07/25/1972-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES OF JULY 25, 1972 The Planning and Zoning eommission of Sanger, Texas, with all members present, met with the following members of the City Council: Henry Cooper, Eulalia McDaniel, Bill Gentle, and Jack Hall, on Tuesday evening, July 25, 1972 to review and discuss the final plat of Sanger South Addition. After discussion of the Plat, the Council members were dis- missed and the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by the Chattman Alvin Brown. The following recommenda- tions regarding the final plat of Sanger South Addition were made: Tommy Chapman made a motion that the Commission recommend that the Sanger South Addition lift pipe M not be attached to Hill - crest Addition. J.C. Landers seconded the motion; it carried unanimously. Ella Hall made the motion that the Plat include easements for the three (3) additional street lights, as indicated on Plat by City Engineer. Mrs. Cook seconded the motion; it carried. Mrs. NEILAN Cook made the motion that a 16-foot easement be allowed between Lots 6 & 7 (8 ft. each lot) for 18-inch sub - service drainage pipe. Tommy Chapman seconded the motion; it carried unanimously. Tommy Chapman made the motion that detailed specification for the lift station be made available for viewing and approval by the City Council. Mrs. Cook secconded the motion; it carried. Mrs. Cook made the motion that sufficient time be allowed for the City Engineer to review and approve the final plat as revised. Ella Hall seconded the motion; it carried unanimously. Tommy Chapman made the motion that a written statement from the City Engineer to the Planning and Zoning Commission be furnished providing the validity of the revised final plat. J.C. Landers seconded the motion; it carried unanimously. Mrs DAISY COOK made the motion that the Commission recommend the installation of two (2) fire plugs in the following loca- tions on Plat: (1). Corner Southpark and South Meadow, and (2). Corner South Land and South Meadow. Tommy Chapman seconded the motion; it carried unanimously. Mrs. Hall made the motion that the Commission recommend the re- quired sub -surface drainage pipe from East side to West side of South Meadow Drive (at Southland Drive) to collection point, and from Collection point to drainage easement between Lots 6 & 7. J.C. Landers seconded the motion; it carried unanimously. Mrs. Cook made the motion that the meeting adjourn; J.C. Landers seconded the motion; it carried. The meeting was adjuourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ella Hall, Secretary APPROVED: Signed:"1 /_ /. y LA1bin Bro , chairman j~ Date:- , _