investments. Page 12 of 12 Page 66 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 6.c. AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2021 TO: John Noblitt, City Manager FROM: Clayton Gray, Finance Director ITEM/CAPTION: CAPITAL PROJECTS RECAP ­ SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 AGENDA TYPE:  ACTION REQUESTED:   BACKGROUND: LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: FUNDS: STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Capital Projects Report September 9, 2021 9/9/2021 Cover Memo Page 67 C U R R E N T P R O J E C T S Project Number Project Description % Complete Contract Change Orders Preliminary Estimate Total Budget Actual to Date Contract Change Orders Preliminary Estimate Total Budget Actual to Date Budget Actual to Date Budget Actual to Date % C004 2020-2021 Street Rehab Program 0%-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 250,000$ 250,000$ -$ -$ -$ 250,000$ -$ 0% E005 Wastewater Treatment Plant 99%995,203$ 313,402$ -$ 1,308,605$ 1,230,406$ 10,992,845$ 435,407$ -$ 11,428,252$ 11,339,852$ 397,247$ 397,247$ 13,134,104$ 12,967,505$ 99% E014 Water Storage Facility Rehabilitation 96%-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 466,288$ 310,000$ -$ 776,288$ 744,399$ -$ -$ 776,288$ 744,399$ 96% Total Projects Under Contract 995,203$ 313,402$ -$ 1,308,605$ 1,230,406$ 11,709,133$ 745,407$ -$ 12,454,540$ 12,084,251$ 397,247$ 397,247$ 14,160,392$ 13,711,904$ 97% U P C O M I N G P R O J E C T S Project Number Project Description % Complete Contract Change Orders Preliminary Estimate Total Budget Actual to Date Contract Change Orders Preliminary Estimate Total Budget Actual to Date Budget Actual to Date Budget Actual to Date % E006 Railroad Lift Station TBD 312,266$ 589,300$ -$ 901,566$ 771,375$ -$ -$ 4,498,500$ 4,498,500$ -$ 58,011$ 2,747$ 5,458,077$ 774,122$ 14% E009 Outfall Pipelines/Stream Restoration TBD 342,300$ -$ -$ 342,300$ 314,140$ -$ -$ 3,908,000$ 3,908,000$ 1,668$ 95,004$ 95,004$ 4,345,304$ 410,812$ 9% E012 455 Relocation of Utilities-Water & Sewer TBD 230,707$ 88,070$ -$ 318,777$ 358,733$ -$ -$ 2,500,000$ 2,500,000$ -$ -$ 694$ 2,818,777$ 359,427$ 13% E013 455 Relocation of Utilities-Electric TBD -$ -$ -$ -$ 32,255$ -$ -$ 1,500,000$ 1,500,000$ 408,048$ -$ 508$ 1,500,000$ 440,811$ 29% E015 WWTP Bar Screen TBD 35,000$ -$ -$ 35,000$ 21,128$ -$ -$ 215,000$ 215,000$ 9$ -$ 9$ 250,000$ 21,146$ 8% Total Extimted Projects 920,273$ 677,370$ -$ 1,597,643$ 1,497,631$ -$ -$ 12,621,500$ 12,621,500$ 409,725$ 153,015$ 98,962$ 14,372,158$ 2,006,318$ 14% A L L P R O J E C T S Project Number Project Description % Complete Contract Change Orders Total Budget Actual to Date Contract Change Orders Preliminary Estimate Total Budget Actual to Date Budget Actual to Date Budget Actual to Date % Grand Totals 1,915,476$ 990,772$ -$ 2,906,248$ 2,728,037$ 11,709,133$ 745,407$ 12,621,500$ 25,076,040$ 12,493,976$ 550,262$ 496,209$ 28,532,550$ 15,718,222$ 55% CAPITAL PROJECTS RECAP September 9, 2021 E N G I N E E R I N G C O N S T R U C T I O N O T H E R T O T A L SP R O J E C T P R O J E C T E N G I N E E R I N G C O N S T R U C T I O N O T H E R T O T A L S P R O J E C T E N G I N E E R I N G C O N S T R U C T I O N O T H E R T O T A L S Page 68 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 6.d. AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2021 TO: John Noblitt, City Manager FROM:  ITEM/CAPTION: DISBURSEMENTS REPORT FOR JULY 2021 AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  N/A BACKGROUND: N/A LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Disbursements Report for July 2021 9/16/2021 Backup Material Page 69 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 1 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: * ALL BANKS DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 7/12/2021 078165 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 7/19/2021 078211 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 7/19/2021 078212 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 7/19/2021 078213 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 7/19/2021 078214 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 7/19/2021 078215 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 7/19/2021 078216 * * T O T A L S * * NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT REGULAR CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 HAND CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 EFT: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 7 VOID DEBITS 0.00 VOID CREDITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 99 BANK: * TOTALS: 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 BANK: * TOTALS: 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 70 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 2 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: EMP B EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 13080 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF TEXA I-7/1-8/1/2021 JULY 2021 HEALTH PREMIUM R 7/06/2021 48,529.62 000687 48,529.62 33210 DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE COMPAN I-07/01-07/31/2021 JULY 2021 LIFE INSURANCE R 7/06/2021 1,168.82 000688 1,168.82 30790 EYEMED I-164847454 VISION INSURANCE JULY 2021 R 7/06/2021 559.33 000689 559.33 34200 PRINCIPAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPA I-7/1-7/31/2021 JULY 2021 DENTAL PREMIUM R 7/06/2021 4,126.46 000690 4,126.46 10610 LEADERSLIFE INS. COMPANY I-116120 JULY 2021 LIFE INSURANCE R 7/19/2021 86.66 000691 86.66 * * T O T A L S * * NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT REGULAR CHECKS: 5 54,470.89 0.00 54,470.89 HAND CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 EFT: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 VOID DEBITS 0.00 VOID CREDITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 99 BANK: EMP BTOTALS: 5 54,470.89 0.00 54,470.89 BANK: EMP B TOTALS: 5 54,470.89 0.00 54,470.89 Page 71 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 3 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 08120 ICMA-RC I-457PY 7.2.21 ICMA CITY OF SANGER 457 PLAN E 7/02/2021 1,548.15 000176 1,548.15 31700 FELIX CONSTRUCTION COMPANY I-34 SEWER PLANT CONSTRUCTION E 7/08/2021 49,936.42 000177 I-34A PARTIAL RETAINAGE RELEASE E 7/08/2021 279,679.85 000177 329,616.27 00100 TMRS I-RETPY 6.18.21 TMRS E 7/12/2021 25,073.50 000178 I-RETPY 6.4.21 TMRS E 7/12/2021 25,149.29 000178 50,222.79 24050 AEP ENERGY PARTNERS, INC I-175-21316013 JUNE 21 ELECTRIC PURCHASE E 7/12/2021 399,481.08 000179 399,481.08 34490 HALFF ASSOC INC I-10054720 SONIC E 7/12/2021 970.32 000180 I-10054721 ON CALL GENERAL SERVICES E 7/12/2021 4,166.07 000180 5,136.39 08120 ICMA-RC I-457PY 7.16.21 ICMA CITY OF SANGER 457 PLAN E 7/16/2021 1,679.68 000181 1,679.68 00440 BRAZOS ELECTRIC I-45007-RI-001 JUNE 2021 E 7/21/2021 8,883.36 000182 8,883.36 02910 UPPER TRINITY I-W272107 JUNE 2021 WATER PURCHASE E 7/21/2021 23,731.02 000183 23,731.02 14210 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL I-CATPY 7.2.21 CHILD SUPPORT AG#14-07021-362 D 7/02/2021 103.85 000234 I-CBWPY 7.2.21 CHILD SUPPORT D 7/02/2021 419.54 000234 I-CJBPY 7.2.21 CHILD SUPPORT D 7/02/2021 184.62 000234 I-CJMPY 7.2.21 CHILD SUPPORT D 7/02/2021 341.17 000234 I-CRWPY 7.2.21 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0013904686 D 7/02/2021 192.46 000234 I-CSCPY 7.2.21 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0012200219 D 7/02/2021 190.62 000234 I-CSDPY 7.2.21 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0013610951 D 7/02/2021 240.00 000234 I-CSRPY 7.2.21 CHILD SUPPORT #0013806050 D 7/02/2021 276.92 000234 I-CTCPY 7.2.21 CHILD SUPPORT AG#20-3622-393 D 7/02/2021 415.38 000234 2,364.56 22640 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE I-T1 PY 7.2.21 FEDERAL W/H D 7/02/2021 14,740.81 000235 I-T3 PY 7.2.21 FICA PAYABLE D 7/02/2021 21,498.24 000235 I-T4 PY 7.2.21 FICA PAYABLE D 7/02/2021 5,027.80 000235 41,266.85 Page 72 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 4 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 02510 STATE COMPTROLLER I-683900-2021 UNCLAIMED PROPERTY D 7/06/2021 1,125.26 000240 1,125.26 30600 TASC I-FSMPY 6.18.21 FLEX D 7/06/2021 1,802.78 000242 1,802.78 14210 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL I-CATPY 7.16.21 CHILD SUPPORT AG#14-07021-362 D 7/16/2021 103.85 000243 I-CBWPY 7.16.21 CHILD SUPPORT D 7/16/2021 419.54 000243 I-CJBPY 7.16.21 CHILD SUPPORT D 7/16/2021 184.62 000243 I-CJMPY 7.16.21 CHILD SUPPORT D 7/16/2021 341.17 000243 I-CRWPY 7.16.21 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0013904686 D 7/16/2021 192.46 000243 I-CSCPY 7.16.21 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0012200219 D 7/16/2021 190.62 000243 I-CSDPY 7.16.21 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0013610951 D 7/16/2021 240.00 000243 I-CSRPY 7.16.21 CHILD SUPPORT #0013806050 D 7/16/2021 276.92 000243 I-CTCPY 7.16.21 CHILD SUPPORT AG#20-3622-393 D 7/16/2021 415.38 000243 2,364.56 22640 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE I-T1 PY 7.16.21 FEDERAL W/H D 7/16/2021 15,342.52 000244 I-T3 PY 7.16.21 FICA PAYABLE D 7/16/2021 21,771.82 000244 I-T4 PY 7.16.21 FICA PAYABLE D 7/16/2021 5,091.88 000244 42,206.22 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-JULY 2021 CITY OF SANGER D 7/19/2021 29,114.31 000245 29,114.31 33770 WEX HEALTH, INC I-0001368117-IN COBRA JUNE 2021 D 7/25/2021 85.90 000246 85.90 26810 BOK FINANCIAL I-08012021 2013 CO PRINCIPAL & INTEREST D 7/27/2021 193,875.00 000247 193,875.00 11690 PITNEY BOWES - RESERVE ACCOUNT I-07212021 REFILL POSTAGE METER D 7/21/2021 300.00 000248 300.00 02580 TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION I-7.15.2021 UNEMPLOYMENT D 7/26/2021 8,179.58 000249 8,179.58 34430 UMB BANK, N.A. I-08012021 REFUNDING BONDS D 7/27/2021 224,250.00 000250 I-08012021A 2021 REFUNDING BONDS INTEREST D 7/27/2021 10,060.40 000250 234,310.40 14210 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL I-CATPY 7.30.2021 CHILD SUPPORT AG#14-07021-362 D 7/30/2021 103.85 000251 I-CBWPY 7.30.2021 CHILD SUPPORT D 7/30/2021 419.54 000251 I-CJBPY 7.30.2021 CHILD SUPPORT D 7/30/2021 184.62 000251 I-CJMPY 7.30.2021 CHILD SUPPORT D 7/30/2021 341.17 000251 I-CRWPY 7.30.2021 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0013904686 D 7/30/2021 192.46 000251 I-CSCPY 7.30.2021 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0012200219 D 7/30/2021 190.62 000251 Page 73 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 5 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT I-CSDPY 7.30.2021 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0013610951 D 7/30/2021 240.00 000251 I-CSRPY 7.30.2021 CHILD SUPPORT #0013806050 D 7/30/2021 276.92 000251 I-CTCPY 7.30.2021 CHILD SUPPORT AG#20-3622-393 D 7/30/2021 415.38 000251 2,364.56 22640 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE I-T1 PY 7.30.2021 FEDERAL W/H D 7/30/2021 16,458.80 000252 I-T3 PY 7.30.2021 FICA PAYABLE D 7/30/2021 22,780.26 000252 I-T4 PY 7.30.2021 FICA PAYABLE D 7/30/2021 5,327.66 000252 44,566.72 30600 TASC I-FSMPY 7.2.21 FLEX D 7/02/2021 1,802.78 000253 1,802.78 30600 TASC I-FSMPY 7.16.21 FLEX D 7/16/2021 1,802.78 000254 1,802.78 35000 SECRETARY OF STATE OF TEXAS I-05.12.2021 PROPERTY SEARCH V 6/15/2021 2.00 077977 I-05.26.2021 PROPERTY SEARCH V 6/15/2021 1.00 077977 3.00 35000 SECRETARY OF STATE OF TEXAS M-CHECK SECRETARY OF STATE OF TEUNPOST V 7/28/2021 077977 3.00CR 14470 UNITED WAY I-UN PY 7.2.21 DONATIONS R 7/02/2021 5.00 078109 5.00 15830 SANGER EDUCATION FOUNDATION IN I-SGFPY 7.2.21 FOUNDATION-ISD R 7/02/2021 2.50 078110 2.50 33300 HSA BANK I-HSAPY 7.2.21 HSA R 7/02/2021 894.92 078111 894.92 09600 AFLAC C-083775 AFLAC R 7/06/2021 0.18CR 078112 I-AFKPY 6.18.21 INSURANCE R 7/06/2021 303.06 078112 I-AFKPY 6.4.21 INSURANCE R 7/06/2021 303.06 078112 I-AFLPY 6.18.21 INSURANCE R 7/06/2021 923.04 