08/09/1977-PZ-Minutes-RegularMinutess Planning & Zoning Meeting August 9, 1977 Presents Chairman Cundiff® Lovell® Armstrong® Bounds® Jenkins® Snellgrove and Hollingsworth. Others Presents City Mgr. Anthony® Ricer Rev. Richardson & Associates. 1. Minutes of August 2 1977 meeting were approved on a motion by Armstrong seconded by Jenkins. Unan. vote. 2. Preliminary Plat (Alta Mae Smith)- Hollingsworth made the motion to approve seconded by Bounds. Unan. 3a Preliminary Plat (J. M. Sims Property) - It was motioned by Snellgrove to approve subject to a 50' street right-of-way and correction of drainage. Street to be built at the time rest of the property is subdivided. Second by Jenkins. Unan. 4. Preliminary Plat (Rev. BURLE RICHARDSON ASSEMBLY OF GOD Church. It was motioned by _Snellgrove to allow the Church to extend the street water and sewer line to the South Holson property line. Water and sewer to be constructed on a residential PRO basis.The Church will extend and sewer lines, at such time AS PROPERTY TO the South is developed on the basis of their portion of the extension. Jenkin seconded. Voted unan. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.