07/01/2019-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGE N D A C IT Y C O UN C IL R E G ULAR ME E T IN G MON DAY, J ULY 1, 2019 7:00 P M 502 E LM S T R E E T S AN G E R, T E XAS 1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, P ledge of Allegiance. 2.C IT IZE N IN P UT: (Citize ns are allowed 3 minutes to sp eak. The City Co un cil is u na ble to respon d or discuss any issues brought up d urin g this section.) 3.C ON S E NT AG E N D A: a.Approval of Minutes 1.C ity C o uncil Jo int Meeting Minutes With 4A Board and 4B Board 06-17-2019 Approval of the C ity C ounc il Joint Meeting Minutes with 4A S anger Texas Indus trial Develo p ment C orporatio n and 4B S anger Texas Development C orporation o n June 17, 2019. 2.C ity C o uncil Work S ess io n Minutes 06-17-2019 Approval of the C ity C ounc il Wo rk S es s io n Minutes for the June 17, 2019 Meeting. 3.C ity C o uncil R egular Meeting Minutes 06-17-2019 Approval of the C ity C ounc il R egular Meeting Minutes for the June 17, 2019.Meeting. 4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. R E GULAR AGE N D A 5.Meadow Green F arm Addition - Minor P lat C ons id er, Dis cus s and Act o n the Minor P lat o f Lo t 1, Bloc k A of Mead o w G reen F arm Ad d ition, Being Approximately 4.367 Ac res , and G enerally Lo c ated West of Metz R o ad and App ro ximately 3000 F eet S outh of the Inters ectio n o f Lois R oad and Metz R oad. 6.S ervices Contract - Chamber of C ommerce - Hotel Occupancy Tax F unds C ons id er, Dis c us s and P o s s ibly Ap prove and Authorize Mayor to Execute a S ervices C ontrac t Between the C ity of S anger and the S anger Area C hamber o f C ommerc e for Hotel O c c upancy Tax F und s . 7.Resolution 07-11-2019 -Appointment - Denco Area 9-1-1 District C ons id er, Dis c us s and P o s s ib ly Approve R es olution #07-11-2019 - Appointing O ne Member to the Bo ard o f Managers of the Denco Area 9-1-1 Dis tric t. No minees are S ue Tejml, Bill C as tleman; and, David Terre. 8.Change Order #6 - Felix Construction C ons id er, Dis cus s and P os s ibly Ac t o n Approving C hange O rder #6 in the Amount of $17,046.40 Between the C ity o f S anger and F elix C ons tructio n C o mp any for C ons tructio n o f the S anger Was tewater Treatment P lant R ehabilitation and Imp ro vements. Page 1 9.F UT UR E AG E N D A IT E MS : (The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Council or at the call of the Mayor). 10.AD J O URN. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the City Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of S anger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times. S aid notice was posted on the following date and time, and remained posted continuously for at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled time of said meeting and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned. June 28, 2019 at 1:30 P M Cheryl P rice City S ecretary City of S anger, Texas Date/Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for additional accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. Page 2 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. a.1. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J uly 1, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Cheryl P rice, City S ecretary IT E M/C AP T IO N : City Council J oint Meeting Minutes With 4A B oard and 4 B Board 06-17-2019 Ap p ro val o f the C ity C o uncil Jo int Meeting Minutes with 4A S anger Texas Indus trial Develo p ment C orporatio n and 4B S anger Texas Develo p ment C orporatio n o n June 17, 2019. AG E N D A T YP E : C ons ent Agend a AC T ION R E Q UE S T E D: Approval B AC KG R OUN D : Attached are the minutes for C ity C o uncil approval o f the C ity C o uncil joint meeting with 4A S anger Texas Indus trial Development C orporatio n and 4B S anger Texas Development C o rp o ration from June 17, 2019 at 4:30 P M LE GAL/B OAR D COMMIS S IO N R E C O MME ND AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T ICE F E E D B AC K: N/A F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S: N/A S TAF F R E C O MME ND AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: N/A AT TAC HME N T S : Desc rip tion Up lo ad Date Typ e C ity C o uncil Joint Meeting Minutes with 4A and 4B Bo ard s 06-17-2019 6/28/2019 C o ver Memo Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. a.2. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J uly 1, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Cheryl P rice, City S ecretary IT E M/C AP T IO N : City Council Work S ession Minutes 06-17-2019 Ap p ro val o f the C ity C o uncil Work S ession Minutes for the June 17, 2019 Meeting. AG E N D A T YP E : C ons ent Agend a AC T ION R E Q UE S T E D: Approval B AC KG R OUN D : R eq uest Ap p roval of the June 17, 2019 Wo rk S es s ion Minutes. LE GAL/B OAR D COMMIS S IO N R E C O MME ND AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T ICE F E E D B AC K: N/A F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S: N/A S TAF F R E C O MME ND AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: N/A AT TAC HME N T S : Desc rip tion Up lo ad Date Typ e C ity C o uncil Wo rk S es s io n Minutes 06-17-2019 6/28/2019 C o ver Memo Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. a.3. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J uly 1, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Cheryl P rice, City S ecretary IT E M/C AP T IO N : City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 06-17-2019 Ap p ro val o f the C ity C o uncil R egular Meeting Minutes fo r the June 17, 2019.Meeting. AG E N D A T YP E : C ons ent Agend a AC T ION R E Q UE S T E D: Approval B AC KG R OUN D : Ap p ro val o f the C ity C o uncil R egular Meeting Minutes fo r June 17, 2019. LE GAL/B OAR D COMMIS S IO N R E C O MME ND AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T ICE F E E D B AC K: N/A F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S: N/A S TAF F R E C O MME ND AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: N/A AT TAC HME N T S : Desc rip tion Up lo ad Date Typ e C ity C o uncil R egular Meeting Minutes 06-17-2019 6/28/2019 C o ver Memo Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. 5. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J uly 1, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Muzaib R iaz, P lanner, Development S ervices IT E M/C AP T IO N : Meadow Green F arm Addition - Minor Plat C o nsider, Dis c us s and Ac t on the Minor P lat of Lo t 1, Bloc k A o f Meadow G reen F arm Additio n, Being Approximately 4.367 Ac res , and G enerally Lo cated West of Metz R oad and Ap p ro ximately 3000 F eet S outh of the Inters ec tion o f Lois R o ad and Metz R oad. AG E N D A T YP E : R egular AC T ION R E Q UE S T E D: Approval B AC KG R OUN D : T he ap p licant is p ro p o s ing to c reate one 4.015 acre s ingle-family res id ential lo t. T he property is lo cated in C ity of S anger E T J. T here are no propos ed p ublic imp ro vements as s o ciated with the p lat. Water s ervice will be p ro vided by Bo livar Water, electric s ervic e is to be p ro vided b y C os erv Elec tric , and s anitary s ewer is to be p ro vided b y o n-s ite septic facility. T he existing hous e encroac hes on the 30’ fro nt building s etbac k c urrently. Als o, there is a roughly 8’x10’ b ric k shed that enc ro aches o n the R O W dedic ated through this plat. S taff would c ons id er thes e struc tures as legally non-c onfo rming and s ubjec t to Dento n C o unty P lanning comments, if any. Denton C o unty P lanning has reviewed the Mino r P lat and has no comments. LE GAL/B OAR D COMMIS S IO N R E C O MME ND AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T ICE F E E D B AC K: N/A F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S: N/A S TAF F R E C O MME ND AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: S taff has fo und the plat to be in compliance with the S ubdivis io n R egulations , and rec o mmends AP P R O VAL. Page 13 AT TAC HME N T S : Desc rip tion Up lo ad Date Typ e S taff R eport 6/24/2019 Bac kup Material Loc ation Map 6/24/2019 Bac kup Material Applic ation 6/24/2019 Bac kup Material Letter o f Intent 6/24/2019 Bac kup Material Minor P lat 6/24/2019 Exhib it Denton C ounty C omments 6/24/2019 Bac kup Material Page 14 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: July 1, 2019 Case #: 19SANZON-0017 Case Coordinator: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services Request: Consider, Discuss and Act on a Minor Plat of Lot 1, Block A, of Meadow Green Farm Addition, Being 4.367 Acres of Land, and Generally Located West of Metz Road and Approximately 3000 Feet South of the Intersection of Lois Road and Metz Road. Applicant: Tyler Rank ______________________________________________________________________________ Case Overview The applicant is proposing to create one 4.015 acre single-family residential lot. The property is located in City of Sanger ETJ. There are no proposed public improvements associated with the plat. Water service will be provided by Bolivar Water, electric service is to be provided by Coserv Electric, and sanitary sewer is to be provided by on-site septic facility. The existing house encroaches on the 30’ front building setback currently. Also, there is an approximately 8’x10’ brick shed that encroaches on the ROW dedicated through this plat. Staff would consider these structures as legally non-conforming and subject to Denton County Planning comments, if any. Denton County Planning has reviewed the Minor Plat and has no comments. Staff Recommendation Staff has found the plat to be in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations, and recommends APPROVAL. Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended APPROVAL (7-0) of the Minor Plat on June 10, 2019. Attachments  Location Map  Application  Letter of Intent  Minor Plat  Denton County Comments Page 15 56328 METZ RD MeadowGreenFarm Addn /Location Exhibit: Meadow GreenFarm Addition 0 260 520130 Feet DISCLAIMER:This map was generat ed by GIS data providedby the Sang er GIS Departmen t. Th e City of Sanger do es not guarantee the corre ctness oraccuracy of any features on this map . These mapproducts are for illustration purposes only andare not suitab le for site-specific decision makin g.GIS data is subject to consta nt ch anges, andmay not be complete, accurate or current.Date: 6/1/2019 8:02:39 PMDoc Name: LocationExhibit_M eadowGreenFarmAddn CityLimits Exhibits Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 MARGA R E T J A N I C E G R I F F I N CALLE D 2 . 5 7 8 A C R E S DOC. N O . 2 0 0 8 - 1 3 4 7 5 5 R.P.R . D . C . T . JOE E D W A R D S P R A T T TRACT T W O CALLE D 3 7 . 5 8 A C R E S DOC. N O . 2 0 0 1 - 9 4 3 5 5 R.P.R . D . C . T . H. TI E R W E S T E R S U R V E Y ABSTR A C T N O . 1 2 4 1 W. MA S O N S U R V E Y ABSTR A C T N O . 8 0 1 ME T Z R O A D PK NAIL FND REMAI N D E R O F CALLE D 5 2 . 2 4 7 A C R E S WILLO W T R E E R E A L E S T A T E , L L C DOC. N O . 2 0 1 8 - 1 1 7 1 7 3 R.P.R . D . C . T . PK NAIL SETCIRS CIRSCIRS CIRS N 89°54'33" W 444.69' N 0 0 ° 3 0 ' 4 9 " E 4 3 3 . 0 0 ' S 89°29'11" E 376.00' S 45°11'33" E 42.97' S 89°29'11" E 37.92' S 0 0 ° 3 0 ' 4 9 " W 3 9 9 . 7 1 ' 6   ƒ       :         LOT 1, BLOCK A 4.015 ACRES RI G H T - O F - W A Y D E D I C A T I O N 0. 3 5 2 A C R E S 406.01'38.68' 40.00' 40.00' P.O.B. LEGEND = PROPERTY CORNER = BENCHMARK = TELEPHONE/UTILITY RISER = BURIED CABLE MARKER = TELEPHONE MANHOLE = POWER/UTILITY POLE = LIGHT POLE = GUY WIRE = ELECTRIC VAULT = ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER = WATER METER = WATER VALVE (TR/UR) (BCM) (TMH) (PP/UP) (LP) (GUY) (VLT) (TRAN) (WM) (WV) CIRF IRF CIRS MFCP WFCP ( ) POB R.O.W. = CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND = CAPPED IRON ROD SET = METAL FENCE CORNER POST = METAL FENCE CORNER POST = PLAT/DEED CALLS = POINT OF BEGINNING = RIGHT-OF-WAY = IRON ROD FOUND = ASPHALT SURFACE = CONCRETE SURFACE = GRAVEL SURFACE EASEMENT LINES = DEED/LOT LINES = WIRE FENCE LINES = ADJOINER LINES = XX OVERHEAD UTILITY = ASPHALT ROAD = OHU LINETYPE LEGEND PROPERTY LINE = GRAVEL ROAD = JOB NO. 180267-4 DATE: 05/15/2019 DRAWN BY: T.A.R. SCALE: 1" = 40' PAGE: 1 OF 1 111 N. DIXON ST. GAINESVILLE, TX 76240 PH. 940-665-9105 TBPLS FIRM NO. 10048000 DENTON COUNTY NOTES 1.) FLOOD STATEMENT: I HAVE EXAMINED THE F.E.M.A. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, COMMUNITY NUMBER 480774, EFFECTIVE DATE 4-18-11 AND THAT MAP INDICATES THAT THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN "NON-SHADED ZONE X" DEFINED AS "AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN" AS SHOWN IN PANEL 0065 G OF SAID MAP. THIS FLOOD STATEMENT DOES NOT IMPLY THAT THE PROPERTY AND/OR STRUCTURES THEREON WILL BE FREE FROM FLOODING OR FLOOD DAMAGE, ON RARE OCCASIONS, GREATER FLOODS CAN AND WILL OCCUR AND FLOOD HEIGHTS MAY BE INCREASED BY MAN-MADE OR NATURAL CAUSES. THIS FLOOD STATEMENT SHALL NOT CREATE LIABILITY ON THE PART OF THE SURVEYOR. 2.) THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN THE ETJ OF THE CITY OF SANGER. 3.) WATER SERVICE TO BE SUPPLIED BY BOLIVAR WATER SUPPLY. 4.) SANITARY SEWER TO BE PROVIDED BY PRIVATE FACILITIES AS APPROVED BY THE DENTON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. 5.) ELECTRIC SERVICE TO BE PROVIDED BY "COSERV ELECTRIC" CONTACT: DEWEY BARNWALL 7701 SOUTH STEMMONS, CORINTH, TX. 76210 (940) 321-7800 X77549 FAX (940) 270-7790 6.) BEARINGS BASED ON THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD 83 NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS ZONE AND G.P.S. OBSERVATIONS. 7.) THE MAINTENANCE OF PAVING, GRADING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AND/OR EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY OWNERS AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE ACCEPTANCE OF SAME FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES BY DENTON COUNTY. 8.) THIS PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN THE LAKE RAY ROBERTS PLANNING AND ZONING JURISDICTION. 