078112 I-AFLPY 6.4.21 INSURANCE R 7/06/2021 923.04 078112 2,452.02 25070 ALL AMERICAN DOGS INC I-4418 JULY SHELTER SERVICE R 7/06/2021 4,080.00 078113 4,080.00 34330 ARMSTRONG FORENSIC LABORATORY, I-200258 DRUG SCREEN X6 S03192185 R 7/06/2021 600.00 078114 600.00 Page 74 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 6 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-06222021 CELL PHONE 05/23-06/22/2021 R 7/06/2021 38.20 078115 38.20 25610 AUSTIN LANE TECHNOLOGIES, INC I-163754 JUNE NETWORK MAINTENANCE R 7/06/2021 6,572.25 078116 6,572.25 31450 BETSY GRAY CREATIVE GROUP I-2021-004 BUS CARDS J. STATON, K. EDWRDS R 7/06/2021 100.00 078117 100.00 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-84094698 EMS SUPPLIES R 7/06/2021 17.55 078118 I-84098155 EMS SUPPLIES R 7/06/2021 249.40 078118 I-84099736 EMS SUPPLIES R 7/06/2021 87.25 078118 354.20 22050 CHILDREN'S ADVOCACY CENTER FOR I-2020-2021 FAIR SHARE FUNDING R 7/06/2021 1,778.85 078119 1,778.85 35250 CHRIS HARTUNG CONSULTING, LLC I-2021-028 CONSULTING SERVICES R 7/06/2021 5,226.99 078120 I-2021-030 CONSULTING SERVICES R 7/06/2021 2,637.51 078120 7,864.50 07850 CLEAT I-CLTPY 6.18.21 ASSOCIATION DUES EMPLOYEE R 7/06/2021 42.70 078121 I-CLTPY 6.4.21 ASSOCIATION DUES EMPLOYEE R 7/06/2021 42.70 078121 85.40 33210 DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE COMPAN I-7/1-7/31/2021 JULY 2021 LTD R 7/06/2021 1,197.53 078122 1,197.53 34670 FREEDOM COMMERCIAL SERVICES, L I-2020-1274 MOW R 7/06/2021 90.00 078123 I-2020-1275 MOW R 7/06/2021 85.00 078123 I-2020-1276 MOW R 7/06/2021 85.00 078123 I-2020-1277 MOW R 7/06/2021 85.00 078123 I-2020-1278 MOW R 7/06/2021 90.00 078123 I-2020-1279 MOW R 7/06/2021 489.15 078123 924.15 18790 FUELMAN I-NP60285880 FUEL 06/21-06/27/2021 R 7/06/2021 2,891.56 078124 2,891.56 01070 GALLS INC. I-018508997 WOOL BLEND SHIRT 778 R 7/06/2021 112.12 078125 I-018520531 TACTICAL WATERPROOF BOOT 778 R 7/06/2021 86.24 078125 I-018520944 TACTICAL UNIFORM POLO-775 R 7/06/2021 104.14 078125 I-018563350 TACTICAL PANT 778 R 7/06/2021 146.63 078125 449.13 Page 75 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 7 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 07350 GENTLE'S OIL AND TIRE I-62421 TIRE REPAIR 05-20 R 7/06/2021 10.00 078126 10.00 28820 GLENN POLK AUTOPLEX INC I-6111CC4W HEAD LAMP 780 UNIT R 7/06/2021 849.95 078127 849.95 34650 KATIE HARLAN I-07.06-07.08.2021 PER DIEM & MILEAGE MONEY R 7/06/2021 326.56 078128 326.56 20220 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES I-53140821 BOOKS W/ PROCESSING R 7/06/2021 256.65 078129 I-53140822 BOOKS W/ PROCESSING R 7/06/2021 383.71 078129 I-53140823 BOOKS W/ PROCESSING R 7/06/2021 221.26 078129 I-53151207 BOOKS W/ PROCESSING R 7/06/2021 87.70 078129 I-53151208 BOOS W/ PROCESSING R 7/06/2021 59.92 078129 1,009.24 31720 JOE'S JUMPS I-332 WATER SLIDE 7.13.2021 R 7/06/2021 450.00 078130 I-333 WATER SLIDE FOR 07/20/2021 R 7/06/2021 450.00 078130 900.00 03930 THE LIBRARY STORE, INC. I-508631 RPLCMNT FRNTRE, SHPPNG R 7/06/2021 8,590.00 078131 8,590.00 32150 LITTLE GIANT PRINTERS I-79816 CITATION BOOKS (TRAFFIC) R 7/06/2021 747.45 078132 747.45 29030 MCCREARY, VESELKA, BRAGG & ALL I-235804 MAY WARRANT COLLECTION R 7/06/2021 261.39 078133 I-235805 MAY WARRANT COLLECTION R 7/06/2021 399.00 078133 660.39 19500 NAPA AUTO PARTS I-649462 AIR SPRING R 7/06/2021 274.55 078134 274.55 01830 NOR-TEX COMMUNICATIONS I-23332 REPLACE PHONE & PROGRAM R 7/06/2021 265.00 078135 265.00 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-1959-307398 O'REILLY DEF R 7/06/2021 11.99 0.24CR 078136 11.75 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-177716777001 MOUSEPAD, PAPER, FOLDERS R 7/06/2021 91.16 078137 I-177737323001 LABEL TAPE R 7/06/2021 53.73 078137 I-178788447001 OFFICE DEPOT R 7/06/2021 51.61 078137 I-178854551001 CALENDAR R 7/06/2021 7.19 078137 I-178854552001 KEY WRIST HOLDER R 7/06/2021 3.19 078137 206.88 Page 76 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 8 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 23290 OXIDOR LABORATORIES, LLC I-21060343 AMMONIA TESTING R 7/06/2021 259.90 078138 259.90 19200 PATHMARK TRAFFIC PRODUCTS OF T I-9734 CATCH & RELEASE SIGNS FOR PRTR R 7/06/2021 122.50 078139 122.50 08300 PERKINS, JONATHAN I-06242021 TUITION REIMB 05/03-06/28/2021 R 7/06/2021 920.00 078140 920.00 14980 POLYDYNE, INC. I-1552815 CLARIFLOC R 7/06/2021 697.50 078141 697.50 32870 SAM'S CLUB/SYNCHRONY BANK I-05.25.2021 COFFEE FOR FD R 7/06/2021 20.94 078142 I-06.03.2021 WATER & COFFEE R 7/06/2021 23.92 078142 I-06.08.2021 GATORADE & WATER R 7/06/2021 148.72 078142 I-6.8.2021 CLEANING SUPPLIES, & OTHR SUPP R 7/06/2021 99.88 078142 I-WLMRT 06.24.2021 FOOD FOR COUNSEL R 7/06/2021 48.11 078142 341.57 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-B210570 STIHL PRODUCT R 7/06/2021 15.96 078143 15.96 11900 TARRANT COUNTY COLLEGE I-NW117664 INT CRIME SCENE 780 B. SCOTT R 7/06/2021 225.00 078144 225.00 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1280845-00 POLEMOUNT TRANSFORMERS R 7/06/2021 32,472.00 078145 32,472.00 35510 TITAN UTILITY SERVICES, LLC I-8497 DIELECTRIC TESTING R 7/06/2021 4,275.00 078146 4,275.00 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-838 1363520 MATS/CITY HALL R 7/06/2021 12.49 078147 I-838 1363521 UNIFORMS R 7/06/2021 30.44 078147 I-838 1363522 UNIFORMS R 7/06/2021 18.10 078147 I-838 1363523 MATS R 7/06/2021 7.85 078147 I-838 1363524 UNIFORMS R 7/06/2021 8.39 078147 I-838 1363525 UNIFORMS R 7/06/2021 39.30 078147 I-838 1363526 UNIFORMS R 7/06/2021 15.76 078147 132.33 1 BALDWIN, TAYLOR I-000202107089114 US REFUND R 7/12/2021 8.72 078148 8.72 Page 77 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 9 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1 BISHOP, DAVID G I-000202107089111 US REFUND R 7/12/2021 97.42 078149 97.42 1 DILLAR, DOUG I-000202107089117 US REFUND R 7/12/2021 51.05 078150 51.05 1 HUERTA, CARLOS I-000202107089109 US REFUND R 7/12/2021 166.60 078151 166.60 1 KONATAM, VENKATA N I-000202107089116 US REFUND R 7/12/2021 88.94 078152 88.94 1 LGI- WILLOWWOOD I-000202107089120 US REFUND R 7/12/2021 671.87 078153 671.87 1 LGI- WILLOWWOOD I-000202107089121 US REFUND R 7/12/2021 370.02 078154 370.02 1 LGI- WILLOWWOOD I-000202107089122 US REFUND R 7/12/2021 675.25 078155 675.25 1 LGI- WILLOWWOOD I-000202107089123 US REFUND R 7/12/2021 692.76 078156 692.76 1 LYNCH, COURTNEY I-000202107089112 US REFUND R 7/12/2021 49.77 078157 49.77 1 MCCLINTOCK HOMES LLC I-000202107089115 US REFUND R 7/12/2021 570.59 078158 570.59 1 MYND MANAGEMENT, INC I-000202107089107 US REFUND R 7/12/2021 204.71 078159 204.71 1 SANDERS, MACKENZIE I-000202107089118 US REFUND R 7/12/2021 52.36 078160 52.36 1 SHELTON, JEREMY I-000202107089113 US REFUND R 7/12/2021 20.87 078161 20.87 1 SPRINGER FAMILY RENT I-000202107089108 US REFUND R 7/12/2021 4.42 078162 4.42 1 THOMASSON, CHANCE I-000202107089110 US REFUND R 7/12/2021 112.26 078163 112.26 Page 78 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 10 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1 ULTRA HOMES I-000202107089119 US REFUND R 7/12/2021 418.55 078164 418.55 28710 AFFORD-IT TIRES I-0000287 TIRE PATCH R 7/12/2021 15.00 078166 15.00 11740 BETSY ROSS FLAG GIRLS,INC I-857568-D SOLAR LIGHTS FOR FLAG POLES R 7/12/2021 952.00 078167 952.00 23490 BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS INC I-158490 BACK ORDER BOOK R 7/12/2021 21.46 078168 21.46 25690 BWI COMPANIES, INC I-16575420 CHEMICAL PO FOR 20-21 R 7/12/2021 439.50 078169 439.50 00590 CITY OF DENTON I-05/12-06/14/2021 WTR BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING R 7/12/2021 160.00 078170 160.00 25730 DATAPROSE, LLC I-DP2102274 JUNE LATE BILLS, JULY BILLS R 7/12/2021 2,794.12 078171 2,794.12 00850 DENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE I-06214016 NOPH, WATER QUALITY NOTICE R 7/12/2021 99.70 078172 99.70 18190 DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESO I-21051011N MAY 2021 LONG DISTANCE R 7/12/2021 25.95 078173 25.95 28150 ENDERBY GAS I-K71161 PROPANE FOR FREEDOM FEST R 7/12/2021 22.00 078174 22.00 23820 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, LLC I-1210967 THRD UNION EPDM R 7/12/2021 48.72 078175 I-1211876 3/4 X 2.5 MIP STRT MTR COUP R 7/12/2021 750.00 078175 798.72 34670 FREEDOM COMMERCIAL SERVICES, L I-2020-1304 MOW 7000 BLK ADTEL LANE R 7/12/2021 105.00 078176 I-2020-1305 RMVE TRSH 1200 BLK CWLNG RD R 7/12/2021 85.00 078176 I-2020-1306 MOW 7000 BLK ADTEL LANE R 7/12/2021 105.00 078176 I-2020-1307 MOW 103 S 3RD R 7/12/2021 90.00 078176 385.00 18790 FUELMAN I-NP60362236 FUEL 06/28-07/04/2021 R 7/12/2021 3,032.24 078177 3,032.24 Page 79 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 11 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 16860 GRAINGER I-9931195938 TRANSMITTER R 7/12/2021 242.52 078178 242.52 35610 GRAYSON RUTLEDGE I-06.17.2021 CDL PERMIT REIMBURSEMENT R 7/12/2021 25.00 078179 25.00 20220 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES I-52498480 28 BOOKS WITH PROCESSING R 7/12/2021 449.85 078180 449.85 17060 LEAD ll EXCELLENCE I-07032021SFD CE FOR APRIL, MAY & JUNE R 7/12/2021 648.00 078181 648.00 33550 ALICIA METCALF I-DLRTR 07.07.2021 SUPPLY ROOM ORGANIZERS R 7/12/2021 23.82 078182 23.82 19500 NAPA AUTO PARTS I-650306 AIR SPRING R 7/12/2021 513.98 078183 513.98 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-1959-306966 SOCKET R 7/12/2021 19.99 0.40CR 078184 I-1959-307183 FILTER/TRANS FLUID R 7/12/2021 98.51 1.97CR 078184 I-1959-307389 HOSE CONNECT, HEATER HOSE, HOS R 7/12/2021 23.05 0.46CR 078184 I-1959-309068A REPAIR KIT R 7/12/2021 5.99 0.12CR 078184 144.59 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-178170988001 PPR, CRMR, CUPS, MRKRS, FRKS R 7/12/2021 85.59 078185 I-180267192001 COPIER PAPER R 7/12/2021 156.18 078185 I-180276520001 3 RING BINDERS R 7/12/2021 59.26 078185 I-180278566001 BINDER R 7/12/2021 22.49 078185 I-180282465001 BINDER, STPLR, TSSE, PEN, HGHL R 7/12/2021 96.12 078185 I-180284328001 ENVLPE, TSSE, PENS R 7/12/2021 88.87 078185 I-180284336001 DRAFTING TEMPLATE R 7/12/2021 7.89 078185 I-180293523001 HNGNG FLDR, FILE FLDRS, WRT PD R 7/12/2021 84.52 078185 600.92 23290 OXIDOR LABORATORIES, LLC I-21060456 AMMONIA TESTING R 7/12/2021 259.90 078186 259.90 19200 PATHMARK TRAFFIC PRODUCTS OF T I-9841 SAFETY CONES R 7/12/2021 463.00 078187 463.00 33230 PILOT POINT AUTO PARTS I-15260-82538 OIL FILTER R 7/12/2021 12.28 078188 12.28 Page 80 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 12 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 30260 RICOH USA I-105120430 SERVICE AND LEASE R 7/12/2021 138.00 078189 138.00 32870 SAM'S CLUB/SYNCHRONY BANK I-06.14.2021 COFFEE, CRMR, CUPS, PLATES R 7/12/2021 148.70 078190 148.70 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-B210651 FASTENERS R 7/12/2021 12.10 078191 I-C115832 CABLE TIE X2 R 7/12/2021 10.28 078191 I-C116045 EDGER BLADE R 7/12/2021 12.76 078191 35.14 08520 SMART APPLE MEDIA I-ARU0321609 CHILDREN'S NON FICTION BOOKS R 7/12/2021 473.90 078192 473.90 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1498746-00 1/0 15KV PRIMARY URD CBLE R 7/12/2021 6,125.00 078193 6,125.00 16910 TRI-COUNTY MATERIALS & SERVICE I-46469 PEA GRAVEL R 7/12/2021 136.80 078194 136.80 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-838 1364610 MATS CITY HALL R 7/12/2021 12.49 078195 I-838 1364611 UNIFORMS R 7/12/2021 30.44 078195 I-838 1364612 UNIFORMS R 7/12/2021 18.10 078195 I-838 1364613 MATS R 7/12/2021 7.85 078195 I-838 1364614 UNIFORMS R 7/12/2021 8.89 078195 I-838 1364615 UNIFORMS R 7/12/2021 39.30 078195 I-838 1364616 UNIFORMS R 7/12/2021 15.76 078195 132.83 05510 WASTE CONNECTIONS I-1040142 SLUDGE PICK UP R 7/12/2021 2,270.24 078196 2,270.24 05510 WASTE CONNECTIONS I-JUN-21 SOLID WASTE JUNE 2021 R 7/12/2021 73,510.39 078197 73,510.39 14470 UNITED WAY I-UN PY 7.16.21 DONATIONS R 7/16/2021 5.00 078198 5.00 15830 SANGER