06/03/2019-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAG E N D A C IT Y C O UN C IL R E G ULAR ME E T IN G MO N D AY, J UN E 3, 2019 7:00 P M 502 E LM S T R E E T S AN G E R, T E XAS 1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, P ledge of Allegiance. 2.C IT IZE N IN P UT: (Citizens are allo wed 3 minutes to spea k . The City Co un cil is unable to respond or d iscu ss any issues brought up during this section.) 3.C O N S E N T AG E N D A: a.Reappoint P residing J udge, Alternate J udge and P rosecutor. R eappoint P res id ing Judge Danny S p indle, Alternate Jud ge Kenneth Hartless, and P ro s ecutor Hugh C oleman for a Two-Year Term fo r T he C ity of S anger Municipal C o urt. b.Reappoint Court Clerk and Deputy Court Clerk R eappoint C hristy Dyer as Municipal C o urt C lerk and Victo ria Eakman as Deputy C ourt C lerk for a Two-Year Term, and Authorize C ity Manager to O versee the Daily O p erations and P erformance o f the Munic ip al C ourt C lerk and the Deputy C ourt C lerk. c.Board and Commission Reappointments Approve R eappointing Existing Bo ard Memb ers to a Two -Year Term: P lanning and Zo ning C o mmis s io n and Zo ning Board o f Ad justment: Jac kieTurner Matt F uller P hilip S urles P ark Bo ard Brett Bump us Jackie Turner Kels ey S tuart Library Bo ard : Kandyce LaF leur Judith R o d gers S haron Knap p e d.Board and Commission Appointments Approve Ap p o inting the F ollowing C itizens to the F ollowing O p en Board P ositio ns fo r a Two- Year Term: P lanning and Zoning C ommission P lac e 1 -S hane S tone P lanning and Zoning C ommission - Alternate - R aymond C unningham Page 1 Zo ning Board o f Ad justment - P lace 1 - S hane S tone Zo ning Board o f Ad justment - Alternate - R aymond C unningham P ark Board - Alternate - Tiffany S tone 4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. R E G ULAR AG E N D A 5.P roclamation #06-01-19 Approve and P res ent P ro clamatio n #06-01-19 C eleb rating T he Dento n C o unty Master G ard ener Assoc iation's 30 Years o f S ervice to the people o f Denton C ounty. 6.S able Creek P hase 4 & 5 P reliminary P lat C ons id er, Disc uss, and Act on a P reliminary P lat o f S able C reek Additio n P hase 4, Being 12.697 Ac res , and S ab le C reek Additio n P hase 5, Being 17.886 Acres, G enerally Located Eas t of R ailroad Line, S o uth of F M 455 and No rth of Eas t Willo w S treet. 7.2040 N S temmons S t F LUM Amendment - Public Hearing C ond uc t a P ublic Hearing R egarding an Amendment of the F uture Land Us e Map from Indus trial to C ommerc ial for P ro p o s ed 4.084 Acres Tract, Des cribed as A0029A R . Beeb e, T R 109, O L D DC AD S HT 3, T R 12, and G enerally Loc ated S o uth-East of the Inters ectio n o f Lois R o ad East and I H-35. 8.2040 N S temmons S t F LUM Amendment - Action Item C ons id er, Dis c us s and Act on O rdinanc e # 06-15-19 R egarding an Amend ment o f the F uture Land Use Map from Ind ustrial to C ommerc ial for P ro p o s ed 4.084 Acres Trac t, Des c rib ed as A0029A R . Beeb e, T R 109, O LD DC AD S HT 3, T R 12, and G enerally Located S o uth-East o f the Inters ection of Lois R oad East and IH-35; P rovid ing fo r a S everability C laus e; P rovid ing fo r a P enalty of F ine in Ac cordance with S ectio n 1.109 o f the C o d e of O rdinanc es for Violatio ns; and P rovid ing for an Effective Date. 9.2040 N S temmons S t Rezoning - Public Hearing C ond uc t a P ublic Hearing R egarding a Zo ning C hange F rom A Agric ultural Dis tric t to B-2 Bus ines s 2 District for 4.084 Ac res of Land, Desc rib ed as Abstract A0029A R . Beebe, T R 109, O LD DC AD S HT 3, T R 12, and G enerally Lo cated S outh-Eas t o f the Intersec tion of Lo is R oad Eas t and I H-35. 10.2040 N S temmons S t Rezoning - Action Item C ons id er, Dis cus s and Ac t o n O rdinance # 06-16-19 R egard ing a Zoning C hange F ro m A Agric ultural District to B-2 Bus ines s 2 District for 4.084 Acres o f Land, Des c rib ed as Abstract A0029A R . Beeb e, T R 109, O LD DC AD S HT 3, T R 12, and G enerally Located S o uth-East o f the Inters ection of Lois R oad East and IH-35; P rovid ing fo r a S everability C laus e; P rovid ing fo r a P enalty of F ine in Ac cordance with S ectio n 1.109 o f the C o d e of O rdinanc es for Violatio ns; and P rovid ing for an Effective Date. 11.Ranger Creek Estates Replat - Public Hearing C ond uc t a P ub lic Hearing and C ons id er, Disc uss and Ac t o n the R eplat of Lo t 16R , Bloc k E, o f R anger C reek Es tates P hase 2, Being a R eplat of Lot 16 and Lo t 17, Bloc k E o f R anger C reek Estates P has e 2, Being Approximately 0.369 Ac res , and G enerally Lo c ated North-Wes t of the Intersec tion o f La P aloma R oad and Eas tridge P ark R oad. 12.Ranger Creek Estates Replat - Action Item C ons id er, Dis c us s and Act on the R eplat of Lot 16R , Bloc k E, o f R anger C reek Es tates P has e 2, Being a R ep lat o f Lot 16 and Lot 17, Blo ck E o f R anger C reek Es tates P has e 2, Being Ap p ro ximately 0.369 Ac res , and G enerally Lo cated No rth-West o f the Inters ectio n of La P alo ma R o ad and Eas tridge P ark Page 2 R oad. 13.Amendment to Appendix A "Fee S chedule", Article 2.000 "B uilding and Construction F ees C ons id er, Disc uss and P o s s ib ly Ac t on O rd inanc e # 06-18-19 – Amending Append ix A “F ee S ched ule” of the C ode o f O rd inances, Artic le 2.000 “Build ing and C ons tructio n F ees ”. 14.Amend Chapter 3 "Building R egulations" of the Code of Ordinances, Article 3.2500 "Energy Conservation Code" C ons id er, Disc uss and P ossibly Ac t o n O rd inanc e # 06-19-19 - Amend ing C hapter 3 “Building R egulatio ns” o f the C o d e of O rdinanc es , Article 3.2500 “Energy C o nservation C ode”. 15.Amend Chapter 10 "S ubdivision Regulation", Exhibit A "S ubdivision Ordinance", S ection 6.05 "Water S ystems" C ons id er, Dis cus s and P o s s ib ly Ac t on O rd inanc e # 06-17-19 – Amend ing C hap ter 10 "S ubdivis io n R egulatio n"; Exhibit A "S ubdivis io n O rdinanc e"; S ectio n 6.05 "Water S ystems ". 16.F UT UR E AG E N D A IT E MS : (The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Council or at the call of the Mayor). 17.AD J O UR N. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the City Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of S anger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times. S aid notice was posted on the following date and time, and remained posted continuously for at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled time of said meeting and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned. May 31, 2019 - 11:30 AM Cheryl P rice City S ecretary City of S anger, Texas Date/Time P osted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for additional accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. Page 3 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. a. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J une 3, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Cheryl P rice, City S ecretary IT E M/C AP T IO N: Reappoint P residing J udge, Alternate J udge and P rosecutor. R eappoint P res id ing Judge Danny S pind le, Alternate Judge Kenneth Hartless, and P ro s ecutor Hugh C oleman for a Two - Year Term fo r T he C ity of S anger Municipal C o urt. AG E N D A T YP E : C ons ent Agend a AC T IO N R E Q UE S T E D: Approval B AC KG R O UN D: N/A LE G AL/B O AR D C O MMIS S IO N R E C O MME N D AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T IC E F E E D B AC K: N/A F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S : N/A S TAF F R E C O MME N D AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: Page 4 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. b. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J une 3, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Cheryl P rice, City S ecretary IT E M/C AP T IO N: Reappoint Court Clerk and Deputy Court Clerk R eappoint C hris ty Dyer as Munic ip al C ourt C lerk and Vic toria Eakman as Deputy C ourt C lerk fo r a Two-Year Term, and Autho rize C ity Manager to O vers ee the Daily O peratio ns and P erformanc e o f the Municipal C ourt C lerk and the Deputy C ourt C lerk. AG E N D A T YP E : C ons ent Agend a AC T IO N R E Q UE S T E D: Approval B AC KG R O UN D: T his item will reap p o int C hris ty Dyer as Munic ip al C o urt C lerk and Victo ria Eakman as Deputy C ourt C lerk fo r a two-year term and authorizes the C ity Manager to o versee the d aily o p erations and p erfo rmanc e o f the Municipal C o urt C lerk and the Deputy C ourt C lerk. T he C ity C harter req uires ap p o intment for thes e positio ns every two years. LE G AL/B O AR D C O MMIS S IO N R E C O MME N D AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T IC E F E E D B AC K: N/A F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S : N/A S TAF F R E C O MME N D AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: S taff rec o mmends ap p ro val. Page 5 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. c. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J une 3, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Cheryl P rice, City S ecretary IT E M/C AP T IO N: Board and Commission Reappointments Approve R eappointing Existing Bo ard Memb ers to a Two -Year Term: P lanning and Zo ning C o mmis s io n and Zo ning Board o f Ad justment: Jac kieTurner Matt F uller P hilip S urles P ark Bo ard Brett Bump us Jackie Turner Kels ey S tuart Library Bo ard : Kandyce LaF leur Judith R o d gers S haron Knap p e AG E N D A T YP E : C ons ent Agend a AC T IO N R E Q UE S T E D: Approval B AC KG R O UN D: T he Bo ard and C o mmis s io n members lis ted have served a two-year term and are up fo r renewal. Terms c an b e renewed fo r three two -year terms fo r a total of s ix years. LE G AL/B O AR D C O MMIS S IO N R E C O MME N D AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T IC E F E E D B AC K: N/A F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: Page 6 N/A F UN D S : N/A S TAF F R E C O MME N D AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: N/A Page 7 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. d. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J une 3, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Cheryl P rice, City S ecretary IT E M/C AP T IO N: Board and Commission Appointments Approve Ap p o inting the F o llo wing C itizens to the F o llo wing O pen Bo ard P ositio ns fo r a Two -Year Term: P lanning and Zoning C ommission P lac e 1 -S hane S tone P lanning and Zoning C ommission - Alternate - R aymond C unningham Zo ning Board o f Ad justment - P lace 1 - S hane S tone Zo ning Board o f Ad justment - Alternate - R aymond C unningham P ark Board - Alternate - Tiffany S tone AG E N D A T YP E : C ons ent Agend a AC T IO N R E Q UE S T E D: Approval B AC KG R O UN D: T hese c itizens have applied to b e o n open board positio ns for a two-year term. Board and C ommission Applic ations fo r eac h memb er is attached . LE G AL/B O AR D C O MMIS S IO N R E C O MME N D AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T IC E F E E D B AC K: N/A F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S : N/A S TAF F R E C O MME N D AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: S taff rec o mmends ap p ro val. Page 8 AT TAC HME N T S : Des criptio n Up lo ad Date Type Board and C o mmis s io n Applic ations 5/23/2019 C over Memo Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. 5. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J une 3, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Cheryl P rice, City S ecretary IT E M/C AP T IO N: P roclamation #06-01-19 Approve and P res ent P ro clamatio n #06-01-19 C elebrating T he Denton C ounty Master G ard ener Assoc iation's 30 Years o f S ervice to the people o f Denton C ounty. AG E N D A T YP E : R egular AC T IO N R E Q UE S T E D: Approval, P res entation B AC KG R O UN D: T he Dento n C o unty Mas ter G ardner As s o ciatio n is preparing to celebrate 30 years o f service to Dento n C o unty in 2019. T hey have a number o f members who are res id ents of the C ity o f S anger .T here is more informatio n o n the organizatio n o n thier web s ite at www.DC MG A.com. LE G AL/B O AR D C O MMIS S IO N R E C O MME N D AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T IC E F E E D B AC K: N/A F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S : N/A S TAF F R E C O MME N D AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: S taff rec o mmends ap p ro val and p res entation. AT TAC HME N T S : Des criptio n Up lo ad Date Type Page 13 P ro clamatio n #06-01-19 5/31/2019 C over Memo Page 14 Page 15 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. 6. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J une 3, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Muzaib Riaz, P lanner, Development S ervices IT E M/C AP T IO N: S able Creek P hase 4 & 5 P reliminary P lat C ons id er, Dis cus s , and Act on a P reliminary P lat of S ab le C reek Additio n P has e 4, Being 12.697 Acres, and S able C reek Additio n P hase 5, Being 17.886 Ac res , G enerally Loc ated Eas t o f R ailroad Line, S outh of F M 455 and North o f East Willow S treet. AG E N D A T YP E : R egular AC T IO N R E Q UE S T E D: Approval B AC KG R O UN D: T he applic ant is proposing to develo p 50 res idential lots and 2 open s pac e lo ts in phas e 4 o f S ab le C reek Additio n, and 26 residential lo ts and 1 o p en s p ace lo t in p hase 5 o f S able C reek Additio n S ubdivis io n. T he p ro p erty is lo cated in S F -7 zoning district and meets all o f S F -7 d is tric t requirements . T he property will b e s erved by all C ity of S anger utilities . Engineering plans for this projec t must be ap p ro ved b efo re approval of the final plat. LE G AL/B O AR D C O MMIS S IO N R E C O MME N D AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T IC E F E E D B AC K: P lanning & Zoning Commission Recommendation T he P lanning & Zoning C ommission AP P R O VE D (6-0) the p ro p o s ed final plat on May 13, 2019 with a cond ition that all applic ab le engineering c o mments for the preliminary p lat will b e addressed b y May 24, 2019. F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S : N/A S TAF F R E C O MME N D AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: T he p lat meets applic ab le C ity o f S anger Zoning R egulatio ns fo r S F -7 Dis tric t and ap p licable S ubdivision R egulatio ns. All engineering comments for the p reliminary p lat have also been addres s ed. S taff rec o mmends AP P R O VAL of the p ro p o s ed preliminary p lat. Page 16 AT TAC HME N T S : Des criptio n Up lo ad Date Type S taff R ep o rt 5/29/2019 Backup Material Lo catio n Map 5/29/2019 Backup Material Ap p licatio n 5/29/2019 Backup Material Letter of Intent 5/29/2019 Backup Material P reliminary P lat P has e 4 (1)5/29/2019 Exhibit P reliminary P lat P has e 4 (2)5/29/2019 Exhibit P reliminary P lat P has e 5 (1)5/29/2019 Exhibit P reliminary P lat P has e 5 (2)5/29/2019 Exhibit S ab le C reek P has ing Layo ut 5/29/2019 Exhibit Page 17 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: June 3, 2019 Case #: 19SANZON-0009 Case Coordinator: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services Request: Consider, Discuss, and Act on a Preliminary Plat of Sable Creek Addition Phase 4, Being 12.697 Acres, and Sable Creek Addition Phase 5, Being 17.886 Acres, Generally Located East of Railroad Line, South of FM 455 and North of East Willow Street. Applicant: Schaeffer Harris, Allison Engineering Group. ______________________________________________________________________________ Case Overview The applicant is proposing to develop 50 residential lots and 2 open space lots in phase 4 of Sable Creek Addition, and 26 residential lots and 1 open space lot in phase 5 of Sable Creek Addition Subdivision. The property is located in SF-7 zoning district and meets all of SF-7 district requirements. The property will be served by all City of Sanger utilities. Engineering plans for this project must be approved before approval of the final plat. A portion of the property is within the floodplain. The applicant has a CLOMR (Conditional Letter of Map Revision) under review at this time. The CLOMR will potentially change the floodplain boundaries to exclude all or most of the residential lots out of the floodplain. Staff Recommendation The plat meets applicable City of Sanger Zoning Regulations for SF-7 District and applicable Subdivision Regulations. All engineering comments for the preliminary plat have also been addressed. Staff recommends APPROVAL of the proposed preliminary plat. Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation The Planning & Zoning Commission APPROVED (6-0) the proposed final plat on May 13, 2019 with a condition that all applicable engineering comments for the preliminary plat will be addressed by May 24, 2019. Page 18 Attachments  Location Map  Application  Letter of Intent  Final Plat  Sable Creek Phasing Layout Page 19 S A B L E C R E E K B L V D HERONDR PLEASANT VALLE Y R A I L R O A D A V E SIMS S T COVEY LN KIRKLAND ST SMITH ST GROUSE RUN KRAMERLN S A N D PIPER L N CREEKSIDE DR Sable CreekPhase 4 Sable CreekPhase 4 SableCreekPhase 5 /Location Exhibit: Sable CreekPhase 4 and 5 0 240 480120 Feet DISCLAIMER:This map was generat ed by GIS data providedby the Sang er GIS Departmen t. Th e City of Sanger do es not guarantee the corre ctness oraccuracy of any features on this map . These mapproducts are for illustration purposes only andare not suitab le for site-specific decision makin g.GIS data is subject to consta nt ch anges, andmay not be complete, accurate or current.Date: 4/27 /2019 2:56:10 PMDoc Name: LocationExhibit_SableCreekPh4_Ph5CityLimitsExhibits Page 20 Engineering Exhibits 04/16/2019 Page 21 City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-4072 (fax) 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 1/30/2019 SUBDIVISION PACKET A Plat subdividing land within the city limits of Sanger or within one mile of the city limits requires the approval of the C ity of Sanger. The platting process involves the preparation of one or more plats by the landowner, a review by staff, and consideration by the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council. PLAT TYPES: There are seven different types of plats, each with their own function.  Preliminary Plat – A preliminary plat is required for most subdivisions, particularly those providing for dedication of public right-of-way and construction of public improvements.  Final Plat – A final plat will follow a preliminary plat to specify in detail the arrangement of lots, the dedication of publ ic right-of-way, and the provision of public improvements and services.  Replat – A replat revises an existing plat and is controlling over the preceding plat.  Minor Plat – A minor plat is one creating three lots or fewer, and not requiring the dedication of right-of-way or construction of improvements. Minor plats can be approved with the preparation of a preliminary plat.  Amended Plat – An amended plat revises a previously platted lot to correct an error or add or modify a feature. Amending plats cannot increase the number of lots. Amending plats can be approved administratively.  Conveyance Plat – A conveyance plat may be used to convey the property or interests therein. It may also be used in lieu of a final plat to record a subdivision or property, provided that no portion of the property is intended for development. A conveyance plat is an interim step in the subdivision of land and shall contain a notation that indicates that no development is intended.  Vacating Plat – A vacating plat removes/vacates the plat covering a tract of land before any lot in the plat is sold. The plat is vacated when a signed, acknowledged instrument declaring the plat vacated is approved and recorded in the manner prescribed for the original plat. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: The submittal requirements for each kind of plat are included in this packet. SUBMISSION DEADLINES: The deadline for plat application is 26 days prior to the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. This provides adequate time to review the plat for compliance with the Subdivision Ordinance. Meeting dates and deadlines are sometimes adjusted for holidays. Consult the published schedule and city staff for more information. APPLICATION FEES: The application fee covers part of the cost for the city to review and act on the plat application. The application fee is non-refundable.  Residential Preliminary or Final Plat / Replat  10 lots or fewer - $400.00 + $6.00 per lot  More than 10 lots - $500.00 + $10.00 per lot  Commercial Preliminary or Final Plat / Replat  Less than five (5) acres - $500.00 + $15.00 per acre  Five (5) acres to less than 25 acres - $600.00 + $15.00 per acre  25 acres to less than 100 acres - $950.00  100 acres or more - $950.00 + $5.00 per acre  Minor Plat - $400.00 + $3.00 per lot  Amended Plat - $200.00 + $3.00 per lot  Conveyance Plat - $200.00 +$3.00 per lot  Vacating Plat - $200.00 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION FEE: Public notification fee for all plats requiring public notification shall be $100.00 due at the time of submission of application. PLAT FILING FEE: Plat filing fee for all plats shall be $100.00 due at the time of submission of Plat Execution Package. Page 22 City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-4072 (fax) 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 1/30/2019 SUBDIVISION PROCEDURE The process for subdividing land involved the following steps: 1. Pre-Application Conference: Prior to filing of a plat, the owner shall consult with the Director of Development Services, Fire Marshal, and City Engine er concerning compliance with the Subdivision Ordinance and the provision of adequate infrastructure and public services. Also, the applicable approval procedure for the plat will be identified. 2. Submission: The applicant must submit the required number of copies of the proposed plat, a Letter of Intent, any required supporting materials, and the application fee as indicated on the Schedule of Planning Applications. The Director of Development Services will review the submission to determine if it is complete for filing with the City. Incomplete submissions will be returned to the applicant. 3. Review: City Staff will review the plat for compliance with the Subdivision Ordinance and other city requirements. The applicant may need to make changes and revisions to the plat or supporting materials. The applicant must provide additional copies of the plat prior to the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. 4. Planning & Zoning Commission: The Planning & Zoning Commission will consider the plat at a regular meeting. If the plat is approved, it will be forwarded to the City Council. 5. City Council: The City Council will consider the plat at a regular meeting. The applicant will be required to provide additional copies of the plat prior to the City Council meeting. 6. Filing for Recordation: Following approval by the City Council, and construction and acceptance of any required public improvements, the plat will be signed by the Mayor, sealed by the City Secretary, and filed for record with Denton County. A Plat Execution Package containing: a. three (3) full-sized (24”x36”) notarized copies of the plat with all signatures (except P&Z Chairman, Mayor and City Secretary), seals, stamps or other validation/certifications of work as applicable in accordance with State law and local requirements, folded to 8.5”x11” with the title block facing outwards; b. recent original certified & sealed tax certificates showing $0.00 amount due; c. $100.00 plat filing fee; must be provided to the Development Services to file the plat for record with Denton County. (Note: Preliminary Plats are not filed for record.) Consult the Schedule of Planning Application for submittal deadlines and meeting dates of the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council. Page 23 City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-4072 (fax) 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 1/30/2019 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS & PROCESS All plat submittals must include the correct copies of the plat, the completed application form, plat checklist, the application fee, and a Letter of Intent. Some plats may also require additional copies of the plat and/or other supplementary materials. The Pre- Application Conference with city staff will determine the specific submittal requirements for each applicant. PLAT: The applicant must provide one (1) copy of the plat, printed on a 24”x36” paper, folded to one quarter that size, along a pdf copy of the plat provided on a CD/DVD. Additional copies of the plat may be required for staff, depending on the nature of the plat. Additional copies may b e required prior to the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council meetings. APPLICATION FORM: The application form must be completed and signed by the owner. PLAT CHECKLIST: Each item on the applicable plat checklist must be check marked as completed and submitted along with the application form. APPLICATION FEE: The required application fee must be provided by check made payable to the City of Sanger. If the submittal is complete, the payment will be accepted. If the submittal is incomplete, the check will be returned with the other materials. LETTER OF INTENT: Each plat submittal must include a Letter of Intent which provides the following:  The subdivider’s name and address  The contact information of the person(s) preparing the submitted documents  The designated point of contact for future correspondence  The intent of the plat application  A brief description of the location, amount of land, and particulars as to the intended use(s) of the property  A request that the plat be reviewed and considered by the appropriate approval body SUBMITTAL PROCESS: The applicant shall submit the plat application to the Department of Development Services as indicated by the Schedule of Planning Application. A plat application submittal is accepted by the City when the Director of Development Services has certified to the applicant that a complete submittal providing adequate information for a comprehensive review has been received. No plat will be considered filed with the city until and unless the prescribed application fees have been paid. All original plat application documents must be submitted to the Department of Development Services, as well as online through www.CommunityCore.com . Page 24 City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-4072 (fax) 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 1/30/2019 PRELIMINARY PLAT CHECKLIST The plat shall be drawn to a scale if not more than two hundred feet to the inch (1” = 200’). The information to be included and the procedure for submittal are as follows:  Existing Features: 1) The boundary line (accurate in scale) of the tract to be subdivided. 2) The location, widths, and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways or adjacent to the tract, existing permanent buildings, railroads, rights-of-way, and other important features, such as abstract lines, political subdivision or corporation lines, and school district boundaries. 3) Existing sewer mains, water mains, drainage culverts or other underground structures within the tract and immediately adjacent thereto with pipe sizes, grades, and locations indicated. 4) Contours with intervals of two feet (2’) or less, referred to mean sea level datum. In areas where the terrain is relatively flat, supplementary contours shall be shown so that the average horizontal distance between said lines does not exceed two hundred feet (200’). 5) The names of adjacent subdivisions and/or the names of record owners of adjoining parcels of unsubdivided land.  New Features: 1) The proposed name of the subdivision. 2) North point, graphic scale, date, and approximate acreage of the proposed subdivision. 3) The names and addresses of the owner, subdivider, and of the engineer, surveyor or planner. 4) The tract designation and other description according to the real estate records of the city or county auditor and recorder; also, designation of the proposed uses of land within the subdivision. 5) All parcels of land intended to be dedicated for public use or reserved in the deeds for the use of all property owners in the proposed subdivision, together with the purpose or limitations of such reservations. 6) The layout, names, and widths of the proposed streets, alleys and easements. 7) The layout, numbers, set-back lines, and approximate dimensions of proposed lots, blocks, parks, etc.  Utilities: Submittals for preliminary plats shall include plans, documents, and information adequate for the review of the provision of public improvements to the properties involved. This includes but is not limited to streets, water services, wastewater services, franchise utilities, street lighting, and stormwater detention.  Location Map: A location map of the proposed subdivision showing existing and proposed streets and thoroughfares covering an area at least one thousand feet (1,000’) outside the proposed subdivision. Page 25 City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-4072 (fax) 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 1/30/2019 PRELIMINARY PLAT CHECKLIST (cont.)  Cross-Sections: Two (2) copies of the typical cross-sections of proposed streets showing the width of pavement, type of pavement, and location and widths of sidewalks when not in conformance with standard details.  Approval Block: The following notice shall be placed on the face of each preliminary plat by the subdivider: “Preliminary Plat for Review Purposes Only” The following certificates shall be placed on the preliminary plat by the subdivider: Approved for Preparation of Final Plat ________________________________ ___________________ City of Sanger, TX Date Planning & Zoning Commission Page 26 Page 27 940-387-0506 223 W. HICKORY, DENTON, TEXAS 76201 info@metroplexsurveying.com MS I Metroplex Surveying, Inc. JRH BGS 1"=50' 04/15/19 12 37995 0 SCALE IN FEET 15010050 VICINITY MAP SITE Approved for Preparation of Final Plat __________________________________ _________________ City of Sanger, TX Date Planning & Zoning Commission BL O C K E MATCH LINE BLOCK H BLOC K F P L E A S A N T V A L L E Y MOC K I N G B I R D L A N E SET 1 / 2 " IRO N P I N SET 1 / 2 " IRO N P I N SET 1 / 2 " IRO N P I N SET 1 / 2 " IRON P I N SET 1/2" IRON PIN SET 1/2" IRON PIN SET 1/2" IRON PIN SE T 1 / 2 " IR O N P I N SET 1/2" IRON PIN SE T 1 / 2 " IR O N P I N SET 1/2" IRON PIN COVEY LANE LOT 8LOT 9LOT 10LOT 11LOT 12 LOT 2 LOT 1 LOT 6LOT 7LOT 8 LOT 9 LOT 10 LOT 11 LOT 30 LOT 29 LOT 28 LOT 27 LOT 26 LOT 25 LOT 24 LOT 23 LOT 22 LOT 21 LOT 20 LOT 19 SET 1/2" IRON PIN 12.697 ACRES POINT OF BEGINNING A CR E E K S I D E D R I V E TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATES A N 7,181,581.4 E 2,375,824.8 NORTH CENTRAL ZONE COORDINATES FOR MAPPING PURPOSES NOTES: 1. 1/2 INCH IRON PINS SET AT ALL INTERIOR LOT CORNERS WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'METROPLEX 10023300'. 2. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON GPS OBSERVATIONS USING TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD 83 NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS ZONE. 3. BY GRAPHIC PLOTTING ONLY, THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ZONE "A", AREAS DETERMINED TO BE INSIDE OF A DESIGNATED 100 YEAR OR 500 YEAR FLOODPLAIN AND ZONE "X", AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE OF A DESIGNATED 100 YEAR OR 500 YEAR FLOODPLAIN AS SHOWN BY FIRM MAP COMMUNITY-PANEL NUMBER 48121C0210 G, DATED APRIL 18, 2011. NO SURVEYING WAS PERFORMED TO DETERMINE THIS FLOOD ZONE. 4. 50 LOTS FOR RESIDENTIAL USE AND 2 LOTS TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOME OWNER'S ASSOCIATION. 