9.) ALL SURFACE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF FENCES, BUILDINGS, FOUNDATION, PLANTINGS AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS TO THE OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITY. 10.) BLOCKING THE FLOW OF WATER OR CONSTRUCTING IMPROVEMENTS IN SURFACE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS, AND FILLING OR OBSTRUCTING THE FLOODWAY IS PROHIBITED. 11.) DENTON COUNTY WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE, PERSONAL INJURY OR LOSS OF LIFE OR PROPERTY OCCASIONED BY FLOODING OR FLOODING CONDITIONS. 12.) THE EXISTING CREEKS OR DRAINAGE CHANNELS TRAVERSING ALONG OR ACROSS THE ADDITION WILL REMAIN AS OPEN CHANNELS AND WILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE LOT OR LOTS THAT ARE TRAVERSED BY OR ADJACENT TO THE DRAINAGE COURSES ALONG OR ACROSS THE LOTS. 13.) A DRIVEWAY CULVERT PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM DENTON COUNTY ROAD AND BRIDGE DEPARTMENT BY THE OWNER OF EACH LOT PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OR PLACEMENT OF ANY DRIVEWAY ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE DEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY. 14.) NO CONSTRUCTION, WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM DENTON COUNTY SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN AN IDENTIFIED "FIRM" FLOODPLAIN AREA, AND THEN ONLY AFTER A DETAILED FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT INCLUDING ENGINEERING PLANS AND STUDIES SHOW THAT NO RISE IN THE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION (BFE) WILL RESULT, THAT NO FLOODING WILL RESULT, THAT NO OBSTRUCTION TO THE NATURAL FLOW OF WATER WILL RESULT; AND SUBJECT TO ALL OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY AFFECTED BY SUCH CONSTRUCTION BECOMING A PARTY TO THE REQUEST. WHERE CONSTRUCTION IS PERMITTED, ALL FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF TWO FEET ABOVE THE 100-YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION. 15.) DENTON COUNTY SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE OF PRIVATE STREETS, DRIVES, EMERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENTS, RECREATION AREAS AND OPEN SPACES; AND THE OWNERS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF PRIVATE STREETS, DRIVES, EMERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENTS, RECREATION AREAS AND OPEN SPACES, AND SAID OWNERS AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS DENTON COUNTY FROM ALL CLAIMS, DAMAGES, AND LOSSES ARISING OUT OF OR RESULTING FROM PERFORMANCE OF THE OBLIGATIONS OF SAID OWNERS SET FORTH IN THIS PARAGRAPH. 16.) THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO CREATE A SINGLE 4.015 ACRE SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOT. N 0'40'80'120' OWNER WILLOW TREE REAL ESTATE, LLC PO BOX 501 SANGER, TX 76266 SURVEYOR J.E. THOMPSON II ALL AMERICAN SURVEYING 111 N. DIXON ST. GAINESVILLE, TX 76240 PH. 940-665-9105 T E XA S SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT IS TRUE AND CORRECT AND WAS PREPARED FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY ON THE GROUND UNDER MY SUPERVISION. _____________________________________________________ J.E.THOMPSON II R.P.L.S. TEXAS REGISTRATION NO. 4857 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED NOTARY IN AND FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED J.E. THOMPSON II, KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSON, WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE FORGOING INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGE TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSE AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STATED. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE THIS ____________ DAY OF __________________ 2019. ____________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC IN THE STATE OF TEXAS. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES _______________________. OWNER'S DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § WHEREAS WILLOW TREE REAL ESTATE, LLC, IS THE OWNER OF ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE W. MASON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 801, AND THE H. TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 1241, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING A PART OF A CALLED 52.247 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO WILLOW TREE REAL ESTATE, LLC, AS RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 2018-117173 OF THE REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A PK-NAIL FOUND FOR CORNER IN AN ASPHALT ROADWAY UNDER APPARENT PUBLIC USE POSTED AS METZ ROAD AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 52.247 ACRE TRACT AND THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF A CALLED 2.578 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO MARGARET JANICE GRIFFIN, AS RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 2008-134755 OF SAID REAL PROPERTY RECORDS; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 54 MINUTES 33 SECONDS WEST, WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID 52.247 ACRE TRACT, THE NORTH LINE OF SAID 2.578 ACRE TRACT PART OF THE WAY, AND THE NORTH LINE OF A CALLED 37.58 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED AS TRACT TWO IN THE DEED TO JOE EDWARD SPRATT, AS RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 2001-94355 OF SAID REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, A DISTANCE OF 444.69 FEET TO A CAPPED IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 49 SECONDS EAST, SEVERING SAID 52.247 ACRE TRACT WITH THE WEST LINE OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 433.00 FEET TO A CAPPED IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 11 SECONDS EAST, SEVERING SAID 52.247 ACRE TRACT WITH THE NORTH LINE OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 376.00 FEET TO A CAPPED IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER; THENCE SOUTH 45 DEGREES 11 MINUTES 33 SECONDS EAST, SEVERING SAID 52.247 ACRE TRACT WITH THE NORTH LINE OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 42.97 FEET TO A CAPPED IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 11 SECONDS EAST, SEVERING SAID 52.247 ACRE TRACT WITH THE NORTH LINE OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 37.92 FEET TO A PK-NAIL SET FOR CORNER IN SAID METZ ROAD AND THE EAST LINE OF SAID 52.247 ACRE TRACT AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 49 SECONDS WEST, ALONG SAID METZ ROAD WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID 52.247 ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 399.71 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND ENCLOSING 4.367 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. KNOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WILLOW TREE REAL ESTATE, LLC, DOES ADOPT THIS PLAT DESIGNATING THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY AS MEADOW GREEN FARM ADDITION, ETJ OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND DO HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE PUBLIC USE FOREVER, THE STREETS RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND PUBLIC EASEMENTS SHOWN HEREON. _____________________________________________________ REPRESENTATIVE OF WILLOW TREE REAL ESTATE, LLC STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED NOTARY IN AND FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED _________________________________, KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSON, WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE FORGOING INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGE TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSE AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STATED. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE THIS ____________ DAY OF __________________ 2019. ___________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC IN THE STATE OF TEXAS. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES _______________________. FINAL PLAT MEADOW GREEN FARM ADDITION LOT 1, BLOCK A BEING 4.367 ACRES IN THE W. MASON SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 801 AND THE H. TIERWESTER SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 1241 ETJ OF THE CITY OF SANGER DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS APPROVED AND ACCEPTED ______________________________________________ MAYOR, CITY OF SANGER DATE ATTESTED BY: _______________________________________________ CITY SECRETARY, CITY OF SANGER DATE ______________________________________________ CHAIRMAN DATE PLANNING AND ZONING VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE Page 19 Page 20 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. 6. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J uly 1, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Cheryl P rice, City S ecretary IT E M/C AP T IO N : S ervices Contract - Chamber of Commerce - Hotel Occupancy Tax Funds C o nsider, Disc uss and P o s s ibly Approve and Authorize Mayor to Exec ute a S ervic es C o ntract Between the C ity of S anger and the S anger Area C hamb er of C o mmerce fo r Ho tel O c cup anc y Tax F unds. AG E N D A T YP E : R egular AC T ION R E Q UE S T E D: Approval B AC KG R OUN D : T his is an annual S ervic es C ontrac t that the C ity o f S anger has negotiated with the S anger Area C hamb er o f C ommerc e. T he C ity agrees to pay up to fifty p erc ent (50%) of the C ity's Hotel O c c