EDUCATION FOUNDATION IN I-SGFPY 7.16.21 FOUNDATION-ISD R 7/16/2021 2.50 078199 2.50 33300 HSA BANK I-HSAPY 7.16.21 HSA R 7/16/2021 894.92 078200 894.92 Page 81 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 13 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 30420 ACCELA INC I-INV-ACC54265 3 YEAR RENEWAL CONTRACT R 7/19/2021 8,100.72 078201 8,100.72 34990 AERZEN USA CORP I-SEPI-21-003243 TURBO BLOWERS KIT & MAINT R 7/19/2021 4,590.00 078202 4,590.00 33900 APSCO, INC I-S1280345.001 DBL CHK VLVE, HYDRNT ADPTRS R 7/19/2021 987.20 078203 987.20 01550 ATMOS I-3050384241JUNE2021 GAS 06/02-07/01/2021 R 7/19/2021 680.14 078204 680.14 29810 BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY I-20-66645, 20-66646 PERMIT FEE, LIABILITY INS R 7/19/2021 11,532.00 078205 11,532.00 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-84114697 EMS SUPPLIES R 7/19/2021 432.29 078206 432.29 23790 TERRY WEST I-050620436 REPAIRS TO COMMUNITY CENTER R 7/19/2021 925.00 078207 925.00 23880 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, I-1589510 BACK UP INSPECTIONS R 7/19/2021 1,384.56 078208 1,384.56 26350 C & G ELECTRIC, INC I-38705 BREAKER TRIPPING R 7/19/2021 160.00 078209 I-38749 BLOWER TRIPPING AT WWTP R 7/19/2021 400.00 078209 560.00 22300 CARD SERVICE CENTER C-SHRTN 06.22.2021 REFUND HOTEL CHARGE R 7/19/2021 232.13CR 078210 C-T&DI 06.04.2021 PARTIAL REFUND FOR RESCHLD DTE R 7/19/2021 84.00CR 078210 I-06.30.2021 BOOSTS FOR MOVIES & FREEDOM R 7/19/2021 267.48 078210 I-ALBRTSNS 6.27.2021 WELCOME FLOWERS R 7/19/2021 66.02 078210 I-AMZN 06.01.2021 HYDRAULIC HOSE CRIMPER R 7/19/2021 209.99 078210 I-AMZN 06.03.2021 PAPER R 7/19/2021 12.89 078210 I-AMZN 06.04.2021 RAZOR BLADE, GOO GONE R 7/19/2021 14.01 078210 I-AMZN 06.06.2021 ANML ERSRS, HR EXT, TRLLS STRY R 7/19/2021 50.68 078210 I-AMZN 06.07.2021 BATTERY BACKUP R 7/19/2021 179.97 078210 I-AMZN 06.08.2021 TOILET BOWL BRUSH R 7/19/2021 11.98 078210 I-AMZN 06.09.2021 3 PK BLUE TROLL HAIR R 7/19/2021 9.99 078210 I-AMZN 06.15.2021 DRIP TRAY FOR MINI FRIDGE R 7/19/2021 21.93 078210 I-AMZN 06.16.2021 GATORADE R 7/19/2021 112.60 078210 I-AMZN 06.17.2021 RULES OF ORDNCE & LCL GOV CODE R 7/19/2021 135.44 078210 I-AMZN 06.22.2021 FREEDOM FEST DECORATIONS R 7/19/2021 12.53 078210 I-AMZN 06.23.2021 ANIMAL STICKERS R 7/19/2021 12.58 078210 I-AMZN 06.25.2021 PRJCTR SCREEN & MINI PRJCTR R 7/19/2021 164.99 078210 I-AMZN 6.22.2021 FREEDOM FEST DECORATIONS R 7/19/2021 87.52 078210 I-AMZN 6.22.21 FREEDOM FEST DECORATIONS R 7/19/2021 33.60 078210 Page 82 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 14 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT I-AMZN 6.25.21 EXT WARRANTY R 7/19/2021 17.99 078210 I-AMZN 6.29.2021 FIRE SUPPLIES R 7/19/2021 41.68 078210 I-AMZN 6.3.2021 RECEIPT PRINTER R 7/19/2021 237.00 078210 I-AMZN 6.6.2021 LED STRP LGHTS, DRLL BT, DRILL R 7/19/2021 183.63 078210 I-AMZN 6.7.2021 OFFICE CHAIR R 7/19/2021 170.99 078210 I-AMZN 6.7.21 CARPET CORD COVER STRIP R 7/19/2021 79.50 078210 I-AMZN 6.8.2021 ULTIMATE OUTLET SHELF R 7/19/2021 9.99 078210 I-AMZN 6.9.2021 GATE REMOTES R 7/19/2021 88.86 078210 I-ASHMRE 06.07.2021 HOTEL FOR BASIC POLE CLIMBING R 7/19/2021 391.00 078210 I-BATT 06.08.2021 120 V BATTERIES R 7/19/2021 109.95 078210 I-BLVST 06.25.2021 LUNCH FOR COUNSEL R 7/19/2021 124.49 078210 I-CHKEX 06.25.2021 TEA FOR COUNSEL R 7/19/2021 8.50 078210 I-CHKNEXP 06.07.2021 TEA FOR COUNCIL R 7/19/2021 8.50 078210 I-CHKNEXP 06.21.2021 TEA FOR COUNCIL R 7/19/2021 8.50 078210 I-CNSTR 07.13.2021 SHELVING R 7/19/2021 561.00 078210 I-DG 06.09.2021 WATER R 7/19/2021 3.95 078210 I-DNDYDNTS 06.22.21 DONUTS FOR STAFF MEETING R 7/19/2021 24.50 078210 I-DNDYDNTS 06.26.21 DONUTS FOR COUNSEL R 7/19/2021 25.03 078210 I-DNTNCTY 06.17.2021 LIEN, HAZEL PLAT R 7/19/2021 178.50 078210 I-DNTNCTY 07.01.2021 LIENS AND RELEASES R 7/19/2021 220.00 078210 I-ETSY 06.07.2021 PAPER CRAFTS FOR SUMMER PRGRMS R 7/19/2021 50.00 078210 I-FCBK 06.03.2021 COMP PLAN MEETING AD R 7/19/2021 25.00 078210 I-FCBK 06.07.2021 COMP PLAN MEETING AD R 7/19/2021 35.00 078210 I-FCBK 06.17.2021 COMP PLAN MEETING AD R 7/19/2021 27.95 078210 I-FMLYDLLR 06.17.21 AAA BATTERIES R 7/19/2021 14.07 078210 I-FNDWY 06.03.2021 LAUNCHPAD DECOUPLER R 7/19/2021 217.99 078210 I-KWNS 06.07.2021 MEMBERSHIP R 7/19/2021 210.00 078210 I-LTSJMP 06.17.2021 WATER SLIDE FOR 07/06/2021 R 7/19/2021 491.67 078210 I-LTSJMP 6.17.2021 WATER SLIDE FOR 07/27/2021 R 7/19/2021 480.97 078210 I-PZAHT 06.07.2021 PIZZA COUNCIL R 7/19/2021 42.19 078210 I-PZAHT 06.21.2021 PIZZA FOR COUNCIL R 7/19/2021 42.19 078210 I-SM 06.18.2021 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION R 7/19/2021 959.40 078210 I-TCFP 06.11.2021 1 CERTIFICATION R 7/19/2021 87.17 078210 I-TCFP 6.11.2021 1 IFSAC R 7/19/2021 15.59 078210 I-TCFP 6.11.21 1 CERTIFICATION R 7/19/2021 87.17 078210 I-TDA 06.14.2021 TX DWNTWN ASSOC R 7/19/2021 150.00 078210 I-TEEX 06.17.2021 INT COLLISION INV 781 J. PRICE R 7/19/2021 600.00 078210 I-TEEX 06.27.2021 CLASS R 7/19/2021 600.00 078210 I-TEEX 6.16.2021 ADV COLLISION INV 781 J. PRICE R 7/19/2021 900.00 078210 I-TMCA 06.16.2021 LAW MANUALS R 7/19/2021 597.50 078210 I-TMCA 06.28.2021 LEGSLTVE UPDTE: DYER & EDWARDS R 7/19/2021 560.00 078210 I-TMCA 06.29.2021 K. EDWARDS MEMBERSHIP R 7/19/2021 100.00 078210 I-TMCEC 06.01.2021 LEGISLATIVE UPDATE TRAINING R 7/19/2021 50.00 078210 I-TML 06.09.2021 TCMA DUES R 7/19/2021 375.00 078210 I-TML 06.21.2021 BOAT 2021 ANNUAL CONFERANCE R 7/19/2021 300.00 078210 I-TML 06.29.2021 TMHRA ANNUAL CONFERENCE R 7/19/2021 350.00 078210 I-TWUA 06.29.2021 PMP & MTR MNTNCE C. HIESLER R 7/19/2021 475.00 078210 I-TWUA 6.29.2021 GRNDWTR PRDCTN C. HIESLER R 7/19/2021 475.00 078210 Page 83 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 15 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT I-TXDMV 06.07.2021 REGISTRATION FOR RAM 2020 R 7/19/2021 7.50 078210 I-TXDMV 06.10.2021 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 7/19/2021 10.25 078210 I-TXDMV 6.7.2021 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 7/19/2021 1.00 078210 I-USPS 06.02.2021 EXPRESS 2 DAY MAILING R 7/19/2021 26.35 078210 I-USPS 06.09.2021 OVERNIGHT CHECK R 7/19/2021 26.35 078210 I-USPS 06.14.2021 CERTIFIED MAIL R 7/19/2021 21.95 078210 I-ZOOM 06.21.2021 ZOOM MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION R 7/19/2021 15.98 078210 I-ZOOM 06.24.2021 COUNSEL R 7/19/2021 129.99 078210 I-ZOOM 6.24.2021 ZOOM MEETINGS R 7/19/2021 114.99 078210 12,254.85 20410 CARE NOW CORPORATE I-CN30964099897 K. HARLAN DRUG TEST R 7/19/2021 75.00 078217 75.00 00800 COSERV ELECTRIC I-05/25-06/24/2021 ELECTRIC JUNE 2021 R 7/19/2021 3,336.97 078218 3,336.97 23620 COTE'S MECHANICAL I-18317 ICE MACHINE RENTAL FOR JUNE R 7/19/2021 626.00 078219 626.00 24570 DEFENDER SUPPLY I-31180 12V SOLENOID R 7/19/2021 137.00 078220 137.00 22740 DENTON COUNTY AUDITOR I-JUL-21 JULY 2021 DISPATCH R 7/19/2021 4,569.92 078221 4,569.92 34680 EHV SOLUTIONS, LLC. I-1414 AIRPOINTS POLYCARBONATE R 7/19/2021 4,675.00 078222 4,675.00 30320 EZ TASK INC I-07911182 WEBSITE HOSTING & SSL SRV R 7/19/2021 1,975.00 078223 1,975.00 23820 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, LLC I-1211657 GRIP COMP CORP, DBL SS STRP R 7/19/2021 170.00 078224 170.00 18790 FUELMAN I-NP60392190 FUEL 07/05-07/11/2021 R 7/19/2021 3,005.33 078225 3,005.33 23760 KEEPITSAFE, INC.-LIVEVAULT I-299500 MONTHLY BASE FEE R 7/19/2021 940.00 078226 940.00 25060 LEMONS PUBLICATIONS INC I-9659 SANGER NEWS R 7/19/2021 950.00 078227 950.00 Page 84 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 16 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 32640 LLOYD GOSSELINK ROCHELLE & TOW I-97522818 LEGAL SERVICES R 7/19/2021 84.00 078228 I-97522819 LEGAL SERVICES R 7/19/2021 1,953.00 078228 2,037.00 17900 LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITY I-LAB-0051514 DBP2 R 7/19/2021 213.92 078229 213.92 33550 ALICIA METCALF I-FMLYDLR 07.16.2021 ORGANIZER FOR SUPPLY CLOSET R 7/19/2021 12.99 078230 12.99 35660 MOHAMMAD RAISSI I-07.05.2021 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT R 7/19/2021 182.06 078231 182.06 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS C-1959-310731 RETURN P/S FLUID R 7/19/2021 13.98CR 078232 C-EB14229282 MAY FIRST CALL EB R 7/19/2021 20.82CR 078232 I-1959-308760 COOLNT BOTTLE R 7/19/2021 61.11 1.22CR 078232 25.09 02970 OFFICE DEPOT C-179713031001 RETURN PAPER R 7/19/2021 21.56CR 078233 I-175728430001 PENCIL SHARPENER R 7/19/2021 29.79 078233 I-175735510001 PAPER, COFFEE R 7/19/2021 44.24 078233 I-176425564001 LEGAL PAPER, 11X17 PAPER R 7/19/2021 20.17 078233 I-178449578001 TAPE, SIGN FLAGS, LABELS, MRKR R 7/19/2021 37.81 078233 I-178780832001 BATTERIES & TAPE R 7/19/2021 52.24 078233 I-179370300001 BINDERS, BOOKEND R 7/19/2021 32.13 078233 I-179378546001 FOLDER DIVIDE IT UP R 7/19/2021 11.59 078233 I-179713029001 PAPER R 7/19/2021 21.56 078233 I-180881820001 DOOR STOP R 7/19/2021 7.99 078233 I-181315625001 DOORSTOP R 7/19/2021 8.97 078233 244.93 27600 OMNIBASE SERVICES OF TEXAS LP I-221-108061 APRIL-JUNE 2021 QTRLY OMNI FEE R 7/19/2021 78.00 078234 78.00 23290 OXIDOR LABORATORIES, LLC I-21060558 AMMONIA TESTING R 7/19/2021 259.90 078235 259.90 33820 POWER-D UTILITY SERVICES, LLC I-2014 DESIGN & ASSOCIATED SRVCS R 7/19/2021 2,500.00 078236 2,500.00 25970 REPUBLIC METER INC I-21-0173 100WP PULSER WITH INTEGRAL CNN R 7/19/2021 990.00 078237 I-21-0178 ITRON SPLICE KIT R 7/19/2021 90.00 078237 1,080.00 Page 85 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 17 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 30260 RICOH USA I-105129530 SERVICE & LEASE 06/21-07/20/21 R 7/19/2021 1,475.96 078238 1,475.96 33150 RUGGED DEPOT I-60779 LPTP OVRHL & UPGRDE CORR R 7/19/2021 1,301.00 078239 1,301.00 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-B211297 DUST MASK, GLOVES R 7/19/2021 11.98 078240 I-C114706 TERM RING EXTREME, GRND CPPR R 7/19/2021 21.92 078240 33.90 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-137134 SMALL ACETYLENE/OXYGEN BTLES R 7/19/2021 24.00 078241 24.00 25590 SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING, LLC I-000000056777 ERCOT TRANSMISSION OPERATOR R 7/19/2021 2,537.07 078242 2,537.07 02510 STATE COMPTROLLER I-APRIL-JUNE 2021 QTRLY RPRT APRIL-JUNE 2021 R 7/19/2021 12,017.94 078243 12,017.94 18620 STERICYCLE I-4010214481 HAZARDOUS DRUG DISPOSAL R 7/19/2021 234.56 078244 234.56 31970 DAVID STONEKING I-53 GIS SERVICES - DEV R 7/19/2021 760.00 078245 760.00 35620 SUNBELT POOLS, INC. I-W10546 SPLASH PAD REPAIR R 7/19/2021 2,384.80 078246 2,384.80 32820 SWANK MOTION PICTURES INC I-1817336 HOCUS POCUS MOVIE LICENSE R 7/19/2021 480.00 078247 480.00 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1497266-13 FM 455 RLCTN MATERIALS R 7/19/2021 15,594.00 078248 I-1497266-14 FM 455 RLCTN MATERIALS R 7/19/2021 4,508.00 078248 I-1498338-01 RESTOCK SUPPLIES R 7/19/2021 132.60 078248 I-1498504-00 FUSELINK TYPE T 3 AMP 23 R 7/19/2021 143.40 078248 I-1498674-00 MTRLS FOR SPRTSMAN 2 R 7/19/2021 1,816.12 078248 I-1498674-01 MTRLS FOR SPRTSMAN 2 R 7/19/2021 185.34 078248 I-1498674-02 MTRLS FOR SPRTSMAN 2 R 7/19/2021 1,932.00 078248 I-1498674-03 MTRLS FOR SPRTSMAN 2 R 7/19/2021 454.74 078248 I-1498674-04 MTRLS FOR SPRTSMAN 2 R 7/19/2021 2,730.00 078248 I-1498815-00 #6 SOLID SOFT DRAWN BARE R 7/19/2021 2,990.00 078248 30,486.20 Page 86 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 18 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 05350 TEXAS EXCAVATION SAFETY SYST I-21-14703 MESSAGE FEES JUNE 2021 R 7/19/2021 161.50 078249 161.50 25950 TEXAS RECREATION & PARKS SOCIE I-300001529 TRAPS ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP R 7/19/2021 60.00 078250 60.00 35630 THE STAMP MAKER.COM I-74427 SIGNATURE STAMP R 7/19/2021 32.25 078251 32.25 35440 ULTIMATE OUTDOOR MOVIES LLC I-8194561 MOVIE SCREEN & SPEAKERS R 7/19/2021 918.41 078252 918.41 31750 UNDERWOOD'S HEATING & AIR I-23187237 