5. ALL COMMON AREAS, AMENITIES, OPEN SPACE, PARKS AND DRAINAGE AND DETENTION EASEMENTS ARE TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOME OWNER’S ASSOCIATION. FIRM NO. 10023300 LOT 11 LOT 12 LOT 9 LOT 10 LOT 55X LOT 10XBLOCK K PRELIMINARY PLAT OF LOTS 9 THROUGH 16, BLOCK D, LOTS 1 THROUGH LOT 7X, BLOCK E LOTS 8 THROUGH 30 AND LOTS 1 AND 2 AND LOTS 6 THROUGH 11, BLOCK F, LOTS 8 THROUGH 12, BLOCK H, SABLE CREEK ADDITION, PHASE IV BEING 12.697 ACRES IN R. BEBEE SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 29 CITY OF SANGER DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS B L O C K D Page 28 940-387-0506 223 W. HICKORY, DENTON, TEXAS 76201 info@metroplexsurveying.com MS I Metroplex Surveying, Inc. JRH BGS 1"=50' 04/15/19 22 37995 0 SCALE IN FEET 15010050 VICINITY MAP SITE Approved for Preparation of Final Plat __________________________________ _________________ City of Sanger, TX Date Planning & Zoning Commission MATCH LINE BLOC K F P L E A S A N T V A L L E Y MOC K I N G B I R D L A N E S E T 1 / 2 " IR O N P I N SET 1 / 2 " IRO N P I N SET 1 / 2 " IRO N P I N LOT 11 LOT 12 LOT 18 LOT 2LOT 1 LOT 9 LOT 10 LOT 17 LOT 16 LOT 15 LOT 14 LOT 13 LOT 12 LOT 11 LOT 10 LOT 9 LOT 8 LOT 13 LOT 7X LOT 14 LOT 15 LOT 16 LOT 6 LOT 5 LOT 4 LOT 3 LOT 2 LOT 1 S E T 1 / 2 " I R O N P I N SET 1/2" IRON PIN SET 1/2" IRON PIN SET 1/2" IRON PIN SE T 1 / 2 " IR O N P I N SET 1/2" IRON PIN 1 2 . 6 9 7 A C R E S C R E E K S I D E D R I V E B L O C K E B L O C K E KRA M E R L A N E NOTES: 1. 1/2 INCH IRON PINS SET AT ALL INTERIOR LOT CORNERS WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'METROPLEX 10023300'. 2. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON GPS OBSERVATIONS USING TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD 83 NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS ZONE. 3. BY GRAPHIC PLOTTING ONLY, THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ZONE "A", AREAS DETERMINED TO BE INSIDE OF A DESIGNATED 100 YEAR OR 500 YEAR FLOODPLAIN AND ZONE "X", AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE OF A DESIGNATED 100 YEAR OR 500 YEAR FLOODPLAIN AS SHOWN BY FIRM MAP COMMUNITY-PANEL NUMBER 48121C0210 G, DATED APRIL 18, 2011. NO SURVEYING WAS PERFORMED TO DETERMINE THIS FLOOD ZONE. 4. 50 LOTS FOR RESIDENTIAL USE AND 2 LOTS TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOME OWNER'S ASSOCIATION. 5. ALL COMMON AREAS, AMENITIES, OPEN SPACE, PARKS AND DRAINAGE AND DETENTION EASEMENTS ARE TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOME OWNER’S ASSOCIATION. FIRM NO. 10023300 LOT 23 LOT 22 LOT 21 LOT 20 LOT 19 TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATES A N 7,181,581.4 E 2,375,824.8 NORTH CENTRAL ZONE COORDINATES FOR MAPPING PURPOSES L O T 5 5 X PRELIMINARY PLAT OF LOTS 9 THROUGH 16, BLOCK D, LOTS 1 THROUGH LOT 7X, BLOCK E LOTS 8 THROUGH 30 AND LOTS 1 AND 2 AND LOTS 6 THROUGH 11, BLOCK F, LOTS 8 THROUGH 12, BLOCK H, SABLE CREEK ADDITION, PHASE IV BEING 12.697 ACRES IN R. BEBEE SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 29 CITY OF SANGER DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS B L O C K D KRA M E R L A N E Page 29 940-387-0506 223 W. HICKORY, DENTON, TEXAS 76201 info@metroplexsurveying.com MS I Metroplex Surveying, Inc. JRH BGS 1"=50' 04/15/19 12 37995 VICINITY MAP 0 SCALE IN FEET 15010050 NOTES: 1. 1/2 INCH IRON PINS SET AT ALL INTERIOR LOT CORNERS WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'METROPLEX 10023300'. 2. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON GPS OBSERVATIONS USING TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD 83 NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS ZONE. 3. BY GRAPHIC PLOTTING ONLY, THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ZONE "A", AREAS DETERMINED TO BE INSIDE OF A DESIGNATED 100 YEAR OR 500 YEAR FLOODPLAIN AND ZONE "X", AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE OF A DESIGNATED 100 YEAR OR 500 YEAR FLOODPLAIN AS SHOWN BY FIRM MAP COMMUNITY-PANEL NUMBER 48121C0210 G, DATED APRIL 18, 2011. NO SURVEYING WAS PERFORMED TO DETERMINE THIS FLOOD ZONE. 4. 26 LOTS FOR RESIDENTIAL USE AND 1 LOT TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION. 5. ALL COMMON AREAS, AMENITIES, OPEN SPACE, PARKS AND DRAINAGE AND DETENTION EASEMENTS ARE TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOME OWNER’S ASSOCIATION. SITE Approved for Preparation of Final Plat __________________________________ _________________ City of Sanger, TX Date Planning & Zoning Commission FIRM NO. 10023300 PRELIMINARY FOR REVIEW ONLY NOT TO BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE NOT TO BE RELIED UPON AS A FINAL SURVEY. CR E E K S I D E D R I V E GROUSE RUN POINT OF BEGINNING A FOUND 1/2" IRON PIN PRELIMINARY PLAT OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 10X, BLOCK K, LOTS 1 THROUGH 7, BLOCK L, LOTS 1 THROUGH 10, BLOCK M, SABLE CREEK ADDITION, PHASE V BEING 17.886 ACRES IN R. BEBEE SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 29 CITY OF SANGER DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS GR O U S E R U N MATCH LINE GR O U S E R U N GROUSE RUN SET 1/2" IRON PIN SET 1/2" IRON PIN SET 1/2" IRON PINSET 1/2" IRON PIN SET 1/2" IRON PIN SET 1/2" IRON PIN SET 1/2" IRON PIN 17.886 ACRES LOT 7 LOT 6 LOT 5 LOT 4 LOT 3 LOT 2 LOT 1 LOT 1LOT 2 LOT 1LOT 10 LOT 2LOT 9 LOT 3LOT 8 LOT 4LOT 7 LOT 5LOT 6 LOT 9 LOT 8 LOT 7 LOT 6 LOT 5 LOT 4 LOT 3 BL O C K M BL O C K L BLOCK K BL O C K K LOT 10XBLOCK K TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATES A N 7,181,782.4 E 2,375,033.5 NORTH CENTRAL ZONE COORDINATES FOR MAPPING PURPOSES Page 30 940-387-0506 223 W. HICKORY, DENTON, TEXAS 76201 info@metroplexsurveying.com MS I Metroplex Surveying, Inc. JRH BGS 1"=50' 04/15/19 22 37995 VICINITY MAP 0 SCALE IN FEET 15010050 NOTES: 1. 1/2 INCH IRON PINS SET AT ALL INTERIOR LOT CORNERS WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'METROPLEX 10023300'. 2. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON GPS OBSERVATIONS USING TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD 83 NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS ZONE. 3. BY GRAPHIC PLOTTING ONLY, THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ZONE "A", AREAS DETERMINED TO BE INSIDE OF A DESIGNATED 100 YEAR OR 500 YEAR FLOODPLAIN AND ZONE "X", AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE OF A DESIGNATED 100 YEAR OR 500 YEAR FLOODPLAIN AS SHOWN BY FIRM MAP COMMUNITY-PANEL NUMBER 48121C0210 G, DATED APRIL 18, 2011. NO SURVEYING WAS PERFORMED TO DETERMINE THIS FLOOD ZONE. 4. 26 LOTS FOR RESIDENTIAL USE AND 1 LOT TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOME OWNER'S ASSOCIATION. 5. ALL COMMON AREAS, AMENITIES, OPEN SPACE, PARKS AND DRAINAGE AND DETENTION EASEMENTS ARE TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOME OWNER’S ASSOCIATION. SITE Approved for Preparation of Final Plat __________________________________ _________________ City of Sanger, TX Date Planning & Zoning Commission FIRM NO. 10023300 MATCH LINE SET 1/2" IRON PIN SET 1/2" IRON PIN SET 1/2" IRON PIN FOUND 1/2" IRON PIN BL O C K E LOT 30 LOT 29 LOT 28 LOT 27 LOT 26 LOT 25 LOT 24 LOT 23 LOT 22 17.886 ACRES TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATES A N 7,181,782.4 E 2,375,033.5 NORTH CENTRAL ZONE COORDINATES FOR MAPPING PURPOSES PRELIMINARY PLAT OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 10X, BLOCK K, LOTS 1 THROUGH 7, BLOCK L, LOTS 1 THROUGH 10, BLOCK M, SABLE CREEK ADDITION, PHASE V BEING 17.886 ACRES IN R. BEBEE SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 29 CITY OF SANGER DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS LOT 10X BLOCK K LOT 55X Page 31 0 200100 400 SCALE: 1"=200' PH A S I N G L A Y O U T 2 LAH NSW Job: GEL1902 Na t h a n a e l W o l f We d n e s d a y , A p r i l 1 7 , 2 0 1 9 9 : 4 7 : 2 2 A M We d n e s d a y , A p r i l 1 7 , 2 0 1 9 9 : 4 7 : 1 0 A M Al l i s o n . c t b P: \ P r o j e c t s \ G E L 1 9 0 2 - S a b l e C r e e k P h 4 - 5 \ D W G \ P H A S I N G L A Y O U T . d w g SHEET Checked by: Drawn by: Pl o t t e d B y : Pl o t D a t e : Sa v e D a t e : Pl o t S t y l e T a b l e : Fi l e N a m e : in f o @ a e - g r p . c o m Te x a s B o a r d o f Pr o f e s s i o n a l E n g i n e e r s Re g i s t r a t i o n N u m b e r : F - 7 8 9 8 24 1 5 N . E L M S T R E E T D E N T O N , T E X A S 7 6 2 0 1 Ph o n e ( 9 4 0 ) 3 8 0 - 9 4 5 3 FA X ( 9 4 0 ) 3 8 0 - 9 4 3 1 SA B L E C R E E K P A R T N E R S , L T D PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T SA B L E C R E E K P H A S E I V A N D V CI T Y O F S A N G E R , D E N T O N C O U N T Y , T E X A S THIS DOCUMENT IS RELEASED FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTERIM REVIEW UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF IT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR THE PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTION, BIDDING, PERMITTING, ETC. LAWRENCE A. HOLDORF P.E. 120886 Page 32 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. 7. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J une 3, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Muzaib Riaz, P lanner, Development S ervices IT E M/C AP T IO N: 2040 N S temmons S t F LUM Amendment - Public Hearing C ond uc t a P ub lic Hearing R egarding an Amend ment of the F uture Land Us e Map from Ind ustrial to C o mmercial fo r P roposed 4.084 Acres Trac t, Des cribed as A0029A R . Beebe, T R 109, O LD DC AD S HT 3, T R 12, and G enerally Loc ated S o uth-East of the Inters ectio n o f Lois R o ad East and I H-35. AG E N D A T YP E : R egular, P ublic Hearing AC T IO N R E Q UE S T E D: O ther: P ub lic Hearing B AC KG R O UN D: T he applic ant is proposing a zo ning change fro m A (Agric ultural) to B-2 (Busines s Dis trict 2) fo r 4.084 acres of p ro p erty. T he current F uture Land Us e Map (F LUM) for the s ubjec t area sho ws Industrial land use. In o rd er fo r the p ro p o s ed rezoning to c onform to the F L UM, the applic ant is req uesting an amendment o f the F uture Land Use fro m Ind us trial to C ommerc ial for the proposed 4.084 acre s ite. LE G AL/B O AR D C O MMIS S IO N R E C O MME N D AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T IC E F E E D B AC K: P lanning & Zoning Commission Recommendation T he P lanning & Zoning C ommission AP P P R O VE D (6-0) the proposed amendment o f the F uture Land Us e Map (F LUM) from Ind ustrial to C ommerc ial. N o tificatio n R espo nse Fo rm S taff mailed two (2) pub lic hearing notices to the owners o f properties within 200 feet o f the s ubjec t p ro p erty. No res p o nses were rec eived fo r the p ro p o s ed F LUM amend ment at the time o f this rep o rt. F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S : N/A S TAF F R E C O MME N D AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: S taff R ec o mmends Approval of the P roposed F uture Land Us e Map (F LUM) Amendment fro m Indus trial to C o mmercial. Page 33 Page 34 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. 8. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J une 3, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Muzaib Riaz, P lanner, Development S ervices IT E M/C AP T IO N: 2040 N S temmons S t F LUM Amendment - Action Item C ons id er, Dis cus s and Ac t o n O rd inance # 06-15-19 R egard ing an Amend ment o f the F uture Land Us e Map fro m Indus trial to C o mmerc ial fo r P ro p o s ed 4.084 Ac res Trac t, Desc rib ed as A0029A R . Beeb e, T R 109, O L D DC AD S HT 3, T R 12, and G enerally Loc ated S outh-Eas t o f the Inters ectio n of Lo is R oad East and I H-35; P roviding fo r a S everab ility C laus e; P rovid ing fo r a P enalty of F ine in Ac cordance with S ectio n 1.109 o f the C o d e of O rd inanc es for Vio lations ; and P rovid ing for an Effective Date. AG E N D A T YP E : R egular AC T IO N R E Q UE S T E D: Approval, O rdinanc e B AC KG R O UN D: T he applic ant is proposing a zo ning change fro m A (Agric ultural) to B-2 (Busines s Dis trict 2) fo r 4.084 acres of p ro p erty. T he current F uture Land Us e Map (F LUM) for the s ubjec t area sho ws Industrial land use. In o rd er fo r the p ro p o s ed rezoning to c onform to the F L UM, the applic ant is req uesting an amendment o f the F uture Land Use fro m Ind us trial to C ommerc ial for the proposed 4.084 acre s ite. LE G AL/B O AR D C O MMIS S IO N R E C O MME N D AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T IC E F E E D B AC K: P lanning & Zoning Commission Recommendation T he P lanning & Zoning C ommission AP P P R O VE D (6-0) the proposed amendment o f the F uture Land Us e Map (F LUM) from Ind ustrial to C ommerc ial. N o tificatio n R espo nse Fo rm S taff mailed two (2) pub lic hearing notices to the owners o f properties within 200 feet o f the s ubjec t p ro p erty. No res p o nses were rec eived fo r the p ro p o s ed F LUM amend ment at the time o f this rep o rt. F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S : N/A Page 35 S TAF F R E C O MME N D AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: S taff R ec o mmends Approval of the P roposed F uture Land Us e Map (F LUM) Amendment fro m Indus trial to C o mmercial. AT TAC HME N T S : Des criptio n Up lo ad Date Type S taff R ep o rt 5/29/2019 Backup Material Ap p licatio n 5/29/2019 Backup Material Letter of Intent 5/29/2019 Backup Material O rdinanc e # 06-15-19 5/29/2019 O rd inance Exhib it A - Metes and Bo und s Desc rip tion 5/29/2019 Exhibit Exhib it B - F LUM Amendment 5/29/2019 Exhibit Page 36 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: June 3, 2019 Case #: 19SANZON-0014 Case Coordinator: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services Request: Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on an Amendment of the Future Land Use Map from Industrial to Commercial for Proposed 4.084 Acres tract, Described as A0029A R. Beebe, TR 109, OLD DCAD SHT 3, TR 12, and Generally Located South-East of the Intersection of Lois Road East and IH-35. ______________________________________________________________________________ Case Overview The applicant is proposing a zoning change from A (Agricultural) to B-2 (Business District 2) for 4.084 acres of property. The current Future Land Use Map (FLUM) for the subject area shows Industrial land use. In order for the proposed rezoning to conform to the FLUM, the applicant is requesting an amendment of the Future Land Use from Industrial to Commercial for the proposed 4.084 acre site. Elements to consider  A companion request to amend the zoning on these properties is also on the agenda for consideration.  The Future Land Use of properties to the immediate west is commercial, while properties to the north, east, and south are Industrial. Conclusion The proposed change to Future Land Use Map appears appropriate and consistent with the proposed zoning change from A (Agricultural) to B-2 (Business District 2). Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation The Planning & Zoning Commission APPPROVED (6-0) the proposed amendment of the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) from Industrial to Commercial. Page 37 Notification Response Form Staff mailed two (2) public hearing notices to the owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property. No responses were received for the proposed FLUM amendment at the time of this report. Attachments  Application  Letter of Intent  Draft Ordinance # 06-15-19  Exhibit A – Metes and Bounds Description  Exhibit B – FLUM Exhibit Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 ORDINANCE # 06-15-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN AND FUTURE LAND USE MAP BY CHANGING THE USE CLASSIFICATION FROM INDUSTRIAL TO COMMERCIAL ON A CERTAIN APPROXIMATELY 4.084 ACRES OF LAND, DESCRIBED AS A0029A R. BEEBE, TR 109, OLD DCAD SHT 3, TR 12, AND GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH-EAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF LOIS ROAD EAST AND IH-35; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed and studied an amendment to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan; and WHEREAS, the amendment is in accordance with the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan adopted by Ordinance No. 11-46-07; and WHEREAS, the City Council has concluded that the amendment to the Plan is in the best interest of the City and is for the purpose of protecting the health, safety and general welfare of the City and its citizens; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Future Land Use Map are hereby amended for only that approximately 4.084-acre tract as described in Exhibit A and illustrated in Exhibit B, and generally located south-east of the intersection of Lois Road East and IH-35 by changing the use of said tract from Industrial to Commercial. SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION 4. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage. Page 41 DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this ____________ day of ________________________, 2019. APPROVED: _________________________________ Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ Cheryl Price, City Secretary Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 I-35 S er vi c e I - 3 5 R a m p I-35 Ramp I-35 I-35 I-35 Service Lois Rd E Industrial Com mercial /FLUM Exhibit - 2040 N. StemmonsRezoning 0 190 38095 Feet DISCLA IMER:This map w as gene rated by GIS data pro videdby the S anger GIS Depa rtment. The City o f Sanger does n ot gu ara ntee th e correctne ss oraccuracy of an y fea tu res o n this map. Th ese mapproducts are for illustra tion pu rpo ses on ly an dare not suitable fo r site -specific d ecision making .GIS data is subject to co nstant chan ges, andmay not be complete, accurate o r current. I-35 S er vic e I - 3 5 R a m p I-35 Ramp I-35 I-35 I-35 Service Lois Rd E Industrial Com mercial Commercial Current Future Land Use Map Proposed Future Land Use Map Page 45 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. 9. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J une 3, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Muzaib Riaz, P lanner, Development S ervices IT E M/C AP T IO N: 2040 N S temmons S t Rezoning - Public Hearing C ond uc t a P ub lic Hearing R egarding a Zoning C hange F rom A Agric ultural Dis tric t to B-2 Bus iness 2 Dis tric t for 4.084 Ac res of Land , Desc rib ed as Ab s trac t A0029A R . Beebe, T R 109, O LD DC AD S HT 3, T R 12, and G enerally Lo cated S outh-Eas t o f the Intersec tion of Lo is R oad Eas t and I H-35. AG E N D A T YP E : R egular, P ublic Hearing AC T IO N R E Q UE S T E D: O ther: P ub lic Hearing B AC KG R O UN D: T he applic ant is proposing a zoning c hange from A Agric ultural to B-2 Bus ines s Dis tric t 2 for 4.084 ac res o f p ro p erty. T he purp o s e o f this rezo ning is to allo w develo p ment of c o nvenience sto re and fueling facility c o nsisting o f 10,000 s q uare feet build ing (2000 S F drive through res taurant and an 8,000 square feet convenienc e s tore), 8-regular gas pump s , 5 separate diesel pump s , and 2 – separate cano p ies . T he site will als o c o ntain an ap p ro ximately 1000 +/- S F s tand alone, 2-b ay tire sho p . T he applic ant is p ro p o s ing to s ub d ivide the property to allow future develo p ment on remaind er of the lot(s ). T he exis ting s tructure will b e demolished . LE G AL/B O AR D C O MMIS S IO N R E C O MME N D AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T IC E F E E D B AC K: P lanning & Zoning Commission Recommendation T he P lanning & Zoning C ommission AP P R O VE D (6-0) the p ro p o s ed rezoning from “A” Agricultural to “B-2” Busines s District-2 fo r the s ubjec t p ro p erty. N o tificatio n R espo nse Fo rm S taff mailed two (2) pub lic hearing notices to the owners o f properties within 200 feet o f the s ubjec t p ro p erty. No res p o nses were rec eived at the time of this report. F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S : N/A Page 46 S TAF F R E C O MME N D AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: S taff rec o mmends AP P R O VAL o f the p ro p o s ed rezoning from I-1 (Indus trial) to B-2 (Busines s District - 2). Page 47 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. 10. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J une 3, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Muzaib Riaz, P lanner, Development S ervices IT E M/C AP T IO N: 2040 N S temmons S t Rezoning - Action Item C ons id er, Dis cus s and Act o n O rd inance # 06-16-19 R egard ing a Zo ning C hange F ro m A Agricultural Dis tric t to B-2 Busines s 2 Dis tric t for 4.084 Acres o f Land, Desc rib ed as Ab s trac t A0029A R . Beeb e, T R 109, O LD DC AD S H T 3, T R 12, and G enerally Loc ated S outh-Eas t o f the Intersec tion of Lois R oad Eas t and I H-35; P rovid ing fo r a S everab ility C laus e; P rovid ing fo r a P enalty of F ine in Ac cordance with S ectio n 1.109 o f the C o d e of O rd inanc es for Vio lations ; and P rovid ing for an Effective Date. AG E N D A T YP E : R egular AC T IO N R E Q UE S T E D: Approval, O rdinanc e B AC KG R O UN D: T he applic ant is proposing a zoning c hange from A Agric ultural to B-2 Bus ines s Dis tric t 2 for 4.084 ac res o f p ro p erty. T he purp o s e o f this rezo ning is to allo w develo p ment of c o nvenience sto re and fueling facility c o nsisting o f 10,000 s q uare feet build ing (2000 S F restaurant and an 8,000 s q uare feet convenienc e sto re), 8-regular gas p umps, 5 separate diesel p umps, and 2 – s ep arate c ano p ies . T he site will also c o ntain an approximately 1000 +/- S F s tand alone, 2-b ay tire s hop. T he applic ant is proposing to s ub d ivide the property to allow future develo p ment o n remainder of the lot(s ). T he existing struc ture will b e demolished . LE G AL/B O AR D C O MMIS S IO N R E C O MME N D AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T IC E F E E D B AC K: P lanning & Zoning Commission Recommendation T he P lanning & Zoning C ommission AP P R O VE D (6-0) the p ro p o s ed rezoning from “A” Agricultural to “B-2” Busines s District-2 fo r the s ubjec t p ro p erty. N o tificatio n R espo nse Fo rm S taff mailed two (2) pub lic hearing notices to the owners o f properties within 200 feet o f the s ubjec t p ro p erty. No res p o nses were rec eived at the time of this report. F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S : N/A Page 48 S TAF F R E C O MME N D AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: S taff rec o mmends AP P R O VAL o f the p ro p o s ed rezoning from I-1 (Indus trial Dis tric t) to B-2 (Busines s District - 2). AT TAC HME N T S : Des criptio n Up lo ad Date Type S taff R ep o rt 5/30/2019 Backup Material Ap p licatio n 5/29/2019 Backup Material Letter of Intent 5/29/2019 Backup Material O rdinanc e # 06-16-19 5/29/2019 O rd inance Exhib it A - Metes and Bo und s Desc rip tion 5/29/2019 Exhibit Exhib it B - Zoning C hange 5/29/2019 Exhibit S urvey 5/29/2019 Backup Material C o nc ep t P lan 5/29/2019 Backup Material B-2 Zoning District R egulatio ns 5/30/2019 Backup Material Land Us e Tab le with R elated Use C atego ries 5/30/2019 Backup Material Page 49 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: June 3, 2019 Case #: 19SANZON-0013 Case Coordinator: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services Request: Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on a Zoning Change From A Agricultural District to B-2 Business 2 District for 4.084 Acres of Land, Described as Abstract A0029A R. Beebe, TR 109, OLD DCAD SHT 3, TR 12, and Generally Located South-East of the Intersection of Lois Road East and IH-35. Applicant: Chris Frerich, Eikon Consulting Group. ______________________________________________________________________________ Case Overview The applicant is proposing a zoning change from A Agricultural to B-2 Business District 2 for 4.084 acres of property. The purpose of this rezoning is to allow development of convenience store and fueling facility consisting of 10,000 square feet building (2000 SF restaurant and an 8,000 square feet convenience store), 8-regular gas pumps, 5 separate diesel pumps, and 2 – separate canopies. The site will also contain an approximately 1000 +/- SF stand alone, 2-bay tire shop. The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property to allow future development on remainder of the lot(s). The existing structure will be demolished. Surrounding Land Uses Direction Land Use Zoning North Industrial (Walmart Distribution Center) Industrial (I-1) East Industrial (Lois Business Park Development) Industrial (I-1) South Industrial (Lois Business Park Development) Industrial (I-1) West Vacant Land (Cropland) Agricultural (A) Page 50 Elements to Consider In making its recommendation to the City Council concerning a proposed zoning map amendment, the Planning and Zoning Commission considered the following factors: 1. Whether the uses permitted by the proposed change will be appropriate in the immediate area concerned and their relationship to the general area and the City as a whole. 2. Whether the proposed change is in accord with any existing or proposed plans for providing public schools, streets, water supply, sanitary sewers and other utilities to the area and shall note the findings. 3. The amount of vacant land currently classified for similar development in the vicinity and elsewhere in the City, and any special circumstances which may make a substantial part of such vacant land unsuitable for development. 4. The recent rate at which land is being developed in the same zoning classification as the request, particularly in the vicinity of the proposed change. 5. The manner in which other areas designated for similar development will be, or are likely to be, affected if the proposed amendment is approved, and whether such designation for other areas should also be modified. 6. Any other factors which will substantially affect the public health, safety, morals or general welfare. Staff Analysis The subject property is located adjacent to I-35 northbound service road on the east. Land Area adjacent to major corridors such as I-35 and FM 455 are prime locations for commercial uses such as fueling station, convenience store and tire shop to cater to people traveling on I-35. Areas immediately adjacent to major corridors are in many respects considered more suitable for commercial uses as opposed to industrial uses because of higher visibility and aesthetic appeal. The requested B-2 Zoning district allows additional land uses which are not generally carried on completely within a building or structure thereby allowing more intense uses than B-1 District. These additional uses are not permitted under B-1 District which permits uses intended for office facilities, neighborhood shopping facilities and retail and commercial facilities of a service character. All proposed uses are permitted in the requested B-2 Zoning District. The property is currently not platted and a plat will be required along with associated public improvements before development can occur. The public improvements for the site will include extension of City of Sanger water, sewer, and electric, as well as drainage improvements. A site plan of the proposed development may be required along with Civil Construction Plans. Driveway connection from Lois Road and I-35 Service Road will be provided. All development will be required to meet all City of Sanger and other applicable regulations. The subject property does not have any floodplain on it. Staff recommends APPROVAL of the proposed rezoning. Page 51 Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation The Planning & Zoning Commission APPROVED (6-0) the proposed rezoning from “A” Agricultural to “B-2” Business District-2 for the subject property. Notification Response Form Staff mailed two (2) public hearing notices to the owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property. No responses were received at the time of this report. Attachments  Application  Letter of Intent  Draft Ordinance # 06-16-19  Exhibit A: Metes and Bounds Description  Exhibit B: Zoning Exhibit  Survey  Concept Plan  “B-2” Business District – 2  Land Use Table with categories of uses related to the proposed project Page 52 Page 53 Page 54 ORDINANCE # 06-16-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP ESTABLISHED THROUGH CHAPTER 14 “PLANNING AND ZONING” OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, EXHIBIT A “ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS”, AND SECTION 4 “ZONING DISTRICT MAP”, TO REZONE APPROXIMATELY 4.084 ACRES OF LAND FROM “I-1” INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT TO “B-2” BUSINESS DISTRICT – 2; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1.109 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCE FOR VIOLATIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, all Requests for Changes in Zoning Classifications were duly filed with the City of Sanger, Texas, concerning the hereinafter described properties; WHEREAS, due notice of hearings were made in the time and manner prescribed by law and the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Sanger, Texas, duly covered and conducted public hearing for the purpose of assessing zoning classification changes on the hereinafter described properties located in the City of Sanger, Texas; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That a certain approximately 4.084-acre site as described in Exhibit A, and generally located south-east of the intersection of Lois Road East and IH-35 is subject to this ordinance. SECTION 2. The zoning classification on the herein above described property is hereby changed from “I-1” Industrial District to “B-2” Business District – 2 for approximately 4.084- acres as illustrated in Exhibit B. SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION 4. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION 5. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance Page 55 with the general penalty provision found in The Code of Ordinances, Section 1.109 General Penalty for Violations of Code. SECTION 6. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this ____________ day of ________________________, 2019. APPROVED: _________________________________ Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ Cheryl Price, City Secretary Page 56 ORDINANCE # 06-16-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP ESTABLISHED THROUGH CHAPTER 14 “PLANNING AND ZONING” OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, EXHIBIT A “ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS”, AND SECTION 4 “ZONING DISTRICT MAP”, TO REZONE APPROXIMATELY 4.084 ACRES OF LAND FROM “I-1” INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT TO “B-2” BUSINESS DISTRICT – 2; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1.109 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCE FOR VIOLATIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this ____________ day of ________________________, 2019. APPROVED: _________________________________ Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ Cheryl Price, City Secretary Page 57 Page 58 Page 59 AA AA I -1I-1 I - 3 5 S e r v i c e I - 3 5 R a m p I-35 Ram p I- 3 5 I- 3 5 I- 3 5 S e r v i c e L o i s R d E /Zoning E xhibit - 2040 N. StemmonsRezoning 0 1 5 0 3 0 075 F e e t DISCLAIMER:This map was gene rated by GIS data pro videdby th e Sanger GIS Department. The City of Sange r does n ot guarante e the correctne ss oraccuracy of an y fea tures on this map. The se m approducts are for illustration purposes only an dare not suitable fo r site -specific de cision making.GIS data is subject to co nstant changes, andmay not be complete, accurate or current. I - 3 5 S e r v i c e I - 3 5 R a m p I-35 Ram p I- 3 5 I- 3 5 I- 3 5 S e r v i c e L o i s R d E B -2B-2 AA I -1I-1 Current Zoning Pr oposed Zoning Page 60 Page 61 IH - 3 5 N B F R LOIS ROAD 40' ROW DEDICATION ±0.29 Ac. Lot 1 3.82 Ac. 10 21 4 11 8 8 8 6 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS DEF TANK DIESEL DIESEL DEF TANK 4 OUTSIDE SEATING 13,860 SF CONVENIENCE STORE 1,600 SF TIRE SHOP 10' SETBACK 20' SETBACK DETENTION POND 24 ' FI R E L A N E 20' SETBACK 24' FIRE LANE 24' FIRE LANE 34 ' 25' 45' 36' 705 705 71 0 7 1 5 7 2 0 7 0 4 704 70 6 706 7 0 7 707 7 0 8 708 70 9 709 71 1 7 1 2 7 1 3 7 1 4 7 1 6 7 1 7 71 8 71 9 7 2 1 7 2 2 705 710 70 4 706 707 708 709 711 70 5 70 2 70 3 70 4 70 6 THE SPORTSMAN 2 GAS STATION & CONVENIENCE STORE PROPOSED SITE CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT MAY 28, 2019 THIS DOCUMENT IS RELEASED FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTERIM REVIEW UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF CHRISTOPHER P. FRERICH P.E. 119266 IT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION , BIDDING, OR PERMIT PURPOSES.Feet 0 30 60 FIRE RISER ROOM AC Page 62 SECTION 23 "B-2" BUSINESS DISTRICT - 2 General Purpose and Description: The "B-2" Business district is intended to provide a zoning category similar to the "B-1" District, except that additional uses are permitted which are not generally carried on completely within a building or structure, and an expanded range of service and repair uses is permitted. 