12/02/2019-CC-Minutes-RegularCITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, December 2, 2019 ­ 7:00 PM 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas REVISED AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett; Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember David Clark, Councilmember Allen Chick.  COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; City Engineer Tracy LaPiene; Planner Muzaib Riaz; Police Officer Josh Bishop.   1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. There being a full quorum present at the December 2, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting, the meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. The invocation was given by Councilmember Dillon and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Clark.  2.CITIZEN INPUT: No citizens approached the podium wishing to speak 3.CONSENT AGENDA: a.Approval of Minutes 1.City Council Work Session Minutes ­ 11­04­2019 Approve City Council Minutes for November 4, 2019 Work Session.  2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 11­18­2019 Approve City Council Regular Meeting Minutes for November 18, 2019 Meeting.   A motion was made by Councilmember Clark to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.  The motion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon.  Motion carried unanimously (5­0 vote). 4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. No items were removed from Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA Page 1 CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, December 2, 2019 ­ 7:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasREVISED AGENDACOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett; CouncilmemberDennis Dillon; Councilmember David Clark, Councilmember Allen Chick. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; City Engineer Tracy LaPiene; PlannerMuzaib Riaz; Police Officer Josh Bishop.  1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance.There being a full quorum present at the December 2, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting, themeeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. The invocation was given by Councilmember Dillon and thePledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Clark. 2.CITIZEN INPUT:No citizens approached the podium wishing to speak3.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Work Session Minutes ­ 11­04­2019Approve City Council Minutes for November 4, 2019 Work Session. 2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 11­18­2019Approve City Council Regular Meeting Minutes for November 18, 2019 Meeting.  A motion was made by Councilmember Clark to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.  Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon.  Motion carried unanimously (5­0 vote).4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No items were removed from Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5.Neil Harris ­ WWTP Stream Impact/Restoration Discussion and Presentation by Mr. Neil Harris Regarding Wastewater Treatment Plant, Stream Impact, and Stream Restoration. Mayor Muir provided an introduction giving a brief summary of the proposed stream restoration project for the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Mr. Neil Harris  was recognized  and noted that his brother and some of his cousins were with him tonight and they represent the families that own Greentree Farms.  He provided a packet of information to Councilmembers  which included a letter from Haynes and Boone, LLP their environmental attorney with a review of findings.  A map and a historical timeline outlining their interpretation of events beginning in 2016 regarding the Wastewater Plant and Green Tree Farms and Ranger Creek, and a copy of the TCEQ Proposed Agreed Order. They wanted to make sure that the Council understood the extent of contamination they have seen come down the creek and the effect of it on their creek and stream bed.  Dub Newman was recognized and stated that the farm has been in the family from 1960 and provided a short history of the farm.  He directed Council to look at the map and provided a description of the property.  He proceeded to read from the summary provided and regarding the Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant and Green Tree Farm and Ranger Creek noting their concerns regarding water contamination from effluent released by the City into the creek.  His presentation ended in demand that the City of Sanger needs to adhere to the enforcement letter of the TCEQ to clean up Ranger Creek and pay the penalty and that Green Tree Farm is demanding that the City of Sanger pay them in the amount of $277,500 for damages to their property for value loss and creek and stream bed contamination.   At this point Mayor Muir noted that given the nature of claim, he would advise City Council to take this under advisement and not comment on it at this point without legal counsel. He thanked the Harris Family for coming and presenting and noted that the City will take it under advisement and that the City does want to be a good neighbor.  No action was taken on this item.  At this point in the meeting Mayor Muir noted that he had a Volleyball banquet for this daughter tonight to attend and turned the meeting was over to Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu and left at 7:20 p.m. 6.Sanger Meadow Addition Phase 2 ­ Preliminary Plat Consider, Discuss and Act on the Preliminary Plat of Sanger Meadows Addition Phase 2, Being Approximately 145 Acres of Land, and Generally Located North­West of the Intersection of View Road and Metz Road. Ramie Hammonds was recognized to summarize.  She advised that this is the preliminary plat which was discussed at the last meeting where we saw Phase 1 of the Sanger Meadows Addition at the last Council meeting which contained  the ten lots facing View. Road.  At the time this report was written the applicant had not addressed any of staff's comments and that is the reason for the recommendation of denial. On Tuesday of last week they did resubmit it to  planning and it has been reviewed, and all planning comments have been addressed with the exception of the following three  variances:  1.City of Sanger Code of Ordinances Chapter 10 Exhibit A Section 5.04 (D) (1) to allow Residential  lots to front on non­residential class streets (Shared parking on Metz Road).  2. Code Chap. 10 Exhibit A Section 5.06 B. to exceed Block Length.   3. Code Chap. 10 Exhibit. A Section 5.04 C. Lot shape: for Lots to exceed two and one­ half to one (2­ 1/2:1).  Page 2 CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, December 2, 2019 ­ 7:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasREVISED AGENDACOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett; CouncilmemberDennis Dillon; Councilmember David Clark, Councilmember Allen Chick. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; City Engineer Tracy LaPiene; PlannerMuzaib Riaz; Police Officer Josh Bishop.  1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance.There being a full quorum present at the December 2, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting, themeeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. The invocation was given by Councilmember Dillon and thePledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Clark. 2.CITIZEN INPUT:No citizens approached the podium wishing to speak3.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Work Session Minutes ­ 11­04­2019Approve City Council Minutes for November 4, 2019 Work Session. 2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 11­18­2019Approve City Council Regular Meeting Minutes for November 18, 2019 Meeting.  A motion was made by Councilmember Clark to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.  Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon.  Motion carried unanimously (5­0 vote).4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No items were removed from Consent Agenda.REGULAR AGENDA5.Neil Harris ­ WWTP Stream Impact/RestorationDiscussion and Presentation by Mr. Neil Harris Regarding Wastewater Treatment Plant, StreamImpact, and Stream Restoration.Mayor Muir provided an introduction giving a brief summary of the proposed stream restorationproject for the Wastewater Treatment Plant.Mr. Neil Harris  was recognized  and noted that his brother and some of his cousins were with himtonight and they represent the families that own Greentree Farms.  He provided a packet ofinformation to Councilmembers  which included a letter from Haynes and Boone, LLP theirenvironmental attorney with a review of findings.  A map and a historical timeline outlining theirinterpretation of events beginning in 2016 regarding the Wastewater Plant and Green Tree Farmsand Ranger Creek, and a copy of the TCEQ Proposed Agreed Order. They wanted to make surethat the Council understood the extent of contamination they have seen come down the creek andthe effect of it on their creek and stream bed.  Dub Newman was recognized and stated that thefarm has been in the family from 1960 and provided a short history of the farm.  He directed Councilto look at the map and provided a description of the property.  He proceeded to read from thesummary provided and regarding the Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant and Green Tree Farm andRanger Creek noting their concerns regarding water contamination from effluent released by the Cityinto the creek.  His presentation ended in demand that the City of Sanger needs to adhere to theenforcement letter of the TCEQ to clean up Ranger Creek and pay the penalty and that Green TreeFarm is demanding that the City of Sanger pay them in the amount of $277,500 for damages to theirproperty for value loss and creek and stream bed contamination.   At this point Mayor Muir notedthat given the nature of claim, he would advise City Council to take this under advisement and notcomment on it at this point without legal counsel. He thanked the Harris Family for coming andpresenting and noted that the City will take it under advisement and that the City does want to be agood neighbor.  No action was taken on this item. At this point in the meeting Mayor Muir noted that he had a Volleyball banquet for this daughtertonight to attend and turned the meeting was over to Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu and left at 7:20 p.m.6.Sanger Meadow Addition Phase 2 ­ Preliminary PlatConsider, Discuss and Act on the Preliminary Plat of Sanger Meadows Addition Phase 2, BeingApproximately 145 Acres of Land, and Generally Located North­West of the Intersection of ViewRoad and Metz Road.Ramie Hammonds was recognized to summarize.  She advised that this is the preliminary plat whichwas discussed at the last meeting where we saw Phase 1 of the Sanger Meadows Addition at thelast Council meeting which contained  the ten lots facing View. Road.  At the time this report waswritten the applicant had not addressed any of staff's comments and that is the reason for therecommendation of denial. On Tuesday of last week they did resubmit it to  planning and it has beenreviewed, and all planning comments have been addressed with the exception of the following three variances: 1.City of Sanger Code of Ordinances Chapter 10 Exhibit A Section 5.04 (D) (1) to allow Residential lots to front on non­residential class streets (Shared parking on Metz Road). 2. Code Chap. 10 Exhibit A Section 5.06 B. to exceed Block Length.  3. Code Chap. 10 Exhibit. A Section 5.04 C. Lot shape: for Lots to exceed two and one­ half to one (2­ 1/2:1).  Each variance was explained by Ms. Hammonds, she noted that the variances were being requested by the applicant,  so, by approving the plat, Council would be approving the variances. City Engineer Tracy LaPiene was recognized and provided a list of engineering comments which needed to be addressed.  After lengthy discussion it was noted that the items could be addressed with the final plat review.  He stated that it could be approved if Council wishes with the condition that all of the engineering comments be addressed with the final plat review.  Ms. Hammonds wanted the Council to know that in the future all of the plans will be reviewed before it gets to this process because of the new regulations staff has put into place.  She advised, that if the plat is denied and there is something that the Council does not like, as far as the variances go, the applicant needs to be notified of what exactly it is the Council has a problem with.  Councilmember Chick requested clarification regarding each of the variances. Councilmember Chick noted his concern regarding the number of lots being added to the traffic on the roads, access to the development, and the drainage.  It was noted that the drainage could be addressed with the final plat,  There was discussion regarding parkland/recreational space.  It was noted they would be dedicating park fees in lieu of land.  Discussion ensued regarding the lots facing Metz and it was noted that they would have shared drives and that they were one acre lots (it was noted this was also approved by the County). Councilman Clark noted concerns regarding having the shared driveways going onto Metz Road which would ultimately be a four lane undivided arterial road.   Mr. Tim Fleet, property owner was recognized and provided a summary of the plat submission, the processes he has been through, and addressed some of the issues brought up by the Councilmembers. A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett to approve the Preliminary Plat of Sanger Meadows Addition Phase 2, being approximately 145 acres of land and generally located northwest of the intersection of View Road and Metz Road with the following variances; and, subject of all engineering comments being addressed with the final plat: 1.City of Sanger Code of Ordinances Chapter 10 Exhibit A Section 5.04 (D) (1) to allow Residential  lots to front on non­residential class streets (Shared parking on Metz Road).  2. Code Chap. 10 Exhibit A Section 5.06 B. to exceed Block Length.   3. Code Chap. 10 Exhibit. A Section 5.04 C. Lot shape: for Lots to exceed two and one­ half to one (2­ 1/2:1).  The motion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon.  The motion carried with a 3 to 2 vote (Councilmember Clark and Councilmember Chick voting in opposition). 7.521 S Stemmons Street ­ FLUM Amendment Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance # 11­34­19 Regarding an Amendment of Future Land Use Map (FLUM) from Commercial to Industrial on Approximately 1.952 Acres of property, Generally Located West of I­35 and Approximately 300 Feet North of the Intersection of Duck Creek Road and I­35 Service Road. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu read the agenda item and opened the public hearing at 8:18 p.m. Ramie Hammonds Director of Development Services was recognized and presented a summary.  This is an amendment to the future land use map from Commercial to Industrial.  She  noted that a portion of the property is already zoned Industrial ­ that the back portion is zoned Commercial and the land around it is zoned Commercial  The applicant is wanting to use the entire piece as industrial. The whole lot is 1.9552 acres with .993 of the land already zoned Industrial. This request is to amend the Page 3 CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, December 2, 2019 ­ 7:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasREVISED AGENDACOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett; CouncilmemberDennis Dillon; Councilmember David Clark, Councilmember Allen Chick. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; City Engineer Tracy LaPiene; PlannerMuzaib Riaz; Police Officer Josh Bishop.  1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance.There being a full quorum present at the December 2, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting, themeeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. The invocation was given by Councilmember Dillon and thePledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Clark. 2.CITIZEN INPUT:No citizens approached the podium wishing to speak3.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Work Session Minutes ­ 11­04­2019Approve City Council Minutes for November 4, 2019 Work Session. 2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 11­18­2019Approve City Council Regular Meeting Minutes for November 18, 2019 Meeting.  A motion was made by Councilmember Clark to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.  Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon.  Motion carried unanimously (5­0 vote).4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No items were removed from Consent Agenda.REGULAR AGENDA5.Neil Harris ­ WWTP Stream Impact/RestorationDiscussion and Presentation by Mr. Neil Harris Regarding Wastewater Treatment Plant, StreamImpact, and Stream Restoration.Mayor Muir provided an introduction giving a brief summary of the proposed stream restorationproject for the Wastewater Treatment Plant.Mr. Neil Harris  was recognized  and noted that his brother and some of his cousins were with himtonight and they represent the families that own Greentree Farms.  He provided a packet ofinformation to Councilmembers  which included a letter from Haynes and Boone, LLP theirenvironmental attorney with a review of findings.  A map and a historical timeline outlining theirinterpretation of events beginning in 2016 regarding the Wastewater Plant and Green Tree Farmsand Ranger Creek, and a copy of the TCEQ Proposed Agreed Order. They wanted to make surethat the Council understood the extent of contamination they have seen come down the creek andthe effect of it on their creek and stream bed.  Dub Newman was recognized and stated that thefarm has been in the family from 1960 and provided a short history of the farm.  He directed Councilto look at the map and provided a description of the property.  He proceeded to read from thesummary provided and regarding the Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant and Green Tree Farm andRanger Creek noting their concerns regarding water contamination from effluent released by the Cityinto the creek.  His presentation ended in demand that the City of Sanger needs to adhere to theenforcement letter of the TCEQ to clean up Ranger Creek and pay the penalty and that Green TreeFarm is demanding that the City of Sanger pay them in the amount of $277,500 for damages to theirproperty for value loss and creek and stream bed contamination.   