up anc y Tax fund s , not to exc eed three thous and d o llars ($3,000) p er q uarter. T he C hamber uses the funds for the purp o s e o f (1) maintaining a touris t info rmation c enter, (b) p ro viding general p ro mo tional and touris t ad vertis ing o f the C ity and its vic inity; and , (c ) c o nducting a solic itatio n and o p erating p ro gram to attrac t conventions and vis ito rs to the C ity. LE GAL/B OAR D COMMIS S IO N R E C O MME ND AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T ICE F E E D B AC K: T he C ity Attorney has reviewed the S ervices C ontrac t. F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S: N/A S TAF F R E C O MME ND AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: S taff recommends ap p ro val. AT TAC HME N T S : Desc rip tion Up lo ad Date Typ e Page 21 Hotel O cc upanc y Tax S ervices C o ntract between S anger Area C hamb er of C o mmerce and C ity o f S anger 6/27/2019 C o ver Memo Letter fro m Deb b ie R eaves , S anger Area C hamber o f C ommerc e 6/27/2019 C o ver Memo S anger Area C hamb er of C o mmerce - P roposed Budget F is cal Year 2019-2020 6/27/2019 C o ver Memo Page 22 Services Contract THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § THIS CONTRACT, is entered into on this the 1st day of July, 2019, by and between the City of Sanger, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter called “City”, and the Sanger Area Chamber of Commerce, a Texas nonprofit corporation, hereinafter called “Chamber”, upon the following terms and conditions: WITNESSETH SECTION 1 Funding and Scope of Services The City does hereby agree to pay to the Chamber up to fifty percent (50%) of the City’s quarterly Hotel Occupancy Tax receipts from the preceding calendar quarter, not to exceed Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) per Quarter. The Chamber will use said funds solely for the purpose of: (a) Maintaining a tourist information center; (b) Providing general promotional and tourist advertising of the City and its vicinity; and, (c) Conducting a solicitation and operating program to attract conventions and visitors to the City (the “services”). Quarterly payments shall be made by the City to the Chamber within twenty (20) days of receiving the quarterly tax payment. SECTION 2 Public Purposes In approving and authorizing the execution of this Contract, the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas does hereby find and determine that the provision by the Chamber of the services for the public purposes hereinabove set forth, and the ministerial and administrative work related to the provision of such services and to the expenditure of the funds provided by the City for such purposes, are in the public interest and beneficial to the City and its inhabitants, and furthermore, that said funds can be better expended and said public purposes more effectively accomplished through the Chamber, acting through its Board of Directors with facilities, officers and employees skilled and experienced in said services, by means of this Contract. SECTION 3 Terms and Conditions In connection with the funds to be paid by the City to the Chamber under the terms of this Contract, the following terms and conditions shall apply: (a) The use and expenditure of such funds shall be only as authorized by Section 351.101 of the Texas Tax Code and be subject to the allocation of revenue as provided for in Section 351.103 of the Texas Tax Code. (b) Before July 1 of each year during the term of this Contract, the Chamber shall submit and present an Annual Budget to the City Council. The Annual Budget must detail how City funds will be used to provide the services. Said presentation shall be made Page 23 Services Contract to the City Council by a representative of the Chamber Board. The Chamber shall notify the City in writing of any material changes made to the Annual Budget within thirty (30) days of making a change. The Chamber shall submit to the City quarterly reports listing the expenditures made by the Chamber with revenue from the Hotel Occupancy Tax as authorized herein. (c) The Chamber shall comply with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code known as the Texas Open Meeting Act and Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code known as the Texas Open Records Act as they apply to the use of public funds by the Chamber. (d) The Chamber shall maintain records that accurately identify the receipt and expenditure of all revenue received by the City and shall make available to the City and its Auditor all of its books and records relative to the funds paid to the Chamber by the City under this Contract. All said records shall be retained by the Chamber for a period