12/10/1985-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commission December 10, 1985 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth, Tommy Kincaid, Bill Enlow, Fred Yeatts, Joe S. Waide, and Georgia Royal MEMBERS ABSENT: Eileen Brittian OTHERS PRESENT: Mary Jo Stover, Steve Shutt, Faye Marshall, Bill Marshall, and Joann Holson 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth. 2. The minutes of the November 26, 1985 meeting were approved as printed. 3. Motion was made by Bill Enlow to approve the preliminary sub- division replat of Lots 6B and 7B, Block 15, Burgess Addition. Tommy Kincaid gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Other Such Matters: (A) Joe Waide discussed the Snider -Chevrolet zoning stating that Snider had poured a slab before the zoning had been approved. He questioned why the city had allowed the "Cart before the Horse." The City Manager stated there is no provision in our present ordinance for a penalty for this type thing and no building permit had been issued. He stated that plans for the future includes raising the permits considerably and providing for a penalty of those who proceed before they have permission. He stated the city is trying to set up orderly provisions of how things are to be done. Waide stated that he wanted everyone to be treated the same that no favoritism should be shown. (B) Joann Holson requested to talk with P. & Z. about Phase II of her Choctaw Ridge Development. This development is in the city's E.T.J. and comes under the subdivision ordinance. Since changes had been made in the final plat she wanted to know if it was necessary to present a preliminary plat again. P. & Z. advised Mrs. Holson that she would have to present the preliminary plat and since their next meeting was on Christmas Eve that if she got the revised plats to the city staff before Christmas that they would try and call a meeting to speed up the process. She asked if she could present both the preliminary and final at the same time. Shutt told her she could. Mrs. Holson was advised to show drainage plans (i.e. show culverts, Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes December 10, 1985 Page 2 sizes, and how water will get to the creek). Need to show water lines and show at least two fire hydrants. Shutt stated that the roads were substandard. The city requires paved, curbed, and guttered streets. Stated he would not recommend the curb and guttering, but would recommend a two course chip seal on the road. A letter of credit for one (1) year to be furnished to the city. Shutt read from the subdivision ordinance and its requirements for developments in the E.T.J. Discussion. P. & Z. members stated that in the past the city manager had advised them on developments outside the city. They were not aware that the sub- division ordinance applied. Motion was made by Joe Waide to adjourn the meeting. Georgia Royal gave the second. Voted unan.