23.1 Use Regulations: A building or premise shall be used only for the following purposes: 1. Any use permitted in the "B-1" Business District. 2. Building materials sales (no outside storage of lumber, materials or equipment). 3. Lithographic or print shop, retail only. 4. Newspaper or commercial printing. 5. Other uses as listed in Section 30 of this ordinance. The following specific uses shall be permitted in a B-2 District, when granted in accordance with Section 31: 1. Uses as listed in Section 30 of this ordinance. 23.2 Height Regulations: No building shall exceed one hundred (100) feet in height, except cooling towers, vent stacks or mechanical equipment rooms may project not more than twelve (12) feet beyond maximum building height. 23.3 Area Regulations: 1. Size of Yard a. Front Yard: Minimum required setback shall be twenty (20) feet. Accessory uses must be set back a minimum of sixty (60) feet. b. Side Yard: Adjacent to a street, twenty-five (25) feet; minimum required--ten (10) feet. c. Rear Yard: The minimum rear yard setback shall be twenty (20) feet for any building, or structure. When an alley is not required, a solid masonry or wood wall of a minimum height of six (6) feet shall be constructed adjacent to the rear property line to provide a barrier between the adjoining use. d. Special Side or Rear Yard Requirement: When a nonresidentially zoned lot or tract abuts upon a zoning district boundary line dividing the lot or tract from a residentially zoned lot or tract, a minimum side yard of twenty (20) feet shall be provided for on the nonresidential property. A solid masonry or wood wall having a minimum height of six (6) feet above the average grade of the residential property shall be constructed adjacent to the common side (or rear) property line. 2. Size of Lot: Page 63 a. Minimum Lot Area: None b. Minimum Lot Width: None c. Minimum Lot Depth: None 3. Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than fifty percent (50%) of the lot area be covered by buildings. 23.4 Parking Requirements: Off street parking requirements shall be provided in accordance with Section 32. Page 64 SECTION 30 USE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS 30.1 Land and buildings in each of the following classified districts may be used for any of the following listed uses but no land shall hereafter be used and no building or structure shall hereafter be occupied, used, erected, altered, removed, placed, d emolished or converted which is arranged or designed to be used for other than those uses specified for the district in which it is located as set forth by the following schedule of uses: 30.2 LEGEND FOR INTERPRETING SCHEDULE OF USES Designates use permitted in district indicated Designates use prohibited in district indicated S Designates use may be approved as Specific Use permit For alphabetical list of uses, see Section 42. AUTOMOBILE AND RELATED SERVICE USES A SF-1 SF-2 SF- 3 SF-4 SF-4A 2F TH MH-1 MH-2 MF-1 MF-2 B-1 B-2 B-3 RO I-1 I-2 Auto Glass, Seat Cover or Muffler Shop Auto Laundry (Car Wash) Auto Painting, Body Rebuilding Shop Auto Parts and Accessory Sales (Indoors) Auto Storage or Auto Auction Motor Fuel Service Station Motorcycle Sales and Repair New or Used Auto Sales (Outdoor) New or Used Auto Sales (Indoor) S S Page 65 Repair Garage * AUTOMOBILE AND RELATED SERVICE USES A SF-1 SF-2 SF- 3 SF-4 SF-4A 2F TH MH-1 MH-2 MF-1 MF-2 B-1 B-2 B-3 RO I-1 I-2 Tire Retreading or Capping S Trailer or Auto Rental Wreaking Yard or Auto Salvage Yard S S RETAIL AND SERVICE TYPE USES A SF-1 SF-2 SF- 3 SF-4 SF-4A 2F TH MH-1 MH-2 MF-1 MF-2 B-1 B-2 B-3 RO I-1 I-2 Antique Shop S S Art Supply Store S S Bakery or Confectionary Shop (Retail) S S Bank, Saving and Loan Office * S S Barber or Beauty Shop S S Book or Stationary Shop or Newsstand S S Cash Advance or Payday Loan Office** S Cleaning and Pressing, Pick-up Service S S Cleaning Plant – Commercial Custom Personal Service Shop S S Page 66 Discount or Department Store S S Drapery, Needlework, Weaving Shop S S Drug Store Pharmacy S S Florist or Garden Shop S S S RETAIL AND SERVICE TYPE USES A SF-1 SF-2 SF- 3 SF-4 SF-4A 2F TH MH-1 MH-2 MF-1 MF-2 B-1 B-2 B-3 RO I-1 I-2 Food and Beverage Sales Store * S S Furniture or Appliance Store * S S Greenhouse, Plant Nursery (Retail) S Handcraft Shop and Art Objects Sales S S Hardware Store or Hobby Shop S S S Household Appliance Service or repair * S Incidental and Acc. Retail and Service Uses S S Key Shop S S Laboratory, Medical and Dental * S S Laundry and S S Page 67 Cleaning (Self- Service Liquor Store Medical Appliances, Fitting Sales or Rental S S Modular Building Sales, Service and Rental S S Mortuary or Funeral Home S S Office, General Business or Professional S S Office, Medical or Dental * S S Outside Display and Sales S Pawn Shop S S Pet Shop S S RETAIL AND SERVICE TYPE USES A SF-1 SF-2 SF- 3 SF-4 SF-4A 2F TH MH-1 MH-2 MF-1 MF-2 B-1 B-2 B-3 RO I-1 I-2 Quick Service Food and Beverage Shop S S S S S Restaurant or Cafeteria (Drive-In Service) S S S S Restaurant or Cafeteria (No Drive- In) S Retail Shop, Apparel, Gift, S S Page 68 Similar Items Sexually Oriented Business Studio, Decorator, Artist, Photographer S S Tavern Tool Rental * S S S Travel Bureau or Travel Consultant S S Variety Store or Similar Retail Shop * S S Studio, Health, Reducing or Similar Service S S Veterinarian, Office Only (No Animal Hospital) S Veterinarian Hospital (inside Pens only) S S S Veterinarian Hospital (outside Animal Pens) S ** Such use shall be no closer than 500 feet to another, existing cash advance or payday loan office. COMMERCIAL TYPE USES A SF-1 SF-2 SF- 3 SF-4 SF-4A 2F TH MH-1 MH-2 MF-1 MF-2 B-1 B-2 B-3 RO I-1 I-2 Bakery and Confectionery (Wholesale) Bottling Works Building Material Sales * Page 69 Cabinet or Upholstery Shop S Clothing, Similar Light Manufacturing Contractor Storage, Equipment Yard Dying or Laundry Plant S Heavy Machinery Sales, Storage or Repair S Laboratory Manufacturing Laboratory, Scientific or Research COMMERCIAL TYPE USES A SF-1 SF-2 SF- 3 SF-4 SF-4A 2F TH MH-1 MH-2 MF-1 MF-2 B-1 B-2 B-3 RO I-1 I-2 Lithographic or Print Shop Maintenance and Repair Service for Buildings * Milk Depot, Dairy or Ice Cream Plant Paint Shop Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning Shop Storage Warehouse Trailer or Mobile Home Sales or Rental S S Welding or machine Shop Wholesale Storage and Sales Page 70 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. 11. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J une 3, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Muzaib Riaz, P lanner, Development S ervices IT E M/C AP T IO N: Ranger Creek Estates Replat - Public Hearing C ond uc t a P ublic Hearing and C ons id er, Dis cus s and Ac t o n the R ep lat of Lo t 16R , Blo ck E, o f R anger C reek Es tates P has e 2, Being a R eplat o f Lo t 16 and Lo t 17, Bloc k E o f R anger C reek Es tates P has e 2, Being Ap p ro ximately 0.369 Ac res , and G enerally Lo cated North-Wes t o f the Intersec tion of La P aloma R o ad and Eastrid ge P ark R o ad . AG E N D A T YP E : R egular, P ublic Hearing AC T IO N R E Q UE S T E D: O ther: P ub lic Hearing B AC KG R O UN D: T he ap p licant is p ro p o s ing to rep lat the Lo ts 16 and 17, Blo c k E of R anger C reek Es tates , P has e 2 into a s ingle lo t for a single family res id enc e. T he property is loc ated within R anger C reek P lanned Develo p ment (P D) acc o rd ing to whic h the minimum lo t area is 7,700 S F, minimum lot wid th is 70 feet, minimum lot depth is 110 feet. T he propos ed lo t meets all applic ab le R anger C reek P D req uirements includ ing s etb ack req uirements. Ac cording to the P D, the minimum d welling unit size is 1,350 S F and maximum dwelling unit size is 2,400 S F. T his lo t will b e ac cessed fro m La P alo ma R oad. LE G AL/B O AR D C O MMIS S IO N R E C O MME N D AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T IC E F E E D B AC K: P lanning & Zoning Commission Recommendation T he P lanning & Zoning C ommission rec o mmended AP P R O VAL (6-0) of the replat on May 13, 2019. Notification Response F orm S taff mailed s ixteen (16) pub lic hearing notices to the owners o f properties within 200 feet o f the s ubjec t p ro p erty. Nine (9) respons e forms were received at the time o f this rep o rt, 8 being in favor and 1 o p p o s ing the p ro p o s ed replat. F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S : N/A S TAF F R E C O MME N D AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: Page 71 S taff has found the plat to be in compliance with the S ub d ivision and Zoning R egulatio ns, and rec o mmends AP P R O VAL. Page 72 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. 12. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J une 3, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Muzaib Riaz, P lanner, Development S ervices IT E M/C AP T IO N: Ranger Creek Estates Replat - Action Item C ons id er, Dis cus s and Ac t on the R eplat o f Lo t 16R , Blo ck E, of R anger C reek Estates P has e 2, Being a R eplat o f Lot 16 and Lo t 17, Blo ck E of R anger C reek Estates P has e 2, Being Approximately 0.369 Ac res , and G enerally Lo cated No rth- Wes t o f the Intersec tion of La P aloma R o ad and Eastrid ge P ark R o ad . AG E N D A T YP E : R egular AC T IO N R E Q UE S T E D: Approval B AC KG R O UN D: T he ap p licant is p ro p o s ing to rep lat the Lo ts 16 and 17, Blo c k E of R anger C reek Es tates , P has e 2 into a s ingle lo t for a single family res id enc e. T he property is loc ated within R anger C reek P lanned Develo p ment (P D) acc o rd ing to whic h the minimum lo t area is 7,700 S F, minimum lot wid th is 70 feet, minimum lot depth is 110 feet. T he propos ed lo t meets all applic ab le R anger C reek P D req uirements includ ing s etb ack req uirements. Ac cording to the P D, the minimum d welling unit size is 1,350 S F and maximum dwelling unit size is 2,400 S F. T his lo t will b e ac cessed fro m La P alo ma R oad. LE G AL/B O AR D C O MMIS S IO N R E C O MME N D AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T IC E F E E D B AC K: P lanning & Zoning Commission Recommendation T he P lanning & Zoning C ommission rec o mmended AP P R O VAL (6-0) of the replat on May 13, 2019. Notification Response F orm S taff mailed s ixteen (16) pub lic hearing notices to the owners o f properties within 200 feet o f the s ubjec t p ro p erty. Nine (9) respons e forms were received at the time o f this rep o rt, 8 being in favor and 1 o p p o s ing the p ro p o s ed replat. F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S : N/A S TAF F R E C O MME N D AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: S taff has found the plat to be in compliance with the S ub d ivision and Zoning R egulatio ns, and rec o mmends AP P R O VAL. Page 73 AT TAC HME N T S : Des criptio n Up lo ad Date Type S taff R ep o rt 5/29/2019 Backup Material Lo catio n Map 5/29/2019 Backup Material Ap p licatio n 5/29/2019 Backup Material Letter of Intent 5/29/2019 Backup Material R ep lat 5/29/2019 Exhibit No tific ation R espons e F orm 1 5/29/2019 Backup Material No tific ation R espons e F orm 2 5/29/2019 Backup Material No tific ation R espons e F orm 3 5/29/2019 Backup Material No tific ation R espons e F orm 4 5/29/2019 Backup Material No tific ation R espons e F orm 5 5/29/2019 Backup Material No tific ation R espons e F orm 6 5/29/2019 Backup Material No tific ation R espons e F orm 7 5/29/2019 Backup Material No tific ation R espons e F orm 8 5/29/2019 Backup Material No tific ation R espons e F orm 9 5/29/2019 Backup Material Page 74 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: June 3, 2019 Case #: 19SANZON-0012 Case Coordinator: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services Request: Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on the Replat of Lot 16R, Block E, of Ranger Creek Estates Phase 2, Being a Replat of Lot 16 and Lot 17, Block E of Ranger Creek Estates Phase 2, Being Approximately 0.369 Acres, and Generally Located North-West of the Intersection of La Paloma Road and Eastridge Park Road. Applicant: Falls Family Partners ______________________________________________________________________________ Case Overview The applicant is proposing to replat the Lots 16 and 17, Block E of Ranger Creek Estates, Phase 2 into a single lot for a single family residence. The property is located within Ranger Creek Planned Development (PD) according to which the minimum lot area is 7,700 SF, minimum lot width is 70 feet, minimum lot depth is 110 feet. The proposed lot meets all applicable Ranger Creek PD requirements including setback requirements. According to the PD, the minimum dwelling unit size is 1,350 SF and maximum dwelling unit size is 2,400 SF. This lot wi ll be accessed from La Paloma Road. Staff Recommendation Staff has found the plat to be in compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations, and recommends APPROVAL. Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended APPROVAL (6-0) of the replat on May 13, 2019. Notification Response Form Staff mailed sixteen (16) public hearing notices to the owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property. Nine (9) response forms were received at the time of this report, 8 being in favor and 1 opposing the proposed replat. Page 75 Attachments  Location Map  Application  Letter of Intent  Final Replat  Notification Response Forms Page 76 274527 274496274494 274472 274528 274470 274524 274473 274501274502 274500 274493 274471 274526274525 274499 274495 274529 274497 274498 274469 57032 E A S T R I D G E P A R K R D CHAPARRAL RD LA PALOMA R D Ranger CreekEstates Ph2Lot 16R Blk E /Location Exhibit: Ranger Creek Est.Phase 2 Lot 16R Blk 3 0 50 10025 Feet DISCLAIMER:This map was generat ed by GIS data providedby the Sang er GIS Departmen t. Th e City of Sanger do es not guarantee the corre ctness oraccuracy of any features on this map . These mapproducts are for illustration purposes only andare not suitab le for site-specific decision makin g.GIS data is subject to consta nt ch anges, andmay not be complete, accurate or current.Date: 4/27 /2019 2:35:48 PMDoc Name: LocationExhibit_RangerCreekEstPh2CityLimitsExhibits Page 77 Page 78 Page 79 L1 L2 L3 L7 1/2" IRF 1/2" IRF CIRF CIRF CIRF CIRF CIRS CIRS L6 L5 L 4 LOT 1 8 LOT 1 7 LOT 1 6 LOT 1 5LOT 1 4LOT 1 3 LA PALOMA R O A D E A S T R I D G E P A R K R O A D ( 6 0 ' R . O . W . ) (60' R.O.W . ) LOT 16R 0.369 AC P.O.B. EASEMENT LINES = DEED/LOT LINES = FENCE LINES = ADJOINER LINES = XX OVERHEAD UTILITY = ASPHALT ROAD = OHU LINETYPE LEGEND PROPERTY LINE = GRAVEL ROAD = LEGEND = PROPERTY CORNER = BENCHMARK = TELEPHONE/UTILITY RISER = BURIED CABLE MARKER = TELEPHONE MANHOLE = POWER/UTILITY POLE (TR/UR) (BCM) (TMH) (PP/UP) CM * FF MFCP WFCP ( ) = CONTROL MONUMENT = FINISHED FLOOR = METAL FENCE CORNER POST = METAL FENCE CORNER POST = PLAT/DEED CALLS = BEARING BASIS = ASPHALT SURFACE = LIGHT POLE = GUY WIRE = ELECTRIC VAULT = ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER = WATER METER = WATER VALVE = FIRE HYDRANT = WATER MANHOLE = BURIED PIPELINE MARKER = GAS METER = GAS VALVE/TEST STATION = GAS WELL HEAD = PROPANE TANK = SEPTIC CLEANOUT = SEPTIC LID = SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE = STORM DRAIN MANHOLE = SIGN = FLAGPOLE = MAILBOX = ABSTRACT CORNER (LP) (GUY) (VLT) (TRAN) (WM) (WV) (FH) (WMH) (BPM) (GM) (GV/TS) (WH) (PT) (C/O) (SEPT) (SSMH) (SDMH) (SIGN) (FP) (MB) POB R.O.W. D.E. E.E. U.E. W.E. P.U.E. B.L. A.E. F.L.E. S.W.E. IRF CIRF CIRS PKF PKS S.S.E. = POINT OF BEGINNING = RIGHT-OF-WAY = DRAINAGE EASEMENT = ELECTRIC EASEMENT = UTILITY EASEMENT = WATER EASEMENT = PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT = BUILDING/SETBACK LINE = ACCESS EASEMENT = FIRELANE EASEMENT = SIDEWALK EASEMENT = IRON ROD FOUND = CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND = CAPPED IRON ROD SET = PK NAIL FOUND = PK NAIL SET = SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT = CONCRETE SURFACE = GRAVEL SURFACE FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW ONLY N 0'20'40' N VICINITY MAP NTS SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT IS TRUE AND CORRECT AND WAS PREPARED FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY ON THE GROUND UNDER MY SUPERVISION. _____________________________________________________ J.E.THOMPSON II R.P.L.S. TEXAS REGISTRATION NO. 4857 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED NOTARY IN AND FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED J.E. THOMPSON II, KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSON, WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE FORGOING INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGE TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSE AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STATED. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE THIS ____________ DAY OF __________________ 20_____. ____________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC IN THE STATE OF TEXAS. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES _______________________. JOB NO. 190101 DATE: 04/17/2019 DRAWN BY: T.A.R. SCALE: 1" = 20' PAGE: 1 OF 1 111 N. DIXON ST. GAINESVILLE, TX 76240 PH. 940-665-9105 TBPLS FIRM NO. 10048000 REPLAT RANGER CREEK ESTATES PHASE 2 LOT 16R, BLOCK E BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 16 & 17, BLOCK E PHASE 2 OF RANGER CREEK ESTATES BEING 0.369 ACRES IN THE H. TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1241 CITY OF SANGER DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS OWNER FALLS FAMILY PARTNERSHIP, LTD. 4489 MCREYNOLDS RD SANGER, TX 76266 SURVEYOR J.E. THOMPSON II ALL AMERICAN SURVEYING 111 N. DIXON ST. GAINESVILLE, TX 76240 PH. 940-665-9105 APPROVED AND ACCEPTED __________________________________________________________ CHAIRMAN, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION DATE CITY OF SANGER, TX ___________________________________________________________ MAYOR DATE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ATTESTED BY ___________________________________________________________ CITY SECRETARY DATE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS GENERAL NOTES: 1.ALL LOT CORNERS ARE CAPPED 12" IRON ROD SET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2.NOTICE: SELLING A PORTION OF THIS ADDITION BY METES AND BOUNDS IN LIEU OF A PLAT, PRIOR TO PLATTING, IS A VIOLATION OF CITY ORDINANCE AND STATE LAW AND IS SUBJECT TO FINES AND WITHHOLDING OF UTILITIES AND BUILDING PERMITS. 3.BEARING BASIS DERIVED FROM GPS OBSERVATIONS MADE ON THE GROUND. TEXAS NORTH CENTRAL NAD 83. 4.THE PURPOSE OF THIS REPLAT IS TO COMBINE LOTS 16 AND 17 TO CREATE LOT 16R, BLOCK E OF RANGER CREEK PHASE 2. 5.ALL SETBACKS AND EASEMENTS ALONG THE COMMON LOT LINE BETWEEN LOTS 16 AND 17 TO BE ABANDONED BY THIS PLAT. 6.THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN RANGER CREEK PHASE 2 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PD). OWNER'S DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § WHEREAS FALLS FAMILY PARTNERSHIP, LTD., IS THE OWNER OF ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE H. TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 1241, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING ALL OF LOTS 16 AND 17, BLOCK E, RANGER CREEK ESTATES, PHASE 2, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN CABINET W, PAGE 17 OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A 1/2” IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER IN THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF LA PALOMA ROAD AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 17 AND THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 18 OF SAID BLOCK E; THENCE NORTH 02 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 52 SECONDS EAST, WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 17 AND THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 18, A DISTANCE OF 114.89 FEET TO A 1/2” IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER IN THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 14 OF SAID BLOCK E AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 17 AND THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 18; THENCE SOUTH 87 DEGREES 39 MINUTES 42 SECONDS EAST, WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 17 AND THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 14, PASSING EN ROUTE THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 14 AND THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 15 OF SAID BLOCK E, AND CONTINUING ON SAID COURSE WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 17 AND THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 15, A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 47.05 FEET TO A CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER; THENCE NORTH 80 DEGREES 53 MINUTES 14 SECONDS EAST, WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 17 AND THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 15, PASSING EN ROUTE AT A DISTANCE OF 13.91 FEET A CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 17 AND THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 16, AND CONTINUING ON SAID COURSE WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 16 AND THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 15, A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 83.91 FEET TO A CAPPED IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER IN THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF EASTRIDGE PARK ROAD AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 16 AND THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 15, SAID POINT BEING IN A CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 16 AND SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE WITH SAID CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 530.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 82.16 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 08 DEGREES 52 MINUTES 54 SECONDS, AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS SOUTH 13 DEGREES 33 MINUTES 12 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 82.08 FEET TO A CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER AT THE INTERSECTION OF SAID EASTRIDGE PARK ROAD AND SAID LA PALOMA ROAD AND THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE ALONG SAID INTERSECTION WITH SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 29.86 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 85 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 43 SECONDS, AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS SOUTH 24 DEGREES 47 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 27.16 FEET TO A CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER AT THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 16 PART OF THE WAY, THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 17 PART OF THE WAY, AND SAID NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE WITH SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 300.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 129.74 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 24 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 45 SECONDS, AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS SOUTH 79 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 56 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 128.73 FEET TO A CAPPED IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER; THENCE NORTH 87 DEGREES 14 MINUTES 41 SECONDS WEST, WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 17 AND SAID NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 15.21 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND ENCLOSING 0.369 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF _________________ THE OWNER OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS PLAT AND WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED HERETO, AND IN PERSON OR THROUGH A DULY AUTHORIZED AGENT DEDICATES TO THE USE OF PUBLIC FOREVER ALL STREETS, ALLEYS, PARKS, WATERCOURSES, DRAINS, EASEMENTS, AND PUBLIC PLACES THEREON SHOWN FOR THE PURPOSE AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED. _____________________________________________________ JOE FALLS FALLS FAMILY PARTNERSHIP, LTD. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED NOTARY IN AND FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED JOE FALLS, KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSON, WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE FORGOING INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGE TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSE AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STATED. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE THIS ____________ DAY OF __________________ 2019. ___________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES _______________________. I, JOE FALLS OF THE FALLS FAMILY PARTNERSHIP, LTD., DO HEREBY SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE RECORD PLAT OF RANGER CREEK, PHASE 2, IS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SANGER. _____________________________________________________ JOE FALLS FALLS FAMILY PARTNERSHIP, LTD. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED NOTARY IN AND FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED JOE FALLS, KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSON, WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE FORGOING INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGE TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSE AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STATED. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE THIS ____________ DAY OF __________________ 2019. ___________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES _______________________. Course Bearing Distance L1 N 02°06'52" E 114.89' L2 S 87°39'42" E 47.05' L3 N 80°53'14" E 83.91' L4 Rad: 530.00'A: 82.16' Tan: 41.16'CA: 8°52'54" Chd: S 13°33'12" E 82.08' L5 Rad: 20.00'A: 29.86' Tan: 18.50'CA: 85°31'43" Chd: S 24°47'42" W 27.16' L6 Rad: 300.00'A: 129.74' Tan: 65.90'CA: 24°46'45" Chd: S 79°56'56" W 128.73' L7 N 87°14'41" W 15.21' Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Page 83 Page 84 Page 85 Page 86 Page 87 Page 88 Page 89 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. 13. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J une 3, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Ramie Hammonds, Development S ervices Director IT E M/C AP T IO N: Amendment to Appendix A "Fee S chedule", Article 2.000 "B uilding and Construction F ees C ons id er, Dis cus s and P ossibly Ac t o n O rd inance # 06-18-19 – Amending Append ix A “F ee S ched ule” of the C o d e o f O rd inances, Artic le 2.000 “Build ing and C ons tructio n F ees ”. AG E N D A T YP E : R egular AC T IO N R E Q UE S T E D: Approval, O rdinanc e B AC KG R O UN D: T he S tate of Texas enac ted HB 852 on May 21, 2019 to b e effective immediately. T his bill prohib its the us e o f valuation o r c o s t o f c o nstruc tion in determining p ermit fees . S taff is proposing a fee s ched ule amendment in order to b e in c o mp lianc e with the amended S ubc hapter Z, C hap ter 214 o f the Texas Loc al G o vernment C ode. LE G AL/B O AR D C O MMIS S IO N R E C O MME N D AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T IC E F E E D B AC K: N/A F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S : N/A S TAF F R E C O MME N D AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: S taff rec o mmends that C ity C ounc il approve O rd inance # 06-18-19. AT TAC HME N T S : Des criptio n Up lo ad Date Type O rdinanc e # 06-18-19 5/30/2019 C over Memo R ed line o rd inance 5/30/2019 C over Memo Page 90 HB 852 5/29/2019 C over Memo Page 91 ORDINANCE # 06-18-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AMENDING APPENDIX A FEE SCHEDULE OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTICLE 2.000 "BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION FEES"; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Appendix A “Fee” Schedule of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas is hereby amended in part by amending Section 2.100 to read as follows: “ARTICLE 2.000 BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION FEES Sec. 2.100 Building Permits and Inspections (a) Permits fees (residential). (1) New residential: (A) $700.00 base fee + $0.45 per square foot of living space, and $0.15 per square foot of unheated space**. **Plan review and initial inspection fees are included in the cost of the building permit. A second or additional inspection of any failed item will result in a reinspection fee. (2) Residential additions/remodels: (A) $200.00 base + $0.20 per square foot of remodel or addition area**. (B) Windows and doors (only): $50.00. (C) Reroofing: $75.00. **Plan review and initial inspection fees are included in the cost of the building permit. A second or additional inspection of any failed item will result in a reinspection fee. (3) Accessory buildings: (A) Under 120 sq. ft: No permit required. (B) Over 120 sq. ft.: $60.00 plus $0.10 per square foot. (4) Amended plan review: $75.00. (b) Permit fees (commercial). Page 92 (1) Commercial, new or additions and multifamily dwellings: (A) Plan review fee: $1,000.00. (B) Permit: $0.20 per square foot. (C) For the 3rd party review and/or inspections – actual cost plus an administrative fee of 5% of the total cost of the 3rd party review and/or inspections (min. fee $150.00). (2) Commercial, remodels or finish-outs: (A) Plan review fee: $500.00. (B) Permit: $0.20 per square foot; or (C) For the 3rd party review and/or inspections – actual cost plus an administrative fee of 5% of the total cost of the 3rd party review and/or inspections (min. fee $150.00). (3) Amended plan review: $75.00. (4) Certificate of occupancy (*temp power not included): $75.00. (5) Courtesy CO walk-thru (limited to one hour): $75.00. (c) Other Inspections and Fees. (1) Inspections outside of normal business hours: $50.00 per hour – minimum charge of 2 hours. (2) Reinspection: (A) Initial reinspection: $$50.00. (B) Second reinspection: $75.00. (C) Third reinspection: $100.00. (D) Subsequent reinspection: $125.00. (3) Work without a permit: Double permit fee. (4) Temporary pole service: $60.00. (5) Temporary power (CO): $50.00. (6) Fence permit: (A) Residential: $50.00. (B) Commercial: $50.00 per 300 LF or portion thereof. (7) Renewable energy permit: $100.00. Page 93 (8) Replacement of water lines, sewer lines or driveways on existing structures: $75.00. (9) Flatwork: $75.00. (10) Swimming pool/spa: (A) Aboveground: $75.00. (B) In ground: $150.00. (11) Demolition permit: $75.00. (12) Mobile home move-in: $75.00. (13) Modular home: $500.00. (14) Miscellaneous inspections: $75.00.” Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed . Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this ordinance shall be declared invalid by the valid judgement or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such invalid word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. Section 4. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1 .109 of the Code of Ordinances. Section 5. This ordinance will take effect on June 04, 201 9. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this the __ day of_____ 2019, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. APPROVED _________________________________ Thomas E. Muir, MAYOR ATTEST: __________________________________ Cheryl Price, CITY SECRETARY Page 94 ORDINANCE # 06-18-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AMENDING APPENDIX A FEE SCHEDULE OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTICLE 2.000 "BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION FEES"; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Appendix A “Fee Schedule” of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas is hereby amended in part by amending section 2.100 to read as follows: “ARTICLE 2.000 BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION FEES Sec. 2.100 Building Permits and Inspections (a) Permits fees (residential). (1) New residential: (A) $1.00 - $500,000.00 valuation*: $750.00 for the first $100,000.00 plus $5.