of five (5) years after all performance requirements are achieved for audit purposes until such audits or other administrative inquiries or open record requests are completed. The Chamber agrees to maintain the records in an accessible location. SECTION 4 Term The term of this Contract shall be from July 1, 2016 until June 30, 2017. This Contract may be extended by mutual consent of the parties. This Contract may be terminated, at any time by either party by giving thirty (30) day’s written notice to the other party. If this Contract is terminated the last and final quarterly payment shall be prorated based on the termination date. SECTION 5 Default If it is found by the City or any other party that the Chamber has knowingly or unknowingly improperly expended Hotel Occupancy Tax Funds, it shall be considered a material breach of this Contract. The City shall notify the Chamber in writing of the breach. The Chamber shall have ten (10) calendar days to cure the breach or return the improperly expended funds to the City. Until the breach is cured or the funds are returned to the City, the City will be under no obligation to continue quarterly payments to the Chamber. If the breach is not cured and/or the funds are not returned to the City by the Chamber within the ten (10) day cure period, this Contract shall be considered automatically terminated and no further funds shall be given by the City to the Chamber. However, in the event of termination, the City reserves the right to pursue the return of improperly expended funds from the Chamber by any and all legal means. SECTION 6 Severability If any provision of this Contract is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, then the invalid provision will be deemed to be deleted from this Contract Page 24 Services Contract and the remainder of this Contract will continue to be valid and in full force and effect. This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws of the State of Texas. SECTION 7 Independent Contractor The relationship of the Chamber under the Terms and Conditions of this Contract shall be that of an independent Contractor of the City. Relative thereto, the City shall not be liable for any claims or demands for damages, monetary or otherwise, that may grow out of or arise from the Chamber’s actions in carrying out its duties under the terms of this Contract, and the Chamber does hereby agree and shall hold the City harmless from and indemnify it against all such claims and demands. SECTION 8 Entire Contract The foregoing sets forth the entire Contract between the parties hereto, superseding all oral or written previous and contemporaneous contracts between the parties relating to matters herein, and except as otherwise provided herein cannot be modified without written amendment executed by each of the parties. SECTION 9 Headings The headings of this Contract are for the convenience of reference only and shall not affect any of the terms and conditions hereof in any manner. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the Sanger Area Chamber of Commerce this _____ day of _____________, 2019. Signed: _____________________________________ Jan Howard, President Attest: ______________________________________ Debbie Reeves, Chamber Administrator APPROVED and ADOPTED by the Sanger, Texas City Council the 1st day of July 2019. Approved: _____________________________________ Mayor, Thomas E. Muir Attest: ______________________________________ Cheryl Price, City Secretary Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. 7. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J uly 1, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Cheryl P rice, City S ecretary IT E M/C AP T IO N : Resolution 07-11-2019 -Appointment - Denco Area 9-1-1 District C o nsider, Disc uss and P o s s ib ly Ap p rove R eso lutio n #07-11-2019 - Appointing O ne Memb er to the Bo ard o f Managers of the Denco Area 9-1-1 Dis trict. No minees are S ue Tejml, Bill C astleman; and , David Terre. AG E N D A T YP E : R egular AC T ION R E Q UE S T E D: O ther: Ap p o int Denc o 9-1-1 Memb er from No minees B AC KG R OUN D : Annually, Denc o Area 9-1-1 District reques ts that eac h p artic ip ating municipality appoint o ne o f the nominees c hos en b y p artic ip ating munic ipalities . T he nominatio ns (res umes attac hed ) are fo r: S ue Tejml; Bill C astleman; and , David Terre. T he Denc o Area 9.1.1 Dis trict req uested that eac h p artic ip ating munic ip ality vo te for one o f the nominees and ad vise the d is tric t b y S eptemb er 15, 2019. No tific ation mus t c o me in the fo rm of an offic ial C o uncil ac tion, whic h would b e in the form of the p ro p o s ed R eso lutio n 07-11-19.. LE