A/C SRVCE CALL & RPR SR CENTER R 7/19/2021 75.00 078253 I-23188785 A/C SERVICE CALL & REPAIR R 7/19/2021 75.00 078253 150.00 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-838 1365712 MATS/CITY HALL R 7/19/2021 12.49 078254 I-838 1365713 UNIFORMS R 7/19/2021 30.44 078254 I-838 1365714 UNIFORMS R 7/19/2021 18.10 078254 I-838 1365715 MATS R 7/19/2021 7.85 078254 I-838 1365716 UNIFORMS R 7/19/2021 8.39 078254 I-838 1365717 UNIFORMS R 7/19/2021 39.30 078254 I-838 1365718 UNIFORMS R 7/19/2021 15.76 078254 132.33 32030 GILLIAM INVESTMENTS: DBA: VANG I-42479 CITY OFFICE CLEAN CNTRCT R 7/19/2021 3,273.00 078255 3,273.00 05510 WASTE CONNECTIONS I-1063559 SLUDGE PICK UP R 7/19/2021 3,847.98 078256 3,847.98 24970 WELLSPRING INSURANCE I-1677 2020-2021 CONSULTING SVCE R 7/19/2021 2,000.00 078257 2,000.00 1 ANURAG, SHARMA I-000202107229142 US REFUND R 7/26/2021 296.17 078258 296.17 1 CAMPBELL, MARY I-000202107229130 US REFUND R 7/26/2021 126.00 078259 126.00 1 CUNNINGHAM, ADDISON I-000202107229139 US REFUND R 7/26/2021 208.99 078260 208.99 Page 87 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 19 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1 HANKINS, JAMES I-000202107229132 US REFUND R 7/26/2021 37.18 078261 37.18 1 JOLLIFF, MARY K I-000202107229129 US REFUND R 7/26/2021 164.64 078262 164.64 1 JORDAN, CHRISTIE I-000202107229125 US REFUND R 7/26/2021 22.58 078263 22.58 1 LAHMANN, RYAN C I-000202107229135 US REFUND R 7/26/2021 30.00 078264 30.00 1 LGI- WILLOWWOOD I-000202107229141 US REFUND R 7/26/2021 653.73 078265 653.73 1 LILLIAN CUSTOM HOMES I-000202107229136 US REFUND R 7/26/2021 528.78 078266 528.78 1 LILLIAN CUSTOM HOMES I-000202107229137 US REFUND R 7/26/2021 215.84 078267 215.84 1 MCCLINTOCK HOMES LLC I-000202107229138 US REFUND R 7/26/2021 465.06 078268 465.06 1 NIBROC PROPERTIES I-000202107229140 US REFUND R 7/26/2021 66.01 078269 66.01 1 OFFERPAD LLC I-000202107229128 US REFUND R 7/26/2021 230.46 078270 230.46 1 REYNOLDS, AMANDA C I-000202107229127 US REFUND R 7/26/2021 12.56 078271 12.56 1 SASSER, BRETT I-000202107229134 US REFUND R 7/26/2021 64.88 078272 64.88 1 SIGNPOST HOMES INC I-000202107229133 US REFUND R 7/26/2021 4.17 078273 4.17 1 TARWATER, BRAD LEE R I-000202107229131 US REFUND R 7/26/2021 196.95 078274 196.95 1 TIPTON, THOMAS I-000202107229124 US REFUND R 7/26/2021 302.46 078275 302.46 Page 88 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 20 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1 WHITWORTH, JONATHAN I-000202107229126 US REFUND R 7/26/2021 50.93 078276 50.93 33900 APSCO, INC I-S1281231.001 RUBBER METER WASHER R 7/26/2021 70.00 078277 70.00 26820 BANK OF AMERICA NA I-13WEVFV321 2007 CO PRINCIPAL & INTEREST R 7/26/2021 117,490.00 078278 117,490.00 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-84120014 EMS SUPPLIES R 7/26/2021 38.10 078279 I-84120015 EMS SUPPLIES R 7/26/2021 6.00 078279 I-84123548 EMS SUPPLIES R 7/26/2021 91.50 078279 135.60 23880 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, I-1589507 FIRE ALARM 521 S STEMMONS R 7/26/2021 625.00 078280 I-1589508 FIRE CODE REVIEW- UTILITY RD R 7/26/2021 250.00 078280 I-1589509 FIRE C/O 902 UTILITY RD R 7/26/2021 150.00 078280 I-1589511 C/O 305 BOLIVAR R 7/26/2021 150.00 078280 I-1589512 C/O 308 BOLIVAR R 7/26/2021 150.00 078280 I-1589513 C/O 416 BOLIVAR R 7/26/2021 150.00 078280 I-1589514 UNDRGRND LINE 2040 N STEMMONS R 7/26/2021 250.00 078280 I-1589515 FIRE CODE REV 302 BOLIVAR ST R 7/26/2021 250.00 078280 1,975.00 02490 CENTURYLINK I-07/10-08/09/2021 PHONE 07/10-08/09/2021 R 7/26/2021 1,973.40 078281 1,973.40 17950 CLAYTON, ZAC I-07.20.2021 DRIVER'S LICENSE REIMBURSEMENT R 7/26/2021 97.00 078282 97.00 1 COKER FUNERAL HOME I-07.16.2021 DEPOSIT R 7/26/2021 250.00 078283 250.00 34770 FIRST STOP HEALTH, LLC I-INV-13461 VRTL MNTL HLTH & TLMDCNE CNSLN R 7/26/2021 598.60 078284 598.60 34670 FREEDOM COMMERCIAL SERVICES, L I-2020-1336 MOW R 7/26/2021 804.80 078285 804.80 18790 FUELMAN I-NP60420869 FUEL 07/12-07/18/2021 R 7/26/2021 2,971.66 078286 2,971.66 01070 GALLS INC. I-018706367 BOOTS, POLO, PANTS 771 R 7/26/2021 224.91 078287 I-018706395 ULTRA AMBI EAR TIP R 7/26/2021 27.31 078287 252.22 Page 89 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 21 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 28820 GLENN POLK AUTOPLEX INC I-C4CS859896 RPLCE RADIATOR, FILLED COOLANT R 7/26/2021 971.83 078288 971.83 16860 GRAINGER I-9956868294 RUBBER BOOTS R 7/26/2021 52.16 078289 52.16 06550 KALAN BACKFLOW SERVICE I-21--11661 RPR BCKFLOW AT SPLSH PAD & TST R 7/26/2021 876.00 078290 876.00 01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-35842 SUPPLY ROOM ORGANIZATION R 7/26/2021 11.25 078291 11.25 28240 MARTINEZ BROTHERS CONCRETE AND I-2169 REPLACE FALLING SIDEWALK R 7/26/2021 16,748.50 078292 16,748.50 32430 MODERN LEASING INC. OF IOWA I-59011744 EMS VENDING MACHINE R 7/26/2021 348.42 078293 348.42 34640 NORRIS D TEXAS LLC I-04-53192 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE R 7/26/2021 6,056.36 078294 6,056.36 30990 NSTS LLC I-6225 POSTS, ANCHORS, STICKERS R 7/26/2021 2,245.00 078295 2,245.00 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-1959-301608 STEERING WHEEL COVER ACO R 7/26/2021 23.99 0.48CR 078296 I-1959-304031 HEAD LAMP 01-20 R 7/26/2021 30.58 0.61CR 078296 I-1959-308511 OIL FILTERS R 7/26/2021 28.60 0.57CR 078296 81.51 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-179542484001 USBS R 7/26/2021 91.38 078297 I-181219867001 PRINTER CARTRIDGE R 7/26/2021 171.99 078297 I-181455361001 BINDER CLIPS R 7/26/2021 8.98 078297 I-181596673001 PROJECTOR R 7/26/2021 499.99 078297 I-181638181001 WASTEBAGS FOR SHREDDER R 7/26/2021 44.62 078297 I-182756092001 OFFICE CHAIR R 7/26/2021 287.99 078297 1,104.95 23290 OXIDOR LABORATORIES, LLC I-21070145 AMMONIA TESTING R 7/26/2021 259.90 078298 259.90 33640 PRECISION PUMP SYSTEMS I-1006696 UNCLG PMP S BTTM LS, QUAIL RUN R 7/26/2021 556.00 078299 I-1006697 UNCLOG QUAIL RUN R 7/26/2021 434.00 078299 990.00 Page 90 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 22 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 32910 READY REFRESH BY NESTLE I-01G0127279800 WATER/DELIVERY FEE 6/7-7/6/21 R 7/26/2021 164.65 078300 164.65 04290 SANGER CHAMBER OF COMMERC I-QTR 2 2021 CHMBR PYMNT FOR HOTEL TAX R 7/26/2021 3,000.00 078301 3,000.00 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-B208778 CORD EXTN R 7/26/2021 69.99 078302 69.99 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-211471 COMPRESSED OXYGEN & CYLINDERS R 7/26/2021 19.00 078303 19.00 34980 SHAMROCK EQUIPMENT SERVICES, L I-20835 DETROIT GENERATOR R 7/26/2021 215.00 078304 215.00 35690 SHARE CORPORATION I-173477 FOURWAY ACTION AEROSOL R 7/26/2021 593.99 078305 593.99 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1498908-00 MTR SCKTS, TLS 52 LUG,477 R 7/26/2021 2,765.00 078306 2,765.00 28250 TUFF POWDERCOATING I-1245 REFINISH OLD CHURCH BELL R 7/26/2021 600.00 078307 600.00 19260 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES I-025-338685 ANNUAL WEB MAINTENANCE FEES R 7/26/2021 1,100.00 078308 I-025-340568 NOTIFICATION CALLS & SMS R 7/26/2021 74.80 078308 1,174.80 31750 UNDERWOOD'S HEATING & AIR I-23305509 SERVICE CALL FOR 201 BOLIVAR R 7/26/2021 75.00 078309 75.00 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-838 1366788 MATS/CITY HALL R 7/26/2021 12.49 078310 I-838 1366789 UNIFORMS R 7/26/2021 30.44 078310 I-838 1366790 UNIFORMS R 7/26/2021 18.10 078310 I-838 1366791 MATS R 7/26/2021 7.85 078310 I-838 1366792 UNIFORMS R 7/26/2021 8.39 078310 I-838 1366793 UNIFORMS R 7/26/2021 39.30 078310 I-838 1366794 UNIFORMS R 7/26/2021 15.76 078310 132.33 02920 US POSTAL SERVICE I-07.19.2021 PO BOX #578 RENEWAL R 7/26/2021 204.00 078311 204.00 Page 91 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 23 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 11430 USA BLUEBOOK, INC. I-655564 SCRB BRSH, CNTR BRSH, VIAL R 7/26/2021 134.89 078312 I-655765 GLOVES R 7/26/2021 153.00 078312 287.89 32030 GILLIAM INVESTMENTS: DBA: VANG I-42844 FY 2021 JANITORIAL SPPLS R 7/26/2021 159.00 078313 159.00 34810 WEAVER WISDOM COLLISION CENTER I-9769 REPAIR 2016 CHVY CPRCE R 7/26/2021 9,730.52 078314 9,730.52 03680 WHITMIRE LINE CLEARANCE, INC I-S21-1001 BRUSH REMOVAL FROM CEMETARY R 7/26/2021 750.00 078315 750.00 * * T O T A L S * * NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT REGULAR CHECKS: 200 494,703.43 6.07CR 494,697.36 HAND CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 16 607,532.26 0.00 607,532.26 EFT: 8 820,298.74 0.00 820,298.74 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 1 VOID DEBITS 0.00 VOID CREDITS 3.00CR 3.00CR 0.00 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 99 BANK: POOL TOTALS: 225 1,922,534.43 6.07CR 1,922,528.36 BANK: POOL TOTALS: 225 1,922,534.43 6.07CR 1,922,528.36 REPORT TOTALS: 230 1,977,005.32 6.07CR 1,976,999.25 Page 92 8/03/2021 11:02 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 24 SELECTION CRITERIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VENDOR SET: 99-AP VENDOR SET VENDOR: ALL BANK CODES: All FUNDS: All ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK SELECTION CHECK RANGE: 000000 THRU 999999 DATE RANGE: 7/01/2021 THRU 7/31/2021 CHECK AMOUNT RANGE: 0.00 THRU 999,999,999.99 INCLUDE ALL VOIDS: YES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRINT OPTIONS SEQUENCE: CHECK NUMBER PRINT TRANSACTIONS: YES PRINT G/L: NO UNPOSTED ONLY: NO EXCLUDE UNPOSTED: NO MANUAL ONLY: NO STUB COMMENTS: NO REPORT FOOTER: NO CHECK STATUS: NO PRINT STATUS: * - All ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 93 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 6.e. AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2021 TO: John Noblitt, City Manager FROM:  ITEM/CAPTION: DISBURSEMENTS REPORT FOR AUGUST 2021 AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  N/A BACKGROUND: N/A LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Disbursements Report for August 2021 9/16/2021 Cover Memo Page 94 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 1 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: * ALL BANKS DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 8/03/2021 078354 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 8/13/2021 078439 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 8/13/2021 078440 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 8/13/2021 078441 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 8/13/2021 078442 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 8/13/2021 078443 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 8/13/2021 078444 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 8/30/2021 078557 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 8/30/2021 078558 * * T O T A L S * * NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT REGULAR CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 HAND CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 EFT: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 9 VOID DEBITS 0.00 VOID CREDITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 99 BANK: * TOTALS: 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 BANK: * TOTALS: 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 95 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 2 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: EMP B EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 13080 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF TEXA I-08/01-08/31/2021 AUGUST 2021 HEALTH PREMIUM R 8/03/2021 48,101.54 000692 48,101.54 33210 DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE COMPAN I-8/1-8/31/2021 AUGUST 2021 LIFE INSURANCE R 8/03/2021 1,230.42 000693 1,230.42 30790 EYEMED I-164886971 VISION INSURANCE AUGUST 2021 R 8/03/2021 546.71 000694 546.71 34200 PRINCIPAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPA I-8/1-8/31/2021 AUGUST 2021 DENTAL