09/25/1984-PZ-Minutes-RegularMinutes: Planning & Zoning Commission September 25, 1984 Members Present: Chairman Billye Hollingsworth, Secretary ..Georgia Royal, Tommy Kincaid, Fred Yeatts, and Eileen Brittian Members Absent: Bill Enlow and John Anderson Others Present: Mary Shelton, Howard Ashcraft,.Reve Rogers, Gary and Karen Lake, Betty Rice, Bill Rice, Rick Powell, Lee Elsey and Mrs. Elsey 1. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. 2. Chairman Hollingsworth opened the public hearing on Zoning Petition Z-71 for Howard Ashcraft, Fred H. Simmons, and R. J. Powell to change.the zoning classification of 4.4677 acres in the.H. Tierwester Survey, AB..1241, from R-1(Single Family) to LI (Light Industry). Those speaking in opposition oftherequest were: Bill Rice, Gary Lake, Mary Shelton, and Mrs.. Elsey. Bill Rice and Mrs. Elsey requested a buffer zone between the residential and commercial area. Mr. Lake .commented about traffic congestion in the area. With no others wanting to speak in opposition, Chairman Hol- lingsworth opened the floor to those in favor of the petition. Howard Ashcraft presented his plans for a printing cup factory. The printing would be on the logos for the cups. Rick Powell addressed the buffer zone stating he would like the property zoned as requested. Motion was made by Tommy Kincaid to approve the request for change. Eileen Brittian gave the second. Voted unan. 3. With no other business.to come before.the commissioners the meeting adjourned.