10/13/1981-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning & Zoning October 13, 1981 PRESENT: Co -Chairman Billye Hollingsworth, Bounds, Springer, Frazier and Royal ABSENT: Chairman Jack Armstrong, Bill Enlow OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Bill and Jane Rumpf, Joy Ready, Benny and Norma Bridges, Elizabeth Forrester, Roger and JoAnne Shipley, Anne and Larry Kyle Co -Chairman Billye Hollingsworth presided in the absence of Chairman Jack Armstrong, 1. The minutes of the September 1, 1981 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Zoning Petition Z-54 for Bobby J. Ready from R-1 (Single Family) to LB (Local Business). Mrs. Joy Ready spoke in favor of the petition. Stated the proposed use would be a trailer park. Mrs. JoAnne Shipley spoke in opposition of the pro- posed zoning change. Mrs. Shipley ask how many trailers would be located on the almost 35 acre tract. The number was unavailable. Mrs. Shipley ask if there would be more than 200 trailers? Lloyd stated that Mr. McNeil was planning to build one street with trailers on either side but he did not know the number of trailers. Mrs. Shipley ask how the growth would affect the Sanger Schools? She stated the roads were not capable of handling the increased traffic. Mrs. Shipley ask if any member of the Board was involved in the sale? John Springer stated that he was involved in the sale. He said he would be abstaining in the vote. Mrs. Shipley further stated that the taxes on trailers was usually low. More trailers would mean the city would have to provide more services. She ask if any provisions had been made for a buffer area around the trailer park. She ask if the trailer park fit into the City's Master Plan. Mrs. Shipley stated concern once the zoning is changed to Local Business that the owner could put any one of numerous types of business in, including a drive-in theatre. -1- It was requested that the City Manager read from the Zoning Ordinance what businesses were acceptable under a L. B. Classification. He did. Mrs. Shipley wanted to know if anyone had tried to work out the taxes on the property and the cost over the long - run. She stated the city is talking about a 400% increase which is an awfully lot of change. The City Manager advised Mrs. Shipley that the City Staff was not in the business of conducting studies and surveys and even if the City came up with the answers to all the questions they would have been asked "By what authority did the city make the studies?" Mr. Henderson stated that if Mrs. Shipley wanted this type information that it would be up to her to provide a specialist to give the answers. Mrs. Shipley asked the members of the Commission if they felt the Trailer Park would be desirable for the community. Jim Frazier re-emphasized that the P & Z were a recommending body and that the City Council made the decision whether to change the class. John Springer ask if the property would sewer. Lloyd estimated the property would sewer back to where the 50' transmission line crosses the property. The property west of the barn could not be sewered. Anything built to the East would have to depend on a lift station. General Discussion. Spot zoning was discussed. Lloyd felt the change would not be spot zoning since it joined property already zoned commercial. The majority of the property along the Interstate inside the City is already zoned commer- cial. Mrs. Shipley stated that she owned the property in back of the property requesting the zoning change and felt it would be spot zoning. Billye Hollingsworth stated in her opinion it would not be spot zoning. Anne Kyle stated that everyone was dealing with the assumption that the area would be a trailer park. She inquired if the City had an ordinance governing trailers. The City Manager explained the Trailer Park Ordinance. The owner must make application to the City along with a complete plan of the park. They must submit plans and specifications of all structures within the park. The ordinance requires a minimum of one thousand (1,000) square feet for each space, which shall beat -2- least twenty five (25') wide and clearly defined. The City Manager continued to read from the trailer ordinance. Mrs. Shipley stated that North of the Trailer Park there was only Single Family. No curbs or sidewalks were required in the park. She wanted to know if the Master Plan showed Single Family or Local Business. The City Manager stated that a trailer park is a business. He felt the rationale for not requiring curb and gutter was because it is a business and not a private property. The public hearing was closed and Willard Bounds made the motion to change the zoning from R-1 Single Family to LB - Local Business on the 33.87 acre tract of B. J. Ready. Jim Frazier gave the second. Voting for were: Jim Frazier, Willard Bounds, Georgia Royal, and Billye Hollingsworth. John Springer abstained. Motion carried 4-0. 3, Zoning Petition Z-55 for Jane Rumpf from R-1Single Family to R-2 Two Family. Mrs. Rumpf spoke in favor of the petition and stated her plans to remodel the present structure into a duplex. Benny Bridges spoke in opposition of the petition. He stated he had lived next door to the structure in question for 7 years. There have been approximately 4-families in the home in the last 5 years. He did state the property is kept up but every family has two to three cars and the street is too narrow to take care of the parking. He stated the sewer line that serves the structures also serves three other families and it is only a 3" line. He stated he had had lots of trouble with the line and another family going on the line would mean more trouble. He felt it would also be a clear case of spot zoning since all the surrounding area was single family. Mrs. Rumpf explained there would be enough space to add adequate parking. The lot size is 80 x 60'. With the size of the structure only a couple or couple with one child could rent the duplex. Motion was made by Jimmy Frazier to deny the petition of Mrs. Rumpf due to spot zoning. Georgia Royal gave the second. Voted unan. Mr. Rumpf wanted to know if there was any spot zoning already in Sanger. The City manager answered yes, but that the council and commission had taken the -3- position that just because wrong in the past would not continue in that direction. Meeting adjourned. -4- something had been done mean that they would