02/06/1975-PZ-Minutes-RegularMinutes of Thursday, February 6, 1975 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Sanger, Texas met Thursday evening, Feb. 6, 1975 at 7:30 for a called meeting at which time Bob Shawn, City Engineer, explained the recommendations of Phase III of Sanger's Master Plan entitled Thoroughfares & Central Business District. Present were Commission members Ella Hall, Gray Shelton, Bruce Anthony, Chairman Alvin Brown, and City Secretary Dave Marrs. This report, as explained by Mr. Shawn, presented data and analysis of the problems of streets and other improvements needed in the central business district and the remainder of Sanger, and included recommendations and plans for improvements to meet future development. Conclusion of the report will be brought at a latter meeting of the Commission. The meeting adjourned at 10 p.m. following a motion by Gray Shelton, seconded by Ella Hall. Respectfully submitted, Ella Hall, Secretary. Approved: % _ /%_z —kDate — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Minutes of Thursday, February 20, 1975 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Sanger, Texas met Thursday evening, Feb. 20, 1975 at 7:30 for the conclusion of the review of the report*,Thoroughfares & Central Business District" of the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Sanger. Present for the meeting were members Daisy Cook, Ella Hall, Bruce Anthony and, Commission Chairman Alvin Brown. Following the review of the reports recommendations and plans for improvements to meet future development of Sanger, a motion was made by Ms. Cook that the Commission recommend to the City Council the approval of this report of the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Sanger entitled "Thoroughfares and Central Business District's. The motion was seconded by Bruce Anthony and passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. with a motion by Ms. Cook, seconded by Anthony. Respectfully submitted, Ella Hall, Secretary. Approved: 45 kate Signed: Z/ z AlVin Br6wh, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission