09/21/1971-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES OF 9/21/71 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Sanger, Texas, in accordance with the Civil Statutes oftthe State of Texas, Articles 1165-1132, held a public rezoning hearing Tuesday evening, Sept. 21, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. in the Conference Room of the City Hall. The following were present: Alvin Brown, Mrs. Neilan Cook, Mrs. Jack Hall, J. W. Sebastian, Mrs. Alyne Gober, Mrs. Ruby Dennis and Mr. Jesse Coffey. The property being studied for rezoning from RESIDENTIAL TO LOCAL RETAIL is described as: Burgess Addition (Eastside of I-35E): Lot 106A (3001 deep); Block 14 - Lots 95, 95J; Block 15 - Lots 87, 88, 89, 90, 95, 97, and 100. Hughes Addition (Eastside of I-35E); Block 4, Lots 1, 2; Block 3, Lot 2; Lot 79-1. Bebee Survey (Eastside of I-35E): Tract 78, 79-1, 77 (3M11 deep). H. Tierwester Survey (Westside of I-35W) Lots 91. 92; Tract 25, 78A, 77 (300' deep). The property being studied for rezoning from RESIDENTIAL TO LOCAL BUSINESS is described as: H. Tierwester Survey (Eastside of I-35E) Tract #28 (380' deep). H. Tierwester Survey (Westside of I-35W) Tract #28 (3001 deep). Mrs. Hall made the motion that the issue on hand be tabled until Sat., Sept. 25th at 4:30 p.m.` A property in question would be sur- veyed by the Commission members. Mrs. Cook seconded the motion and it passed. A. The motion was made by Mrs. Hall and seconded by Mrs. Cook that the mee ing be adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Mrs. Jack Hall, Secretary (DATE)