10/18/1977-PZ-Minutes-RegularMinutes October 18, 1977 Planning and Zoning Commission, Pr°esenW Chai`t"[tlan Cundi.ff, Pounds, Armstrong, Jenkins, Hollings- worth, `le uil-gfrove. Absent:;w l',ovoll Others P osonti City Secretary, Dr, Nelg, bur. ;, Ralph Ang , 1_. John Cundiff disqualified himself and appointed Jack Armstrong an acting Chairman, 2. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved on a motion by i( nh inn, RounJs second. Voted unan, Petition Z-39 Public hearing opened. Nub Neighbors spoke in favor of his petition. Gave the planned use of the property as a veterinarian medical hospitalDiscussion followed, Ralph Amyx spoke in favor of the petition Oppositions John C=undiff €°p oho on behalf of the First National Bank Board and explained their future plans for the property adjacent to property for zoning change, He stated the proporty adjacent ,would in the near future contain an L shape. shopping center, Bank, and the property behind To shopping center would be used for approximate 200unity housing area, Snellgrove motion to approve the petition as presented, Jenkins second. Voting for wer•ea Bounds, Snellgrovo, and Armstrong, trong, Voting against; Hollingsworth, Motion carried 3-1D-1. Meeting adjourned, 7:50 PM