09/27/1977-PZ-Minutes-Regularbinu>s: Planning A Zoning Commission September 27, 1977 present: Chairmun CundIM, Armstrong, LovolL, Jonkin.,-i AbuonL: Bound, HolLingacrorM, Snellgpovu, Others Pronunt: City Mgr., Dewey Fields, joss Onfroy, and J. % Bucklow Minutes of the previous meeting were approved on a moWoo by Ai"Mong, n000nd by Jenkins, voted unon, 2. Thu prollwinury pint of section one, Mousy Addition, M" Us s Coffey was disoussod. Lovell mudc Lho motion Lo approve Lbo prHiminnry plot, ,Junking second. Unan. 3. The poctiminury plot of V W. Bunklew use discussed. AvmoQonL made the motion the preliminary plat be approved. Lovell Nneord, Thlun. Jenkins made the motion to Mew tbo building permit on hot BIk. A, Section 3, Bucklew-Freeso Addition. TnvolL sc000d, lwnno MQ. Adjourned.