09/13/1976-PZ-Minutes-RegularMinutes: Planning &. Zoning Commission September 13, 1976 Present: VICE Chairman Cundiff, Brown, Bound, Higgs, City Manager Absent: Cook, Armstrong, Snellgrove 1. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of July 20, 1976 were approved as printed. 2. Public IIearing: a. Z-28 The petition of Robert Swaim to change the zoning classification of Lot Nos. 1 & 2, Block No. 3, W. B. Shirley Addition from R-1 to LI. The Vice -Chairman opened the public hearing. Mr. Robert Swaim, petitioner, spoke in favor of the request. No one spoke in opposi- tion. The public hearing was closed and the City Manager gave his recommendation for approval of the petition. Higgs suggested the whole area be zoned LI and not just these lots. The City Manager stated the Council could initiate such a change on its own initiative. It was moved by Brown and seconded by Bounds that the Commission recommend approval of this petition. Motion carried 4.-0. It was further moved by Cundiff and seconded by Bounds that the Council give consider- ation to initiating a zoning change from R-1 to LI for the whole area bounded by First Street on the west, the railroad on the east, Willow Street on the north and Hollingsworth Trucking on the south. Motion Carried 4.-0. Meeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M. iP;ned John D, Ctzndi_f:f Ai,nroveda to V