10/06/2009-CC-Minutes-JointMINUTES: SPECIAL CALLED JOINT MEETING City Council, 4B Board, & Parks Board October 6, 2009 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Russell Martin, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Robert Patton MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Thomas Muir PRESENT 4B BOARD: Beverly Howard, Barbara Martin, Will Dutton, Scott Stephens 4B MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeff Springer, John Payne, Beverly Branch PARKS BOARD:Robert Koger, Carrie Bilyeu, Cora Harner, Allen Chick, Scott Harp, Mary Wise OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Rose Chavez City Secretary/Asst. City Manager, Dennis Sims with Dunkin Sims Stoffels 1.Call Meeting to Order. Vice-President Barbara Martin of the 4B Board called meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Chairperson Cora Harner called the Parks Meeting to order. The Mayor could not call the Council to order at the beginning of the meeting for lack of a quorum. Councilman Ervin came in later in the meeting thereby a full quorum was in session. 2.Discussion on the New Sports Park. Dennis Sims’ presentation included a concept of a mix of baseball and soccer at the proposed site master plan for the new Athletic Complex. He proceeded to review the overall plan as follows: The site is in the floodplain and it is important to keep the ball fences out of the floodway. The property boundary was taken to scale, then they drop it over an aerial. It is a recommended scale and accurate as to how things lay out on the property. The plan included three baseball fields: One had field dimensions for 13- and 14- year old youth. One field is 315 dead center and 265 down the lines, and the other two are symmetrical, making them 225 from home plate, down the line and the center field. The fences can always be brought back in. The plan includes a playground area, three pavilions, maintenance building, two concession areas, restrooms and a 1.2 mile walking path. The park will not only be used during the soccer and baseball season, it will also be used by the community as a park. One of the soccer fields is a regulated size field and proposing to be lighted. If a field is lighted, it narrows down the location to where it can be shifted. Discussed open space that can be used as soccer fields. Discussed the area designated for a pond. Concrete paving will be the most costly expense in the plan. The parking location will be cheaper to build since it is in one area. Barbara Martin indicated she has not seen a complex where there have been two concession stands. It seems that there should be one concession stand and the men’s restroom on one end and the women’s on the other end. It seems to be an added expense that she does not understand. Mr. Sims indicated it was his understanding that soccer will own, operate, and control their profits in their concession stand and baseball will do the same. The discussion continued concerning the storage of the baseball equipment and soccer equipment. All the fields would be sprinklered. Cora Harner asked if the fields would be baseball or softball. Mr. Sims indicated that it depends on what everyone wants. He discussed the possibilities and the uses. Barbara Martin indicated that as a representative of the economic development committee, and if the complex is a multi-use facility, she would like to know how they can determine which one is the more viable option for tournaments, baseball or softball. The opinion she is getting from the community is that girls’ softball has more tournaments. If they are to hold tournaments and bring money to the community she would like to know which one has more potential to do this. Discussion continued concerning tournament activity and the importance to focus on one or the other. The City Manager indicated that currently the City does not have a soccer field or a softball field. Barbara Martin discussed the importance to focus on one or the other. The following issues continued to be addressed: Sanger does not have soccer fields and half of the kids play in Denton and the other half play in Gainesville. Robert Koger explained that Sanger has to get the numbers up to become competitive in soccer. Councilman Martin asked if the full size soccer field can be placed out towards the highway. This will keep the little kids from not having to walk so far to the restrooms and to field. Fencing along the freeway discussed. Discussion concerning the baseball fields at the complex. Mr. Sims indicated there was not enough room on the site to be able to get a boys’ baseball complex and a girls’ softball complex. He asked for direction concerning the baseball fields. The baseball fields at Railroad Park were discussed and the cost to upgrade. The baseball fields in this complex are not adult fields and possibly Railroad Park can be used for that purpose. Access to the park was discussed and possibly a road through the park. City Manager advised that they did not want thru-traffic coming through the park. Discussed the cost for ball fields versus soccer fields. Also, the possibility if at any time in future if the park becomes a single-use complex and the cost involved. Parks Board members recommended making all the baseball fields as girls’ softball. The discussion concerning the use of this complex for soccer fields and softball fields. City Manager advised the City did apply for a Grant of $500,000 for infrastructure improvements. Discussion continued concerning the future needs for baseball and soccer depends on population. The project is based on the needs of the community currently. Brief discussion on the drainage pond and maintenance. Mr. Sims summarized the consensus of the members as follows: Girls’ softball and T-Ball (7 & 8 year olds). Move one of the soccer fields and re-shift some of the youth fields. There is not any room for adult softball. Discussion concerning lighting the fields. Based on the availability of land, this plan is the best to meet the needs of the community. 3.Adjournment. Meeting was adjourned.