At this point Mayor Muir notedthat given the nature of claim, he would advise City Council to take this under advisement and notcomment on it at this point without legal counsel. He thanked the Harris Family for coming andpresenting and noted that the City will take it under advisement and that the City does want to be agood neighbor.  No action was taken on this item. At this point in the meeting Mayor Muir noted that he had a Volleyball banquet for this daughtertonight to attend and turned the meeting was over to Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu and left at 7:20 p.m.6.Sanger Meadow Addition Phase 2 ­ Preliminary PlatConsider, Discuss and Act on the Preliminary Plat of Sanger Meadows Addition Phase 2, BeingApproximately 145 Acres of Land, and Generally Located North­West of the Intersection of ViewRoad and Metz Road.Ramie Hammonds was recognized to summarize.  She advised that this is the preliminary plat whichwas discussed at the last meeting where we saw Phase 1 of the Sanger Meadows Addition at thelast Council meeting which contained  the ten lots facing View. Road.  At the time this report waswritten the applicant had not addressed any of staff's comments and that is the reason for therecommendation of denial. On Tuesday of last week they did resubmit it to  planning and it has beenreviewed, and all planning comments have been addressed with the exception of the following three variances: 1.City of Sanger Code of Ordinances Chapter 10 Exhibit A Section 5.04 (D) (1) to allow Residential lots to front on non­residential class streets (Shared parking on Metz Road). 2. Code Chap. 10 Exhibit A Section 5.06 B. to exceed Block Length.  3. Code Chap. 10 Exhibit. A Section 5.04 C. Lot shape: for Lots to exceed two and one­half to one (2­ 1/2:1). Each variance was explained by Ms. Hammonds, she noted that the variances were being requestedby the applicant,  so, by approving the plat, Council would be approving the variances. CityEngineer Tracy LaPiene was recognized and provided a list of engineering comments which neededto be addressed.  After lengthy discussion it was noted that the items could be addressed with thefinal plat review.  He stated that it could be approved if Council wishes with the condition that all ofthe engineering comments be addressed with the final plat review. Ms. Hammonds wanted the Council to know that in the future all of the plans will be reviewedbefore it gets to this process because of the new regulations staff has put into place.  She advised,that if the plat is denied and there is something that the Council does not like, as far as the variancesgo, the applicant needs to be notified of what exactly it is the Council has a problem with. Councilmember Chick requested clarification regarding each of the variances. CouncilmemberChick noted his concern regarding the number of lots being added to the traffic on the roads, accessto the development, and the drainage.  It was noted that the drainage could be addressed with thefinal plat,  There was discussion regarding parkland/recreational space.  It was noted they would bededicating park fees in lieu of land.  Discussion ensued regarding the lots facing Metz and it wasnoted that they would have shared drives and that they were one acre lots (it was noted this wasalso approved by the County). Councilman Clark noted concerns regarding having the shareddriveways going onto Metz Road which would ultimately be a four lane undivided arterial road.   Mr.Tim Fleet, property owner was recognized and provided a summary of the plat submission, theprocesses he has been through, and addressed some of the issues brought up by theCouncilmembers.A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett to approve the Preliminary Plat of Sanger MeadowsAddition Phase 2, being approximately 145 acres of land and generally located northwest of theintersection of View Road and Metz Road with the following variances; and, subject of allengineering comments being addressed with the final plat:1.City of Sanger Code of Ordinances Chapter 10 Exhibit A Section 5.04 (D) (1) to allow Residential lots to front on non­residential class streets (Shared parking on Metz Road). 2. Code Chap. 10 Exhibit A Section 5.06 B. to exceed Block Length.  3. Code Chap. 10 Exhibit. A Section 5.04 C. Lot shape: for Lots to exceed two and one­half to one (2­ 1/2:1). The motion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon.  The motion carried with a 3 to 2 vote(Councilmember Clark and Councilmember Chick voting in opposition).7.521 S Stemmons Street ­ FLUM AmendmentConduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance # 11­34­19 Regarding anAmendment of Future Land Use Map (FLUM) from Commercial to Industrial on Approximately1.952 Acres of property, Generally Located West of I­35 and Approximately 300 Feet North of theIntersection of Duck Creek Road and I­35 Service Road.Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu read the agenda item and opened the public hearing at 8:18 p.m. RamieHammonds Director of Development Services was recognized and presented a summary.  This is anamendment to the future land use map from Commercial to Industrial.  She  noted that a portion ofthe property is already zoned Industrial ­ that the back portion is zoned Commercial and the land around it is zoned Commercial  The applicant is wanting to use the entire piece as industrial. The whole lot is 1.9552 acres with .993 of the land already zoned Industrial. This request is to amend the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) so the applicant can then request the zoning change.   This is for a business that is being relocated from FM 455 where the Stephens Town Crossing Project is proposed.     Mr. Ray Haliburton, Owner of Tuff Powdercoating,  was recognized.  He stated they have already purchased the property and summarized their plans for the improvements to the property.  He noted that there was one opposition to the request which was a resident who bought the house behind the property.  After they spoke with the resident and discussed with them  plans for the property, the resident told Mr. Haliburton that they would e­mail a formal withdrawal of opposition to City Planner, Muzaib Riaz, that they did not have any problems with the request. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu solicited any other citizens who wished to speak regarding this request.  There being no citizens coming forward, the public hearing was closed at 8:23 p.m.  Councilman Chick had some questions regarding the property configuration.  There was minor discussion regarding access to the property.  A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett approving Ordinance # 10­34­19 regarding an Amendment of Future Land Use Map (FLUM) from Commercial to Industrial on approximately 1.952 Acres of property, generally located west of I­35 and approximately 300 feet North of the Intersection of Duck Creek Road and I­35 Service Road.  The motion was seconded by Councilman Clark.  The motion carried unanimously(5­0 vote). 8.521 S Stemmons Street ­ Rezoning Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance # 10­35­19 Regarding a Zoning Change From B­2 (Business District ­ 2) to I­1 (Industrial District) for Approximately 0.959 Acres of Land, Generally Located West of I­35 and Approximately 300 Feet North of the Intersection of Duck Creek Road and I­35 Service Road. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu read the agenda item and opened the public hearing at 8:27 p.m.   Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized noting this is the companion case to the previous request for Future Land Use Plan revision.  This request is for the actual zoning change from Business  to Industrial­1 zoning.   Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu solicited anyone wishing to come forward and speak on the public hearing item.  There being no citizens coming forward, the public hearing was closed at 8:28.p.m.  Ms. Hammonds noted the Ordinance Number should be changed from 11­35­19 to 10­35­19 and also noted the previous Ordinance should be changed from 11­34­19 to 10­34­19. A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett to approve Ordinance # 10­35­19 Regarding a Zoning Change From B­2 (Business District ­ 2) to I­1 (Industrial District) for Approximately 0.959 Acres of Land, Generally Located West of I­35 and Approximately 300 Feet North of the Intersection of Duck Creek Road and I­35 Service Road.  The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark.  The motion carried unanimously (5­0 vote).    9.2820 FM 455 ­ FLUM Amendment Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance # 11­36­19 Regarding an Amendment of Future Land Use Map (FLUM) from Urban Low Density Residential to Commercial on Approximately 1.00 Acre of property, Generally Located 1300 Feet East of the Intersection of Page 4 CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, December 2, 2019 ­ 7:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasREVISED AGENDACOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett; CouncilmemberDennis Dillon; Councilmember David Clark, Councilmember Allen Chick. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; City Engineer Tracy LaPiene; PlannerMuzaib Riaz; Police Officer Josh Bishop.  1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance.There being a full quorum present at the December 2, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting, themeeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. The invocation was given by Councilmember Dillon and thePledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Clark. 2.CITIZEN INPUT:No citizens approached the podium wishing to speak3.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Work Session Minutes ­ 11­04­2019Approve City Council Minutes for November 4, 2019 Work Session. 2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 11­18­2019Approve City Council Regular Meeting Minutes for November 18, 2019 Meeting.  A motion was made by Councilmember Clark to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.  Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon.  Motion carried unanimously (5­0 vote).4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No items were removed from Consent Agenda.REGULAR AGENDA5.Neil Harris ­ WWTP Stream Impact/RestorationDiscussion and Presentation by Mr. Neil Harris Regarding Wastewater Treatment Plant, StreamImpact, and Stream Restoration.Mayor Muir provided an introduction giving a brief summary of the proposed stream restorationproject for the Wastewater Treatment Plant.Mr. Neil Harris  was recognized  and noted that his brother and some of his cousins were with himtonight and they represent the families that own Greentree Farms.  He provided a packet ofinformation to Councilmembers  which included a letter from Haynes and Boone, LLP theirenvironmental attorney with a review of findings.  A map and a historical timeline outlining theirinterpretation of events beginning in 2016 regarding the Wastewater Plant and Green Tree Farmsand Ranger Creek, and a copy of the TCEQ Proposed Agreed Order. They wanted to make surethat the Council understood the extent of contamination they have seen come down the creek andthe effect of it on their creek and stream bed.  Dub Newman was recognized and stated that thefarm has been in the family from 1960 and provided a short history of the farm.  He directed Councilto look at the map and provided a description of the property.  He proceeded to read from thesummary provided and regarding the Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant and Green Tree Farm andRanger Creek noting their concerns regarding water contamination from effluent released by the Cityinto the creek.  His presentation ended in demand that the City of Sanger needs to adhere to theenforcement letter of the TCEQ to clean up Ranger Creek and pay the penalty and that Green TreeFarm is demanding that the City of Sanger pay them in the amount of $277,500 for damages to theirproperty for value loss and creek and stream bed contamination.   At this point Mayor Muir notedthat given the nature of claim, he would advise City Council to take this under advisement and notcomment on it at this point without legal counsel. He thanked the Harris Family for coming andpresenting and noted that the City will take it under advisement and that the City does want to be agood neighbor.  No action was taken on this item. At this point in the meeting Mayor Muir noted that he had a Volleyball banquet for this daughtertonight to attend and turned the meeting was over to Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu and left at 7:20 p.m.6.Sanger Meadow Addition Phase 2 ­ Preliminary PlatConsider, Discuss and Act on the Preliminary Plat of Sanger Meadows Addition Phase 2, BeingApproximately 145 Acres of Land, and Generally Located North­West of the Intersection of ViewRoad and Metz Road.Ramie Hammonds was recognized to summarize.  She advised that this is the preliminary plat whichwas discussed at the last meeting where we saw Phase 1 of the Sanger Meadows Addition at thelast Council meeting which contained  the ten lots facing View. Road.  At the time this report waswritten the applicant had not addressed any of staff's comments and that is the reason for therecommendation of denial. On Tuesday of last week they did resubmit it to  planning and it has beenreviewed, and all planning comments have been addressed with the exception of the following three variances: 1.City of Sanger Code of Ordinances Chapter 10 Exhibit A Section 5.04 (D) (1) to allow Residential lots to front on non­residential class streets (Shared parking on Metz Road). 2. Code Chap. 10 Exhibit A Section 5.06 B. to exceed Block Length.  3. Code Chap. 10 Exhibit. A Section 5.04 C. Lot shape: for Lots to exceed two and one­half to one (2­ 1/2:1). Each variance was explained by Ms. Hammonds, she noted that the variances were being requestedby the applicant,  so, by approving the plat, Council would be approving the variances. CityEngineer Tracy LaPiene was recognized and provided a list of engineering comments which neededto be addressed.  After lengthy discussion it was noted that the items could be addressed with thefinal plat review.  He stated that it could be approved if Council wishes with the condition that all ofthe engineering comments be addressed with the final plat review. Ms. Hammonds wanted the Council to know that in the future all of the plans will be reviewedbefore it gets to this process because of the new regulations staff has put into place.  She advised,that if the plat is denied and there is something that the Council does not like, as far as the variancesgo, the applicant needs to be notified of what exactly it is the Council has a problem with. Councilmember Chick requested clarification regarding each of the variances. CouncilmemberChick noted his concern regarding the number of lots being added to the traffic on the roads, accessto the development, and the drainage.  It was noted that the drainage could be addressed with thefinal plat,  There was discussion regarding parkland/recreational space.  It was noted they would bededicating park fees in lieu of land.  Discussion ensued regarding the lots facing Metz and it wasnoted that they would have shared drives and that they were one acre lots (it was noted this wasalso approved by the County). Councilman Clark noted concerns regarding having the shareddriveways going onto Metz Road which would ultimately be a four lane undivided arterial road.   Mr.Tim Fleet, property owner was recognized and provided a summary of the plat submission, theprocesses he has been through, and addressed some of the issues brought up by theCouncilmembers.A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett to approve the Preliminary Plat of Sanger MeadowsAddition Phase 2, being approximately 145 acres of land and generally located northwest of theintersection of View Road and Metz Road with the following variances; and, subject of allengineering comments being addressed with the final plat:1.City of Sanger Code of Ordinances Chapter 10 Exhibit A Section 5.04 (D) (1) to allow Residential lots to front on non­residential class streets (Shared parking on Metz Road). 2. Code Chap. 10 Exhibit A Section 5.06 B. to exceed Block Length.  3. Code Chap. 10 Exhibit. A Section 5.04 C. Lot shape: for Lots to exceed two and one­half to one (2­ 1/2:1). The motion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon.  The motion carried with a 3 to 2 vote(Councilmember Clark and Councilmember Chick voting in opposition).7.521 S Stemmons Street ­ FLUM AmendmentConduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance # 11­34­19 Regarding anAmendment of Future Land Use Map (FLUM) from Commercial to Industrial on Approximately1.952 Acres of property, Generally Located West of I­35 and Approximately 300 Feet North of theIntersection of Duck Creek Road and I­35 Service Road.Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu read the agenda item and opened the public hearing at 8:18 p.m. RamieHammonds Director of Development Services was recognized and presented a summary.  This is anamendment to the future land use map from Commercial to Industrial.  She  noted that a portion ofthe property is already zoned Industrial ­ that the back portion is zoned Commercial and the landaround it is zoned Commercial  The applicant is wanting to use the entire piece as industrial. Thewhole lot is 1.9552 acres with .993 of the land already zoned Industrial. This request is to amend theFuture Land Use Map (FLUM) so the applicant can then request the zoning change.   This is for abusiness that is being relocated from FM 455 where the Stephens Town Crossing Project isproposed.    Mr. Ray Haliburton, Owner of Tuff Powdercoating,  was recognized.  He stated they have alreadypurchased the property and summarized their plans for the improvements to the property.  He notedthat there was one opposition to the request which was a resident who bought the house behind theproperty.  After they spoke with the resident and discussed with them  plans for the property, theresident told Mr. Haliburton that they would e­mail a formal withdrawal of opposition to CityPlanner, Muzaib Riaz, that they did not have any problems with the request.Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu solicited any other citizens who wished to speak regarding this request. There being no citizens coming forward, the public hearing was closed at 8:23 p.m. Councilman Chick had some questions regarding the property configuration.  