PREMIUM R 8/03/2021 4,034.43 000695 4,034.43 10610 LEADERSLIFE INS. COMPANY I-117043 AUGUST 2021 LIFE INSURANCE R 8/30/2021 86.66 000696 86.66 * * T O T A L S * * NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT REGULAR CHECKS: 5 53,999.76 0.00 53,999.76 HAND CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 EFT: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 VOID DEBITS 0.00 VOID CREDITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 99 BANK: EMP BTOTALS: 5 53,999.76 0.00 53,999.76 BANK: EMP B TOTALS: 5 53,999.76 0.00 53,999.76 Page 96 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 3 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 00100 TMRS I-RETPY 7.16.21 TMRS E 8/11/2021 26,032.71 000184 I-RETPY 7.2.21 TMRS E 8/11/2021 25,122.33 000184 I-RETPY 7.30.2021 TMRS E 8/11/2021 25,608.81 000184 76,763.85 24050 AEP ENERGY PARTNERS, INC I-175-21321756 JULY 21 ELECTRIC PURCHASE E 8/11/2021 452,312.45 000185 452,312.45 08120 ICMA-RC I-457PY 8.13.21 ICMA CITY OF SANGER 457 PLAN E 8/13/2021 1,766.03 000186 1,766.03 08120 ICMA-RC I-457PY 8.27.21 ICMA CITY OF SANGER 457 PLAN E 8/27/2021 1,779.79 000187 1,779.79 02580 TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION I-07.15.2021 UNEMPLOYMENT D 8/03/2021 1,972.96 000255 1,972.96 14210 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL I-CATPY 8.13.21 CHILD SUPPORT AG#14-07021-362 D 8/13/2021 103.85 000257 I-CBWPY 8.13.21 CHILD SUPPORT D 8/13/2021 419.54 000257 I-CJBPY 8.13.21 CHILD SUPPORT D 8/13/2021 184.62 000257 I-CRWPY 8.13.21 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0013904686 D 8/13/2021 192.46 000257 I-CSCPY 8.13.21 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0012200219 D 8/13/2021 190.62 000257 I-CSDPY 8.13.21 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0013610951 D 8/13/2021 240.00 000257 I-CSRPY 8.13.21 CHILD SUPPORT #0013806050 D 8/13/2021 276.92 000257 I-CTCPY 8.13.21 CHILD SUPPORT AG#20-3622-393 D 8/13/2021 415.38 000257 2,023.39 22640 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE I-T1 PY 8.13.21 FEDERAL W/H D 8/13/2021 15,817.90 000258 I-T3 PY 8.13.21 FICA PAYABLE D 8/13/2021 22,042.60 000258 I-T4 PY 8.13.21 FICA PAYABLE D 8/13/2021 5,155.08 000258 43,015.58 22640 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE I-T1 PY 8.13.2021 FEDERAL W/H D 8/13/2021 5.51 000259 I-T3 PY 8.13.2021 FICA PAYABLE D 8/13/2021 27.30 000259 I-T4 PY 8.13.2021 FICA PAYABLE D 8/13/2021 6.38 000259 39.19 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-AUG 2021 CITY OF SANGER D 8/15/2021 34,744.12 000260 34,744.12 33770 WEX HEALTH, INC I-0001382803-IN COBRA JULY 2021 D 8/25/2021 85.90 000261 85.90 Page 97 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 4 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 22640 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE I-T1 PY 8.27.21 FEDERAL W/H D 8/27/2021 15,707.52 000262 I-T3 PY 8.27.21 FICA PAYABLE D 8/27/2021 21,928.74 000262 I-T4 PY 8.27.21 FICA PAYABLE D 8/27/2021 5,128.52 000262 42,764.78 14210 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL I-CATPY 8.27.21 CHILD SUPPORT AG#14-07021-362 D 8/27/2021 103.85 000263 I-CBWPY 8.27.21 CHILD SUPPORT D 8/27/2021 419.54 000263 I-CRWPY 8.27.21 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0013904686 D 8/27/2021 192.46 000263 I-CSCPY 8.27.21 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0012200219 D 8/27/2021 190.62 000263 I-CSDPY 8.27.21 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0013610951 D 8/27/2021 240.00 000263 I-CSRPY 8.27.21 CHILD SUPPORT #0013806050 D 8/27/2021 276.92 000263 I-CTCPY 8.27.21 CHILD SUPPORT AG#20-3622-393 D 8/27/2021 415.38 000263 1,838.77 26810 BOK FINANCIAL I-03.01.2021A 2016 REFUNDING D 8/30/2021 551,050.00 000264 551,050.00 30600 TASC I-FSMPY 8.13.21 FLEX D 8/13/2021 1,802.78 000265 1,802.78 1 BRYCE, NATOSHA D I-000202107299147 US REFUND R 8/03/2021 58.06 078316 58.06 1 GRAY, GUY I-000202107299149 US REFUND R 8/03/2021 9.07 078317 9.07 1 LGI- WILLOWWOOD I-000202107299150 US REFUND R 8/03/2021 49.93 078318 49.93 1 MADDOX, MEREDITH I-000202107299144 US REFUND R 8/03/2021 53.49 078319 53.49 1 SIGNPOST HOMES INC I-000202107299148 US REFUND R 8/03/2021 76.41 078320 76.41 1 TRAILS OF SANGER APT I-000202107299145 US REFUND R 8/03/2021 119.34 078321 119.34 1 TRAILS OF SANGER APT I-000202107299146 US REFUND R 8/03/2021 116.04 078322 116.04 09600 AFLAC C-512948 AFLAC R 8/03/2021 0.18CR 078323 I-AFKPY 7.16.21 INSURANCE R 8/03/2021 303.06 078323 I-AFKPY 7.2.21 INSURANCE R 8/03/2021 303.06 078323 I-AFLPY 7.16.21 INSURANCE R 8/03/2021 923.04 078323 I-AFLPY 7.2.21 INSURANCE R 8/03/2021 923.04 078323 2,452.02 Page 98 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 5 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 35310 AMERICAN SIGNAL CORP I-0010916-IN MOVE OUTDOOR SIRENS R 8/03/2021 4,040.00 078324 4,040.00 25610 AUSTIN LANE TECHNOLOGIES, INC I-163809 JULY NETWORK MAINTENANCE R 8/03/2021 6,447.25 078325 I-163809A CONFIGURE AND INSTALL R 8/03/2021 1,500.00 078325 7,947.25 23490 BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS INC I-159064 2 BOOKS R 8/03/2021 42.96 078326 42.96 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-84126725 EMS SUPPLIES R 8/03/2021 618.44 078327 618.44 35700 CARRIE JONES I-07.14-15.2021 PER DIEM R 8/03/2021 50.00 078328 50.00 00590 CITY OF DENTON I-06/14-07/14/2021 WTR BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING R 8/03/2021 160.00 078329 160.00 07850 CLEAT I-CLTPY 7.16.21 ASSOCIATION DUES EMPLOYEE R 8/03/2021 42.70 078330 I-CLTPY 7.2.21 ASSOCIATION DUES EMPLOYEE R 8/03/2021 42.70 078330 85.40 00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC. I-122864 NAME PLATE R 8/03/2021 39.87 078331 39.87 33210 DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE COMPAN I-8/1/21-8/31/21 AUGUST 2021 LTD R 8/03/2021 1,240.82 078332 1,240.82 23900 DODSON, STEFANI I-07.13-14.2021 MILEAGE & PER DIEM R 8/03/2021 113.25 078333 113.25 00920 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC C-19-98255-02 EXCHANGE CONTACT RELAY R 8/03/2021 7.43CR 078334 I-19-05011-01 OUTDOOR DIGITAL LIGHT TIMER R 8/03/2021 115.65 078334 108.22 28150 ENDERBY GAS I-K71236 20# REFILL R 8/03/2021 15.00 078335 15.00 23820 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, LLC I-1212664 THRD BUSH R 8/03/2021 43.20 078336 I-1213739 THRD UNION R 8/03/2021 30.00 078336 I-1216072 CPLNGS, TEES, NIPPLES, VALVES R 8/03/2021 777.95 078336 851.15 Page 99 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 6 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 34670 FREEDOM COMMERCIAL SERVICES, L I-2020-1372 MOW R 8/03/2021 90.00 078337 I-2020-1373 MOW R 8/03/2021 85.00 078337 175.00 18790 FUELMAN I-NP60441571 FUEL 07/19-07/25/2021 R 8/03/2021 2,511.65 078338 2,511.65 07350 GENTLE'S OIL AND TIRE I-72821 TIRE REPAIR R 8/03/2021 10.00 078339 10.00 33060 RAMIE HAMMONDS I-07.14-15.2021 MILEAGE & PER DIEM R 8/03/2021 146.60 078340 146.60 33410 JACK HOOTEN I-07.13.2021 MILEAGE & PER DIEM R 8/03/2021 59.50 078341 59.50 20220 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES I-53744871 10 BOOKS WITH PROCESSING R 8/03/2021 189.74 078342 I-53773288 20 BOOKS WITH PROCESSING R 8/03/2021 342.06 078342 531.80 35710 KELTON T. VARNER I-07.12,15.2021 MILEAGE & PER DIEM R 8/03/2021 109.80 078343 109.80 20860 KSA ENGINEERS I-82367 LUMP SUM & REIMBRSBLE EXP R 8/03/2021 18,550.00 078344 18,550.00 03930 THE LIBRARY STORE, INC. I-512937 RPLCMNT FRNTRE, SHPPNG R 8/03/2021 913.06 078345 I-512938 RPLCMNT FRNTRE, SHPPNG R 8/03/2021 1,023.62 078345 1,936.68 01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-67853 DBL HOOK, DRUM FAN, COMPRSSR R 8/03/2021 441.72 078346 441.72 35720 M-PAK, INC I-90445 OUTTER VEST CARRIER R 8/03/2021 205.00 078347 205.00 32980 MCCAIN'S OVERHEAD DOOR & GATE I-9981 RPR LOOP DTCTR/CLN UP 212 RR R 8/03/2021 125.00 078348 125.00 24940 NTTA I-1224669991 SAMPLES TO OXIDOR R 8/03/2021 4.35 078349 4.35 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-1959-310273 PWR RTD BELT R 8/03/2021 54.57 1.09CR 078350 I-1959-310444 48 EXT BATTERY UNIT 15 R 8/03/2021 139.27 2.79CR 078350 I-1959-310686 SPARK PLUG, SPARK GAP GAGE R 8/03/2021 5.53 0.11CR 078350 I-1959-310719 PUMP, PRSSRE HOSE, P/S FLUID R 8/03/2021 139.19 2.78CR 078350 I-1959-310736 2 PK KEYLESS ENTRY BATTERIES R 8/03/2021 7.99 0.16CR 078350 Page 100 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 7 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT I-1959-310787 PULLER R 8/03/2021 31.99 0.64CR 078350 I-1959-310979 3 OZ SILICONE R 8/03/2021 8.99 0.18CR 078350 I-1959-311073 PWR RTD BELT R 8/03/2021 54.57 1.09CR 078350 I-1959-312529 WTR PUMP, W/P GSKT, SILICONE R 8/03/2021 116.17 2.32CR 078350 I-1959-312531 HOOK & LOOP R 8/03/2021 4.99 0.10CR 078350 I-1959-312569 BATT X3, CORE CHRGE, BATT FEE R 8/03/2021 398.25 7.97CR 078350 I-1959-312792 THERMOSTAT R 8/03/2021 10.90 0.22CR 078350 I-1959-313852 SPARK PLUG R 8/03/2021 2.29 0.05CR 078350 I-1959-315611 SHOP TOWELS R 8/03/2021 15.96 0.32CR 078350 970.84 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-179767634001 DESK R 8/03/2021 351.98 078351 I-179770231001 HUTCH R 8/03/2021 167.99 078351 I-181285607001 POST-IT, PENS R 8/03/2021 18.38 078351 I-182885758001 KEYBOARD, CERTIFICATE HOLDER R 8/03/2021 49.45 078351 I-182992199001 RPLCMNT CHR/INK R 8/03/2021 463.61 078351 I-183022421001 PNCLS, SHRPNR, BNDR, PAPER R 8/03/2021 157.27 078351 I-183029717001 LABELS, LEAD, PENCILS R 8/03/2021 25.36 078351 I-183029719001 PENCILS R 8/03/2021 9.58 078351 1,243.62 23290 OXIDOR LABORATORIES, LLC I-21070252 AMMONIA TESTING R 8/03/2021 259.90 078352 259.90 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-B211433 KEYS R 8/03/2021 4.11 078353 I-B211672 UTLTY LGHT, TOOL SET, TWL ROD R 8/03/2021 25.96 078353 I-B211961 WRENCH COMB R 8/03/2021 18.99 078353 I-B211984 TIEDOWN R 8/03/2021 27.99 078353 I-B212020 AROA, BLOW GUN R 8/03/2021 12.18 078353 I-B212028 CHAIN SAW CHAIN R 8/03/2021 16.99 078353 I-B212078 PVC PIPES, RATCHET R 8/03/2021 56.50 078353 I-B212227 SHOPTOWELS R 8/03/2021 6.99 078353 I-B212775 LIGHT BULB, MNFLD, FAUCET HOSE R 8/03/2021 130.95 078353 I-B213029 GREAT STUFF WINDOW R 8/03/2021 13.98 078353 I-B213129 TAPE MEASURE R 8/03/2021 11.99 078353 I-B213663 STUDDED TPOST R 8/03/2021 79.90 078353 I-B213816 BLOWER, EDGER, TRIMMER R 8/03/2021 1,249.97 078353 I-B213938 PRIMER, CEMENT, ADAPTER R 8/03/2021 18.08 078353 I-B214782 TRUFUEL FOR CHAINSAWS R 8/03/2021 23.99 078353 I-C116621 QUIET SWITCH FOR CITY HALL R 8/03/2021 2.78 078353 I-C116638 FLEX PASTE RUBBER & PUTTY KNFE R 8/03/2021 16.98 078353 I-C117038 FLEXOGEN HOSE R 8/03/2021 43.99 078353 I-C117335 TOILET SEAT FOR FD R 8/03/2021 39.99 078353 1,802.31 Page 101 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 8 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 35000 SECRETARY OF STATE OF TEXAS C-06.30.2021 CREDIT R 8/03/2021 2.00CR 078355 I-07.13.2021 SEARCH SNGR CR, STPHNS TWNE R 8/03/2021 2.00 078355 I-07.15.2021 SEARCH STPHNS TWN CRSSNG R 8/03/2021 1.00 078355 1.00 34980 SHAMROCK EQUIPMENT SERVICES, L I-20851 EXHAUST LEAK REPAIR & PARTS R 8/03/2021 598.82 078356 598.82 24620 SUPERION, LLC I-325117 DIGITAL DISPATCH RENEWAL R 8/03/2021 4,029.97 078357 4,029.97 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1498674-05 MTRLS FOR SPRTSMAN 2 R 8/03/2021 83.64 078358 I-1498909-00 MTR SCKTS, TLS 52 LUG,477 R 8/03/2021 3,220.00 078358 I-1498972-00 GUY WIRE, GUY PREFORMS R 8/03/2021 1,876.60 078358 5,180.24 32120 TEXAS MUNICIPAL COURTS ASSOCIA I-07.01.2021 MEMBERSHIP FOR JUDGE SPINDLE R 8/03/2021 75.00 078359 75.00 27080 TRAVIS MONTGOMERY I-859583 CARPET CLEANING- 201 BOLIVAR R 8/03/2021 250.00 078360 250.00 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-838 1367888 MATS/CITY HALL R 8/03/2021 12.49 078361 I-838 1367889 UNIFORMS R 8/03/2021 30.44 078361 I-838 1367890 MATS/UNIFORMS R 8/03/2021 18.10 078361 I-838 1367891 MATS R 8/03/2021 7.85 078361 