04/29/1974-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING, MONDAY APRIL 29, 1974 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Sanger met Monday, April 29, 1974, in the Council Room of the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. with the following Commission members present: Bruce Anthony, Tommy Chapman, Daisy Cook, Ella Hall and Chairman Alvin Brown. Also present were Mr.Thornton, McSween, Mr. Calhoun, Jack Arm- strong, City Administrator Dave Marr, and Record Chronicle Re- porter Karen Yates. re The Commission met to/consider a petition by Mrs. Mack Cole re- auesting a change in zoning classification of those portions of Tract 77E of the H. Tierwester Survey owned by Mrs. Cole which are presently zoned Single -Family (R-1) District to Multi -Family (R-3) District. The said property is more generally described as follows: Those portions of Tract 77E of the H. Tierwester Survey owned by Mrs. Cole which are bounded on the North by Church Street, the East by Tenth Street, the South by Austin Street, and on the West by a Commercial -Zoned tract owned by Mrs. Cole. architectural drawin Following a lenghthy discussion and the viewing of the/proposed gs of pland, it was requested by the Commission that 222?T16212611 the the petition be revised to conform with the demands of the proposed plans shown by Mr. Thornton. A meeting was set for a future hearing for Tuesday, May 21, 1974. Daisy Cook made a motion to adjourn, which was seconded by Bruce Anthony, and passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Mrs. Jack Hall, Secretary SIGNED: Alvin Brown, Chairman {p APPROVED: 17X Date