10/11/1977-PZ-Minutes-RegularMinutes: Planning and Zoning Commission October 11, 1977 Absent, Armstrong Ct.hnus prnsnn%o C1on Its„lr;;, `Prnlu Uoopn, Konneth iToop+, Her, W. Down,Jr'w )2 chrrd Pe Dixon, Prank A. t;trr.t,h, I.1ary r,.a°ar. Smith, Bt;t°ay LA Rica, Billy Rice, Minutes of previous meeitng were approved on a motion ,.:y Bounds, second by Hollingsworth. Voted Up= harry Down petition was presented and exaplained by the Chariman, Floor opened public hearing, Harry Down, Jr. stated the sewer line easements would be dedicated General discusion by the Commission Opposition l., Mr. glen Higgs spoke in opposition to for pre3eoL pint , P. Mrs, Fr!ni{ Sw h spoke in favor or divot sif_ed Plan lni;c within the town end r'E'.QL7P ;I Gd is buPOr w `t 1.. i. '7c. Wl'Pt' i,lle ,_rnnn, Mrs. r?l,^e ... Sept. 27, da_:>, i°,sed f,Ye nKuution .,;Q her d „zghlt rr discussed the; problem of "Po.h,ovy" poop!o within to;idonti& Po , LIPS, TWOPS in in OPVCOTWOO Bi.11. Rico in opposition feols this will devulue nIr° property volun 6, Kenneth Hoop, in roipositiors. Di sr nnn .d the, noise NE year sand L7rants ;o look down the line, Us in worried d about W'lo ,e, n„L rC r s r h may ,)ta }, n property 1 .34,.ar and in afraid be rri y }asuve Wduntry ndjncont to his gnrag% Tr Tinvor oQ Mr. Down npoke in favor Nnd robiattol. to Wove rr-gumcwh,S presented by the opponents. P, Dick Di cknon spoke ,.n Cover of the poLi t .on, Fresh Smith Hold he; had on monplUnt on the present building but Would prefer to have it somewhere C,1 n; General discussion City Manager recommended passing the peition Jenkins made the motion to deny the petition Bounds second motion failed 3-2 October 11, 1977 Discussion. Lovell made the motion to accept the petition as recommended. Motion carried.