05/12/1972-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES OF MAY 12, 1972 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Sanger met Friday, May 12, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Room of the City Hall for a public hearing regarding the formal petition filed by Anne Kile, Agent for Freddie Stringer and Mrs. Freddie Stringer, requesting that the zoning classification of property described below be changed from (Multi -Family Dwelling) District to "LB" (Local Business) District, under the provisions of Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanger, Texas. The said property is located on FM 455 and 8th Street and is more particularly described as follows: West 100 ft. of Lot 1, Block 3, North Sullivan Addition (approximately 100' on FM 455, and ap- proximately 200, on 8th Street) of the City of Sanger. Present at the public hearing were Messrs. Grover Sebastian, Leo Sebastian, Hubert Schertz, Lonnie Pennington, Jimmy Sebastian, Gene Hughes; and Mrs. AnnKile. Also members of the Commission Mmes. Neilan Cook and Jack Hall,and Messrs. Tommy Chapman, J.C. Landers and Chairman Alvin Brown. In the business meeting following the public hearing, Tommy Chapman made 0i a motion, seconded by Mrs. Cook, that the Commission make a recommendation to the City Council to reject the formal petition of Freddie Stringer, requesting rezoning of property described above. was The motion/passed/unanimously. Regarding a new platt for the Hillcrest Addition presented to the Commission by Gene Hughes during the hearing, for approval by the table further action until the Commission could Commission, Tommy Chapman made a motion that the Commission/seek legal council regarding the legality of the plat. Mr. Landers seconded the motion; it was passed unanimously. The meeting was adjuourned.. Alvin Brown, Chairman Mrs. Jack Hall, Secretary