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000.** $700.00 base fee + $0.45 per square foot of living space, and $0.15 per square foot of unheated space**. (B) Over $500,000.00 valuation*: $2,750.00 for the first $500,000.00 plus $4.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof.** *Valuation is calculated using the International Code Council Valuation Table as published in the most current August edition of the Building Safety Magazine. **Plan review and initial inspection fees are included in the cost of the building permit. A second or additional inspection of any failed item will result in a reinspection fee. (2) Residential additions/remodels: (A) 1 to 100 sq. ft.: $200.00 base fee + $0.20 per square foot of remodel or addition area**. (B) Over 100 sq. ft.: $200.00 plus $3.00 for each $1,000.00 valuation*. (CB) Windows and doors (only): $50.00. (DC) Reroofing: $75.00. Page 95 *Valuation is calculated using the International Code Council Valuation Table as published in the most current August edition of the Building Safety Magazine. **Plan review and initial inspection fees are included in the cost of the building permit. A second or additional inspection of any failed item will result in a reinspection fee. (3) Accessory buildings: (A) Under 120 sq. ft: No permit required. (B) Over 120 sq. ft.: $60.00 plus $0.10 per square foot. (4) Amended plan review: $75.00. (b) Permit fees (commercial). (1) Commercial, new or additions and multifamily dwellings: (A) Plan review fee: $1,000.00. (B) Permit: $0.20 per square foot. (C) For the 3rd party review and/or inspections – actual cost plus an administrative fee of 5% of the total cost of the 3rd party review and/or inspections (min. fee $150.00). (2) Commercial, remodels or finish-outs: (A) Plan review fee: $500.00. (B) Permit: $0.20 per square foot; or (C) For the 3rd party review and/or inspections – actual cost plus an administrative fee of 5% of the total cost of the 3rd party review and/or inspections (min. fee $150.00). (3) Amended plan review: $75.00. (4) Certificate of occupancy (*temp power not included): $75.00. (5) Courtesy CO walk-thru (limited to one hour): $75.00. (c) Other Inspections and Fees. (1) Inspections outside of normal business hours: $50.00 per hour – minimum charge of 2 hours. (2) Reinspection: (A) Initial reinspection: $$50.00. (B) Second reinspection: $75.00. Page 96 (C) Third reinspection: $100.00. (D) Subsequent reinspection: $125.00. (3) Work without a permit: Double permit fee. (4) Temporary pole service: $60.00. (5) Temporary power (CO): $50.00. (6) Fence permit: (A) Residential: $50.00. (B) Commercial: $50.00 per 300 LF or portion thereof. (7) Renewable energy permit: $100.00. (8) Replacement of water lines, sewer lines or driveways on existing structures: $75.00. (9) Flatwork: $75.00. (10) Swimming pool/spa: (A) Aboveground: $75.00. (B) In ground: $150.00. (11) Demolition permit: $75.00. (12) Mobile home move-in: $75.00. (13) Modular home: $500.00. (14) Miscellaneous inspections: $75.00." Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed . Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this ordinance shall be declared invalid by the valid judgement or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such invalid word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. Section 4. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this Page 97 article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1 .109 of the Code of Ordinances. Section 5. This ordinance will take effect on June 04, 201 9. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this the __ day of_____ 2019, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. APPROVED _________________________________ Thomas E. Muir, MAYOR ATTEST: __________________________________ Cheryl Price, CITY SECRETARY Page 98 H.B.ANo.A852 AN ACT relating to information a municipality may consider in determining the amount of certain building permit and inspection fees. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTIONA1.AASubchapter Z, Chapter 214, Local Government Code, is amended by adding Section 214.907 to read as follows: Sec.A214.907.AAPROHIBITION ON CERTAIN VALUE-BASED BUILDING PERMIT AND INSPECTION FEES. (a) In determining the amount of a building permit or inspection fee required in connection with the construction or improvement of a residential dwelling, a municipality may not consider: (1)AAthe value of the dwelling; or (2)AAthe cost of constructing or improving the dwelling. (b)AAA municipality may not require the disclosure of information related to the value of or cost of constructing or improving a residential dwelling as a condition of obtaining a building permit except as required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. SECTIONA2.AASection 214.907(a), Local Government Code, as added by this Act, applies only to a building permit or inspection fee assessed by a municipality on or after the effective date of this Act in connection with the construction or improvement of a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 Page 99 residential dwelling. SECTIONA3.AAThis Act takes effect immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2019. 1 2 3 4 5 6 H.B.ANo.A852 2 Page 100 ______________________________ ______________________________ AAAAPresident of the Senate Speaker of the HouseAAAAAA I certify that H.B. No. 852 was passed by the House on April 16, 2019, by the following vote:AAYeas 126, Nays 9, 2 present, not voting. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the HouseAAA I certify that H.B. No. 852 was passed by the Senate on May 8, 2019, by the following vote:AAYeas 29, Nays 2. ______________________________ Secretary of the SenateAAAA APPROVED:AA_____________________ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADateAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA_____________________ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGovernorAAAAAAA H.B.ANo.A852 3 Page 101 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. 14. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J une 3, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Ramie Hammonds, Development S ervices Director IT E M/C AP T IO N: Amend Chapter 3 "Building Regulations" of the Code of Ordinances, Article 3.2500 "Energy Conservation Code" C ons id er, Disc uss and P o s s ib ly Ac t o n O rdinanc e # 06-19-19 - Amend ing C hap ter 3 “Building R egulations ” of the C ode o f O rd inances, Artic le 3.2500 “Energy C ons ervatio n C o d e”. AG E N D A T YP E : R egular AC T IO N R E Q UE S T E D: Approval, O rdinanc e B AC KG R O UN D: S taff is propos ing an amendment to C hap ter 3 "Building R egulations ", Artic le 3.2500 "Energy C ons ervatio n C o d e", of the C ode of O rdinanc es . T he p ro p o s ed change is to allow fo r more flexib ility and a method for tradeoffs in o rd er to meet the requirements of the 2015 International Energy C o nservation C ode. T hese are rec o mmended amendments that were recently made b y the North C entral Texas C o uncil o f G o vernments . LE G AL/B O AR D C O MMIS S IO N R E C O MME N D AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T IC E F E E D B AC K: N/A F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S : N/A S TAF F R E C O MME N D AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: S taff rec o mmends that C ity C ounc il approve O rd inance # 06-19-19 AT TAC HME N T S : Des criptio n Up lo ad Date Type Page 102 O rdinanc e # 06-19-19 5/30/2019 C over Memo R ed line o rd inance 5/30/2019 C over Memo Page 103 ORDINANCE #06-19-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTICLE 3.2500 "ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE"; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Chapter 3, Article 3.2500 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas is hereby amended in part as follows: “Sec.3.2505 Amendents… **Section R402.4 (N1102.4) Air leakage (Mandatory); add a new section and table to read as follows: R402.4.1.3 (N1102.4.1.3) Testing option – ACH tradeoff. As an option to the air leakage rate set out in Section R402.4.1.2 (N1102.4.1.2), 1- and 2-family homes meeting all of the listed criteria below and the thermal envelope requirements in Table R402.4.1.3 (N1102.4.1.3) will be considered compliant when tested and verified as having an air leakage rate to not less than or equal to four air changes per hour when tested and reported in accordance with the testing standards and reporting criteria listed in Section R402.4.1.2 (N1102.4.1.2). The com pliance equivalenc y is lim ited as follows: 1. Lim ited to a conditioned floor area between 1,000 and 6,000 square feet, 2. Lim ited to between 2 to 6 bedroom s, 3. Assum es all ductwork and m echanical equipm ent is located in the unconditioned attic, 4. Assum es typical wood fram ing in the walls and roof, and 5. Assum es one of the following heating/cooling s ystems: a. All electric s ystem with a heat pum p for heating, or b. A s ystem with electric cooling and natural gas heating. Dwellings using electric res istance strip heating do not qualif y for this tradeoff. TABLE R402.4.1.3 (N1102.4.1.3)a Envelope Component Option #1 Option #2 R402.4 Air Leakage < 4 ACH50 < 4 ACH50 Wall Insulation R-value R13 + R3b R13 + R3 b Fenestration U-factor < 0.32 < 0.32 Fenestration SHGC < 0.25 < 0.25 Ceiling R-value > R49 > R49 Duct Insulation R-value R8 R6 Radiant Barrier Required No Yes a. Except for the values listed in the table, all other mandatory code provisions are applicable. Page 104 b. The first value listed is the R-value of cavity insulation, the second value is the R -value of the continuous insulation or insulated siding. ** Section R402.4 Air leakage (Mandatory); add a new section to read as follows: R402.4.1.4 Testing options for R2 multifamily dwelling units. As an option to the air leakage rate set out in Section R402.4.1.2, multifamily dwelling units will be considered compliant when tested and verified as having an air leakage rate to the air leakage rate set out in either Section R402. or Section R402. when tested and reported in accordance with th e testing standards and reporting criteria listed in Section R402.4.1.2 R402. Total air leakage rate for interior multifamily dwelling units. Interior multifamily dwelling units with a measured, “unguarded” total air leakage result of 5.3 ACH50 or less shall be considered compliant. R402. Total air leakage rate for corner multifamily dwelling units. Corner multifamily units with a measured, “unguarded” total leakage result of less than 5.0 ACH50 shall be considered compliant…” Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed . Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this ordinance shall be declared invalid by the valid judgement or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such determined shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such invalid word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. Section 4. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1 .109 of the Code of Ordinances. Section 5. This ordinance will take effect from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this the __ day of_____ 2019, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. APPROVED _________________________________ Thomas E. · Muir, MAYOR ATTEST: __________________________________ Cheryl Price, CITY SECRETARY Page 105 ORDINANCE #06-19-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY SANGER, TEXAS AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTICLE 3.2500 "ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE"; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this the ____ day of_____ 2019, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. APPROVED ______________________________ Thomas E. Muir, MAYOR ATTEST: __________________________________ Cheryl Price, CITY SECRETARY Page 106 ORDINANCE #06-19-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTICLE 3.2500 "ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE"; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Chapter 3, Article 3.2500 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas is hereby amended in part as follows: Sec. 3.2502 Amendments **Section R402.4 (N1102.4) Air leakage (Mandatory); add a new section and table to read as follows: R402.4.1.3 (N1102.4.1.3) Testing option – ACH tradeoff. As an option to the air leakage rate set out in Section R402.4.1.2 (N1102.4.1.2), 1- and 2-family homes meeting all of the listed criteria below and the thermal envelope requirements in Table R402.4.1.3 (N1102.4.1.3) will be considered compliant when tested and verified as having an air leakage rate to not less than or equal to four air changes per hour when tested and reported in accordance with the testing standards and reporting criteria listed in Section R402.4.1.2 (N1102.4.1.2). The com pliance equivalenc y is lim ited as follows: 1. Lim ited to a conditioned floor area between 1,000 and 6,000 square feet, 2. Lim ited to between 2 to 6 bedroom s, 3. Assum es all ductwork and m echanical equipm ent is located in the unconditioned attic, 4. Assum es typical wood fram ing in the walls and roof, and 5. Assum es one of the following heating/cooling s ystems: a. All electric s ystem with a heat pum p for heating, or b. A s ystem with electric cooling and natural gas heating. Dwellings using electric res istance strip heating do not qualif y for this tradeoff. TABLE R402.4.1.3 (N1102.4.1.3)a Envelope Component Option #1 Option #2 R402.4 Air Leakage < 4 ACH50 < 4 ACH50 Wall Insulation R-value R13 + R3b R13 + R3 b Fenestration U-factor < 0.32 < 0.32 Fenestration SHGC < 0.25 < 0.25 Ceiling R-value > R49 > R49 Duct Insulation R-value R8 R6 Radiant Barrier Required No Yes Page 107 a. Except for the values listed in the table, all other mandatory code provisions are applicable. b. The first value listed is the R-value of cavity insulation, the second value is the R-value of the continuous insulation or insulated siding. ** Section R402.4 Air leakage (Mandatory); add a new section to read as follows: R402.4.1.4 Testing options for R2 multifamily dwelling units. As an option to the air leakage rate set out in Section R402.4.1.2, multifamily dwelling units will be considered compliant when tested and verified as having an air leakage rate to the air leakage rate set out in either Section R402. or Section R402. when tested and reported in accordance with the testing standards and reporting criteria listed in Section R402.4.1.2 R402. Total air leakage rate for interior multifamily dwelling units. Interior multifamily dwelling units with a measured, “unguarded” total air leakage result of 5.3 ACH50 or less shall be considered compliant. R402. Total air leakage rate for corner multifamily dwelling units. Corner multifamily units with a measured, “unguarded” total leakage result of less than 5.0 ACH50 shall be considered compliant. Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed . Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this ordinance shall be declared invalid by the valid judgement or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such invalid word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. Section 4. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1 .109 of the Code of Ordinances. Section 5. This ordinance will take effect from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this the __ day of_____ 2019, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. APPROVED _________________________________ Thomas E. · Muir, MAYOR ATTEST: __________________________________ Cheryl Price, CITY SECRETARY Page 108 ORDINANCE #06-19-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY SANGER, TEXAS AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTICLE 3.2500 "ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE"; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this the ____ day of_____ 2019, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. APPROVED ______________________________ Thomas E. Muir, MAYOR ATTEST: __________________________________ Cheryl Price, CITY SECRETARY Page 109 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. 15. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J une 3, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Ramie Hammonds, Development S ervices Director IT E M/C AP T IO N: Amend Chapter 10 "S ubdivision Regulation", Exhibit A "S ubdivision Ordinance", Section 6.05 "Water S ystems" C ons id er, Dis cus s and P o s s ib ly Act o n O rdinance # 06-17-19 – Amending C hap ter 10 "S ub d ivision R egulation"; Exhib it A "S ub d ivision O rd inance"; S ec tion 6.05 "Water S ys tems". AG E N D A T YP E : R egular AC T IO N R E Q UE S T E D: Approval, O rdinanc e B AC KG R O UN D: S taff is p ro p o s ing to amend C hapter 10 “S ub d ivis ion R egulatio ns ”; Exhibit A “S ubdivis io n O rdinanc e”; S ectio n 6.05 “Water S ys tems”, to better clarify the intent as it relates to the ET J. LE G AL/B O AR D C O MMIS S IO N R E C O MME N D AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T IC E F E E D B AC K: N/A F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S : N/A S TAF F R E C O MME N D AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: S taff rec o mmends that C ity C ounc il approve O rd inance # 06-17-19 AT TAC HME N T S : Des criptio n Up lo ad Date Type O rdinanc e # 06-17-19 5/30/2019 C over Memo R ed line o rd inance 5/30/2019 C over Memo Page 110 ORDINANCE # 06-17-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AMENDING CHAPTER 10 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTICLE 6.05 "WATER SYSTEMS”; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Chapter 10, Subdivision Regulations, Article 6.05, “Water Systems”, of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas is hereby amended to read as follows: 6.05 - Water Systems Water systems shall be of sufficient size to furnish adequate domestic water within the corporate city limits and the extraterritorial jurisdiction (“ETJ”). Sufficiently sized water systems for fire protection shall be required within the corporate city limits and where there is availability in the ETJ. Water systems shall conform to the city's comprehensive plan and meet the requirements, in all respects, of the Texas Department of Health. The city shall make the final determination of the adequacy of water mains proposed. A. Materials (1) Water Mains (a) All water mains twelve inches (12") in diameter and smaller may be AWWA C900 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe or an approved equal. Water mains larger than twelve inches (12") in diameter may be constructed with either pre -tensioned or pre-stressed concrete steel cylinder pipe, AWWA C900 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe or an approved equal. (b) The subdivider shall comply with all applicable NCTCOG Standard Specifications, Division 2, Item 2.12., Sections 2.12.5., 2.12.8., and 2.12.20. (2) Gate Valves Gate valves shall be furnished in accordance with the NCTCOG Standard Specifications, Division 2, Item 2.13., Section 2.13.1. (3) Fire Hydrants (a) Fire hydrants shall be furnished in accordance with the NCTCOG Standard Specifications, Division 2, Item 2.14. (b) The subdivider shall furnish drawings with complete detailed dimensions of the fire hydrant proposed for the subdivision. B. Installation and Testing Page 111 (1) Water Mains, Fittings, Gate Valves and Fire Hydrants (a) The subdivider shall comply with all applicable NCTCOG Standard Specifications in Division 6 for installing materials that comply with the standards of the city. (b) Prior to approval of plans and specifications for ductile iron pipe, the subdivider shall perform a soil survey to establish the corrosive characteristics of the soil at, and along the alignment of the proposed water mains. If the corrosive characteristics of the soil are found to be excessive or indicate a potential for a corrosive condition, then an approved polyethylene encasement or wrapping shall be installed to protect the pipe in accordance with the NCTCOG Standard Specifications, Division 2, Item 2.9., Section 2.9.5. (c) Tap installations on PVC pipe will be made by attaching a bronze service clamp equipped with a sealed threaded port on the periphery of the main; then drilling through the pipe wall to complete each service port. Taps may be made either on an uncharged system or into a main under pressure. (2) Location (a) All water mains shall be constructed within street rights-of-way or easements dedicated to the city. (b) Easements shall be provided for water mains which parallel any state numbered highway. (c) Water mains shall be installed in or extended along all frontage streets of the proposed subdivision and shall be connected to all existing water mains where convenient. Provision of water mains in conjunction with cul -de-sac streets shall be at the discretion of the city engineer. To insure reliability of service, dead -end mains of adequate capacity shall not exceed three thousand feet (3,000') in length. Adequa te capacity shall be determined by the standards for fire flow as adopted by the City and/or required by the State of Texas, whichever is more stringent. (d) In zoning districts commonly referred to as “residential sections,” the minimum size of water main shall be six inches (6") in diameter. Where intervals between “cross- connecting” mains must exceed one thousand two hundred feet (1,200'), or where dead- ends must exist, eight-inch (8") diameter or larger mains shall be installed. (e) Eight-inch (8") diameter and larger mains shall be installed in zoning districts commonly referred to as “commercial”, “industrial,” or “multifamily” with minimum size eight inches (8") diameter intersecting mains every six hundred feet (600') as required by the City. Wh ere dead-ends must exist, eight-inch (8") diameter or larger mains shall be installed. The minimum limits set forth in the above shall not be exceeded except upon the specific approval by the city engineer, city building official and the fire chief, but in no event shall these requirements be less than the minimum required by the City and/or the State of Texas whichever is more stringent (f) All valves buried in the ground shall be provided with cast -iron valve boxes of proper dimensions to fit over the valve bonnets and to extend to such elevation at or slightly above the finished street grade or ground line, as approved by the city. Tops shall be complete with covers marked “water” and shall be adjustable. Valve boxes shall be set vertical and concentric with the valve stem. Page 112 Any valve box which has so moved from its original position as to prevent the application of the valve key shall be satisfactorily reset by the developer at his own expense. A reinforced concrete pad of the dimensions, 3'-0" x 3'-0" x 6", shall be poured around all valve boxes that are outside the pavement section, unless otherwise directed by the city. (g) Fire hydrants shall be placed to conform to the requirements as adopted by the City. Each hydrant shall be set upon a slab of stone or concrete not less than four inches (4") thick and not less than one (1) square foot of surface area. Where solid rock exists in the bottom of the trench and same is excavated to the proper depth to form a foundation for the hydrant, the slab of stone or concrete above specified may be omitted. The hydrant shall be set perpendicular, and to the proper depth, and shall be carefully and substantially blocked against firm trench walls using Class 2,000 concrete. (h) Fire hydrants shall be installed and operable prior to the erection of any building in which any combustible material is used as determined by the fire chief of the city. Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed . Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this ordinance shall be declared invalid by the valid judgement or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such invalid word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. Section 4. Any person, fi1m or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1 .109 of the Code of Ordinances. Section 5. This ordinance will take effect on its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this the __ day of_____ 2019, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. APPROVED _________________________________ Thomas E. Muir, MAYOR ATTEST: __________________________________ Cheryl Price, CITY SECRETARY Page 113 ORDINANCE # 06-17-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AMENDING CHAPTER 10 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTICLE 6.05 "WATER SYSTEMS”; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Duly passed, approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the ____ day of ____ 2019. APPROVED _________________________________ Thomas E. Muir, MAYOR ATTEST: _________________________________ Cheryl Price, CITY SECRETARY Page 114 ORDINANCE # 06-17-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AMENDING CHAPTER 10 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTICLE 6.05 "WATER SYSTEMS”; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Chapter 10, Subdivision Regulations, Article 6.05, “Water Systems”, of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas is hereby amended to read as follows: 6.05 - Water Systems Water systems shall be of sufficient size to furnish adequate domestic water within the corporate city limits and the extraterritorial jurisdiction (“ETJ”) of the city. , Sufficiently sized water systems for fire protection shall be required within the corporate city limits and where there is availability in the ETJ. to furnish fire protection to all lots and Water systems shall conform to the city's comprehensive plan and meet the requirements, in all respects, of the Texas Department of Health. The city shall make the final determination of the adequacy of water mains proposed. A. Materials (1) Water Mains (a) All water mains twelve inches (12") in diameter and smaller may be AWWA C900 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe or an approved equal. Water mains larger than twelve inches (12") in diameter may be constructed with either pre -tensioned or pre-stressed concrete steel cylinder pipe, AWWA C900 polyvinyl chlori de (PVC) pipe or an approved equal. (b) The subdivider shall comply with all applicable NCTCOG Standard Specifications, Division 2, Item 2.12., Sections 2.12.5., 2.12.8., and 2.12.20. (2) Gate Valves Gate valves shall be furnished in accordance with the NCTCOG Standard Specifications, Division 2, Item 2.13., Section 2.13.1. (3) Fire Hydrants (a) Fire hydrants shall be furnished in accordance with the NCTCOG Standard Specifications, Division 2, Item 2.14. (b) The subdivider shall furnish drawings with complete detailed dimensions of the fire hydrant proposed for the subdivision. B. Installation and Testing Page 115 (1) Water Mains, Fittings, Gate Valves and Fire Hydrants (a) The subdivider shall comply with all applicable NCTCOG Standard Specifications in Division 6, for installing materials that comply with the standards of the city. (b) Prior to approval of plans and specifications for ductile iron pipe, the subdivider shall perform a soil survey to establish the corrosive characteristics of the soil at, and along, the alignment of the proposed water mains. If the corrosive characteristics of the soil are found to be excessive or indicate a potential for a corrosive condition, then an approved polyethylene encasement or wrapping shall be installed to protect the pipe in accordance with the NCTCOG Standard Specifications, Division 2, Item 2.9., Section 2.9.5. (c) Tap installations on PVC pipe will be made by attaching a bronze service clamp equipped with a sealed threaded port on the periphery of the main; then drilling through the pipe wall to complete each service port. Taps may be made either on an uncharged system or into a main under pressure. (2) Location (a) All water mains shall be constructed within street rights-of-way or easements dedicated to the city. (b) Easements shall be provided for water mains which parallel any state numbered highway. (c) Water mains shall be installed in or extended along all frontage streets of the proposed subdivision and shall be connected to all existing water mains where convenient. Provision of water mains in conjunction with cul -de-sac streets shall be at the discretion of the city engineer. To insure reliability of service, dead -end mains of adequate capacity shall not exceed three thousand feet (3,000') in length. Adequate capacity shall be determined by the standards for fire flow as adopted by the City and/or required by the State of Texas, whichever is more stringent. (d) In zoning districts commonly referred to as “residential sections,” the minimum size of water main shall be six inches (6") in diameter. Where intervals between “cross- connecting” mains must exceed one thousand two hundred feet (1,200'), or where dead- ends -must exist, eight-inch (8") diameter or larger mains shall be installed. (e) Eight-inch (8") diameter and larger mains shall be installed in zoning districts commonly referred to as “commercial”, “industrial,” or “multifamily” with minimum size eight-inch (8") diameter intersecting mains every six hundred feet (600') as required by the City. Where dead-ends must exist, eight-inch (8") diameter or larger mains shall be installed. The minimum limits set forth in the above shall not be exceeded except upon the specific approval by the city engineer, city building official and the fire chief, but in no event shall these requirements be less than the minimum required by the City and/or the State of Texas whichever is more stringent (f) All valves buried in the ground shall be provided with cast-iron valve boxes of proper dimensions to fit over the valve bonnets and to extend to such elevation at or slightly above the finished street grade or ground line, as approved by the city. Tops shall be complete with covers marked “water” and shall be adjustable. Valve boxes shall be set vertical and concentric with the valve stem. Page 116 Any valve box which has so moved from its original position as to prevent the application of the valve key shall be satisfactorily reset by the developer at his own expense. A reinforced concrete pad of the dimensions, 3'-0" x 3'-0" x 6", shall be poured around all valve boxes that are outside the pavement section, unless otherwise directed by the city. (g) Fire hydrants shall be placed to conform to the requi rements as adopted by the City. Each hydrant shall be set upon a slab of stone or concrete not less than four inches (4") thick and not less than one (1) square foot of surface area. Where solid rock exists in the bottom of the trench and same is excavated to the proper depth to form a foundation for the hydrant, the slab of stone or concrete above specified may be omitted. The hydrant shall be set perpendicular, and to the proper depth, and shall be carefully and substantially blocked against firm trench walls using Class 2,000 concrete. (h) Fire hydrants shall be installed and operable prior to the erection of any building in which any combustible material is used as determined by the fire chief of the city. Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed . Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this ordinance shall be declared invalid by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such invalid word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. Section 4. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1 .109 of the Code of Ordinances. Section 5. This ordinance will take effect on its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this the __ day of_____ 2019, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. APPROVED _________________________________ Thomas E. Muir, MAYOR ATTEST: __________________________________ Cheryl Price, CITY SECRETARY Page 117 ORDINANCE # 06-17-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AMENDING CHAPTER 10 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTICLE 6.05 "WATER SYSTEMS”; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Duly passed, approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the ____ day of ____ 2019. APPROVED _________________________________ Thomas E. Muir, MAYOR ATTEST: _________________________________ Cheryl Price, CITY SECRETARY Page 118