06/28/1977-PZ-Minutes-RegularPlanning and Zoning Meeting June 28, 1977 Progento CharlmQn Cuodhff, NOW snallp'nove and AWTWLronp. nnhu'w honany; City Anager, Bay,noy McAfee, and Fruddd WaM Men! 2 nr.wn and nounds, 1, The minutes of the June 14, 1977 meeting were approved on a motion by QmaLrong, Bocondod by aundl.M voted Man, 2, Barney McAfee appeared to present his petition Z-34 Us NommlwNion and recommend awaval Of came, there was no opposition, 0, a MOL10, by Snellgrove, seconded by Higgs it was voted unanimous to grant petition Z-34 the zoning classification of A28F H Tirwester Survey 11.45 acres be changed from R-1 Single Family and LB Local Business to L1 Light Industry. 3, Freddy Inman appunred to present petition Z-35 on behalf of Brougham Industries and recommended approval No opposition Motion Cundiff seconded by Armstrong to grand petition Z-35 that the zoning classification of a portion of Tract 106-B H Tierwester Survey be changed from LR Local Retail to L1 Light Industry.