There was minordiscussion regarding access to the property. A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett approving Ordinance # 10­34­19 regarding anAmendment of Future Land Use Map (FLUM) from Commercial to Industrial on approximately1.952 Acres of property, generally located west of I­35 and approximately 300 feet North of theIntersection of Duck Creek Road and I­35 Service Road.  The motion was seconded byCouncilman Clark.  The motion carried unanimously(5­0 vote).8.521 S Stemmons Street ­ RezoningConduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance # 10­35­19 Regarding aZoning Change From B­2 (Business District ­ 2) to I­1 (Industrial District) for Approximately 0.959Acres of Land, Generally Located West of I­35 and Approximately 300 Feet North of theIntersection of Duck Creek Road and I­35 Service Road.Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu read the agenda item and opened the public hearing at 8:27 p.m.   Directorof Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized noting this is the companion case to theprevious request for Future Land Use Plan revision.  This request is for the actual zoning changefrom Business  to Industrial­1 zoning.   Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu solicited anyone wishing to comeforward and speak on the public hearing item.  There being no citizens coming forward, the publichearing was closed at 8:28.p.m. Ms. Hammonds noted the Ordinance Number should be changed from 11­35­19 to 10­35­19 andalso noted the previous Ordinance should be changed from 11­34­19 to 10­34­19.A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett to approve Ordinance # 10­35­19 Regarding aZoning Change From B­2 (Business District ­ 2) to I­1 (Industrial District) for Approximately 0.959Acres of Land, Generally Located West of I­35 and Approximately 300 Feet North of theIntersection of Duck Creek Road and I­35 Service Road.  The motion was seconded byCouncilmember Clark.  The motion carried unanimously (5­0 vote).   9.2820 FM 455 ­ FLUM AmendmentConduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance # 11­36­19 Regarding an Amendment of Future Land Use Map (FLUM) from Urban Low Density Residential to Commercial on Approximately 1.00 Acre of property, Generally Located 1300 Feet East of the Intersection of Marion Road and FM 455, and 350 Feet North of FM 455. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu read the agenda item and opened the public hearing at 8:31 p.m.  Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized noting this is a property located off of FM 455 which was annexed in 2017.  There were already two commercial buildings on the property and a building under construction when it was annexed.  When the property was annexed it was not zoned and was Agricultural.  This property has a new owner and a change of use and  is required to be in compliance.  This request is for an amendment to the Future Land Use Map from Urban Low Density Residential to Commercial on approximately one acre. This is planned for a corporate office and a hub for a security company.  Staff feels this land is more suited for commercial than residential and there are already two commercial businesses on the property.   Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu solicited anyone who wished to come forward and speak on this item.   Todd Benson, Paxica Security Group, was recognized.  He stated they have been in the industry for 25 years and picked Sanger Texas to be the Corporate office for their main hub.  They do a lot of governmental facilities as well as security for hospitals, everything security related they can handle.  They hope to be a part of the Sanger family and would like to be involved with the City  and the community with events, etc, in the future.  He hoped that Council would grant approval of their request. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu solicited anyone else who wished to come forward and speak on this item.  There being no citizens coming forward to speak, the public hearing was closed at 8:34 p.m.   Councilmember Chick asked some questions regarding the zoning around the property, the uses on the property, and access to the property.  It was noted that the properties are not platted and they were annexed into the city with the buildings on them.  A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett to approve Ordinance # 10­36­19 regarding an Amendment of Future Land Use Map (FLUM) from Urban Low Density Residential to Commercial on approximately 1.00 acre of property, generally located 1300 feet east of the Intersection of Marion Road and FM 455, and 350 Feet North of FM 455.  The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark.  The motion carried unanimously (5­0 vote). 10.2820 FM 455 ­ Rezoning Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance # 11­37­19 Regarding a Zoning Change From A (Agricultural) to B­2 (Business District ­ 2) for Approximately 1.00 Acres of Land, Generally Located 1300 Feet East of the Intersection of Marion Road and FM 455, and 350 Feet North of FM 455. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu read the agenda item and opened the public hearing at 8:38 p.m.  Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds noted that this is the actual zoning request from the previous Future Land Use Amendment request.  Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu solicited for anyone in the audience who wished to speak on the zoning case.  There being no citizens coming forward, the public hearing was closed at 8:39 p.m. There was no additional discussion. A motion was made by Councilmember Dillon to approve Ordinance # 10­37­19 Regarding a Zoning Change From A (Agricultural) to B­2 (Business District ­ 2) for approximately 1.00 Acres of Page 5 CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, December 2, 2019 ­ 7:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasREVISED AGENDACOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett; CouncilmemberDennis Dillon; Councilmember David Clark, Councilmember Allen Chick. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; City Engineer Tracy LaPiene; PlannerMuzaib Riaz; Police Officer Josh Bishop.  1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance.There being a full quorum present at the December 2, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting, themeeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. The invocation was given by Councilmember Dillon and thePledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Clark. 2.CITIZEN INPUT:No citizens approached the podium wishing to speak3.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Work Session Minutes ­ 11­04­2019Approve City Council Minutes for November 4, 2019 Work Session. 2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 11­18­2019Approve City Council Regular Meeting Minutes for November 18, 2019 Meeting.  A motion was made by Councilmember Clark to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.  Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon.  Motion carried unanimously (5­0 vote).4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No items were removed from Consent Agenda.REGULAR AGENDA5.Neil Harris ­ WWTP Stream Impact/RestorationDiscussion and Presentation by Mr. Neil Harris Regarding Wastewater Treatment Plant, StreamImpact, and Stream Restoration.Mayor Muir provided an introduction giving a brief summary of the proposed stream restorationproject for the Wastewater Treatment Plant.Mr. Neil Harris  was recognized  and noted that his brother and some of his cousins were with himtonight and they represent the families that own Greentree Farms.  He provided a packet ofinformation to Councilmembers  which included a letter from Haynes and Boone, LLP theirenvironmental attorney with a review of findings.  A map and a historical timeline outlining theirinterpretation of events beginning in 2016 regarding the Wastewater Plant and Green Tree Farmsand Ranger Creek, and a copy of the TCEQ Proposed Agreed Order. They wanted to make surethat the Council understood the extent of contamination they have seen come down the creek andthe effect of it on their creek and stream bed.  Dub Newman was recognized and stated that thefarm has been in the family from 1960 and provided a short history of the farm.  He directed Councilto look at the map and provided a description of the property.  He proceeded to read from thesummary provided and regarding the Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant and Green Tree Farm andRanger Creek noting their concerns regarding water contamination from effluent released by the Cityinto the creek.  His presentation ended in demand that the City of Sanger needs to adhere to theenforcement letter of the TCEQ to clean up Ranger Creek and pay the penalty and that Green TreeFarm is demanding that the City of Sanger pay them in the amount of $277,500 for damages to theirproperty for value loss and creek and stream bed contamination.   At this point Mayor Muir notedthat given the nature of claim, he would advise City Council to take this under advisement and notcomment on it at this point without legal counsel. He thanked the Harris Family for coming andpresenting and noted that the City will take it under advisement and that the City does want to be agood neighbor.  No action was taken on this item. At this point in the meeting Mayor Muir noted that he had a Volleyball banquet for this daughtertonight to attend and turned the meeting was over to Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu and left at 7:20 p.m.6.Sanger Meadow Addition Phase 2 ­ Preliminary PlatConsider, Discuss and Act on the Preliminary Plat of Sanger Meadows Addition Phase 2, BeingApproximately 145 Acres of Land, and Generally Located North­West of the Intersection of ViewRoad and Metz Road.Ramie Hammonds was recognized to summarize.  She advised that this is the preliminary plat whichwas discussed at the last meeting where we saw Phase 1 of the Sanger Meadows Addition at thelast Council meeting which contained  the ten lots facing View. Road.  At the time this report waswritten the applicant had not addressed any of staff's comments and that is the reason for therecommendation of denial. On Tuesday of last week they did resubmit it to  planning and it has beenreviewed, and all planning comments have been addressed with the exception of the following three variances: 1.City of Sanger Code of Ordinances Chapter 10 Exhibit A Section 5.04 (D) (1) to allow Residential lots to front on non­residential class streets (Shared parking on Metz Road). 2. Code Chap. 10 Exhibit A Section 5.06 B. to exceed Block Length.  3. Code Chap. 10 Exhibit. A Section 5.04 C. Lot shape: for Lots to exceed two and one­half to one (2­ 1/2:1). Each variance was explained by Ms. Hammonds, she noted that the variances were being requestedby the applicant,  so, by approving the plat, Council would be approving the variances. CityEngineer Tracy LaPiene was recognized and provided a list of engineering comments which neededto be addressed.  After lengthy discussion it was noted that the items could be addressed with thefinal plat review.  He stated that it could be approved if Council wishes with the condition that all ofthe engineering comments be addressed with the final plat review. Ms. Hammonds wanted the Council to know that in the future all of the plans will be reviewedbefore it gets to this process because of the new regulations staff has put into place.  She advised,that if the plat is denied and there is something that the Council does not like, as far as the variancesgo, the applicant needs to be notified of what exactly it is the Council has a problem with. Councilmember Chick requested clarification regarding each of the variances. CouncilmemberChick noted his concern regarding the number of lots being added to the traffic on the roads, accessto the development, and the drainage.  It was noted that the drainage could be addressed with thefinal plat,  There was discussion regarding parkland/recreational space.  It was noted they would bededicating park fees in lieu of land.  Discussion ensued regarding the lots facing Metz and it wasnoted that they would have shared drives and that they were one acre lots (it was noted this wasalso approved by the County). Councilman Clark noted concerns regarding having the shareddriveways going onto Metz Road which would ultimately be a four lane undivided arterial road.   Mr.Tim Fleet, property owner was recognized and provided a summary of the plat submission, theprocesses he has been through, and addressed some of the issues brought up by theCouncilmembers.A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett to approve the Preliminary Plat of Sanger MeadowsAddition Phase 2, being approximately 145 acres of land and generally located northwest of theintersection of View Road and Metz Road with the following variances; and, subject of allengineering comments being addressed with the final plat:1.City of Sanger Code of Ordinances Chapter 10 Exhibit A Section 5.04 (D) (1) to allow Residential lots to front on non­residential class streets (Shared parking on Metz Road). 2. Code Chap. 10 Exhibit A Section 5.06 B. to exceed Block Length.  3. Code Chap. 10 Exhibit. A Section 5.04 C. Lot shape: for Lots to exceed two and one­half to one (2­ 1/2:1). The motion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon.  The motion carried with a 3 to 2 vote(Councilmember Clark and Councilmember Chick voting in opposition).7.521 S Stemmons Street ­ FLUM AmendmentConduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance # 11­34­19 Regarding anAmendment of Future Land Use Map (FLUM) from Commercial to Industrial on Approximately1.952 Acres of property, Generally Located West of I­35 and Approximately 300 Feet North of theIntersection of Duck Creek Road and I­35 Service Road.Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu read the agenda item and opened the public hearing at 8:18 p.m. RamieHammonds Director of Development Services was recognized and presented a summary.  This is anamendment to the future land use map from Commercial to Industrial.  She  noted that a portion ofthe property is already zoned Industrial ­ that the back portion is zoned Commercial and the landaround it is zoned Commercial  The applicant is wanting to use the entire piece as industrial. Thewhole lot is 1.9552 acres with .993 of the land already zoned Industrial. This request is to amend theFuture Land Use Map (FLUM) so the applicant can then request the zoning change.   This is for abusiness that is being relocated from FM 455 where the Stephens Town Crossing Project isproposed.    Mr. Ray Haliburton, Owner of Tuff Powdercoating,  was recognized.  He stated they have alreadypurchased the property and summarized their plans for the improvements to the property.  He notedthat there was one opposition to the request which was a resident who bought the house behind theproperty.  After they spoke with the resident and discussed with them  plans for the property, theresident told Mr. Haliburton that they would e­mail a formal withdrawal of opposition to CityPlanner, Muzaib Riaz, that they did not have any problems with the request.Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu solicited any other citizens who wished to speak regarding this request. There being no citizens coming forward, the public hearing was closed at 8:23 p.m. Councilman Chick had some questions regarding the property configuration.  There was minordiscussion regarding access to the property. A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett approving Ordinance # 10­34­19 regarding anAmendment of Future Land Use Map (FLUM) from Commercial to Industrial on approximately1.952 Acres of property, generally located west of I­35 and approximately 300 feet North of theIntersection of Duck Creek Road and I­35 Service Road.  The motion was seconded byCouncilman Clark.  The motion carried unanimously(5­0 vote).8.521 S Stemmons Street ­ RezoningConduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance # 10­35­19 Regarding aZoning Change From B­2 (Business District ­ 2) to I­1 (Industrial District) for Approximately 0.959Acres of Land, Generally Located West of I­35 and Approximately 300 Feet North of theIntersection of Duck Creek Road and I­35 Service Road.Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu read the agenda item and opened the public hearing at 8:27 p.m.   Directorof Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized noting this is the companion case to theprevious request for Future Land Use Plan revision.  This request is for the actual zoning changefrom Business  to Industrial­1 zoning.   Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu solicited anyone wishing to comeforward and speak on the public hearing item.  There being no citizens coming forward, the publichearing was closed at 8:28.p.m. Ms. Hammonds noted the Ordinance Number should be changed from 11­35­19 to 10­35­19 andalso noted the previous Ordinance should be changed from 11­34­19 to 10­34­19.A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett to approve Ordinance # 10­35­19 Regarding aZoning Change From B­2 (Business District ­ 2) to I­1 (Industrial District) for Approximately 0.959Acres of Land, Generally Located West of I­35 and Approximately 300 Feet North of theIntersection of Duck Creek Road and I­35 Service Road.  The motion was seconded byCouncilmember Clark.  The motion carried unanimously (5­0 vote).   9.2820 FM 455 ­ FLUM AmendmentConduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance # 11­36­19 Regarding anAmendment of Future Land Use Map (FLUM) from Urban Low Density Residential to Commercialon Approximately 1.00 Acre of property, Generally Located 1300 Feet East of the Intersection ofMarion Road and FM 455, and 350 Feet North of FM 455.Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu read the agenda item and opened the public hearing at 8:31 p.m.  Director ofDevelopment Services Ramie Hammonds summarized noting this is a property located off of FM455 which was annexed in 2017.  There were already two commercial buildings on the property anda building under construction when it was annexed.  When the property was annexed it was notzoned and was Agricultural.  This property has a new owner and a change of use and  is required tobe in compliance.  This request is for an amendment to the Future Land Use Map from Urban LowDensity Residential to Commercial on approximately one acre. This is planned for a corporate officeand a hub for a security company.  Staff feels this land is more suited for commercial than residentialand there are already two commercial businesses on the property.   Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu solicitedanyone who wished to come forward and speak on this item.  