06/14/1977-PZ-Minutes-RegularMinutes: Planning and Zoning Meeting June 14, 1977 Present: Chairman Cundi£f, Armstrong, Bounds, Lovell, Brown, City Secretary and citizens, Absent: Snell.grove and Higgs 1. The minutes of the May 26, 1977 meeting were approved on a motion by Armstrong, seconded by Bounds and voted unan„ & Zoning Case Z-32-Albert Lynch Petition: Chairman Cundi:ff opened the public hearing, Ronny Beard was spokesman .for petitioner Albert Lynch and spoke in favor of the need for the Heavy Industry classification. Beard discussed with the Commission the plans for the use of the property which would include certain deed restrictions if the classification was approved, Chairman Cundiff stated that the P and Z had no control on deed restrictions, This would be up to the Seller and would work the same as retaining mineral rights of the property sold, Individuals speaking in opposition of the pe- tition were Mrs, Sam Maddox, Mrs. Sammie Bynum, Mrs. C. B. Odom and Mr, John Wilson. Mr. Wilson spoke on behalf of Dr, 0- Hyman Kohn whose property is adjacent to the property in the petition for change Discussion followed, Chairman Cundiff made a motion to turn down the; Heavy Industry Classification request, Lovell seconded, Voted unan, Discussion. P and Z agreed that they would recommend Light Industry to the Council, since this would be in conformity with the Zoning of the property bordering on three sides. Property owners as well as Mr. Beard and Lynch were in agree - went of the lesser classification. On a motion by Armstrong, seconded by Lovell it was voted unanimous to rezone Ab,39, R. Bebee Survey 4 acres to Light Industry. Zoning Case Z-33 W. R. Chatfield Petition: Mr. Chatfield was not at the hearing to speak in favor of his petition so the floor opened to the opposition Mr. Donn Nesbitt was spokes- man for citizens of Northgate Addition and presented the Com- mission with a petition consisting of 64 names against the rezoning from Multi -Family to Local Business, Mr.Nesbitt_ gave reasons for their opposition. Others speaking against were Mrs. Nesbitt, and Mrs. Wheeler. Mtion was made by Brown to reject the petition of W. R. Chatfield, Bounds seconded, Voted unanimous. Meeting adjourned.