07/02/1969-PZ-Minutes-RegularCITT Of SANGER MUNICIPALLY OWNED WATER, POWER July 2, 1969 TO THE SANGER CITY COUNCIL: We, the members of the Zoning and Planning Commission of Sanger, wish to recommend that the City Council petition the City Attor- ney to draw up proper legal notice -in -writing, to be served to Mr. Bob McClary, to stop construction of a roping arena on his property in the West City Limits of Sanger, same being in the R-1 or Single Family Dwelling District, which does not allow for a roping arena. The Commission members unanimously feel that since the Zoning Ordinance states in Sect. 5, (Regulations Applicable to all Districts, p. 6 of Ordinance) under (a) USE -states: ".....and no land shall be used or occupied for any purpose other than those permitted by these regulations in the district in which such land is situated," therefore, the City.Council and Building Inspector have the legal authority to demand enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance, else revoke the building permit or fine the violater. We, the members of the Zoning and Planning Commission, feel this action is necessary since the Ordinance has been violated; also, to conserve the value of the neighboring property, as well as the general welfare of the adjourning property owners. Mrs. Ella Hall, Secretary Alvin Brown, Chairman Mrs. Neilan Cook J.C. Landers W.L. (Bill) Enlow