Todd Benson, Paxica Security Group, was recognized.  He stated they have been in the industry for25 years and picked Sanger Texas to be the Corporate office for their main hub.  They do a lot ofgovernmental facilities as well as security for hospitals, everything security related they can handle. They hope to be a part of the Sanger family and would like to be involved with the City  and thecommunity with events, etc, in the future.  He hoped that Council would grant approval of theirrequest.Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu solicited anyone else who wished to come forward and speak on this item. There being no citizens coming forward to speak, the public hearing was closed at 8:34 p.m.  Councilmember Chick asked some questions regarding the zoning around the property, the uses onthe property, and access to the property.  It was noted that the properties are not platted and theywere annexed into the city with the buildings on them. A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett to approve Ordinance # 10­36­19 regarding anAmendment of Future Land Use Map (FLUM) from Urban Low Density Residential to Commercialon approximately 1.00 acre of property, generally located 1300 feet east of the Intersection ofMarion Road and FM 455, and 350 Feet North of FM 455.  The motion was seconded byCouncilmember Clark.  The motion carried unanimously (5­0 vote).10.2820 FM 455 ­ RezoningConduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance # 11­37­19 Regarding aZoning Change From A (Agricultural) to B­2 (Business District ­ 2) for Approximately 1.00 Acres ofLand, Generally Located 1300 Feet East of the Intersection of Marion Road and FM 455, and 350Feet North of FM 455.Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu read the agenda item and opened the public hearing at 8:38 p.m.  Director ofDevelopment Services Ramie Hammonds noted that this is the actual zoning request from theprevious Future Land Use Amendment request.  Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu solicited for anyone in theaudience who wished to speak on the zoning case.  There being no citizens coming forward, thepublic hearing was closed at 8:39 p.m.There was no additional discussion. A motion was made by Councilmember Dillon to approve Ordinance # 10­37­19 Regarding a Zoning Change From A (Agricultural) to B­2 (Business District ­ 2) for approximately 1.00 Acres of land, generally located 1300 feet east of the Intersection of Marion Road and FM 455, and 350 Feet North of FM 455.The motion was seconded by Councilmember Barrett.  The motion carried unanimously (5­0). 11.Sanger Circle Phase 6 Batch Plant ­ SUP Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance # 11­38­19 Regarding a Specific Use Permit for a Temporary Concrete Batch Plant Use for Sanger Circle Phase 6 Development; Generally Located West of Marion Road. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu read the agenda item and opened the public hearing at 8:40 p.m. Ramie Hammonds Director of Development Services was recognized and presented a summary.  This is an application to set up a batch plant for construction of streets in Sanger Circle Phase 6 Subdivison.  She noted per the permitting requirement it can not be within 300 feet of any residence and is well within those guidelines.  They have applied for the TCEQ permit and are asking for the SUP for permit for 180 days.  It would start December 14, 2020 and end June 14th, 2020. The subdivision has 184 single family lots and 56 townhomes. Staff noted that there were two letters received back, one in favor and one in opposition to the request.  Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu solicited anyone wishing to come forward and speak on this item.  There being no persons coming forward, the public hearing was closed at 8:41 p.m.   There was brief discussion regarding the opposition and it was noted that safety and traffic was of a concern for the children in the area.  Staff noted that there were several people present for this item at the Planning and Zoning Meeting and there seemed to be a misunderstanding as to what this request was for. After it was explained and what the alternatives would be it seemed that the public was a little more comfortable with the request.   It was also noted there were some concerns regarding the dust and that they have equipment to neutralize the dust. There was minor discussion regarding TCEQ permitting requirements.    A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett to approve Ordinance # 11­38­19 Regarding a Specific Use Permit for a Temporary Concrete Batch Plant Use for Sanger Circle Phase 6 Development; Generally Located West of Marion Road.  There was minor discussion to include the start date and it was noted that it is included in the Ordinance and states 180 days starting from December 14, 2019.  The motion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon.  The motion carried 4­1 (Councilmember Chick voting in opposition).   12.INFORMATION ITEMS: 13.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: There was no discussion regarding future agenda items. 14.ADJOURN. There being no further agenda items Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu adjourned the meeting at 8:48 p.m.  Page 6 ho yn o sb®®ne Phone: 512.867.8418 Mary.Mendoza@haynesboone November 25, 2019 Mr. Neil Harris 2100 Ross Avenue, Suite 1400 Dallas, TX 75201 Re: City of Sanger Wastewater Discharge Impacts to Green Tree Farm Dear Neil, You had asked that we review information regarding the City of Sanger's wastewater discharge and its impacts to your family's property Green Tree Farm. You provided us with a number of documents regarding the discharges from the City of Sanger's Wastewater Treatment Plant located at 300 Jones St., Sanger, Texas (the "Plant"), correspondence between the TCEQ and the Sanger regarding the discharges and your engineer's evaluation of those discharges. It is evident from the TCEQ's on-line data base and the documents you provided that Sanger has had a long history of discharges exceeding its permit limitations. The Plant's operations are limited by its Permit WQ0014372001, issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ("TCEQ"), which includes numeric limitations on the effluent discharge in order to protect human health and the environmental of those downstream from the Plant. The Plant discharges effluent into an unnamed ditch, where it flows into Ranger Branch and then to Paddock Lake, again through Ranger Branch and through Clear Creek into Lewisville Lake. We understand Ranger Branch, which you also refer to as Ranger Creek, runs through Green Tree Farm. The Plant has a long history of unresolved noncompliance with its permit limitations and with the TCEQ rules. A brief review of the TCEQ database regarding the Plant's permit identified at least twenty-three active notices of violation for the "Failure to meet the limit for one or more parameters" with respect to the plant's operations. These violations stretch back as far as 2015 and continue into 2019. As your engineers have documented, the discharges at times have exceeded permit limits, at times by orders of magnitude. By way of example, your engineers noted that sampling by the TCEQ of waters downstream from the Plant in July 2018 had E.Coli concentrations of 242,000 ; the permit limit for E.Coli was 399. You further advised that Green Tree Farm never received any warning or notice from Sanger that its discharge — which flows through Green Tree Farm — was in violation of its permit. These issues of noncompliance have negatively impacted the use Haynes and Boone, LLP Attorneys and Counselors 600 Congress Ave., Suite 1300 Austin, Texas 78701-3285 Phone: 512.867.8400 Fax: 512.867.8470 www.haynesboone.com haynesboone Mr. Neil Harris November 25, 2019 Page 2 and enjoyment of Green Tree Farm and, as noted by your engineers, have endangered those who use Green Tree Farm and the receiving waters for recreational use. We understand that the TCEQ is now pursuing formal enforcement action against the City of Sanger to force the Plant to come into compliance with it permit and applicable law. We have reviewed multiple drafts of a proposed Agreed Order that the TCEQ has sent to Sanger to resolve the violations. Those drafts have been consistent in requiring Sanger to correct the violations, bring the plant into compliance through equipment upgrades, and remediate the residuals from the illegal discharges downstream of the Plant. The TCEQ is well within its authority to require Sanger to correct its violations, including the damages caused by its violations. While we have seen some comments from Sanger's counsel objecting to the remediation of the creek downstream of the Plant on the basis that Sanger did not cause the impacts, we have not seen any documentation from Sanger that supports its position. In fact, the evidence of long term illegal discharges from the Plant supports the conclusion that the Plant is the cause of the impacts to the creek on Green Tree Farm. As we have discussed, the contamination to Green Tree Farm has resulted in significant damages. The use and enjoyment of the farm has been impaired, parts of the farm had to be restricted from use, and the contamination has likely resulted in a diminution in value of the farm. I understand from our conversation that your use of the farm has had to be altered to prevent exposure to the illegal discharges. You have estimated your damages in the range of 275000 to 300000, which is a fraction of the value of the farm, and is not unreasonable given the severity and duration of the contamination. We look forward to discussing appropriate next steps with you. u lit -low F-4 The City of Sanger Wastewater Plant: Green Tree Farm & Ranger Creek Outline of events, beginning in 2016 The City of Sanger is operating under a permit that allows effluent to be released into Ranger Creek, up to 980,000 gallons per day. Ranger Creek flows through our family farm, Green Tree Farm, located at 514 Railroad Rd. in Sanger. Late 2016-mid 2019: TCEQ investigated complaints from property owners of odor, discolored effluent, and solid waste being released in Ranger Creek and the adjoining Paddock Lake. This continued release of contaminated effluent has created an environmental hazard in Ranger Creek and Paddock Lake. August 2019: The continued release of contaminated effluent by the City of Sanger Wastewater Plant, resulted in an "Enforcement Letter" from the TCEQ. The letter includes a penalty of $64,500 and a requirement that "within 200 days of the effective date of this letter, Sanger has to request and obtain permission from the private property owners, to mediate the receiving streams, as far down as the spillway for Paddock Lake, which included the removal of all sludge." September 2019-current: The City of Sanger is appealing the TCEQ Enforcement Letter, through legal representation. The City of Sanger is claiming that the contaminated effluent is coming from another source,. City of Sanger' is quoted in letter to say, "other sources likely responsible for solids identified downstream of outfall No.001." The City of Sanger has had no communication with affected residents. It has yet to contact any of the property owners regarding potential risks to children, livestock, and small animals that play, drink & live in the contaminated water. Due to the sludge and contaminated effluent being released into Ranger Creek through the last few years, there is a thick layer of black raw sewage, through the creek bed of our property, under rocks, crevices and tree roots. Severity of the Contamination, according to the TCEQ: The permitted "allowable" E-Coli Level is 399 CFU. Here are the TCEQ's results of Ranger Creek: • 10/2/17 4,840 CFU 12x the allowable level • 10/6/17 292,000 CFU 731x the allowable level • 10/17/17 241,960 CFU 606x the allowable level • 02/1/19 5,600 CFU 14x the allowable level (landowner sample that was tested) • 05/28/19 "red sludge worms" identified by TCEQ found often in poor quality water w/high organic matter. TCEQ noted that these worms are attributed to previous raw waste discharge The severity of these levels of contamination is not safe and livestock and humans should not be exposed to it according to our Environmental Engineer. Example of how North Texas Municipal Water District handled a similar water contamination issue: 12/16/18: North Texas Municipal Water District had a 28,000 gal. spill in nearby lake. They immediately: • Hired a 3rd party expert to assess current conditions • Worked with the TCEQ Texas Park & Wildlife, and US Army Corp of Engineers • Sent out a Public Notice that private well water within %2 mile of the plant, should be boiled, and public should avoid contact with the discharged effluent in the lake By comparison, City of Sanger effluent averages 800,000 gallons per day. During 4 month period, 96,000,000 gallons of varying levels of untreated sewage were dumped into Ranger Creek, with NO action or communication from the City to the residents and property owners affected. The RESULTS of the ongoing Negligence of the City of Sanger to contamination of Ranger Creek: 1. Utilization of the Creek: Our grandchildren can no longer play in the creek. Small pets & livestock are kept away. The beauty of the creek flowing through our property has been taken away. 2. Damage to fish & wildlife: small fish, turtles found dead in the creek and shoreline 3. Land value has diminished due to the environmental damage that will have to be disclosed to potential buyers, should we try to sell or develop the property in the future. SUMMARY: The City of Sanger has displayed gross negligence in its responsibility to its citizens & neighbors • To stop the contaminated effluent flowing into of Ranger Creek in a timely manner. • To not notify and warn all of the affected land owners and residents of the dangers of the polluted effluent in the creek, for the safety of their children, small animals and livestock. DEMAND: • City of Sanger needs to adhere to the Enforcement Letter of the TCEQ: to clean up Ranger Creek and to pay the penalty. • Green Tree Farm is demanding that the City of Sanger pay them in the amount of $277,500 for damages to their property value loss and creek & stream bed contamination. Jon Niermann, Chairman Emily Lindley, Commissioner 'ti,.a' Toby Baker, Executive Director _ TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Protecting Texas by Reducing and Pre,enting Pollution July 30, 2019 The Honorable Thomas Muir Mayor of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266-o017 Re: Revised Proposed Agreed Order City of Sanger RN103014155; TPDES Permit No. WQ0014372001 Docket No. 2018-0273-MWD-E; Enforcement Case No. 55766 FOR SETTLEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Dear Mayor Muir: In the cover letters for the proposed agreed orders mailed out to the City of Sanger on December 14, 2o18 and January 14, 2018, the City of Sanger was given an opportunity to propose a Supplemental Environmental Project ("SEP") to offset the payable penalty. Your proposed SEP has been reviewed and has been incorporated in the enclosed revised proposed agreed order. Additionally, based on documentation submitted on February 11, 2o19, the following revisions have been made: 1. Section I (Findings of Fact): Paragraph Nos. 6.c through 6.f were included to recognize completed corrective actions. 2. Section II (Conclusions of Law): Paragraph No. 9 reflects a revised penalty. 3. Section III (Ordering Provisions): Corresponding technical requirements have been removed. Paragraph No. 2 has been inserted to implement and complete an SEP, and technical requirement deadlines have been extended. Ordering Provision No. 3.a.i has been added. If you agree with the order as proposed, please sign and return this order with an original signature to: Mr. Steven Van Landingham, Enforcement Coordinator Water Enforcement Section, MC 219 Enforcement Division Texas Commission on Environmental Quality P.O. Box 13o87 Austin, Texas 78711-3o87 DO n- V)0Q7 . A-1; . T........ 7071 1 Ono- . r 1 O OOn 1— The Honorable Thomas Muir Page 2 July 30, 2019 Once you agree and we are in receipt of the signed proposed agreed order, the City of Sanger may begin implementing the SEP. Enclosed for your convenience is a return envelope. If the signed order is not mailed and postmarked within two weeks of the date of this letter, we will assume that you have elected to participate in the more extended enforcement process described in previous correspondence, and we will proceed accordingly. Your case will be forwarded to the Litigation Division and this settlement offer, and possibly the SEP, will no longer be available. If you have any questions regarding these matters, please contact Mr. Van Landingham of my staff at (512) 239-5717• e Eaves, Manager •cement Division Commission on Environmental Quality LE/sv Enclosures: Revised Proposed Agreed Order, SEP, Revised PCWs (4), Effluent Violation Table cc: Mr. Nathan E. Vassar, Attorney, Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle & Townsend, P.C., 816 Congress Avenue, Suite 1900, Austin, Texas 78701 The Honorable Thomas Muir Page 3 July 30, 2019 bcc: Manager, Water Section, Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Office Mr. Steven Van Landingham, Coordinator, Enforcement Division, MC 219 Central Records, MC 213, Building E, ist Floor MWD_WQoo14372001_CP_2019073o_ReNised Proposed Agreed Order Enforcement Division Electronic Reader File TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY SS;•�C IN THE MATTER OF AN § BEFORE THE ENFORCEMENT ACTION § CONCERNING § TEXAS COMMISSION ON CITY OF SANGER § RN103014155 § ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AGREED ORDER DOCKET NO. 2018-o273-MWD-E I. JURISDICTION AND STIPULATIONS On , the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ("the Commission" or "TCEQ") considered this agreement of the parties, resolving an enforcement action regarding the City of Sanger (the "Respondent") under the authority of TEx. WATER CODE chs. 7 and 26. The Executive Director of the TCEQ, through the Enforcement Division, and the Respondent, represented by Mr. Nathan E. Vassar, of the law firm of Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle & Townsend, P.C., presented this Order to the Commission. The Respondent understands that it has certain procedural rights at certain points in the enforcement process, including the right to formal notice of violations, notice of an evidentiazy hearing, the right to an evidentiary hearing, and a right to appeal. By entering into this Order, the Respondent agrees to waive all notice and procedural rights. It is further understood and agreed that this Order represents the complete and fully -integrated agreement of the parties. The provisions of this Order are deemed severable and, if a court of competent jurisdiction or other appropriate authority deems any provision of this Order unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall be valid and enforceable. The duties and responsibilities imposed by this Order are binding upon the Respondent. The Commission makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law: I. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The Respondent owns and operates a wastewater treatment facility located at 300 Jones Street in Sanger, Denton County, Texas (the "Facility"). The Facility is near or adjacent to water in the state as defined in TEx. WATER CODE § 26.001(5). 2. During an investigation conducted on September 27, 2017 through October 17, 2017, and a record review on May 21, 2018 through June 11, 2o18, staff documented that the Respondent did not comply with permitted effluent limitations, as shown in the effluent violation table below. City of Sanger DOCKET NO. 2018-0273-MWD-E Page 2 Effluent Violation Table Dischar e Monitoring Reports CBOD ( -day) Ammonia Nitrogen TSS Daily Daily Daily Avg. Daily Avg. Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Avg. Avg. Max. Loading Conc. Max. Avg. Avg. Max. Loading Cone. Cone. Cone. LoadingCone. Cone. Month/ Limit = Limit = Limit = Limit = Limit = Limit = Limit = Limit = Limit = Year 10 mg/L 25 mg/L 82 lbs/day 2 mg/L 10 16 15 40 123 lbs/day m L lbs da m L m L 10 2o16 1 5 c I c c c c c c c 6 2017 12.2 c c C c c c c c 7 2017 14.7 c 86.12 e c c c c c H 2O17 10.7 27.3 c c c e c c c 9 2017 35.3 101 172.9 8.28 29.6 4o.66 34.5 67 164.6 Grab Samples CBOD Total Residual Ammonia E. coli DO (5-day) Chlorine Nitrogen Single Single Single Daily Single Grab Grab Grab Max. Grab Min. Limit = Min. Date Limit = Limit Limit = CFU 39oo Limit = 35 mg/L 1. 15 mg/L mL/ 0L m L m 9/27/17 126 0.0 34 ri a c 10217 na na na >_4,840 1.31 10 6 17 ri a n a n a 292,000 ri a 10 1 17 124 n a 38.2 241,96o 2.7 Avg. = Average c = compliant CBOD (5-day) = Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (5-day) CFU/too mL = colony forming units per too milliliters Conc. = Concentration DO = Dissolved Oxygen E. coli = Escherichia soli lbs/day = pounds per day Max. = Maximum mg/L = milligrams per liter Min. = Minimum n/a = not applicable 3. During an investigation conducted on March 22, 2018 through April 6, 2o18, staff documented that: a. Plant No. 2 had excessive foam in the aeration basin, the clarifier weirs had an accumulation of sludge which was blocking even flow over the weir and sludge was present in the clarifier effluent trough; b. The mixed liquor in Plant No. 3's aeration basin was black in color, and the clarifier did not appear to be settling out sludge as the clarifier effluent was cloudy and grey; City of Sanger DOCKET NO.2018-0273-MWD-E Page 3 C. Plant No. 4 had floating solids in the aeration basin and along the clarifier weirs which blocked flow; d. The effluent in the weir box appeared turbid and grey; e. The bar screen area had an accumulation of screenings on the step screen, the manual bar screen, and on the grates; f. The screenings container was uncovered; and g. The staff gauge was illegible. 4. During a record review conducted on May 21, 2018 through June 11, 2018, staff documented that the discharge monitoring reports ("DMRs") for October 2oi6 through August 2017 were not submitted by the loth day of the following month. 5. During an investigation conducted on July 17, 2018 though August 7, 2018, and a supplemental investigation on August 29, 2o18, staff documented that: a. The Respondent exceeded the permit limitation for the daily average concentration of carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (5-day) in July 2017 by greater than 40% and it was not reported to the TCEQ; b. E. coli lab result records for January 2017 through September 2017 were not maintained at the Facility and not available for review; C. The DMRs for April 2o18 through June 2018 were not submitted by the loth day of the following month; and d. Excess solids in other than trace amounts discharged via Outfall No. 001 into the receiving stream to Paddock Lake. 6. The Executive Director recognizes that the Respondent: a. Submitted the October 2016 through August 2017 DMRs by June 7, 2018; b. Drained and reseeded Plant No. 3, built a laboratory room to begin in-house sample testing, installed new chlorine roto-meters, and marked manholes to identify tampering by June 8, 2018; C. Removed the accumulation of screenings from the bar screen area, including the step screen, the manual bar screen, and on the grates by January 24, 2019; d. Installed a new staff gauge by January 24, 2019; e. Installed a new rotary sludge press, two new clarifiers, a new bar screen, a new pump station, a raw water station, an aeration basin, turbo blowers, and an ultraviolet disinfectant system at the Facility by January 24, 2019; and City of Sanger DOCKET NO. 2oi8-o273-MWD-E Page 4 £ Submitted the E. coli lab result records for January 2017 through September 2017 by February 11, 2019. II. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW As evidenced by Finding of Fact No. 1, the Respondent is subject to the jurisdiction of the TCEQ pursuant to TEX. WATER CODE ch. 26 and the rules of the TCEQ. 2. As evidenced by Finding of Fact No. 2, the Respondent failed to comply with permitted effluent limitations, in violation of 3o TEX. ADMIN. CODE § 305.125(i), TEX. WATER CODE § 26.121(a)(1), and Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("TPDES") Permit No. WQo014372001, Interim Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements Nos. 1, 2, and 6. 3. As evidenced by Findings of Fact Nos. 3.a through 3.g, and 5.d, the Respondent failed to ensure the Facility and all of its systems of collection, treatment, and disposal are properly operated and maintained, in violation of 3o TEX. ADMIN. CODE § 305.125(1) and (5), and TPDES Permit No. WQOo14372001, Operational Requirements No. 1. 4. As evidenced by Finding of Fact No. 4, the Respondent failed to timely submit monitoring results at intervals specified in the permit, in violation of 3o TEX. ADMIN. CODE §§ 305.125(1) and (17) and 319.7(d), and TPDES Permit No. WQo014372001, Monitoring and Reporting Requirements No. 1. 5. As evidenced by Finding of Fact No. 5.a, the Respondent failed to report to the TCEQ in writing, any effluent violation which deviates from the permitted effluent limitation by more than 40% within five working days of becoming aware of noncompliance, in violation of 3o TEX. ADMIN. CODE § 305.125(1) and TPDES Permit No. WQoo14372001, Monitoring and Reporting Requirements No. 7.c. 6. As evidenced by Finding of Fact No. 5.b, the Respondent failed to maintain records of monitoring activities at the Facility and make them readily available for review by a TCEQ representative, in violation of 3o TEX. ADMIN. CODE §§ 305.125(1) and (ii)(B) and 319.7(c) and TPDES Permit No. WQOo14372001, Monitoring and Reporting Requirements No. 3.b. 7. As evidenced by Finding of Fact No. 5.c, the Respondent failed to submit monitoring results at intervals specified in the permit, in violation of 3o TEX. ADMIN. CODE §§ 305.125(1) and (17) and 319.7(d), and TPDES Permit No. WQoo14372001, Monitoring and Reporting Requirements No. 1. 8. Pursuant to TEX. WATER CODE § 7.051, the TCEQ has the authority to assess an administrative penalty against the Respondent for violations of state statutes within the TCEQ's jurisdiction, for violations of rules adopted under such statutes, or for violations of orders or permits issued under such statutes. 9. An administrative penalty in the amount of $64,500 is justified by the facts recited in this Order, and considered in light of the factors set forth in TEX. WATER CODE § 7.053• Pursuant to TEX. WATER CODE § 7.067, $64,500 of the penalty shall be conditionally offset by the Respondent's timely and satisfactory completion of a Supplemental City of Sanger DOCKET NO. 2o18-0273-MWD-E Page 5 Environmental Project ("SEP") as defined in the attached SEP Agreement ("Attachment A" - incorporated herein by reference). The Respondent's obligation to pay the conditionally offset portion of the penalty shall be discharged upon full compliance with all the terms and conditions of this Order, N-vhich includes the timely and satisfactory completion of all provisions of the SEP Agreement, as determined by the Executive Director. III. ORDERING PROVISIONS NOW, THEREFORE, THE TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ORDERS that: 1. The Respondent is assessed a penalty as set forth in Conclusion of Law No. 9 for ,violations of state statutes and rules of the TCEQ. The payment of this penalty and the Respondent's compliance with all the requirements set forth in this Order resolve only the matters set forth by this Order in this action. The Commission shall not be constrained in any manner from requiring corrective actions or penalties for Violations that are not raised here. Penalty payments shall be made payable to "TCEQ" and shall be sent with the notation "Re: City of Sanger, Docket No. 2018-0273-MWD-E" to: Financial Administration Division, Revenue Operations Section Attention: Cashier's Office, MC 214 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality P.O. Box 13o88 Austin, Texas 78711-3o88 2. The Respondent shall implement and complete an SEP as set forth in Section II. Conclusions of Law, Paragraph No. 9. The amount of $64,500 of the assessed penalty is conditionally offset based on the Respondent's implementation and completion of the SEP pursuant to the terms of the SEP Agreement, as defined in Attachment A. Penalty payments for any portion of the SEP deemed by the Executive Director as not complete shall be paid within 3o days after the date the Executive Director demands payment. 3. The Respondent shall undertake the following technical requirements: a. Within 3o days after the effective date of this Order: i. Develop and implement procedures to submit DMRs by the loth day of the following month; ii. Prepare and submit the DMRs for April 2o18 through June 2018; and iii. Cover the screenings container. b. Within 45 days after the effective date of this Order, submit written certification of compliance Adth Ordering Provision Nos. 3.a.i through 3.a.iii, in accordance with Ordering Provision No. 3.e below. The written certification shall include detailed supporting documentation including photographs, receipts, and/or other records to demonstrate compliance. City of Sanger DOCKET NO. 2o18-0273-MWD-E Page 6 C. Within Zoo days after the effective date of this Order, request and obtain permission from private property owners and remediate the receiving stream as far downstream as the spillway for Paddock Lake; to include the removal of all sludge. d. Within 215 days after the effective date of this Order, submit written certification of compliance with Ordering Provision No. 3.c, in accordance with Ordering Provision No. 3.e below. The written certification shall include detailed supporting documentation including photographs, receipts, and/or other records to demonstrate compliance. e. Within 410 days after the effective date of this Order, submit written certification of compliance with the permitted effluent limitations of TPDES Permit No. WQ0014372001, including specific corrective actions that were implemented at the Facility to achieve compliance and copies of the most current self -reported DMRs, demonstrating at least three consecutive months of compliance with all permitted effluent limitations, and include detailed supporting documentation including photographs, receipts, and/or other records to demonstrate compliance. The certification shall be signed by the Respondent and shall include the following certification language: "I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted and all attached documents, and that based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." The certification shall be submitted to: Order Compliance Team Enforcement Division, MC 149A Texas Commission on Environmental Quality P.O. Box 13o87 Austin, Texas 78711-3o87 with a copy to: Water Section Manager Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Office Texas Commission on Environmental Quality 23o9 Gravel Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76118-6951 4. All relief not expressly granted in this Order is denied. City of Sanger DOCKET NO. 2018-0273-MWD-E Page 7 5. The duties and provisions imposed by this Order shall apply to and be binding upon the Respondent. The.Respondent is ordered to give notice of this Order to personnel who maintain day-to-day control over the Facility operations referenced in this Order. 6. If the Respondent fails to comply tidth any of the Ordering Provisions in this Order within the prescribed schedules, and that failure is caused solely by an act of God, war, strike, riot, or other catastrophe, the Respondent's failure to comply is not a violation of this Order. The Respondent shall have the burden of establishing to the Executive Director's satisfaction that such an event has occurred. The Respondent shall notif , the Executive Director within seven days after the Respondent becomes aware of a delaying event and shall take all reasonable measures to mitigate and minimize any delay. 7. The Executive Director may grant an extension of any deadline in this Order or in any plan, report, or other document submitted pursuant to this Order, upon a written and substantiated showing of good cause. All requests for extensions by the Respondent shall be made in writing to the Executive Director. Extensions are not effective until the Respondent receives written approval from the Executive Director. The determination of what constitutes good cause rests solely with the Executive Director. Extension requests shall be sent to the Order Compliance Team at the address listed above. 8. The Executive Director may, without further notice or hearing, refer this matter to the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Texas ("OAG") for further enforcement proceedings if the Executive Director determines that the Respondent has not complied tidth one or more of the terms in this Order. g. This Order shall terminate five years from its effective date or upon compliance with all the terms and conditions set forth in this Order, whichever is later. 10. This Order, issued by the Commission, shall not be admissible against the Respondent in a civil proceeding, unless the proceeding is brought by the OAG to: (1) enforce the terms of this Order; or (2) pursue violations of a statute tidthin the Commission's jurisdiction, or of a rule adopted or an order or permit issued by the Commission under such a statute. 11. This Order may be executed in separate and multiple counterparts, which together shall constitute a single instrument. Any page of this Order may be copied, scanned, digitized, converted to electronic portable document format ("pdf'), or otherwise reproduced and may be transmitted by digital or electronic transmission, including but not limited to facsimile transmission and electronic mail. Any signature affixed to this Order shall constitute an original signature for all purposes and may be used, filed, substituted, or issued for any purpose for which an original signature could be used. The term "signature" shall include manual signatures and true and accurate reproductions of manual signatures created, executed, endorsed, adopted, or authorized by the person or persons to whom the signatures are attributable. Signatures may be copied or reproduced digitally, electronically, by photocopying, engraving, imprinting, lithographing, electronic mail, facsimile transmission, stamping, or any other means or process which the Executive Director deems acceptable. In this paragraph exclusively, the terms: electronic transmission, owner, person, writing, and written, shall have the meanings assigned to them under TEx. Bus. ORG. CODE § 1.002. City of Sanger DOCKET NO. 2o18-o273-MWD-E Page 8 12. The effective date of this Order is the date it is signed by the Commission. A copy of this fully executed Order shall be proNrided to each of the parties. City of Sanger DOCKET NO.2oi8-o273-MWD-E Page 9 SIGNATURE PAGE TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY For the Commission Date For the Executive Director Date I, the undersigned, have read and understand the attached Order. I am authorized to agree to the attached Order, and I do agree to the terms and conditions specified therein. I further acknowledge that the TCEQ, in accepting payment for the penalty amount, is materially relying on such representation. I also understand that failure to comply Arith the Ordering Provisions, if any, in this Order and/or failure to timely pay the penalty amount, may result in: • A negative impact on compliance history; • Greater scrutiny of any permit applications submitted; • Referral of this case to the Attorney General's Office for contempt, injunctive relief, additional penalties, and/or attorney fees, or to a collection agency; • Increased penalties in any future enforcement actions; • Automatic referral to the Attorney General's Office of any future enforcement actions; and • TCEQ seeking other relief as authorized by law. In addition, any falsification of any compliance documents may result in criminal prosecution. Signature Date Name (Printed or typed) Title Authorized Representative of City of Sanger O If mailing address has changed, please check this box and provide the new address below: Instructions: Send the original, signed Order with penalty payment to the Financial Administration Division, Revenue Operations Section at the address in Ordering Provision 1 of this Order. L;d Policy Revision 4 Penalty Calculation Worksheet (PCW) PCW Revision March 26, 2014 D, ES Assigned 17-Jan-2018 PCW 24-Jun-2019 Screening 22-Jan-2018 EPA Due- —�._ _______„ RESPONDENT/FACILITY INFORMATION Respondeni Reg. Ent. Ref. No. Facility/Site Regior CASE INFORMATION City of Sanger (PCW No 1) RN103014155 4-Dallas/Fort Worth Major/Minor Source Minor Enf./Case ID No. 55766 No. of Violations Docket No. 2018-0273-MWD-E Order Type Media Program(s) Water Quality Government/Non-Profit Multi -Media Enf. Coordinator EC's Team Admin. Penalty $ Limit Minimum $0 Maximum $25,000 Penalty Calculation Section TOTAL BASE PENALTY (Sum of violation base penalties) ADJUSTMENTS (+/-) TO SUBTOTAL 1 Subtotals 2-7 are obtained by multiplying the Total Base Penalty (Subtotal 1) by the indicated percentage. Compliance H Notes story 20.0% Adjustment Sub& Enhancement for four months of self -reported effluent violations. Culpability INO 00/o Enhancement Notes) The Respondent does not meet the culpability criteria. Good Faith Effort to Comply Total Adjustments Economic Benefit Total EB Amountsl $1 775 362 Estimated Cost of Compliance I t11,373,550 SUM OF SUBTOTALS 1-7 OTHER FACTORS AS JUSTICE MAY REQUIRE Reduces or enhances the Final Subtotal by the indicated percentage. Notes STATUTORY LIMIT ADJUSTMENT DEFERRAL Reduces the Final Assessed Notes 0.0% Enhancement* *Capped at the Total EB $ Amount 0.0% �nalty by the indicated percentage. No deferral is recommended for Findings Orders. 