I-838 1367892 UNIFORMS R 8/03/2021 8.39 078361 I-838 1367893 UNIFORMS R 8/03/2021 39.30 078361 I-838 1367894 UNIFORMS R 8/03/2021 15.76 078361 132.33 09550 WATER TECH, INC. I-101259 150 # CHLORINE BOTTLES R 8/03/2021 1,320.00 078362 1,320.00 24670 WILLIAMS, MICHELLE I-TCFP 07.25.2021 CERTIFICATION R 8/03/2021 87.17 078363 I-TCFP 7.25.2021 IFSAC R 8/03/2021 15.59 078363 102.76 1 BIG E EXCAVATING I-000202108069163 US REFUND R 8/09/2021 1,000.00 078364 1,000.00 1 BUTLER, JORDAN D I-000202108069170 US REFUND R 8/09/2021 286.01 078365 286.01 Page 102 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 9 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1 DIAZ, DAMIAN I-000202108069156 US REFUND R 8/09/2021 44.83 078366 44.83 1 HARP, TAYLOR C I-000202108069158 US REFUND R 8/09/2021 1.83 078367 1.83 1 INTERCON ENVIRONMENT I-000202108069165 US REFUND R 8/09/2021 942.08 078368 942.08 1 ISHAM, CAMERON I-000202108069160 US REFUND R 8/09/2021 51.46 078369 51.46 1 LEBLANC, LEMUEL H I-000202108069154 US REFUND R 8/09/2021 19.24 078370 19.24 1 LGI- WILLOWWOOD I-000202108069166 US REFUND R 8/09/2021 617.93 078371 617.93 1 LGI- WILLOWWOOD I-000202108069167 US REFUND R 8/09/2021 649.99 078372 649.99 1 LGI- WILLOWWOOD I-000202108069168 US REFUND R 8/09/2021 666.89 078373 666.89 1 LGI- WILLOWWOOD I-000202108069169 US REFUND R 8/09/2021 656.11 078374 656.11 1 LILLIAN CUSTOM HOMES I-000202108069153 US REFUND R 8/09/2021 568.98 078375 568.98 1 MCCLINTOCK HOMES LLC I-000202108069161 US REFUND R 8/09/2021 109.89 078376 109.89 1 OWENS, JUSTIN K I-000202108069155 US REFUND R 8/09/2021 20.14 078377 20.14 1 PIERCY, EDDIE I-000202108069151 US REFUND R 8/09/2021 130.49 078378 130.49 1 PORTER, MARGARET J I-000202108069152 US REFUND R 8/09/2021 71.94 078379 71.94 1 SYLVERA, MARC I-000202108069159 US REFUND R 8/09/2021 6.93 078380 6.93 Page 103 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 10 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1 THB CONSTRUCTION I-000202108069162 US REFUND R 8/09/2021 923.64 078381 923.64 1 THB CONSTRUCTION I-000202108069164 US REFUND R 8/09/2021 400.66 078382 400.66 1 WILLIAMS, MAKAYLA I-000202108069157 US REFUND R 8/09/2021 11.56 078383 11.56 28710 AFFORD-IT TIRES I-0000304 NEW TIRES R 8/09/2021 720.00 078384 720.00 31790 ARCPOINT LABS OF DENTON I-5539 DRUG TESTS R 8/09/2021 200.00 078385 200.00 02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-06/23-07/22/2021 CELL PHONE 06/23-07/22/2021 R 8/09/2021 993.35 078386 993.35 33050 BLUE MOON SPORTSWEAR INC I-71860 NAME PLATES FOR SHIRTS R 8/09/2021 96.00 078387 96.00 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-84137115 EMS SUPPLIES R 8/09/2021 592.40 078388 592.40 26350 C & G ELECTRIC, INC I-38780 ADDING OUTLET IN BACK ROOM R 8/09/2021 575.00 078389 575.00 33370 CJA ENTERPRISES LLP I-14107 FLEX BASE 1.5 & .75 R 8/09/2021 894.14 078390 894.14 00800 COSERV ELECTRIC I-06/24-07/26/2021 ELECTRIC JULY 2021 R 8/09/2021 3,273.43 078391 3,273.43 23620 COTE'S MECHANICAL I-18318 JULY ICE MACHINE RENTAL R 8/09/2021 626.00 078392 626.00 28180 D&D COMMERICAL LANDSCAPE MANAG I-26876 YEARLY CITY MOWING CNTRCT R 8/09/2021 12,593.30 078393 I-27125 YEARLY CITY MOWING CNTRCT R 8/09/2021 19,756.28 078393 32,349.58 21460 DANNENBAUM ENGINEERING CO. I-514301/22/X FM455 WTR & WW RLCTNS R 8/09/2021 69,820.45 078394 69,820.45 Page 104 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 11 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 35490 DENNY'S HELPING HAND-E-MAN I-07.22.2021 LIGHTING REPLACEMENT & REPAIR R 8/09/2021 304.71 078395 304.71 18190 DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESO I-21061011N JUNE 2021 LONG DISTANCE R 8/09/2021 27.70 078396 27.70 28070 CINDY JO ATHERTON EPP I-07.22.2021 KIDS YOGA R 8/09/2021 80.00 078397 80.00 35730 FLYER VIEW GROUP, LLC I-1622 DYNAMIC MAP POSTER PROG R 8/09/2021 4,695.00 078398 4,695.00 34670 FREEDOM COMMERCIAL SERVICES, L I-2020-1394 MOW & DEBRIS R 8/09/2021 237.00 078399 I-2020-1395 MOW R 8/09/2021 318.15 078399 555.15 18790 FUELMAN I-NP60503178 FUEL 07/26-08/01/2021 R 8/09/2021 2,689.32 078400 2,689.32 29620 GOODYEAR COMMERCIAL TIRE I-233-1022688 TIRES 03-20 R 8/09/2021 232.00 078401 232.00 34900 HOLIDAY INN EXP SANGER/SANGER I-2Q2021 H.O.T GRANT PAYMENT 4 R 8/09/2021 25,122.83 078402 25,122.83 31840 HUNTER'S PLUMBING I-0000792 REPLACE GARBAGE DISPOSAL R 8/09/2021 255.41 078403 255.41 31000 JERIANA STATON I-08.02.2021 MILEAGE & PER DIEM R 8/09/2021 344.16 078404 344.16 23760 KEEPITSAFE, INC.-LIVEVAULT I-361212 MONTHLY BASE FEE R 8/09/2021 940.00 078405 940.00 08210 KWIK KAR I-147796 FULL SERVICE OIL CHANGE 780 R 8/09/2021 94.78 078406 94.78 29030 MCCREARY, VESELKA, BRAGG & ALL I-237605 JUNE WARRANT COLLECTION R 8/09/2021 383.40 078407 383.40 1 MONICA MUNIZ I-07.31.2021 SWITZER PAV REF R 8/09/2021 25.00 078408 25.00 Page 105 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 12 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 04140 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS I-8281211262 UPDATE RADIOS & SERVICES R 8/09/2021 3,476.98 078409 3,476.98 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-181654379001 KLEENEX, PAPER, MARKER R 8/09/2021 50.64 078410 I-182888819001 FOOT REST R 8/09/2021 18.74 078410 I-183914994001 CAT 6 CORD, SPLITTER R 8/09/2021 18.98 078410 I-183940954001 VLCRO STRPS, MAG FILE, CERT HL R 8/09/2021 37.74 078410 I-184347152001 COLLAPSIBLE CART R 8/09/2021 16.61 078410 I-184608372001 PAPER, STAPLER R 8/09/2021 91.68 078410 I-184613185001 STAPLERS R 8/09/2021 3.39 078410 I-184613186001 STAPLE REMOVER R 8/09/2021 11.94 078410 249.72 23290 OXIDOR LABORATORIES, LLC I-21070424 AMMONIA TESTING R 8/09/2021 259.90 078411 259.90 02050 PITNEY BOWES, INC. I-3313950448 LEASE ON POSTAGE MACHINE R 8/09/2021 433.02 078412 433.02 14980 POLYDYNE, INC. I-1560890 POLYMER FOR WWTP & FRT R 8/09/2021 1,395.00 078413 1,395.00 04240 PRATER, MIKE I-08.01.2021 BOOT REIMBURSEMENT R 8/09/2021 185.00 078414 185.00 30260 RICOH USA I-105217779 SERVICE & LEASE R 8/09/2021 138.00 078415 138.00 15830 SANGER EDUCATION FOUNDATION IN I-183 ANNUAL GIVING WITH SPONSORSHIP R 8/09/2021 300.00 078416 300.00 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-C117814 FSTNRS & FNCE BAND BRACE R 8/09/2021 13.40 078417 I-C117886 LED TWST FLSHLGHT & SHOP TWLS R 8/09/2021 31.98 078417 I-C118002 MISC HOSES X6 R 8/09/2021 75.54 078417 120.92 34980 SHAMROCK EQUIPMENT SERVICES, L I-20860 EMERGENCY BRAKE REPAIR R 8/09/2021 1,198.34 078418 1,198.34 29190 STITCHIN' AND MORE CUSTOM GRAP I-1482 WORK SHIRTS FOR A. TOSTADO R 8/09/2021 148.00 078419 148.00 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1499170-01 WIRE AND URD RED TAPE R 8/09/2021 310.00 078420 I-3115486-00 BIG BUDDY JAMESON RODDER R 8/09/2021 1,999.00 078420 2,309.00 Page 106 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 13 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 20830 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUR I-01831451 TDA LICENSE RENEWAL J. HUNTER R 8/09/2021 500.00 078421 500.00 04960 TEXAS MUNICIPAL CLERKS ASSOCIA I-08.02.2021 COURSE 4 & BOOK LOAN C. DYER R 8/09/2021 175.00 078422 175.00 1 TEXAS RENT RELIEF I-07.27.2021 OVRPYMNT R 8/09/2021 635.23 078423 635.23 35750 TOWN OF ARGYLE I-TXAM 06.25.2021 REIMBURSEMENT FOR TMHRA HOTEL R 8/09/2021 465.32 078424 465.32 31750 UNDERWOOD'S HEATING & AIR I-23577253 AC PARTIAL REPAIR @ PD R 8/09/2021 75.00 078425 I-23578277 REPAIR AC @ CMMNTY CNTR R 8/09/2021 233.93 078425 308.93 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-838 1368991 MATS/CITY HALL R 8/09/2021 12.49 078426 I-838 1368992 UNIFORMS R 8/09/2021 26.04 078426 I-838 1368993 UNIFORMS R 8/09/2021 18.10 078426 I-838 1368994 MATS R 8/09/2021 7.85 078426 I-838 1368995 UNIFORMS R 8/09/2021 8.39 078426 I-838 1368996 UNIFORMS R 8/09/2021 39.30 078426 I-838 1368997 UNIFORMS R 8/09/2021 15.76 078426 127.93 03440 VERMEER EQUIP. OF TEXAS I-P71901 19FTX3/8 HIGH PRESSURE R 8/09/2021 117.80 078427 117.80 28450 W.S. DARLEY & CO I-17441374 HELMETS, GLOVES, GOGGLES R 8/09/2021 857.70 078428 857.70 14470 UNITED WAY I-UN PY 8.13.21 DONATIONS R 8/13/2021 5.00 078429 5.00 15830 SANGER EDUCATION FOUNDATION IN I-SGFPY 8.13.21 FOUNDATION-ISD R 8/13/2021 2.50 078430 2.50 33300 HSA BANK I-HSAPY 8.13.21 HSA R 8/13/2021 894.92 078431 894.92 00200 ADAMS EXTERMINATING CO. I-885374 PEST SERVICE @ LIBRARY R 8/13/2021 145.00 078432 145.00 Page 107 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 14 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 25070 ALL AMERICAN DOGS INC I-4443 AUGUST SHELTER SERVICE R 8/13/2021 4,080.00 078433 4,080.00 33900 APSCO, INC I-S1281730.001 8 AVK 8 DIAL DROP IN ASSY R 8/13/2021 1,282.75 078434 1,282.75 03170 ASCO C-PSO229287-1 INVOICE PAID TWICE R 8/13/2021 157.30CR 078435 I-PSO242993-1 GLAND, KIT SEAL, CAP CYLINDER R 8/13/2021 235.00 078435 77.70 33990 B & L DIRTWORX I-7.29.2021 FENCE REPAIR @ PORTER R 8/13/2021 955.00 078436 955.00 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-84143493 EMS SUPPLIES R 8/13/2021 402.94 078437 402.94 22300 CARD SERVICE CENTER C-AMZN 07.06.2021 RETURN PROJECTOR R 8/13/2021 79.99CR 078438 C-AMZN 7.6.2021 REFUND EXTENDED WARRANTY R 8/13/2021 17.99CR 078438 C-SRVYMKY 7.19.21 REFUND SURVEY MONKEY SUBSCPTN R 8/13/2021 959.40CR 078438 I-13304 TEDC ANNL CONF SPONSOR R 8/13/2021 1,500.00 078438 I-AMZN 06.29.2021 OFFICE CHAIR R 8/13/2021 232.73 078438 I-AMZN 07.02.2021 KLEENEX R 8/13/2021 16.03 078438 I-AMZN 07.05.2021 PRINTER PAPER, TOTE BAGS R 8/13/2021 49.35 078438 I-AMZN 07.06.2021 LANDSCAPE ROCK FOR BACK FLOW R 8/13/2021 125.10 078438 I-AMZN 07.12.2021 CHILDREN'S NON FICTION R 8/13/2021 80.05 078438 I-AMZN 07.15.2021 PHONE CASE R 8/13/2021 21.95 078438 I-AMZN 07.19.2021 WALL CLOCK FOR RANELLS OFFICE R 8/13/2021 41.12 078438 I-AMZN 07.20.2021 PELLETS FOR PELLET GRILL R 8/13/2021 75.80 078438 I-AMZN 07.23.2021 6 FICTION & YA BOOKS R 8/13/2021 94.50 078438 I-AMZN 07.26.2021 SNACKS FOR CONFERENCE ROOM R 8/13/2021 24.95 078438 I-AMZN 07.26.21 SUPPLIES FOR END OF SMMR PRTY R 8/13/2021 37.45 078438 I-AMZN 07.29.2021 NON FICTION BOOK R 8/13/2021 23.14 078438 I-AMZN 07.29.21 NON FICTION BOOK R 8/13/2021 21.94 078438 I-AMZN 7.15.2021 2 MONITORS FOR CITY SECRETARY R 8/13/2021 339.98 078438 I-AMZN 7.19.2021 WD-40 R 8/13/2021 57.94 078438 I-AMZN 7.20.2021 TENSION RODS & CURTAINS R 8/13/2021 467.68 078438 I-AMZN 7.26.2021 SNACKS FOR CONFERENCE ROOM R 8/13/2021 7.19 078438 I-AMZN 7.26.21 POWDER GATORADE R 8/13/2021 115.92 078438 I-AMZN 7.29.2021 NONFICTION BOOKS R 8/13/2021 158.12 078438 I-AMZN 7.29.21 NONFICTION BOOK R 8/13/2021 23.95 078438 I-AMZN 7.6.2021 PHONE CASE & CHARGER R 8/13/2021 16.89 078438 I-ASCE 07.30.2021 MEMBERSHIP R 8/13/2021 472.50 078438 I-AT 07.27.2021 REPAIR & UPGRADE OPTOWAVE R 8/13/2021 50.54 078438 I-CBLAS 07.17.2021 J. BISHOP RETIREMENT GIFT R 8/13/2021 150.00 078438 I-CHKEXP 07.19.2021 TEA FOR COUNCIL R 8/13/2021 8.50 078438 I-CHKNEXP 07.06.2021 TEA FOR COUNCIL R 8/13/2021 8.50 078438 I-CKFLA 07.12.2021 FOOD FOR STAFF R 8/13/2021 27.18 078438 Page 108 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 15 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT I-CTN 07.29.2021 CEUS J. HUNTER R 8/13/2021 130.00 078438 I-DG 07.19.2021 SOIL FOR POT PROGRAM R 8/13/2021 3.25 078438 I-DG 7.9.2021 BEANS FOR FLOWER POT PROGRAM R 8/13/2021 3.00 078438 I-DLXE 07.27.2021 RECEIPT BOOKS R 8/13/2021 254.12 078438 I-DNTNCTY 07.21.2021 LIENS & RELEASES R 8/13/2021 220.00 078438 I-DNTNLNDFL 07.27.21 DRUG PARA DISPOSAL/SUPV BRL R 8/13/2021 25.00 078438 I-ELGL 07.24.2021 MEMBERSHIP R 8/13/2021 51.50 078438 I-ETSY 07.26.2021 ANIMAL PHOTO BOOTH PROPS R 8/13/2021 6.14 078438 I-FCBK 07.31.2021 REMAINING BOOST FOR FRDM FEST R 8/13/2021 60.56 078438 I-GLS 07.30.2021 GLOBAL LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2021 R 8/13/2021 209.00 078438 I-HD 07.19.2021 ZIP TIES R 8/13/2021 11.91 078438 I-HD 07.21.2021 DEGREASER & BLOWER R 8/13/2021 308.97 078438 I-ICC 07/29/2021 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL R 8/13/2021 145.00 078438 I-JENDCO 07.06.2021 DUMPSTER LINERS R 8/13/2021 999.80 078438 I-JUSACUP 7.16.21 COFFEE POETRY PROGRAM R 8/13/2021 23.00 078438 I-KRGR 07.31.2021 WATER FOR END OF SUMMER PRTY R 8/13/2021 10.41 078438 I-KWNS 07.06.2021 MEMBERSHIP R 8/13/2021 210.00 078438 I-LXPL 07.13.2021 PUBLIC SAFETY GRANTFINDER R 8/13/2021 300.00 078438 I-NTTA 07.13.2021 TOLL TAKE SAMPLES TO OXIDOR R 8/13/2021 49.08 078438 I-OSS 07.28.2021 ADV HUMAN TRFFCKING CRSE 779 R 8/13/2021 40.00 078438 I-OVRDRVE 07.30.2021 QTRLY INVOICE R 8/13/2021 375.00 078438 I-PRTYCTY 7.31.2021 BALLOONS & DECOR FOR PROGRAM R 8/13/2021 24.51 078438 I-PZAHT 07.06.2021 PIZZA FOR COUNCIL R 8/13/2021 42.19 078438 I-PZAHT 07.19.2021 PIZZA FOR COUNCIL R 8/13/2021 56.58 078438 I-SACC 07.29.2021 CHAMBER LUNCHEON R 8/13/2021 24.00 078438 I-SH 07.29.2021 KEYS R 8/13/2021 14.95 078438 I-SHRTN 07.08.2021 HOTEL FOR K. HARLAN 783 R 8/13/2021 232.14 078438 I-SNTA 07.20.2021 SANTA FOR PARADE R 8/13/2021 500.00 078438 I-SPLSHTP 7.21.2021 SPLASHTOP BUSINESS ACCESS R 8/13/2021 60.00 078438 I-SRVYMKY 7.19.21 ADVANTAGE ANNUAL PLAN R 8/13/2021 409.34 078438 I-TCCA 07.08.2021 TCCA DUES R 8/13/2021 300.00 078438 I-TCEQ 07.23.2021 LICENSE RENEWAL C. HIESLER R 8/13/2021 111.00 078438 I-TFFS 07.27.2021 S. SEXTON GET WELL GIFT R 8/13/2021 57.03 078438 I-TML 07.19.2021 GFOAT DUES R 8/13/2021 135.00 078438 I-TML 07.28.2021 TCAA DUES R 8/13/2021 70.00 078438 I-TRGT 07.06.2021 WATER R 8/13/2021 3.40 078438 I-USPS 07.12.2021 MAIL CONTRACT TO ALAN PLUMMER R 8/13/2021 9.05 078438 I-VARI 07.29.2021 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES R 8/13/2021 524.99 078438 I-ZOOM 07.21.2021 MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION R 8/13/2021 15.98 078438 I-ZOOM 07.24.2021 ZOOM MEETING R 8/13/2021 114.99 078438 I-ZOOM 7.24.2021 COUNCIL R 8/13/2021 131.08 078438 9,463.59 00050 CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL I-181264 SCREENED CUSHION SAND 2 YDS R 8/13/2021 950.00 078445 950.00 Page 109 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 16 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 25730 DATAPROSE, LLC I-DP2102692 JULY LATE BILLS, AUG BILLS R 8/13/2021 2,952.72 078446 2,952.72 24570 DEFENDER SUPPLY I-31366 RESOLVE SIREN & PA MIC ISSUE R 8/13/2021 55.00 078447 55.00 08460 DELL COMPUTERS, LLP I-10489396082 4 LAPTOPS & DOCKS R 8/13/2021 6,068.68 078448 6,068.68 00850 DENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE I-07214016 NOPH, BIDS, ORDINANCE R 8/13/2021 424.70 078449 424.70 34670 FREEDOM COMMERCIAL SERVICES, L I-2020-1308 MOW 16 KRAMER R 8/13/2021 90.00 078450 90.00 18790 FUELMAN I-NP60548846 FUEL 08/02-08/08/2021 R 8/13/2021 2,727.23 078451 2,727.23 01070 GALLS INC. I-018789500 UTILITY POLO 771 R 8/13/2021 69.80 078452 I-018912812 BOOTS, EAR TIPS, BANDAGES 781 R 8/13/2021 141.25 078452 211.05 28820 GLENN POLK AUTOPLEX INC I-C4CS860108 REPLACE BLOWER MOTOR '15 TAHOE R 8/13/2021 479.00 078453 I-C4CS860110 TIRE DISPOSAL 2019 TAHOE R 8/13/2021 25.00 078453 I-DOCS535104 EMRGNCY RPR TO 3500 RAM R 8/13/2021 2,377.50 078453 2,881.50 04220 GRIFFITH, MARK I-CBLAS 08.06.2021 BOOT REIMBURSEMENT R 8/13/2021 185.00 078454 185.00 35770 HUGH M. CUNNINGHAM COMPANIES I-HMC52014845IN AIR RELIEF VALVE FOR WELL #8 R 8/13/2021 154.30 078455 154.30 20220 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES I-53242383 12 NONFICTION BOOKS R 8/13/2021 191.60 078456 I-53259480 4 NONFICTION BOOKS R 8/13/2021 52.49 078456 I-53965652 3 BOOKS WITH PROCESSING R 8/13/2021 44.80 078456 I-54020781 18 BOOKS WITH PROCESSING R 8/13/2021 290.21 078456 579.10 32640 LLOYD GOSSELINK ROCHELLE & TOW I-97523598 LEGAL SERVICES R 8/13/2021 2,179.00 078457 I-97523599 LEGAL SERVICES R 8/13/2021 13,408.98 078457 15,587.98 Page 110 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 17 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-42563 AUGER MACHINE R 8/13/2021 462.77 078458 462.77 17900 LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITY I-T4C-0002077 MATERIAL AGGREGATION R 8/13/2021 210.00 078459 210.00 10730 MABAK DIRECTIONAL DRILLING,COR I-8115 BOLIVAR/6TH SEWER REPAIR R 8/13/2021 6,925.60 078460 6,925.60 25580 NORTH TEXAS GROUNDWATER CONSER I-INV-00848A 4 QTR WATER PURCHASE BLNCE R 8/13/2021 0.80 078461 0.80 24940 NTTA I-1224968670 SAMPLES TO OXIDOR R 8/13/2021 34.16 078462 34.16 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-182409799001 PRINTER INK R 8/13/2021 329.97 078463 I-185695078001 STPLR, PNCL CUP, SCSSRS, TAPE R 8/13/2021 46.69 078463 376.66 35740 PATTERSON PROFESSIONAL SERVICE I-5179 8" WATER MAIN RPR ON 10TH R 8/13/2021 4,500.00 078464 4,500.00 04240 PRATER, MIKE I-CBF 08.06.2021 REIMBURSE FOR JEANS R 8/13/2021 150.00 078465 150.00 30260 RICOH USA I-105224846 SERVICE & LEASE 07/21-08/20/21 R 8/13/2021 1,017.20 078466 1,017.20 32870 SAM'S CLUB/SYNCHRONY BANK C-SAM'S 07.06.2021 REFUND TAX R 8/13/2021 2.13CR 078467 I-06.29.2021 FOOD-FREEDOM FEST R 8/13/2021 636.15 078467 I-06.30.2021 WATER- FREEDOM FEST & EVENTS R 8/13/2021 29.80 078467 I-07.20.2021 COFFEE FOR STATION R 8/13/2021 70.86 078467 I-07.25.2021 INTEREST CHARGE R 8/13/2021 19.61 078467 I-BMBPOP 07.19.2021 BOMB POPS FOR SLIDES & SWEETS R 8/13/2021 74.80 078467 I-SAM'S 06.30.2021 BOATS & PANS FREEDOM FEST R 8/13/2021 27.89 078467 I-SAM'S 07.06.2021 POPSICLES FOR SLIDE EVENTS R 8/13/2021 59.84 078467 I-WLMRT 06.30.2021 DECORATIONS FOR FREEDOM FEST R 8/13/2021 59.43 078467 I-WLMRT 07.06.2021 PORTABLE SPEAKER R 8/13/2021 99.00 078467 I-WLMRT 07.19.2021 FREEZER POPS FOR SLIDES & SWTS R 8/13/2021 32.16 078467 1,107.41 31970 DAVID STONEKING I-54 GIS SERVICES R 8/13/2021 80.00 078468 80.00 Page 111 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 18 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 11900 TARRANT COUNTY COLLEGE I-NW117981 DE ESCALATION TEC 6/9 774 R 8/13/2021 35.00 078469 35.00 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1499013-04 MTRLS FOR FM 455 RELCTN R 8/13/2021 6,691.72 078470 I-1499104-02 MTRLS FOR FM 455 RELCTN R 8/13/2021 1,539.72 078470 8,231.44 05350 TEXAS EXCAVATION SAFETY SYST I-21-15876 MESSAGE FOR JULY 2021 R 8/13/2021 153.90 078471 153.90 02670 TML - INTERGOVERNMENTAL RISK P I-AU0000000142546 DEDUCTIBLE FOR FOX AUTO CLAIM R 8/13/2021 2,500.00 078472 2,500.00 19260 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES I-025-341359 EXECUTIME R 8/13/2021 5,646.00 078473 5,646.00 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-838 1370104 MATS CITY HALL R 8/13/2021 12.49 078474 I-838 1370105 UNIFORMS R 8/13/2021 30.44 078474 I-838 1370106 UNIFORMS R 8/13/2021 18.10 078474 I-838 1370107 UNIFORMS R 8/13/2021 7.85 078474 I-838 1370108 UNIFORMS R 8/13/2021 8.39 078474 I-838 1370109 UNIFORMS R 8/13/2021 37.32 078474 I-838 1370110 UNIFORMS R 8/13/2021 15.76 078474 130.35 32030 GILLIAM INVESTMENTS: DBA: VANG I-43325 WINDOW CLEANING @ CITY HALL R 8/13/2021 470.00 078475 470.00 05510 WASTE CONNECTIONS I-1082404 SLUDGE PICKUP R 8/13/2021 3,573.18 078476 3,573.18 05510 WASTE CONNECTIONS I-JULY-21 SOLID WASTE JULY 2021 R 8/13/2021 73,988.63 078477 73,988.63 24970 WELLSPRING INSURANCE I-1685 2020-2021 CONSULTING SVCE R 8/13/2021 2,000.00 078478 2,000.00 11090 BETA TECHNOLOGY I-649821 TX TOWELS, NO MSQTO, BTA MGC R 8/23/2021 960.47 078479 960.47 23790 TERRY WEST I-050620447 FENCE REMOVAL FOR AC @ PD R 8/23/2021 200.00 078480 I-050620448 FENCE REPAIR @RAILROAD BBFIELD R 8/23/2021 650.00 078480 850.00 Page 112 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 19 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 26350 C & G ELECTRIC, INC I-38766 CHECK PUMP, RESET BREAKER R 8/23/2021 80.00 078481 80.00 18740 CHILD SMART ID I-568 RETIREE ID CARDS R 8/23/2021 30.00 078482 30.00 00050 CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL I-181263 UTILITY ROCK 10YDS R 8/23/2021 500.00 078483 500.00 23620 COTE'S MECHANICAL I-18874 ICE MACHINE RENTAL FOR AUGUST R 8/23/2021 626.00 078484 626.00 00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC. I-122987 NAME PLATE N. MCALLISTER R 8/23/2021 39.71 078485 I-122994 CITY MANAGER NAME PLATE R 8/23/2021 42.10 078485 81.81 23900 DODSON, STEFANI I-8.16.2021 MILEAGE TO FILE LEINS/PLATS R 8/23/2021 195.50 078486 195.50 34670 FREEDOM COMMERCIAL SERVICES, L I-2020-1425 MOW R 8/23/2021 90.00 078487 I-2020-1426 MOW R 8/23/2021 90.00 078487 I-2020-1427 MOW R 8/23/2021 105.00 078487 285.00 05920 IMC WASTE DISPOSAL I-143242 SLUDGE REMOVAL R 8/23/2021 400.00 078488 400.00 03240 LAW ENFORCEMENT SYSTEMS I-214305 2 PART WARNING BOOKS R 8/23/2021 152.00 078489 152.00 25060 LEMONS PUBLICATIONS INC I-9753 SANGER NEWS R 8/23/2021 610.00 078490 610.00 25580 NORTH TEXAS GROUNDWATER CONSER I-INV-01309 TOTAL CONSUMPTION OF ALL WELLS R 8/23/2021 6,304.40 078491 6,304.40 05170 NORTHERN SAFETY I-904492178 GATORADE,SQWINCHER SINGLE SERV R 8/23/2021 62.38 1.25CR 078492 I-904501922 GATORADE R 8/23/2021 11.46 0.23CR 078492 72.36 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-183941898001 WATER FOR COUNCIL MEETING R 8/23/2021 7.03 078493 I-185135018001 BINDERS R 8/23/2021 18.12 078493 I-185415094001 COPY PAPER R 8/23/2021 34.99 078493 I-186074065001 DESK CHAIRS FOR PATROL ROOM R 8/23/2021 1,349.97 078493 I-186143287001 PAPER,BINDERS,BATTERIES,INK R 8/23/2021 232.11 078493 I-186193449001 WIRELESS MOUSE & KEYBOARD R 8/23/2021 40.47 078493 I-186963989001 BINDERS R 8/23/2021 24.64 078493 1,707.33 Page 113 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 20 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 23290 OXIDOR LABORATORIES, LLC I-21080094 AMMONIA TESTING R 8/23/2021 259.90 078494 259.90 25270 PRIMORIS T & D SERVICES, LLC I-38318 CHNGE POLES & RAISE LINES R 8/23/2021 28,043.22 078495 I-8.16.2021 SUBSTATION POTHEAD RPRS R 8/23/2021 4,612.74 078495 32,655.96 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-137286 COMPRESSED OXYGEN & CYLINDERS R 8/23/2021 240.00 078496 240.00 25590 SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING, LLC I-000000057118 ERCOT TRANSMISSION OPERATOR R 8/23/2021 4,274.31 078497 4,274.31 35000 SECRETARY OF STATE OF TEXAS I-08.03.2021 PROPERTY SEARCH R 8/23/2021 1.00 078498 1.00 18620 STERICYCLE I-4010282608 HAZARDOUS DRUG DISPOSAL R 8/23/2021 234.56 078499 234.56 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1498338-06 RESTOCK SUPPLIES R 8/23/2021 84.00 078500 I-1498504-01 CONTAX CMPND OXIDE INHIBITOR R 8/23/2021 242.16 078500 I-1499013-00 MTRLS FOR FM 455 RELCTN R 8/23/2021 27,900.24 078500 I-1499013-01 MTRLS FOR FM 455 RELCTN R 8/23/2021 2,609.35 078500 I-1499013-02 MTRLS FOR FM 455 RELCTN R 8/23/2021 2,576.00 078500 I-1499013-03 MTRLS FOR FM 455 RELCTN R 8/23/2021 920.04 078500 I-1499013-05 MTRLS FOR FM 455 RELCTN R 8/23/2021 2,263.80 078500 I-1499013-06 MTRLS FOR FM 455 RELCTN R 8/23/2021 838.80 078500 I-1499104-00 MTRLS FOR FM 455 RELCTN R 8/23/2021 4,266.55 078500 I-1499170-00 WIRE AND URD RED TAPE R 8/23/2021 1,049.12 078500 42,750.06 23400 THE RETAIL COACH I-JULY2021 RETAIL DATA UPDATE R 8/23/2021 1,500.00 078501 1,500.00 19260 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES C-025-329515CM POSITIVE PAY R 8/23/2021 826.88CR 078502 C-025-330913CM TYLER U R 8/23/2021 947.00CR 078502 I-025-329515A POSITIVE PAY R 8/23/2021 826.88 078502 I-025-330913A TYLER U R 8/23/2021 947.00 078502 I-025-341703 ANNUAL FEES R 8/23/2021 3,993.82 078502 I-025-342494 COURT WEB MAINTENANCE R 8/23/2021 125.00 078502 4,118.82 31750 UNDERWOOD'S HEATING & AIR I-23970597 REPLACE COMPRESSOR TO AC R 8/23/2021 2,980.00 078503 2,980.00 Page 114 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 21 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-838 1371194 MATS/CITY HALL R 8/23/2021 12.49 078504 I-838 1371195 UNIFORMS R 8/23/2021 42.44 078504 I-838 1371196 UNIFORMS R 8/23/2021 11.72 078504 I-838 1371197 MATS R 8/23/2021 7.85 078504 I-838 1371198 UNIFORMS R 8/23/2021 8.39 078504 I-838 1371199 