10/02/1971-PZ-Minutes-Regulary MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING -MEETING OCT. 2, 1971 All members and City Secretary J. W. Sebastian were present when the Sanger Zoning and Planning Commission met for a public hearing Saturday, Oct. 2, 1971 to consider a petition to rezone a section of the Tierwester SurvVy #28 (Eastside of 1-35) to LOCAL EEX14Y$ BUSINESS from the highway right of way east 458 feet, Also to be considered Is the rezoning of Lot 104 of the Burgess Addition to LLCCAL RETAIL. Tommy Chapman made the motion that the Commission rescend the previous allocation (?) of 380' deep with the correction to read,14581 deep',. Mrs. Cook seconded the motion.j Pwltr? c'" k` ade the motion that Lot 104 og $he Burgess Addition be rezoned Local Retail from Reidential. 1 %j d j Chapman seconded the motion: it carried-,unanimously. These changes will be submitted to the City Council as reco mendations T e meeting was ured d' `Z lw j (1 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Ella Hall, Secretary. c