08/23/1977-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES Planning & Zoning COMMISSION AUGUST 23, 1977 Present: Chairman Cundi.ff, Jenkins, Hollingsworth, Snel.lgrove, Lovell, Sounds, and Armstrong. OWers Present: City Mgr., City Att., Mayor Cole, Bill and Betty Ric;, tram, and Mary Frances Smith., Olen Higgs, Oscar and Mary Sbelton, Harry W, Down, Jr., J. W. Bucklow, Bob Me Clary, Kenneth and Tenia Hoops, Norman McCoy Mary Forrest, and Ed Stapleton, Att. 1, The; minutes of the previous meeting were approved as written. 2.There was a general discussion concerning the BUCKLEW-FREESE; SUBDIVISION, Tt was motioned to table by Cundi.f', second by Armstrong ,and voted anon. 3. Harry Dorn Petition Z-377 PEITION on was presented by Harry Doran, Jr., for light: industry on his 3 ACRE tract; at I-35 and W. Austin St. Opposition: 1, Ken Hoops stated he purchased his property with the undaar- °stand sg the land within the Cole tract would Inc used for RESIDENTIAL. 2 Bill Rice purchased with the understanding the land would be used for residential. and be does not want outside ir;ffic. 3. Olen Higgs was not opposed to the present zoning but would like €r street at the 300' line to screen the business, 4. Frank Smith purchased his property with the UNDERSTANDING that the land would be residential, HE DISCUSSED THE of lack of sufficient WATER pressure. 5. Ed Stapleton, attorney for the opposition, discussed with the Commission THE Comprehensive Plan and the PLANNED use for residential. 6. Bob McClary stated to felt, it should be split between the COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL area, Mr. Down spoke again to rebut n portion of the arguments, IT WAS motioned by Jenkins to turn drawn she petition of Harry W, Down, Jr Armstrong second. Voted ones. Meeting adjourned,