UNIFORMS R 8/23/2021 32.92 078504 I-838 1371200 UNIFORMS R 8/23/2021 15.76 078504 131.57 32030 GILLIAM INVESTMENTS: DBA: VANG I-42992 CITY OFFICE CLEAN CNTRCT R 8/23/2021 3,273.00 078505 3,273.00 27960 YOUNG GUNS AUTO INC I-8812 DIAGNOSE NO START R 8/23/2021 1,508.71 078506 1,508.71 1 AMBJORNSEN LP I-000202108199182 US REFUND R 8/23/2021 251.54 078507 251.54 1 ANDREWS, JEFFREY I-000202108199180 US REFUND R 8/23/2021 946.14 078508 946.14 1 BALTHROP, DYLAN I-000202108199173 US REFUND R 8/23/2021 45.50 078509 45.50 1 COOPER, MARY S I-000202108199171 US REFUND R 8/23/2021 167.03 078510 167.03 1 FESSLER, DREW I-000202108199172 US REFUND R 8/23/2021 193.15 078511 193.15 1 LGI- WILLOWWOOD I-000202108199183 US REFUND R 8/23/2021 546.79 078512 546.79 1 LGI- WILLOWWOOD I-000202108199184 US REFUND R 8/23/2021 623.80 078513 623.80 1 LGI- WILLOWWOOD I-000202108199185 US REFUND R 8/23/2021 661.36 078514 661.36 1 LGI- WILLOWWOOD I-000202108199186 US REFUND R 8/23/2021 607.99 078515 607.99 1 LILLIAN CUSTOM HOMES I-000202108199174 US REFUND R 8/23/2021 170.80 078516 170.80 Page 115 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 22 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1 MCCLINTOCK HOMES LLC I-000202108199176 US REFUND R 8/23/2021 565.56 078517 565.56 1 MCINTOSH, BRENDA G I-000202108199181 US REFUND R 8/23/2021 75.71 078518 75.71 1 MILLER, TROY I-000202108199177 US REFUND R 8/23/2021 68.44 078519 68.44 1 POL, LOUIS G I-000202108199178 US REFUND R 8/23/2021 18.31 078520 18.31 1 RABINE PAVING TEXAS I-000202108199179 US REFUND R 8/23/2021 930.53 078521 930.53 1 RODRIGUEZ, MARIA E I-000202108199175 US REFUND R 8/23/2021 100.00 078522 100.00 33300 HSA BANK I-HSAPY 8.27.21 HSA R 8/27/2021 894.92 078523 894.92 15830 SANGER EDUCATION FOUNDATION IN I-SGFPY 8.27.21 FOUNDATION-ISD R 8/27/2021 2.50 078524 2.50 14470 UNITED WAY I-UN PY 8.27.21 DONATIONS R 8/27/2021 5.00 078525 5.00 01550 ATMOS I-3050384241AUG2021 GAS 07/02-08/02/2021 R 8/30/2021 605.26 078526 605.26 25610 AUSTIN LANE TECHNOLOGIES, INC I-163868 AUG NETWORK MAINTENANCE R 8/30/2021 6,447.25 078527 6,447.25 33050 BLUE MOON SPORTSWEAR INC I-71929 STITCHED NAME TAG W/ VELCRO R 8/30/2021 29.00 078528 I-71930 STITCHED LOGOS FOR SHIRTS R 8/30/2021 41.00 078528 I-71931 LOGOS & PATCHES FOR UNIFORMS R 8/30/2021 102.00 078528 I-71932 STITCHED LOGOS FOR SHIRTS R 8/30/2021 28.00 078528 200.00 26350 C & G ELECTRIC, INC I-38902 DISC & BREAKER CHANGE OUT R 8/30/2021 598.53 078529 598.53 02490 CENTURYLINK I-08/10-09/09/2021 PHONE 08/10-09/09/2021 R 8/30/2021 1,968.52 078530 1,968.52 Page 116 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 23 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 28180 D&D COMMERICAL LANDSCAPE MANAG I-27222 IRRIGATION REPAIR @ 101 FREESE R 8/30/2021 885.00 078531 885.00 22740 DENTON COUNTY AUDITOR I-AUGUST 2021 AUGUST 2021 DISPATCH R 8/30/2021 4,569.90 078532 4,569.90 02090 DYER CHRISTY I-08/18-08/20/2021 PER DIEM R 8/30/2021 75.00 078533 75.00 23820 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, LLC I-1219610 COUPLING, GATE VALVE R 8/30/2021 699.00 078534 I-1223240 COUPLINGS, NIPPLES R 8/30/2021 984.55 078534 1,683.55 31340 FIRST CHECK APPLICANT SCREENIN I-19667 BCKGRND CHK FOR JN, MM, TB R 8/30/2021 67.50 078535 67.50 34770 FIRST STOP HEALTH, LLC I-INV-13949 VRTL MNTL HLTH & TLMDCNE CNSLN R 8/30/2021 565.80 078536 565.80 18790 FUELMAN I-NP60574685 FUEL 08/09-08/15/2021 R 8/30/2021 3,215.49 078537 I-NP60597612 FUEL 08/16-08/22/2021 R 8/30/2021 2,170.42 078537 5,385.91 01070 GALLS INC. C-018996974 RETURNED PANTS 771 R 8/30/2021 68.00CR 078538 I-018957758 SHIRT & BADGE 783 R 8/30/2021 54.65 078538 I-018990928 PANTS 771 R 8/30/2021 276.99 078538 I-019035002 BATTERIES FOR FLASHLIGHT 777 R 8/30/2021 32.49 078538 I-019041859 BOOT 779 R 8/30/2021 118.89 078538 415.02 29620 GOODYEAR COMMERCIAL TIRE I-233-1022802 TIRES FOR UNIT 1 R 8/30/2021 464.00 078539 I-233-1022831 2GYTIRES 235/50/18 R 8/30/2021 294.06 078539 758.06 05920 IMC WASTE DISPOSAL I-143503 SLUDGE REMOVAL FROM TANK R 8/30/2021 400.00 078540 400.00 35790 KELLY EDWARDS I-08/18-08/20/2021 PER DIEM & MILEAGE R 8/30/2021 343.80 078541 343.80 08210 KWIK KAR I-149130 FULL SERVICE OILCHANGE CAPRICE R 8/30/2021 96.24 078542 I-149142 STATE INSPECTION-CAPRICE R 8/30/2021 25.50 078542 I-149266 SCHEDULED SERVICE ON 2020 DDGE R 8/30/2021 408.86 078542 I-149267 INSPECTION & FUEL FILTER 2016 R 8/30/2021 195.78 078542 726.38 Page 117 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 24 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 35590 LONE STAR FOUNTAINS I-27396 FOUNTAIN REPAIR PORTER R 8/30/2021 2,411.00 078543 2,411.00 34480 MAGUIRE IRON, INC I-386 FULL SRVCE WTR STRGE MNTC R 8/30/2021 3,514.75 078544 I-387 FULL SRVCE WTR STRGE MNTC R 8/30/2021 3,112.75 078544 I-388 FULL SRVCE WTR STRGE MNTC R 8/30/2021 2,583.51 078544 9,211.01 29030 MCCREARY, VESELKA, BRAGG & ALL I-238837 JULY WARRANT COLLECTION R 8/30/2021 249.60 078545 249.60 32430 MODERN LEASING INC. OF IOWA I-59014863 EMS VENDING MACHINE R 8/30/2021 348.42 078546 348.42 05170 NORTHERN SAFETY I-904510285 GATORADE SINGLE SERVINGS R 8/30/2021 84.04 1.68CR 078547 82.36 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS C-EB14531272 JUNE FIRST CALL EB R 8/30/2021 8.20CR 078548 I-1959-320158 CAPSULE HEAD LIGHT UNIT 14 R 8/30/2021 22.09 0.44CR 078548 I-1959-320404 WIPER BLADES FOR UNIT 14 R 8/30/2021 39.98 0.80CR 078548 I-1959-320639 O'REILLY DEF R 8/30/2021 11.99 0.24CR 078548 I-1959-321231 HEADLIGHT FOR UNIT 14 R 8/30/2021 45.89 0.92CR 078548 I-1959-321494 TIRE WET, WIPER FLUID, CAR WSH R 8/30/2021 57.21 1.14CR 078548 I-1959-322414 ANTIFREEZE R 8/30/2021 31.98 0.64CR 078548 196.76 23290 OXIDOR LABORATORIES, LLC I-21070537 AMMONIA TESTING R 8/30/2021 259.90 078549 I-21080161 AMMONIA TESTING R 8/30/2021 259.90 078549 519.80 35570 PEUGH LAW FIRM P.C. I-AUGUST 17, 2021 MUNICIPAL PROSECUTOR R 8/30/2021 300.00 078550 300.00 33640 PRECISION PUMP SYSTEMS I-1007205 QUAIL CREEK UNCLOGGED PUMP R 8/30/2021 314.00 078551 314.00 30940 PRYOR LEARNING SOLUTIONS, INC. I-5723169 CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAINING R 8/30/2021 477.00 078552 477.00 32910 READY REFRESH BY NESTLE I-01H0127279800 WATER/DELIVERY FEE 07/07-08/06 R 8/30/2021 147.29 078553 147.29 24810 RLC CONTROLS, INC I-8718 REPLACE SCADA PROCESSOR R 8/30/2021 2,830.00 078554 2,830.00 Page 118 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 25 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 32870 SAM'S CLUB/SYNCHRONY BANK I-07.26.2021 DAWN DISH SOAP FOR STATION R 8/30/2021 12.98 078555 I-08.19.2021 SUPPLIES FOR FIRE STATION R 8/30/2021 199.34 078555 I-08.25.2021 INTEREST & LATE FEE CHARGE R 8/30/2021 59.93 078555 I-SAMS 07.28.2021 GATORADE R 8/30/2021 44.64 078555 316.89 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-B214899 KEY R 8/30/2021 2.99 078556 I-B215427 PULL STRING R 8/30/2021 5.90 078556 I-B215505 ELBOW, PIPE, ADAPTER R 8/30/2021 22.62 078556 I-B215511 WD 40 R 8/30/2021 5.59 078556 I-B215793 FLEX SPOUT R 8/30/2021 9.59 078556 I-B216178 RED, BLUE, GREEN MARKING PAINT R 8/30/2021 48.93 078556 I-B216231 BLEACH, SPRAYER R 8/30/2021 13.57 078556 I-B216235 MARKING PAINT R 8/30/2021 13.98 078556 I-B216272 NEW CH KEYS R 8/30/2021 5.98 078556 I-B216350 MARKING PAINT R 8/30/2021 13.98 078556 I-B216600 MARKING FLAGS, ADPTR FOR PVC R 8/30/2021 17.55 078556 I-B216625 Y BRASS HOSE & POCKET HOSE R 8/30/2021 47.98 078556 I-B216677 RIVETS R 8/30/2021 7.99 078556 I-B217097 ROUND VALVE BOX & UTILITY KNFE R 8/30/2021 27.97 078556 I-B217260 MARKING PAINT, SCREWS R 8/30/2021 40.57 078556 I-B217346 WELDING RODS FOR SHOP R 8/30/2021 25.99 078556 I-B217452 MULTI DRILL BIT R 8/30/2021 8.99 078556 I-C118256 GAS CAN NOSPILL 2.5 GALLON R 8/30/2021 24.99 078556 I-C118377 SCREWDRIVER, SHOVEL R 8/30/2021 48.95 078556 I-C118380 PLIERS R 8/30/2021 83.97 078556 I-C118597 SCREWS R 8/30/2021 4.20 078556 I-C118691 MASKING TAPE R 8/30/2021 9.98 078556 I-C118779 RECESSED PVC PLUG R 8/30/2021 4.99 078556 I-C118977 KNIFE R 8/30/2021 16.38 078556 I-C119021 PICCO MIC R 8/30/2021 23.99 078556 I-C119079 DRLL BT, PLNGR, SHRPE, PKUP TL R 8/30/2021 45.75 078556 583.37 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-137579 SMALL ACETYLENE/OXYGEN BOTTLES R 8/30/2021 24.00 078559 24.00 34980 SHAMROCK EQUIPMENT SERVICES, L I-20896 REPLACE AC LINES, COMPRSS R 8/30/2021 1,520.38 078560 1,520.38 08240 SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LAB I-0508703-IN PREPRINTED KRAFT EVIDENCE BAGS R 8/30/2021 97.83 078561 97.83 Page 119 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 26 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 30600 TASC I-IN2093450 FSA ADMIN FEES R 8/30/2021 932.33 078562 932.33 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1499013-09 MTRLS FOR FM 455 RELCTN R 8/30/2021 6,742.00 078563 I-1499104-03 MTRLS FOR FM 455 RELCTN R 8/30/2021 4,785.00 078563 I-9807021-00 PADMOUNT TRANSFORMER R 8/30/2021 10,425.00 078563 21,952.00 29850 TERRY HARDY I-SH 08.12.2021 JB PLSTC BNDR, KRZY GLUE R 8/30/2021 15.79 078564 15.79 02770 TEXAS PUBLIC POWER ASSC. I-34665 COS ANNUAL DUES 8/1/21-7/31/22 R 8/30/2021 1,774.00 078565 1,774.00 31750 UNDERWOOD'S HEATING & AIR I-24037798 RPLCE MN DRN PAN @ 201 BOLIVAR R 8/30/2021 480.00 078566 480.00 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-838 1372299 MATS/CITY HALL R 8/30/2021 12.49 078567 I-838 1372300 UNIFORMS R 8/30/2021 30.44 078567 I-838 1372301 UNIFORMS R 8/30/2021 11.72 078567 I-838 1372302 MATS R 8/30/2021 7.85 078567 I-838 1372303 UNIFORMS R 8/30/2021 8.39 078567 I-838 1372304 UNIFORMS R 8/30/2021 32.92 078567 I-838 1372305 UNIFORMS R 8/30/2021 15.76 078567 119.57 32030 GILLIAM INVESTMENTS: DBA: VANG I-43376 FY 2021 JANITORIAL SPPLS R 8/30/2021 2,448.79 078568 2,448.79 05510 WASTE CONNECTIONS I-1105577 SLUDGE PICKUP R 8/30/2021 1,919.55 078569 1,919.55 * * T O T A L S * * NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT REGULAR CHECKS: 245 575,914.78 27.16CR 575,887.62 HAND CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 10 679,337.47 0.00 679,337.47 EFT: 4 532,622.12 0.00 532,622.12 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 VOID DEBITS 0.00 VOID CREDITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 Page 120 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 27 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 99 BANK: POOL TOTALS: 259 1,787,874.37 27.16CR 1,787,847.21 BANK: POOL TOTALS: 259 1,787,874.37 27.16CR 1,787,847.21 REPORT TOTALS: 264 1,841,874.13 27.16CR 1,841,846.97 Page 121 9/02/2021 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 28 SELECTION CRITERIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VENDOR SET: 99-AP VENDOR SET VENDOR: ALL BANK CODES: All FUNDS: All ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK SELECTION CHECK RANGE: 000000 THRU 999999 DATE RANGE: 8/01/2021 THRU 8/31/2021 CHECK AMOUNT RANGE: 0.00 THRU 999,999,999.99 INCLUDE ALL VOIDS: YES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRINT OPTIONS SEQUENCE: CHECK NUMBER PRINT TRANSACTIONS: YES PRINT G/L: NO UNPOSTED ONLY: NO EXCLUDE UNPOSTED: NO MANUAL ONLY: NO STUB COMMENTS: NO REPORT FOOTER: NO CHECK STATUS: NO PRINT STATUS: * - All ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 122 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 9.a. AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2021 TO: John Noblitt, City Manager FROM: Alina Ciocan, Assistant City Manager ITEM/CAPTION: LEGAL REPRESENTATION ­ HAYES, BERRY, WHITE & VANZANT, LLP Consider an engagement agreement for legal services with Hayes, Berry, White & Vanzant, LLP, and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement. (Noblitt) AGENDA TYPE: Executive ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: FUNDS: STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Engagement Agreement ­ City Attorney Pro Tem 9/15/2021 Cover Memo Page 123 Page 124 Page 125 Page 126