06/06/1974-PZ-Minutes-RegularPLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 6, 1974 ALL THAT LOT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, City of Sanger, Dertcn County, Texas, being balance of 6.952 acre tract owned by MRS MAC COLE, situated between Church Street and Austin Street and. lying EAST OF HIGHWAY I-35 except for the western Part of said tract extending 300 ft. easterly and at right angle to said Highway RIGHT OF WAY, said balance being 4.095 acres of land. The Petition asks that the portion of the above -described tract Presently zoned SINGLE-Family Residential be rezoned, in the amount of 2.857 acres, Local Retail,AND THE REMAINING 1.238 acres of said tract to be rezoned MULTI FAMILY '=resent for thePublic hearing were all commission members with the exception of Mrs. YeiIan Cook; also present were ;r. Thornton, Mr. Calhoun, Jack Armstrong, Mrs. B.J. Friz- zell , P rs. iā€¢iill :lard, Lloyd Rucklew, Mrs. Jo Guyer, Er. and Mrs. Boots, _.rs. Childers, Mrs. Fellers, Hrs. Glenna. Hrueger and City Administrator Dave I=Tarr. FOLLOWING DISCUSSION ELLA HALL MADE A MOTION THAT THE COMMISSION RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PETITION WITH the following four conditions: 1. That a 6-foot masonry will be extended from the street RIGHT OF WAY on Church Street to WEST Austin Street; 2. That a maximum of twenty-four (24) townhouse units be ccntructed in the area zoned Multi Family; 3. That the project be CONVENTIONALLY financed; and 4. That, prior to any issuance of building permits for the rezoned tract, the development :flans be submitted to the City Council for final approval. The MOTION seconded by TOMMY Chapman and passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 10p.m. with a motion by Bruce seconded by Tammy Chapman. Respectfully submitted, Yrs. Jack Hall, Secretary SIGNED: Alvin tiros,.., Ch' awn AP=.RCV D: Date)