2 Findings Yes Steven Van Landingham Enforcement Team 3 Subtotal 1 ils 2, 3, & 71 $3,750 Subtotal 4 1 $01 Subtotal 5 $0 Subtotal 6 $0 Final Subtotal $22,500. Adjustment Final Penalty Amount $22,500 Final Assessed Penalty $22,500 Reduction Adjustment $0 PAYABLE PENALTY �— $22,500 Screening Date 22-Jan-2018 Docket No. 2018-0273 MWD-E Respondent City of Sanger (PCW No. 1) Case ID No. 55766 Reg. Ent. Reference No. RN103014155 Media [Statute] Water quality Enf. Coordinator Steven Van Landingham Compliance History Worksheet >> Compliance History Site Enhancement (Subtotal 2) Component Number of... PCW Policy Revision 4 (April 2014) PCW Revision March 26, 2014 Written notices of violation ("NOVs") with same or similar violations as those in NOVs the current enforcement action (number of NOVs meeting criteria) 4 20% Other written NOVs 0 0% Any agreed final enforcement orders containing a denial of liability (number of orders meeting criteria) 0 0% Orders Any adjudicated final enforcement orders, agreed final enforcement orders without a denial of liability, or default orders of this state or the federal 0 0% government, or any final prohibitory emergency orders issued by the commission Any non -adjudicated final court judgments or consent decrees containing a denial of liability of this state or the federal government (number of judgments or 0 0% Judgments consent decrees meeting criteria ) and Consent Any adjudicated final court judgments and default judgments, or non -adjudicated Decrees final court judgments or consent decrees without a denial of liability, of this state 0 0% or the federal government Convictions Any criminal convictions of this state or the federal government (number of counts) 0 0% Emissions Chronic excessive emissions events (number of events) 0 0% Letters notifying the executive director of an intended audit conducted under the Texas Environmental, Health, and Safety Audit Privilege Act, 74th Legislature, 0 0% 1995 (number of audits for which notices were submitted) Audits Disclosures of violations under the Texas Environmental, Health, and Safety Audit Privilege Act, 74th Legislature, 1995 (number of audits for which violations 0 0% were disclosed) Environmental management systems in place for one year or more No 0% Other Voluntary on -site compliance assessments conducted by the executive director under a special assistance program No 0% Participation in a voluntary pollution reduction program No 0% Early compliance with, or offer of a pr oduct that meets future government environmental requirements >> Repeat Violator (Subtotal 3) No >> Compliance History Person Classification (Subtotal 7) Satisfactory Performer » Compliance History Summary Compliance History Notes state or federal No 0% Adjustment Percentage (Subtotal 2) 20% Adjustment Percentage (Subtotal 3) 0% Adjustment Percentage (Subtotal 7) 0% Total Compliance History Adjustment Percentage (Subtotals 2, 3, & 7) F 2o% :» Final Compliance History Adjustment _ Final Adjustment Percentage *capped at 100% 20% Screening Date 22-Jan-2018 Docket No. 2018-0273-MWD-E Respondent City of Sanger (PCW No. 1) Case ID No. 55766 Reg. Ent. Reference No. RN103014155 Media [Statute] Water Quality Enf. Coordinator Steven Van Landingham Violation Number I 1 1 PCW Policy Revision 4 (April 2014) s PCW Revision March 26, 2014 it Rule Cite(s) rpoo Tex. Admin. Code § 305.125(1), Tex. Water Code § 26.121(a)(1), and Texas llutant Discharge Elimination System ("TPDES") Permit No. WQ0014372001, Interim Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements No. 1 Violation Description ll Failed to comply with permitted effluent limitations, as shown in the attached effluent violation table. >> Environmental, Property and Human Health Matrix Harm Release Major Moderate Minor OR Actual F— x Potential E: >>Programmatic Matrix Falsification Major Moderate Minor Matrix Notes Base Penalty $25,001 Percent F 5.0% Percent 0.0% A simplified model was used to evaluate carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (5-day). Human health or the environment has been exposed to insignificant amounts of pollutants that do not exceed levels that are protective of human health or environmental receptors as a result of the violation. Violation Events Number of Violation Events daily I weekly I monthly I quarterly semiannual annual single event Adjustment—$23,750 FF-----1-2-3--Jl Number of violation days Violation Base Penalty— $3,750 Three quarterly events are recommended for the months of October 2016 and June through August2017. Good Faith Efforts to Comply 0.0% Before NOE/NOV NOE/NOV to EDPRP/Settlement Offer Ordinar N/ Notes ll The Respondent does not meet the good faith criteria for this violation. Reduction �— $0 Violation Subtotal— $3,7501 Economic Benefit (EB) for this violation Statutory Limit Test Estimated EB Amount $1,775,362 Violation Final Penalty Total $4,500' This violation Final Assessed Penalty (adjusted for limits) $4,500 Economic Benefit Worksheet Respondent City of Sanger (PCW No. 1) Case ID No. 55766 Reg. Ent. Reference No. RN103014155 Media Water Quality Percent Interest Years of Violation No. 1 Depreciation ; 5.01 15 Item Cost Date Required Final Date Yrs Interest Saved Costs Saved EB Amount Item Description Delayed Costs Equipment Buildings Other (as needed) Engineering/Construction Land Record Keeping System Training/Sampling Remediation/Disposal Permit Costs Other (as needed) Notes for DELAYED costs Avoided Costs Disposal Personnel Inspection/Reporting/Sampling Supplies/Equipment Financial Assurance ONE-TIME avoided costs Other (as needed) Notes for AVOIDED costs 225 000 31-Octct-201 20-Au -2019E—:2i—.23 $2 102 $42 041 $44 143 ��—Il— 0 0 0 1 $0 $0 $0 11 000 000 31-0 -201 24- an-201 81 872 1 637443 1 719 315 F 0 n a 0 0 n .a 0 n a 0 n a ��14 31-Oct-2016 1 8- un-2018 1l 904 n a Estimated Equipment cost to purchase and install three displacement blowers at the Facility. T Required is the initial date of noncompliance and the Final Date is the estimated date of compliance. Estimated Engineer/Construction cost to install a new rotary sludge press, two new clarifiers, a new bar screen, a new pump station, a raw water station, an aeration basin, turbo blowers, and an ultraviolet disinfectant system at the Facility. The Date Required is the initial date of noncompliance and the Final Date is the compliance date. Actual other cost to drain and reseed Plant No. 3, build a laboratory room to begin in-house sample testing, install new chlorine roto-meters, and mark manholes to identify tampering. The Date Required is the initial date of noncompliance and the Final Date is the date actions were completed. ANNUALIZE avoided costs btering item (except for one-time avoided costs Approx. Cost of Compliance $11,373,550 TOTALI $1,775,362 _ .. _ ----------- ------ --- --- ------- -------- Screening Date 22-7an-2018 Respondent City of Sanger (PCW No. 1) Case ID No. 55766 Reg. Ent. Reference No. RN103014155 Media [Statute] Water Quality Enf. Coordinator Steven Van Landingham Violation Number11_--- Docket No. 2018-0273-MWD-E PCW Policy Revision 4 (April 2014) i PCW Revision Plarch 26, 2014 Rule Cite(s) 30 Tex. Admin. Code § 305.125(1), Tex. Water Code § 26.121(a)(1), and TPDES Permit No. WQ0014372001, Interim Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Violation Description Requirements Nos. 1, 2, and 6. Failed to comply with permitted effluent limitations, as shown in the attached effluent violation table. Base —Pen=alty11 $25,000 >> Environmental, Property and Human Health Matrix Harm Release Major Moderate Minor OR Actualx ---I��--� Potential l--­�=:::=�� >>Programmatic Matrix Falsification Major Moderate Minor Matrix Notes Percent 30.0% i Percent 0.0% A simplified model was used to evaluate carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (5-day) and ammonia nitrogen. Total suspended solids, total residual chlorine, dissolved oxygen, and Escherichia coli were also considered. Human health or the environment has been exposed to pollutants which exceed levels that are protective of human health or environmental receptors as a result of the violation. Violation Events Number of Violation Events daily weekly monthly quarterly semiannual annual �� single event Adjustment $17, 000 500 11 61 Number of violation days Violation Base Penalty— $15,0001 Two monthly events are recommended for the months of September and October 2017. Good Faith Efforts to Comply Extraordinar Ordinar N/ Reduction $0 Before NOE/NOV NOE/NOV to EDPRP/Settlement Offer Respondent does not meet the good faith criteria this violation. Violation Subtotal $15,000. Economic Benefit (EB) for this violation Statutory Limit Test Estimated EB Amount — $0 Violation Final Penalty Totall $18,0001. This violation Final Assessed Penalty (adjusted for limits)(— $18,000� Economic Benefit Worksheet Respondent City of Sanger (PCW No. 1) Case ID No. 55766 Reg. Ent. Reference No. RN103014155 Media Water Quality percent Interest Years of Violation No. 2 Depreciation 5.01 15 Item Cost Date Required Final Date Yrs Interest Saved Costs Saved EB Amount Item Description Delayed Costs Equipment Buildings Other (as needed) Engineering/Construction Land Record Keeping System Training/Sampling Remediation/ Disposal Permit Costs Other (as needed) Notes for DELAYED costs Avoided Costs Disposal Personnel Inspection/ Reporting /Sampling Supplies/Equipment Financial Assurance ONE-TIME avoided costs Other (as needed) Notes for AVOIDED costs IBM 1 �•��� �•� Economic Benefit included in ViolationNo. M11111UAL dVuiu Cu cuscs nF±rnrO Pnrorinn IrPm raYranr rnr nnarima --mGfY /'net&i Approx. Cost of Complh5nce $0 TOTAL $0 City of Sanger Docket No. 2018-0273-MWD-E PCW No.1 Effluent Violation Table Dischar e Monitoring Reports CBOD (5-day) Ammonia Nitrogen TSS Daily Daily Daily Avg. Daily Avg. Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Avg. Max. Loading Cone. Max. Avg. Avg. Max. Avg. Cone. Cone. Cone. Loading Cone. Cone. Loading Limit = Limit = Limit = Limit = Limit = Month/ Limit = Limit = Limit = Limit = 10 16 15 40 123 Year 10 mg/L 25 mg/L 82 lbs/day 2 mg/L m L ibs day m L m L lbs da 10 2016 13.35 c c c c c c c c 6 2017 12.2 c c c c c c c c 7 2017 14.7 c 86.12 c c c c c c 8 2017 10.7 27.3 c c c c c c c 9 2017 35.3 101 172.9 8.28 29.6 40.66 34.5 67 164.6 Grab Samples CBOD Total Ammonia coli DO (5-day) Chlorine Nitrogen Single Single Single Daily Single Grab Grab Grab Max. Grab Min. Limit = Min. Date Limit = Limit Limit = CFU 390o Limit = 35 mg/L =1. 15 mg/L mL/ m .0L mg/L 27 17 126 0.0 34 1 n a c 10 n na na >_4,,840 1.31 17 1E]n na na a 292,00o na7 10 117 124 ri a 8.2 2419607 2.7 Avg. = Average c = compliant CBOD (5-day) = Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (5-day) CFU/1oo mL = colony forming units per too milliliters Cone. = Concentration DO = Dissolved Oxygen E. coli = Escherichia coli lbs/day = pounds per day Max. = Maximum mg/L = milligrams per liter Min. = Minimum n/a = not applicable Penalty Calculation Worksheet (PCW) '" 'O Policy Revision 4 (April 2014) PCW Revision March 26, 2014 C� D. _ cS Assigned 17-Ma -2018 PCW 24-7un-2019 Screening 18-May-2018 EPA Due--1__________,.. RESPONDENT/FACILITY INFORMATION Respondent Cit of San er PCW No. 2 Reg. Ent. Ref. No. RN103014155 Facility/Site Region 4-Dallas/Fort Worth Major/Minor Source Minor CASE INFORMATION Enf./Case ID No. 55766 No. of Violations Docket No. 2018-0273-MWD-E Order Type Media Programs) Water Quality Government/Non-Profit Multi -Media Enf. Coordinator EC's Team 2 Findings Yes Steven Van Landingham Enforcement Team 3 Admin. Penalty $ Limit Minimum $0 Maximum $25,000_.__.__-------- __..__.__.____.___._..._.._.__._.___.___....._...______._._ Penalty Calculation Section TOTAL BASE PENALTY (Sum of violation base penalties) ADJUSTMENTS (+/-) TO SUBTOTAL 1 Subtotals 2-7 are obtained by multiplying the Total Base Penalty (Subtotal 1) by the indicated percentage. Compliance Hi Notes Culpability Notes :tort' 20.0% Adjustment Supro Enhancement for four months of self -reported effluent violations. No o 1 0.00/0 Enhancement The Respondent does not meet the culpability criteria. Good Faith Effort to Comply Total Adjustments Economic Benefit Total EB Amounts 55 995 Estimated Cost of Compliance 5100 500 SUM OF SUBTOTALS 1-7 OTHER FACTORS AS JUSTICE MAY REQUIRE Reduces or enhances the Final Subtotal by the indicated percentage. Notes STATUTORY LIMIT ADJUSTMENT DEFERRAL Reduces the Final Assessed PE Notes 0.0% Enhancement* *Capped at the Total EB $ Amount Subtotal 1 �— $24,750 als 2, 3, & 71 $4,950 Subtotal 4 $0i Subtotal 51 $0 Subtotal 61 $0 Final Subtotal �— $29,700 0.00/0Adjustment Final Penalty Amount �— $29,700 Final Assessed Penalty �— $29,700 0.03//.0Reduction Adjustment 1 $0 -ialty by the indicated percentage No deferral is recommended for Findings Orders. PAYABLE PENALTY _ _........_�— $29,7001 Screening Date 18-May-2018 Docket No. 2018-0273-MWD-E Respondent City of Sanger (PCW No. 2) Case ID No. 55766 Reg. Ent. Reference No. kN103014155 Media [Statute] Water quality Enf. Coordinator Steven Van Landingham Compliance History Worksheet >> Compliance History Site Enhancement (Subtotal 2) Component Number of... PCW Policy Revision 4 (April 2014) PCW Revision March 26, 2014 NOVs Written notices of violation ("NOVs") with same or similar violations as those in the current enforcement action (number of NOVs meeting criteria ) 4 20% Other written NOVs 0 0% Any agreed final enforcement orders containing a denial of liability (number of orders meeting criteria ) 0 0% Orders Any adjudicated final enforcement orders, agreed final enforcement orders without a denial of liability, or default orders of this state or the federal government, or any final prohibitory emergency orders issued by the commission 0 0% Any non -adjudicated final court judgments or consent decrees containing a denial Judgments and Consent Decrees of liability of this state or the federal government (number of judgments or consent decrees meeting criteria ) 0 0% Any adjudicated final court judgments and default judgments, or non -adjudicated final court judgments or consent decrees without a denial of liability, of this state 0 0% or the federal government Convictions Any criminal convictions of this state or the federal government (number of counts) 0 0% Emissions Chronic excessive emissions events (number of events) 0 0% Letters notifying the executive director of an intended audit conducted under the Texas Environmental, Health, and Safety Audit Privilege Act, 74th Legislature, 0 0% Audits 1995 (number of audits for which notices were submitted) Disclosures of violations under the Texas Environmental, Health, and Safety Audit Privilege Act, 74th Legislature, 1995 (number of audits for which violations 0 0% were disclosed) Environmental management systems in place for one year or more No 0% Voluntary on -site compliance assessments conducted by the executive director Other under a special assistance program No 0% Participation in a voluntary pollution reduction program No 0% Early compliance with, or offer of a product that meets future state or federal government environmental requirements No 0°/ o Adjustment Percentage (Subtotal 2) 20% >> Repeat Violator (Subtotal 3) No >> Compliance History Person Classification (Subtotal 7) Satisfactory Performer >> Compliance History Summary Compliance History Enhancement for four months of self -reported effluent violations. Notes Total Compliance History Adjustment Percentage (Subtotals 2, 3, & 7) 20% » Final Compliance History Adjustment _..._..... __.__..._.._.._........_._..._ ......... __...___ .._.__._._. __.�...._.__. _.. _._._ _Final Adjustment Percentage *capped at I00% 20% Adjustment Percentage (Subtotal 3) 0% Adjustment Percentage (Subtotal 7) 0% - - - -----...--- ----- --- -- -_ Screening Date 18-May-2018 Docket No. 2018-0273-MWD-E PCW Respondent City of Sanger (PCW No. 2) Policy Revision a (April 2014) `. Case ID No. 55766 PCW Revision i4arch 26, 2014 Reg. Ent. Reference No. RN103014155 Media [Statute] Water Quality Enf. Coordinator Steven Van Landingham Violation Number Rule Cite(s) 30 Tex. Admin. Code § 305.125(1) and (5), Tex. Water Code § 26.121(a)(1), and Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("TPDES") Permit No. WQ0014372001, Operational Requirements No. 1 Failed to ensure the Facility and all of its systems of collection, treatment, and disposal are properly operated and maintained. Specifically, Plant No. 2 had excessive foam in the aeration basin, the clarifier weirs had an accumulation of sludge which was blocking even flow over the weir and sludge was present in the Violation Description clarifier effluent trough; the mixed liquor in Plant No. Ts aeration basin was black In color, and the clarifier did not appear to be settling out sludge as the clarifier effluent was cloudy and grey; Plant No. 4 had floating solids in the aeration basin and along the clarifier weirs which blocked flow, and the effluent weir box appeared turbid and grey. Additionally, excess solids in other than trace amounts discharged via Outfall No. 001 into the receiving stream to Paddock Lake. Base Penalty[$25,000 >> Environmental, Property and Human Health Matrix Harm Release Major Moderate Minor OR Actual Potential ���Percent 15.0% >>Programmatic Matrix Falsification Major Moderate Minor Percent 0.0% Matrix Notes Human health or the environment has been exposed to significant amounts of pollutants which do not exceed levels that are protective of human health or environmental receptors as a result of the violation. Violation Events Number of Violation Events daily I weekly I monthly quarterly semiannual annual single event Adjustment[ $21,250 $3,750 11 57 Number of violation days Violation Base Penalty $22,500 Six monthly events are recommended (two monthly events for each Plant) from the March 22, 2018 investigation to the May 18, 2018 screening date. Good.Faith Efforts to Comply o.o% Reduction- $o Before NOE/NOV NOE/NOV to EDPRP/Settlement Offer (I The Respondent does not meet the good faith criteria II for this violation. Violation Subtotal($22,500 Economic Benefit (EB) for this violation Statutory Limit Test Estimated EB Amount( $5,973 Violation Final Penalty Total $27,000 This violation Final Assessed Penalty (adjusted for limits) $27,000 -- - - -- - - -_ - _ Economic Benefit Worksheet Respondent City of Sanger (PCW No. 2) Case ID No. 55766 Reg. Ent. Reference No. RN103014155 Media Water Quality Years of Violation No. 1 Percent Interest Depreciation 5.01 15 Item Cost Date Required Final Date Yrs Interest Saved Costs Saved EB Amount Item Description Delayed Costs Equipment Buildings Other (as needed) Engineering/Construction Land Record Keeping System Training/Sampling Remediation/ Disposal Permit Costs Other (as needed) Notes for DELAYED costs Avoided Costs Disposal Personnel Inspection/ Reporting/Sampling Supplies/Equipment Financial Assurance ONE-TIME avoided costs Other (as needed) Notes for AVOIDED costs �I--- 11 0.00 so 0 $0 C— 0.00 0 $0 $0 0.00 0 $0 $0 0.00 0 $0 $0 0 0.00 0 n a 0 --1 0.00 $0 n a 0 $100.000 —I1 $0 n a 0 22-Ma— r-2� 1- un-2 1 1.19 $5 973 n a $5 973 0.00 0 n a 0 �(-10 0.00 tn I n a 0 Economic Benefit included in PCW No. 1 Violation No. 1. Estimated Remediation/Disposal cost to request and obtain permission from private property owners and remediate the receiving stream as far downstream as the spillway for Paddock Lake, to include the removal of all sludge. The Date Required is the second investigation date and the Final Date is the estimated date of compliance. ANNUALIZE avoided costs before entering item (except for one-time avoided costs Approx. Cost of Compliance $100,000 TOTALI $5,973 Screening Date 18-May-2018 Respondent City of Sanger (PCW No. 2) Case ID No. 55766 Reg. Ent. Reference No. RN103014155 Media [Statute] Water Quality Enf. Coordinator Steven Van Landingham Violation Number ll Docket No. 2018-0273-MWD-E PCW Policy Revision 4 (April 2014) PCW Revision March 26, 2014 Rule Cite(s) I 30 Tex. Admin. Code § 305.125(1) and (5) and TPDES Permit No. WQ00143 Operational Requirements No. 1 1 Failed to ensure the Facility and all of its systems of collection, treatment, and I disposal are properly operated and maintained. Specifically, the bar screen area Violation Description had an accumulation of screenings on the step screen, the manual bar screen, and on the grates. Also the screenings container was uncovered and the staff gauge was illegible. >> Environmental, Property and Human Health Matrix Harm Release Major Moderate Minor OR Actual Potential iJEZ:�J0 >>Programmatic Matrix Falsification Major Moderate Minor Matrix Notes Base Penalty$25,000 Percent 3.0% Percent Human health or the environment will or could be exposed to insignificant amounts of pollutants that would not exceed levels that are protective of human health or environmental receptors as a result of the violation. Violation Events Number of Violation Events 0 daily weekly monthly quarterly 0 semiannual annual single event �� Adjustment $24,250 57 Number of violation days Three single events are recommended. I Violation Base Penalty$2,250 Good Faith Efforts to Comply o.o% Reduction $0. Before NOE/NOV NOE/NOV to EDPRP/Settlement Offer Extraordinary Ordinary N/A x Notes The Respondent does not meet the good faith criteria for this violation. Violation Subtotal $2,250j Economic Benefit (EB) for this violation Statutory Limit Test Estimated EB Amount $22 Violation Final Penalty Total $2,700 This violation Final Assessed Penalty (adjusted for limits) (-- $2,700 Economic Benefit Worksheet Respondent City of Sanger (PCW No. 2) Case ID No. 55766 Reg. Ent. Reference No. RN103014155 Media Water Quality Years of Violation No. 2 Percent Interest Depreciation 5.01 .. 15•. Item Cost Date Required Final Date Yrs Interest Saved Costs Saved EB Amount Item Description Delayed Costs Equipment Buildings Other (as needed) Engineering/ Construction Land Record Keeping System Training/Sampling Remediation/ Disposal Permit Costs Other (as needed) Notes for DELAYED costs Avoided Costs Disposal Personnel Inspection/Reporting/Sampling Supplies/Equipment Financial Assurance ONE-TIME avoided costs Other (as needed) Notes for AVOIDED costs 22-M r-2018 1L24-_Jan-2_219J 0.84 0 4 $4 [�1 1 0.00 0 $0 $0 1 0.00 0 0 $0 —JF_ 0.00 0 0 $0 0.00 0 n a $0 0.00 0 n a $0 0.00 0 n a 0 40 22-M r-2 1 24- an-2 1 17 n a 17 ff $0 n a 0 25 22-Mar-201 15-Feb-2019 1 1 n a ti Estimated Equipment cost to replace the staff gauge. The Date Required is the second investigation date and the Final Date is the compliance date. Estimated Remediation/Disposal cost to remove screenings from the bar screen area, including the step screen, the manual bar screen, and on the grates. The Date Required is the second investigation date and the Final Date is the compliance date. Estimated cost to cover the screenings container. The Date Required is the second investigation date and the Final Date is the estimated date of compliance. ANNUAL14t avoinea costs ne-tnrP. P.nrAr(nn item (aYrant tnr nna-time avniriari rnctc\ Approx. Cost of Compliance $5001 TOTAL $22 Penalty Calculation Worksheet (PCW) cv Revision 4 (April 2014) PCW Revision March 26, 2014 DH1 ES Assigned 17-Ma -2018 PCW 24-3un-2019 Screening 18-MaY-2018� EPA Due_ _._..__ ... _..... _ ....... . RESPONDENT/FACILITY INFORMATION Respondent Cit of San er PCW No. 3 Reg. Ent. Ref. No. RN103014155 Facility/Site Region 4-Dallas/Fort Worth Major/Minor Source Minor CASE INFORMATION Enf./Case ID No. 55766 No. of Violations Docket No. 2018-0273-MWD-E Order Type Media Program(s) Water Quality Government/Non-Profit Multi -Media Enf. Coordinator EC's Team Admin. Penalty $ Limit Minimum $0 Maximum _[ $25,000 Penalty Calculation Section TOTAL BASE PENALTY (Sum of violation base penalties) ADJUSTMENTS (+/-) TO SUBTOTAL 1 Subtotals 2-7 are obtained by multiplying the Total Base Penalty (Subtotal 1) by the indicated percentage. Compliance Nob listory 20.0% Adjustment Subtc s Enhancement for four months of self -reported effluent violations. Culpability No 0.0% Enhancement Not:i=_'s The Respondent does not meet the culpability criteria. Good Faith Effort to Comply Total Adjustments 1 _ Findings _ Yes Steven Van Landingham Enforcement Team 3 Subtotal 1 $5,000 `als 2, 3, & 71 $1,000 Subtotal 41 $0 Subtotal 5 $0 Economic Benefit 0.0% Enhancement* Subtotal 61 $01 Total EB Amounts 521 *Capped at the Total EB $ Amount Estimated Cost of Compliance 5275 SUM OF SUBTOTALS 1-7 Final Subtotal 1 $6,000 OTHER FACTORS AS JUSTICE MAY REQUIRE 0.00/1Adjustment s--� Reduces or enhances the Final Subtotal by the indicated percentage. Notes STATUTORY LIMIT ADJUSTMENT DEFERRAL 2educes the Final Assessed Notes Final Penalty Amount �6 000 � Final Assessed Penalty $6,000 �0_0% Reduction Adjustment $0 °nalty by the indicated percentage. No deferral is recommended for Findings Orders. PAYABLE PENALTY $6,0001 Screening Date 18-May-2018 Docket No. 2018-0273-MWD-E Respondent city of Sanger (PCW No. 3) Case ID No. 55766 Reg. Ent. Reference No. RN103014155 Media [Statute] Water Quality Enf. Coordinator Steven Van Landingham Compliance History Worksheet >> Compliance History Site Enhancement (Subtotal 2) ['mmnnnanf Nnmhar nf___ PCW Policy Revision 4 (April 2014) PCW Revision March 26, 2014 Numhor Adiuct Written notices of violation ("NOVs") with same or similar violations as those in NOVs the current enforcement action (number of NOVs meeting criteria) 4 20% Other written NOVs 0 0% Any agreed final enforcement orders containing a denial of liability (number of orders meeting criteria ) 0 0% Any adjudicated final enforcement orders, agreed final enforcement orders Orders without a denial of liability, or default orders of this state or the federal 0 0% government, or any final prohibitory emergency orders issued by the commission Any non -adjudicated final court judgments or consent decrees containing a denial of liability of this state or the federal government (number of judgments or 0 0% Judgments consent decrees meeting criteria ) and Consent Decrees Any adjudicated final court judgments and default judgments, or non -adjudicated final court judgments or consent decrees without a denial of liability, of this state 0 0% or the federal government Convictions Any criminal convictions of this state or the federal government (number of 0 0% counts) Emissions Chronic excessive emissions events (number of events) 0 0% Letters notifying the executive director of an intended audit conducted under the Texas Environmental, Health, and Safety Audit Privilege Act, 74th Legislature, 0 0% Audits 1995 (number of audits for which notices were submitted) Disclosures of violations under the Texas Environmental, Health, and Safety Audit Privilege Act, 74th Legislature, 1995 (number of audits for which violations 0 0% were disclosed) Environmental management systems in place for one year or more No 0% Voluntary on -site compliance assessments conducted by the executive director No 0% Other under a special assistance program Participation in a voluntary pollution reduction program No 0% Early compliance with, or offer of a product that meets future state or federal No 0% government environmental requirements >> Repeat Violator (Subtotal 3) No� » Compliance History Person Classification (Subtotal 7) Satisfactory Performer >> Compliance History Summary Compliance History Notes Adjustment Percentage (Subtotal 2) 20% Adjustment Percentage (Subtotal 3) 0% Adjustment Percentage (Subtotal 7) 0% Enhancement for four months of self -reported effluent violations. Total Compliance History Adjustment Percentage (Subtotals 2, 3, & 7) F 20% » Final Compliance History Adjustment ._..Final Adjustment Percentage *capped at 100% 20% Screening Date 18-May-2018 Docket No. 2018-0273-MWD-E PCW Respondent City of Sanger (PCW No. 3) Policy Revision 4 (April 2014)�i Case ID No. 55766 PCW Revision Plarch 26, 2014 Reg. Ent. Reference No. RN103014155 Media [Statute] water quality Enf. Coordinator Steven Van Landingham Violation Number0 Rule Cite(s) 30 Tex. Admin. Code §§ 305.125(1) and (17) and 319.7(d), and Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit No, WQ0014372001, Monitoring and Reporting Requirements No. 1. Failed to timely submit monitoring results at intervals specified in the permit. Violation Description Specifically, the discharge monitoring reports ("DMRs") for October 2016 through August 2017 were not submitted by the 20th day of the following month. >> Environmental, Property and Human Health Matrix Harm Release Major Moderate Minor OR Actual Potential 0�0 >>Programmatic Matrix Falsification Major Moderate Minor Matrix Notes Violation Events Base Penalty[-- $25,000 i i Percent 0.0% Percent F 1.0% Less than 30% of the rule requirements were not met. Number of Violation Events ii daily I weekly monthly quarterly semiannual annual single event Adjustment $24,750 �— $250 304 Number of violation days Violation Base Penalty Eleven single events are recommended for the months of October 2016 through August 2017. Good Faith Efforts to Comply F o.o°i° Reduction �— $01 Before NOE/NOV NOE/NOV to EMP/Settlement Offer Extraordinary ��— Ordinary N/A Notes The Respondent does not meet the good faith criteria for this violation. i Violation Subtotal $2,7501 Economic Benefit (EB) for this violation Statutory Limit Test Estimated EB Amount $211 Violation Final Penalty Total $3,3001 This violation Final Assessed Penalty (adjusted for limits) $3,300] Economic Benefit Worksheet Respondent City of Sanger (PCW No. 3) -' Case ID No. 55766 Reg. Ent. Reference No. RN103014155 Media Water Quality Years of Violation No. 1 Percent Interest Depreciation Item Description Delayed Costs Equipment Buildings Other (as needed) Engineering/Construction Land Record Keeping System Training Re mediation/Disposal Permit Costs Other (as needed) Notes for DELAYED costs Avoided Costs Disposal Personnel Inspection/ Reporting/Sampling Supplies/Equipment Financial Assurance ONE-TIME avoided costs Other (as needed) Notes for AVOIDED costs 5.01 15: Item Cost Date Required Final Date Yrs Interest Saved Costs Saved EB Amount �1 10 0.00 0 0 $0 0.00 0 0 $0 0.00 0 $0 $0 0.00 0 0 $0 0.00 0 n a 0 --��-I 0.00 0 n a 0 0 n a 0 0 n a 0 n15 0 n a $0 275 ( 20-Nov-2016 7- un-2018 21 1 n a 21 Estimated cost to prepare and submit the DMRs for October 2016 through August 2017 ($25 per report x 11 months). The Date Required is the date the initial missing DMR was due and the Final Date is the date the DMRs were submitted. ANNUALIZE avoided costs before enterina item fexcent for nne-time avoided costs) Approx. Cost of Compliance $275 TOTAL $21 Penalty Calculation Worksheet (PCW) Revision 4 (April 2014 DH i"ES Assigned 1-Oct2018 PCW 8-Jul-2019 Screening 10-Oct-2018 EPA Duel RESPONDENT/FACILITY INFORMATION Respondent City of Sanger PCW No. 4 Reg. Ent. Ref. No. RN103014155 Facility/Site Region 4-Dallas/Fort Worth Major/Minor Source Minor CASE INFORMATION Enf./Case ID No. 55766 No. of Violations Docket No. 2018-0273-MWD-E Order Type Media Program(s) Water Quality Government/Non-Profit Multi -Media Enf. Coordinator EC's Team PCW Revision March 26, 2014 3 _ Findings_ _ Yes Steven Van Landingham Enforcement Team 3 Admin. Penalty $ Limit Minimum $0 Maximum $25,000 Penalty Calculation Section TOTAL BASE PENALTY (Sum of violation base penalties) ADJUSTMENTS (+/-) TO SUBTOTAL 1 Subtotals 2-7 are obtained by multiplying the Total Base Penalty (Subtotal 1) by the indicated percentage. Compliance H Notes >tory 20.0% Adjustment SubtC Enhancement for four months of self -reported effluent violations. Culpability No 0.0% Enhancement Notes The Respondent does not meet the culpability criteria. Good Faith Effort to Comply Total Adjustments Subtotal11 $5,2501 als 2, 3, & 71 $1,050 Subtotal 4 �— $0 Subtotal 51 $0 Economic Benefit 0.0% Enhancement* Subtotal 6 1 $01 Total EB Amounts $74 *Capped at the Total EB $ Amount Estimated Cost of Compliance 5955 SUM OF SUBTOTALS 1-7 Final Subtotal �— $6,300 OTHER FACTORS AS JUSTICE MAY REQUIRE o.0% Adjustments— $0 Reduces or enhances the Final Subtotal by the indicated percentage. Notes STATUTORY LIMIT ADJUSTMENT DEFERRAL Reduces the Final Assessed Notes Final Penalty Amount $6,300 Final Assessed Penalty—$6,300 �— 0.00%Reduction Adjustment $0 enalty by the indicated percentage. No deferral is recommended for Findings Orders. PAYABLE PENALTY —$6,3 00 -------- - ---------------- Screening Date 10-Oct-2018 Docket No. 2018-0273-MWD-E Respondent City of Sanger (PCW No. 4) Case ID No. 55766 Reg. Ent. Reference No. RN103014155 Media [Statute] Water Quality Enf. Coordinator Steven Van Landingham Compliance History Worksheet >> Compliance History Site Enhancement (Subtotal 2) CmmnnnPnt Niimhar of--_ PCW Policy Revision 4 (April 2014) '. PCW Revision March 26, 2014 KhimhPr adinat. Written notices of violation ("NOVs") with same or similar violations as those in NOVs the current enforcement action (number of NOVs meeting criteria ) 4 20% Other written NOVs 0 0% Any agreed final enforcement orders containing a denial of liability (number of orders meeting criteria ) 0 0% Any adjudicated final enforcement orders, agreed final enforcement orders Orders without a denial of liability, or default orders of this state or the federal 0 0% government, or any final prohibitory emergency orders issued by the commission Any non -adjudicated final court judgments or consent decrees containing a denial of liability of this state or the federal government (number of judgments or 0 0% Judgments consent decrees meeting criteria) and Consent Decrees Any adjudicated final court judgments and default judgments, or non -adjudicated final court judgments or consent decrees without a denial of liability, of this state 0 0% or the federal government Convictions Any criminal convictions of this state or the federal government (number of 0 0% counts) Emissions Chronic excessive emissions events (number of events) 0 0% Letters notifying the executive director of an intended audit conducted under the Texas Environmental, Health, and Safety Audit Privilege Act, 74th Legislature, 0 0% Audits 1995 (number of audits for which notices were submitted) Disclosures of violations under the Texas Environmental, Health, and Safety Audit Privilege Act, 74th Legislature, 1995 (number of audits for which violations 0 0% were disclosed) Environmental management systems in place for one year or more No 0% Voluntary on -site compliance assessments conducted by the executive director No 0% Other under a special assistance program Participation in a voluntary pollution reduction program No 0% Early compliance with, or offer of a product that meets future state or federal >> Repeat Violator (Subtotal 3) No '>> Compliance History Person Classification (Subtotal 7) Satisfactory Performer >> Compliance History Summary Compliance History Notes No 0% Adjustment Percentage (Subtotal 7) 0% Enhancement for four Months of self -reported effluent violations. Total Compliance History Adjustment Percentage (Subtotals 2, 3, & 7) 20% > Final Compliance History Adjustment Final Adjustment Percentage *capped at 100% 20% Screening Date 10-Oct-2018 Docket No. 2018-0273-MWD-E Respondent City of Sanger (PCW No. 4) Case ID No. 55766 Reg. Ent. Reference No. RN103014155 Media [Statute] Water Quality Enf. Coordinator Steven Van Landingham Violation Numbe Rule Cite(s Violation Descriptiof PCW Policy Revision 4 (April 2014) PCW Revision Alarch 26, 2014 30 Tex. Admin. Code § 305.125(1) and Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("TPDES") Permit No. WQ0014372001, Monitoring and Reporting Requirements No. 7.c. Failed to report to the TCEQ in writing, any effluent violation which deviates from the permitted effluent limitation by more than 40% within five working days of becoming aware of noncompliance. Specifically, the Respondent exceeded the permit limitation for the daily average concentration of carbonaceous biochemical )xygen demand (5-day) in July 2017 by greater than 40% and it was not reported to the TCEQ. >> Environmental, Property and Human Health Matrix Harm Release Major Moderate Minor OR Actual �0 Potential >>Programmatic Matrix Falsification Major Moderate Minor OOC===�� Matrix Notes Violation Events Base Penalty[-- $25,000 Percent 0.0% Percent 5.0% 100% of the rule requirements were not met. Number of Violation Events == daily weekly monthly 0 quarterly semiannual annual single event 0 Good Faith Efforts to Comply Extraordinar Ordinar N/ Adjustment $23,750 $1,250 411 Number of violation days One single event is recommended. 