GAL/B OAR D COMMIS S IO N R E C O MME ND AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T ICE F E E D B AC K: N/A F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S: N/A S TAF F R E C O MME ND AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: N/A AT TAC HME N T S : Desc rip tion Up lo ad Date Typ e Page 34 R esolution 07-11-19 6/27/2019 C o ver Memo Denco 9-1-1- Memo 6/27/2019 C o ver Memo S ue Tejml, Nominee R es ume 6/27/2019 C o ver Memo Bill C astleman, No minee R es ume 6/27/2019 C o ver Memo David Terre, Nominee R esume 6/27/2019 C o ver Memo Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 C IT Y C O UN C IL AG E N D A ME MO AG E N D A IT E M N O. 8. AG E N D A ME E T IN G D AT E: J uly 1, 2019 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager F R O M: Tracy LaP iene, P.E . City Engineer IT E M/C AP T IO N : Change Order #6 - Felix Construction C o nsider, Disc uss and P os s ib ly Ac t on Approving C hange O rder #6 in the Amount o f $17,046.40 Between the C ity of S anger and F elix C ons tructio n C ompany fo r C o ns truc tion o f the S anger Was tewater Treatment P lant R ehab ilitatio n and Improvements . AG E N D A T YP E : R egular AC T ION R E Q UE S T E D: Approval, C hange O rd er B AC KG R OUN D : Modific ations to the p rovis io n o f the c ontrac t for the Wastewater Treatment P lant co ns truc tion has b een made as cons tructio n moves fo rward. T he C ity s taff rec o mmend a number of changes to provide lo ngevity and b etter o p eratio nal p erfo rmanc e. S taff req ues ts : to modify the ac tuato r on the P eak F lo w S to rage Basin influent line to provid e b etter c ontrol o f the valve; reloc ate the sewer line for the b ypas s ; modify the o p eration of the b utterfly valves at P lants 2, 3, and 4 to be manually operated and not mo torized; rep lace the S DR 35 P VC d rain piping in the valve box with ductile iro n pipe with s ecure fittings; c lean and repaint the slud ge holding c o mp artment o f P lant 4. LE GAL/B OAR D COMMIS S IO N R E C O MME ND AT IO N S /C IT IZE N N O T ICE F E E D B AC K: N/A F IN AN C IAL S UMMARY - F UN D IN G/F IS C AL IMPAC T: N/A F UN D S: N/A S TAF F R E C O MME ND AT IO N/AC T IO N D E S IR E D: S taff recommends ap p ro val. AT TAC HME N T S : Page 47 Desc rip tion Up lo ad Date Typ e R ec o mmendation Letter - Jeff C affey Alan P lummer & As s oc .6/28/2019 C o ver Memo W W T P C hange O rd er #6 - F elix C o nstruc tion 6/28/2019 C o ver Memo Page 48 Page 49 H:\_Projects\CIP\McReynolds WWTP\Correspondence\20190628 APAI CO6\Sanger_ChangeOrderNo_6-revised.doc CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS SANGER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT REHABILITATION AND IMPROVEMENTS CHANGE ORDER NO. 6 I. INTENT OF CHANGE Pursuant to the provision of Article 11 of the General Conditions of the Contract, the intent of this Change Order is to modify the provisions of the Contract entered into by the City of Sanger, Texas and Felix Construction Company for construction of the Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements. II. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE ORDER a. Per PCM No. 14, modify the actuator on the Peak Flow Storage Basin influent line to provide better control of the valve. b. Per CMR No. 21, relocate the sewer line for the bypass. c. Per CMR No. 23, modify the operation of the butterfly valves at Plants 2, 3, and 4 to be manually operated and not motorized. d. Per CMR No. 25, replace the SDR 35 PVC drain piping in the valve box with ductile iron pipe with secure fittings. e. Per CMR No. 27, recoat the sludge holding compartment of Plant 4. Page 50 H:\_Projects\CIP\McReynolds WWTP\Correspondence\20190628 APAI CO6\Sanger_ChangeOrderNo_6-revised.doc III. EFFECT OF CHANGE Extended Additional Item Description Unit Cost Days a. PCM-14: PFSB Influent Valve Actuator Lump Sum $ 3,935.79 0 c. CMR-21: Bypass Pumping Lump Sum ($ 8,000.00) 0 d. CMR-23: Delete Air Valve Actuators Lump Sum ($ 15,248.52) 0 b. CMR-25: Valve Box Piping Lump Sum $ 11,485.14 0 e. CMR-27: Recoat Plant 4 Sludge Tank Lump Sum $ 24,873.99 5 Subtotal $ 17,046.40 5 IV. AGREEMENT This contract is modified as follows: a. Amount Original Contract $ 10,992,845.00 Previous Change Orders $ 108,075.08 This Change Order $ 17,046.40 Revised Contract Amount $ 11,117,966.48 b. Time Original Contract Date for Substantial Completion April 28, 2019 Previous Change Order 107 days This Change Order 5 days Revised Contract Date for Substantial Completion August 18, 2019 Original Contract Date for Final Completion May 28, 2019 Previous Change Order 107 days This Change Order 5 days Revised Contract Date for Final Completion September 17, 2019 Page 51