10/09/1975-PZ-Minutes-RegularMinutes of Planning and Zoning Commission, October 9, 1975 Present: Chairman Alvin Brown, Bruce Anthony, Ms. Daisy Cook, Gray Shelton, and City Administrator Ed Moore. Absent: Ms. Ella Hall and Tommy Chapman 1. Approval of the minutes of the last two regular meetings was tabled. 2. Preliminary Plat of Thomas Addition: Mr. Harvey W. Thomas and the City Administrator presented the prelimary plat to the Commission. The plat showed Mr. Thomas dedicating a 45-foot right-of-way for Marshall Street, which is not in compliance with the Subdivision Ordinance. He indi- cated this was done in order to require that the land owners to the south be required to dedicate the remaining five feet before their property was developed. After a discussion of the matter, it was suggested by the City Administrator that Mr. Thomas delete one lot, thereby allowing him to decrease the depth of the remaining lots. He could then move the proposed right-of-way to the north six feet and retain ownership of one foot of land on the south side. It was moved by Cook and seconded by Anthony to recommend approval of the preliminary plat of the Thomas Addition with the following conditions: (1) A 10-foot utility easement be granted on the north side of the tract; (2) A full 50-foot right -ow -way easement be dedicated; (3) Mr. Thomas has the option of deleting one lot from the proposed addition. Motion carried 4-0. 3. Status of Bruce Anthony's Plat: The City Administrator advised the Commission that Mr. Anthony's final plat and construction plans had been approved by the Council and that they had voted to bypass the Commission in con- sidering the final plat because Mr. Anthony was in a. hurry to get construction started. On a motion by Cook, seconded by Shelton, the meeting adjourn- ed at 8:37 p.m. i, Signed: Alvin Brown Approved: ' Date