02/08/1977-PZ-Minutes-RegularMinutes Planning & Zoning Commission February 8, 1977 Present: Chairman Cundiff, Bounds, Armstrong, City Manager. Absent : Snellgrove, Brown 1. Alta Lovell was sworn in as Commissioner, Place 2 as Norman Cook resigned for health reasons. Her term expires June 30, 1978. 2. The minutes of the meeting of November 23, 1976 were approved as written. 3. Election of Vice -Chairman: Alta Lovell was nominated by Bounds and seconded by Armstrong. Nominations were closed and she was elected by acclamation. 4. Public Hearings a. Z-30 The petition of Mr. Gene Hughes to change the zoning classification of Block G in the White Addition from R-1 to LI. The public hearing was opened and Gene Hughes spoke in favor of the petition. There were no others present, and the public hearing was closed„ The City Manager re- commended in favor of the petition. It was moved by Armstrong and seconded by Cundiff to recommend approval. Motion carried 4-0. 5. Other Matters. a, Bruce Anthony appeared to request a variance for the re- quired setbacks on Lot 1, B16ck 78, Original Town. Mr. Anthony intends to build two fourpl.ex apartment buildings and needed a variance from the 25' setback requirement, The City Council had referred this to the Commissioner for their decision. The City Manager explained the request and recommended approval for a 10-foot setback on 6th Street and an 11®foot setback on Bolivar Road. It was moved by Cundiff and seconded by Armstrong to approve the variance. Motion carried 4-0. The City Manager explained that this project necessitated subdividing the property, and, therefore, compliance with. the subdivision ordinance was required. Mr. Anthony agreed but requested to be allowed to .leave the existing paving on 6th Street and to curb and gutter only the east side of the street. Bolivar Road and 5th Street would not be curbed and guttered as it is state right-of-way, -After a lengthy discussion, it was moved by Armstrong and seconded by Cundiff that Mr. Anthony be required to comply with the subdivision ordinance with the exception that he be allowed to leave the existing paving on 6th Street and that he be required to curb and gutter only the east side of the street. Motion carried 4-0. The Commission also recommended the City Council. examine the definition of a subdivision to possibly eliminate situation like this in the older part of town. Meeting adjourned at 805 P.m. Si rnrd a John U, C„nd`ff Annrovnw