08/25/1981-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commission August 25, 1981 PRESENT: Jack Armstrong, Willard Bounds, Billye Hollingsworth, John Springer, Bill Enlow, Georgia Royal, and Jimmy Frazier OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Virginia Millar, Frank Millar, Grace Herd, Marilyn M. Gaines, E. A. Morrow, Billy J. Killgo, Virginia Killgo, Mrs. Myrtle Haynie, Beulah Giles, J. P. Hampton, Dosia Powers, Larry Klein, Kennie and Evelyn Shaw Xe,✓ P&X ty avfflAd.:c>v�y 1. The minutes of the May 12, 1981 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Consider Zoning Petition Z-52 - Frank J. Millar - Mr. Millar requested a zoning change on his property located at 612 Locust Street from R-1 Single Family to R-3 Multi -Family. Mr. Millar spoke in favor of his petition and presented commissioners with descriptive drawings and plot plan of the proposed structure. He stated that the existing structure was in need of repairs which he plans to make when the proposed new structure is added. The existing and the proposed will have an attached roof with parking in between. He stated an old barn or shed was on the property now and that he would be tearing that down. , Chairman Armstrong opened the floor to the opposition and J. P. Hampton was first to speak. He read aloud the following letter from the R. L. Odom's who were unable to attend the hearing: "...We are opposed to any kind of Multiple Housing on Lot 2, Block 56 being changed from R-1 Single Family to R-3 Multi -Family at the corner of 7th and Locust; 612 Locust Street. "Reason: (1.) Lot to narrow for apartment house (2.) Not room for building a parking lot (3.) 7th Street is too narrow to park in without blocking passage. (4.) He Valuate our property (5.) Too many different prople moving in and out all the time and too much disturbance. "Could not come for other committment.. -- R. L. - Ruby Odom J. P. also served as spokesman for Mrs. Grace Herd, Mrs. Beulah Giles, Mrs. Myrtle Haynie, and Mrs. Dosia Powers who were also in opposition of the petition. They are opposed on the same grounds as submitted in the letter from the Odom's. Larry Klein stated he had two houses in the same immediate area and he felt that his property values would go down. Stated all kinds of people are moving in and out at all times and there has been a dope problem in the past. so Jim Frazier ask Millar about the parking availability for the multi- family structure. Millar stated the parking would be to the South and West. Chairman Armstrong felt since the structures physical location was such and with so many against the zoning change that it would be hard for the Planning & Zoning to grant the request. Billye Hollingsworth made the motion to deny the request for Millar. Georgia Royal gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Consider Zoning Petition Z-53 - Gene Hughes - Gene Hughes requested a zoning change on Part of Block D of the Hillcrest Addition that faces Loop 138 or U. S. 77. Mr. Hughes was not at the meeting to speak in favor of his petition. Jack Armstrong and Jimmy Frazier disqualified themselves since they are property owners in the area and received the official resident letter. Billye Hollingsworth took charge of the meeting at this point and the hearing was opened to the opposition and Mr. E. A. Morrow spoke against the requested change. He stated that he had purchased his property because he understood it was in a restricted area. He felt that an apartment house would not add to the value of the house. Marily,4Gaines stated that people enter Sanger on Loop 138 and an apartment would not enhance the area. Jim Frazier said he personally did not have an objection to the change. Jack Armstrong stated that after he found out where it was located that he wasn't against the change although he felt in would hurt the area. Mr. & Mrs. Kennie Shaw stated they were in a highly restricted area and they had even been asked to remove a basketball goal because of neighbor complaints. Motion was made by Georgia Royal to deny the request by Hughes. Willard Bounds gave the second. Voting for were Royal, Bounds, Hollingsworth and Enlow. Voting against was John Springer. Frazier and Armstrong abstained. Motion carried 4-1. 4. Consider preliminary replat of Block D, Hillcrest Addition - A copy of the new replat was passed to commissioners. More Discussion followed regarding the proposed zoning shown on the replat. Lloyd advised commissioners that the city did not have an officially signed plat of the first section of the Hillcrest Addition. However the section marked Block D, does show a commercial zoning of Local Business. In the deed restrictions it mentioned Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Block D as commercial, however the city has no record of lots 1, 2, and 3 on Block D. The plat was approved and Lloyd stated if there was a technicality he felt that the city and P & Z would be penalizing Hughes. Motion was made by Hollingsworth to table action on the replat because of the action taken on Hughes' petition Z-53. John Springer gave the second. Voted unan. -2- Other matters: (a.) Ken Perry stated he had purchased Lot 48B from Lucille Houghton to build a house for his parents. He recently requested a variance of 18' to 20' in order to save two large pecan trees but he feels he will need to align now with the Houghton house which is about 15'. He stated there is an existing garage 24' x 18' that sits next to an alley. Perry said he was told he could not attach a new house to the existing garage. He stated he would like to build a 1000' to 1300' sq. ft. new structure and attached and use the garage as a hobby shop. Perry ask the question "Can I attach a new building to the existing building?" Lloyd stated that under the non -conforming use Perry could not change the use of the existing structure. If the garage is changed it would have to have an 8' sideyard to conform to city code. Lloyd stated one solution would be to have the alley surveyed and get the city to quit claim the alleys. With half the alley going to each property owner joining it would give Perry the needed area to conform. Lloyd further stated that he could not promise council approval on the quit claim. Jim Frazier made a motion to call a special meeting for 7:00 P. M. Tuesday, September 1,1981 to consider Perry's request. Willard Bounds gave the second. Voted unan. Isis