0.0% Before NOE/NOV Violation Base Penalty $1,250 to EDPRP/Settlement Offer The Respondent does not meet the good faith criteria for this violation. Economic Benefit (EB) for this violation Reduction $0 Violation Subtotal(-- $1,250 Statutory Limit•Test Estimated EB Amount $ 3 1Violation Final Penalty Total $1,500 This violation Final Assessed Penalty (adjusted for limits) r— $1,500 Economic Benefit Worksheet Respondent City of Sanger (PCW No. 4) Case ID No. 55766 teg. Ent. Reference No. RN103014155 Media Water Quality Years of Violation No. i Percent Interest Depreciation 5.01 15! Item Cost Date Required Final Date Yrs Interest Saved Costs Saved EB Amount Item Description Delayed Costs Equipment Buildings Other (as needed) Engineering/Construction Land Record Keeping System Training/Sampling Remediation/ Disposal Permit Costs Other (as needed) Notes for DELAYED costs Avoided Costs Disposal Personnel Inspection/ Reporting/Sampling Supplies/Equipment Financial Assurance ONE-TIME avoided costs Other (as needed) Notes for AVOIDED costs ANNUALIZE avoided costs betore enterma item (excent for one-time avoided costs) 0.00 0 $0 $0 0 0 0.00 $0 $0 $0 0 0.00 $0 $0 $0 0.00 0 $0 $0 0 0 0.00 $0 0 $0 25-Auo-2017-1 10-Oc-2018 1.13 $0 $5 $5 251 25-Au -2017 10- ct-2018 1.13 1 25 26 Estimated avoided cost to notify the TCEQ orally of an unauthorized discharge ($5). The Date Required is the date the noncompliance notification was due, and the Final Date is the screening date. Estimated avoided cost to notify the TCEQ in writing of an unauthorized discharge ($25). The Date Required is the date the noncompliance notification was due, and the Final Date is the screening date. Approx. Cost of Compliance $30 TOTAL $31 Screening Date 10-Oct-2018 Respondent City of Sanger (PCW No. 4) Case ID No. 55766 Reg. Ent. Reference No. RN103014155 Media [Statute] Water Quality Enf. Coordinator Steven Van Landingham Violation Numb Rule Cite( Violation Descripti< Docket No. 2018-0273-MWD-E PCW Policy Revision 4 (April 2014) PCW Revision March 26, 2014 (I 30 Tex. Admin. Code §§ 305.125(1) and (11)(B) and 319.7(c) and TPDES Permit No. WQ0014372001, Monitoring and Reporting Requirements No. 3.b. Failed to maintain records of monitoring activities at the Facility and make them n readily available for review by a TCEQ representative. Specifically, Escherichia Coll ("E. coli") lab result records for January 2017 through September 2017 were not maintained at the Facility and not available for review. >> Environmental, Property and Human Health Matrix Harm Release Major Moderate Minor OR Actual Potential 1���� >>Programmatic Matrix Falsification Major Moderate Minor Matrix Notes Violation Events Base Penaltyl $25,000 Percent I 1 0.0% Percent 1.0% Less than 30% of the rule requirements were not met. Number of Violation Events E 1 daily 0 weekly monthly quarterly semiannual annual single event Adjustment— $24,750 1 $2501 85 Number of violation days One single event is recommended. Violation Base Penaltyr— $250 Good Faith Efforts to Comply o.0% Reduction �— $Ol Before NOE/NOV NOE/NOV to EDPRP/Settlement Offer Ordinary C� N/A Notes) The Respondent does not meet the good faith criteria for this violation. Violation Subtotal $2501 Economic Benefit (EB) for this violation Statutory Limit Test Estimated EB Amount $7 Violation Final Penalty Total(-- $3001 This violation Final Assessed Penalty (adjusted for limits) (— $3001 Economic Benefit Worksheet Respondent City of Sanger (PCW No. 4) Case ID No. 55766 leg. Ent. Reference No. RN103014155 Media Water Quality Years of Violation NO. 2 Percent Interest Depreciation _ 5.0' 1S. Item Cost Date Required Final Date Yrs Interest Saved Costs Saved EB Amount Item Description Delayed Costs Equipment Buildings Other (as needed) Engineering/Construction Land Record Keeping System Training/Sampling Remediation/ Disposal Permit Costs Other (as needed) Notes for DELAYED costs Avoided Costs Disposal Personnel Inspection/ Reporting/Sampling Supplies/Equipment Financial Assurance ONE-TIME avoided costs Other (as needed) Notes for AVOIDED costs 0.00 0 0 $0 0.00 $0 0 $0 0.00 0 $0 0 0.00 0 n a $0 250 17-JuF2018-1 11-Feb-201 0.57 $7 n a $7 Uu 0.00 0 n a $0 0.00 $0 n a $0 _-1�� �— -l�� 0.00 0 1 n a 0 Estimated Record Keeping System cost to submit the E. coli lab result records for January 2017 through September 2017. The Date Required is the fourth investigation date and the Final Date is the compliance date. / ami iai i z F nvntn Pn rncrc nt�rr r. —rGrlrltY Ir.— / nvrnnr tnr n o_rime n.nen a nctc I - - - 1 1 1 �� •. 1 •®1 Approx. Cost of Compliance $250 TOTAL $7 Screening Date 10-Oct-2018 Docket No. 2018-0273-MWD-E PCW Respondent City of Sanger (PCW No. 4) Policy Revision 4 (April 2014) Case ID No 55766 PCW Revision March 26, 2014 Reg. Ent. Reference No. RN103014155 Media [Statute] Water Quality Enf. Coordinator Steven Van Landingham Violation Number Rule Cites) 30 Tex. Admin. Code §§ 305.125(1) and (17) and 319.7(d), and TPDES Permit No. WQ0014372001, Monitoring and Reporting Requirements No. 1 11 Failed to submit monitoring results at intervals specified in the permit. Specifically, Violation Description the discharge monitoring reports ("DMRs") for April through June 2018 were not 11 submitted by the 20th day of the following month. >> Environmental, Property and Human Health Matrix Harm Release Major Moderate Minor OR Actual Potential � I E::_ >>Programmatic Matrix Falsification Major Moderate Minor Matrix Notes Base Penalty $25,0001 Percent 0.0% Percent F 5.0% 100% of the rule requirements were not met. Violation Events Number of Violation EventsF�� daily I weekly monthly quarterly I� semiannual annual single event Adjustment— $23,7501 1 $1,250 143 Number of violation days Three single events are recommended. Violation Base Penalty(— $3,7501 Good Faith Efforts to Comply F 0.0% Reduction ( — 10 Before NOE/NOV NOE/NOV to EDPRP/Settlement Offer Extraordinary Ordinary N/A Noted The Respondent does not meet the good faith criteria for this violation. Violation Subtotal $3,750� Economic Benefit (EB) for this violation Statutory Limit Test Estimated EB Amount $33 Violation Final Penalty Totals $4,5001 This violation Final Assessed Penalty (adjusted for limits)] $4,5001 Economic Benefit Worksheet Respondent City of Sanger (PCW No. 4) Case ID No. 55766 Reg. Ent. Reference No. RN103014155 Media Water Quality Years of Violation No. 3 Percent Interest Depreciation 5.0I 15 Item Cost Date Required Final Date Yrs Interest Saved Costs Saved EB Amount Item Description Delayed Costs Equipment Buildings Other (as needed) Engineering/ Construction Land Record Keeping System Training/Sampling Remediation/Disposal Permit Costs Other (as needed) Notes for DELAYED costs Avoided Costs Disposal Personnel Inspection/ Reporting/Sa mpling Supplies/Equipment Financial Assurance ONE-TIME avoided costs Other (as needed) Notes for AVOIDED costs 0.00 $0 $0 $0 0.00 $0 $0 $0 0.00 $0 $0 $0 0.00 $0 $0 $0 0.00 $0 n a $0 0.00 0 n a $0 I 17-Jul-201_8_1 27-Au -201 1.11 28 n a 1 $28 �1 1 0.00 $0 n a $0 �I I -. 0.00 $0 n a $0 20-Mav-2018] 27-A -201 1.27 5 I n a 5 Estimated Training cost to develop and implement procedures to submit DMRs by the 20th day of the following month. The Date Required is the fourth investigation date and the Final Date is the estimated date of compliance. Estimated cost to prepare and submit the DMRS for April through June 2018 ($25 per report x three months). The Date Required is the date the initial missing DMR was due and the Final Date is the estimated date of compliance. �rvrvuiai iir avninan rncrc nornra anr—nn prom tovranr rnr —r i Ism Approx. Cost of Compliance $5751 TOTAL $33 Attachment A Docket Number: 2ox8-o273-MWD-E SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT Respondent: City of Sanger Penalty Amount: Sixty -Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($64,500) SEP Offset Amount: Sixty -Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($64,500) Type of SEP: Compliance Project Name: Blower' Purchase and Installatio71 Location of SEP: Denton County The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ("TCEQ") agrees to offset the administrative Penalty Amount assessed in this Agreed Order for Respondent to perform a Supplemental Environmental Project ("SEP"). The SEP Offset Amount is set forth above and such offset is conditioned upon completion of the project in accordance with the terms of this Attachment A. Respondent is a Local Government that qualifies under Texas Water Code § 7.067 to apply the SEP Offset Amount set forth above to correct violations at its wastewater treatment facility which are described in this Agreed Order. This Agreed Order cites violations at Respondent's wastewater treatment facility. 1. Project Description A. Project Respondent shall hire a contractor to purchase and install three positive displacement blowers at the City's wastewater treatment facility. The installation of the positive displacement blowers ,will increase the efficiency of the removal of ammonia and nitrogen. Specifically, the SEP Offset Amount shall be used for materials, supplies, and equipment for the purchase and installation of three positive displacement blowers (the "Project"). Respondent shall solicit bids from qualified contractors to perform the Project. Any advertisement, including publication, related to the SEP must include the enforcement statement as stated in Section 6, Publicity. The SEP will be performed in accordance with all federal, state, and local environmental laws and regulations, including permits that may be required prior to commencement of the SEP. Respondent shall use the SEP Offset Amount only for the direct cost of implementing the Project, including supplies, materials, and equipment rentals, as listed in Subsection C. Minimum Expenditure, Estimated Cost Schedule, below. No portion of the SEP Offset Amount shall be spent on administrative costs, including but not limited to operating costs, reporting expenses, handling of expenses, project coordination, liability, or equipment breakdowns. Respondent's signature affixed to the attached Agreed Order certifies that Respondent has no prior commitment to perform this Project and that the SEP is being performed solely as part of the terms of settlement in this enforcement action. B. Environmental Benefit 2-27-19 Page 1 of 4 City of Sanger Docket No. 2018-0273-MWD-E Attachment A This SEP will provide a discernible environmental benefit by improving the quality of wastewater effluent being released into the environment. Inadequately treated effluent can carry bacteria, viruses, protozoa (parasitic organisms), helminths (intestinal worms), and bioaerosols (inhalable molds and fungi). The diseases they may cause range in severity from mild gastroenteritis to life -threatening ailments such as cholera, dysentery, infectious hepatitis, and severe gastroenteritis. Additional risks include occurrences of low dissolved oxygen, fish lulls, algal bloom, and bacterial contamination in waterways. C. Minimum Expenditure Respondent shall spend at least the SEP Offset Amount to complete the project described in Section i, above, and comply with all other provisions of this SEP. Respondent understands that it may cost more than the SEP Offset Amount to complete the Project. Estimated Cost Schedule Item Quantity Cost Units Total Positive Displacement Blower Purchase and Installation 375�00o Each225,000 2. Performance Schedule Within 30 days after the effective date of this Agreed Order, Respondent shall begin implementation of the SEP. Respondent shall have completed the SEP in its entirety within 28o days after the effective date of this Agreed Order. 3. Records and Reporting A. Progress Report Within 3o days after the effective date of this Agreed Order, Respondent shall submit a Notice of Commencement to the TCEQ describing actions performed to date to implement the Project. Within 90 days after the effective date of this Agreed Order, Respondent shall submit a report detailing the progress made and all actions completed on the Project during the previous 6o-day period and setting forth a schedule for achieving completion of the Project within the 28o-day timeframe set forth in Section 2, Performance Schedule, above. Thereafter, Respondent shall submit progress reports to the TCEQ containing detailed information on all actions completed on the Project to date as set forth in the Reporting Schedule table below: Reporting Schedule Days from Effective Order Date Information Required 30 Notice of Commencement describing actions taken to begin project 90 Actions completed during previous 6o-day period 18o Actions completed during previous go -day period Page 2 of 4 2-27-19 City of Sanger Docket No. 2o18-0273-MWD-E Attachment A This SEP will provide a discernible environmental benefit by improving the quality of wastewater effluent being released into the environment. Inadequately treated effluent can carry bacteria, viruses, protozoa (parasitic organisms), helminths (intestinal worms), and bioaerosols (inhalable molds and fungi). The diseases they may cause range in severity from mild gastroenteritis to life -threatening ailments such as cholera, dysentery, infectious hepatitis, and severe gastroenteritis. Additional risks include occurrences of low dissolved oxygen, fish kills, algal bloom, and bacterial contamination in waterways. C. Minimum Expenditure Respondent shall spend at least the SEP Offset Amount to complete the project described in Section 1, above, and comply ti\rith all other provisions of this SEP. Respondent understands that it may cost more than the SEP Offset Amount to complete the Project. Estimated Cost Schedule Item Quantity Cost Units Total Positive Displacement Blower Purchase and Installation 3 $75,00o Each $225,000 2. Performance Schedule Within 3o days after the effective date of this Agreed Order, Respondent shall begin implementation of the SEP. Respondent shall have completed the SEP in its entirety within 280 days after the effective date of this Agreed Order. 3. Records and Reporting A. Progress Report Within 3o days after the effective date of this Agreed Order, Respondent shall submit a Notice of Commencement to the TCEQ describing actions performed to date to implement the Project. Within go days after the effective date of this Agreed Order, Respondent shall submit a report detailing the progress made and all actions completed on the Project during the previous 6o-day period and setting forth a schedule for achieving completion of the Project within the 28o-day timeframe set forth in Section 2, Performance Schedule, above. Thereafter, Respondent shall submit progress reports to the TCEQ containing detailed information on all actions completed on the Project to date as set forth in the Reporting Schedule table below: Reporting Schedule Days from Effective Order Date Information Required 30 Notice of Commencement describing actions taken to begin project go Actions completed during previous 6o-day period 18o Actions completed during previous go -day period Page 2 of 4 2-27-1g City of Sanger Docket No. 2018-0273-MWD-B Attachment A Days from Effective Order Information Required Date 28o Notice of SEP completion B. Final Report Within 28o days after the effective date of the Agreed Order, or within 3o days after completion of the SEP, whichever is earlier, Respondent shall submit a Final Report to the TCEQ, which shall include the following: i. Itemized list of expenditures and total cost of the Project; 2. Copies of invoices or receipts corresponding to the itemized list in paragraph 3.B.1., above; 3. Copies of cleared checks or payment records corresponding to the itemized list in paragraph 3.B.1., above; 4. Copies of proof of advertisement of invitation for bids, if applicable, (the publication must include the statement that the SEP was performed as a result of a TCEQ enforcement action); 5. A certified/notarized statement of quantifiable environmental benefit; 6. Detailed map showing specific location of the project site(s); 7. Copies of all engineering plans related to work performed pursuant to the Project, if applicable; 8. Dated photographs of the purchased materials and supplies; before and after work being performed during the Project; and of the completed Project; and 9. Any additional information Respondent believes will, or that is requested by TCEQ to demonstrate compliance with this Attachment A. C. Address Respondent shall submit all SEP reports and any additional information as requested to the following address: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Litigation Division Attention: SEP Coordinator, MC 175 P.O. Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711-3087 4. Additional Information and Access Respondent shall provide additional information as requested by TCEQ staff and shall allow access to all records related to the SEP Offset Amount. Respondent shall also allow representatives of the TCEQ access to the site of any work being financed in whole or in part by the SEP Offset Amount. This provision shall survive the termination of this Agreed Order. Page 3 of 4 2-27-19 City of Sanger Docket No. 2018-0278-MWD-E Attachment A 5. Failure to Fully Perform If Respondent does not perform its obligations under this Attachment A, including full expenditure of the SEP Offset Amount and submittal of the required reporting described in Sections 2 through 4 above, the Executive Director ("ED") may require immediate payment of all or part of the SEP Offset Amount as set forth in the attached Agreed Order. In the event the ED determines that Respondent failed to fully implement and complete the Project, Respondent shall remit payment for all or a portion of the SEP Offset Amount, as determined by the ED, and as set forth in the attached Agreed Order. After receiving notice of failure to complete the SEP, Respondent shall include the docket number of the attached Agreed Order and a note that the enclosed payment is for reimbursement of a SEP, shall make the check payable to "Texas Commission on Environmental Quality," and shall mail it to: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Litigation Division Attention: SEP Coordinator, MC 175 P.O. Box 13o87 Austin, Texas 78711-3o87 G. Publicity Any public statements concerning this Project made by or on behalf of Respondent must include a clear statement that the Project was performed as part of the settlement of an enforcement action brought by the TCEQ. Such statements include advertising, public relations, and press releases. 7. Recognition Respondent may not seek recognition for this project in any other state or federal regulatory program. 8. Other SEPs by TCEQ or Other Agencies The SEP Offset Amount identified in this Attachment A and in the attached Agreed Order has not been, and shall not be, included as a SEP for Respondent under any other Agreed Order negotiated with the TCEQ or any other agency of the state or federal government. Page 4 of 4 2-27-19