07/27/2015-4B-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: 4B Development Corporation July 27, 2015 PRESENT: Beverly Branch, Beverly Howard, Will Dutton, Barbara Martin and Jeff Springer ABSENT: John Payne and Christy Crutsinger, OTHERS PRESENT: Alina Ciocan, Economic Development Director; Jennifer Shumate, Administrative Assistant 1. Meeting called to order at 6:00pm. 2. Approve Minutes: May 26, 2015. Motion made by Jeff Springer to approve minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Will Dutton. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve the Fiscal Year 2015/2016 Budget. Board reviewed budget as presented and noted very little change from previous year. A motion was made by Jeff Springer to approve 2015/2016 budget as presented. Beverly Branch seconded and the 2015/2016 budget was approved unanimously. 4. Update on Projects – Hike and Bike Trail Connection. City Council approved the project. The consultant is currently working on the survey and the plans. TxDot is always currently working on the low water crossing approval. 5. Review Financials. Board reviewed. 6. Meeting Adjourned. Motion to adjourn made my Jeff Springer. Motion carried unanimously.