06/13/1972-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES OF TUESDAY NIGHT, JUNE 13, 1972 The Planning and Zoning Commission of Sanger, Texas met in short conference with the City Council to discuss the preliminary plat of Sanger South Addition, and of the previously proprosed addition to the Hillcrest Addition. Present for the meeting were Commission members Alvin Brown, Chairman; Ella Hall, Secretary; Tommy Chapman and J.C. Landers. Also present were City Council members. Following the dismissal of City Council members, the Commission meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Brown. After review and discussion of the plat of Hillcrest Addition, Tommy Chapman made the motion that the Commission recommend to the City Council that they approve the previously submitted original proposed portion of plat of Hillcrest Addition, with the exception that the developer, Gene Hughes, conform to all current regulation set forth in the Sanger SubDivision Ordinance, with the exception of the placement of sewer lines. The motion was seconded by J.C. Landers and passed. -unanimously. TOMMY CHAPMAN ALSO MADE THE MOTION THAT THE COMMISSION RECOMMEND TO the City Council that building codes BE more stringently enforced by means of more rigid enforcement of the issuance of building permits, and that followup inspections be made to insure that building ordinances are complied with. The motion was seconded by Ella Hall and carried unanimously. The final decision on the approval of the preliminary plat of Sanger South Addition was tabled. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Ella Hall, Secretary Approved: Signed: Alvin Browh, Chairman