03/07/1974-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES OF MARCH 7, 1974 The Planning and Zorfng Commission of the City of Sanger met Thursday, March 7, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Room of the Sanger City Hall to consider the petition by Mrs. Mac Cole requesting the change in zoning classifica- tion of those portions of Tract 77E, of the H. Tierwester Survey, which are presently zoned Single -Family welling 1 District (R-1) to Multi -Family Dwelling District(R-3). 63 This tract may be more generally described as those portions of Tract 77E owned by Mrs. Cole, which are bounded on the North by Church Street, the East by Tenth Street, the South by Austin, and the West by a commercial zoned tract owned by Mrs. Cole. Present for the public heraring were Mrs. Mac Cole, Jack Armstrong, J.E. Bucklew, Mr. and Mrs. John Coker, Mr. and Mrs. Bunk Frizzell, City Administrator Dave Marr, and Com- mission members Mites. Daisy Cook and Ella Hall, Tommy Chapman, Bruce Anthony, and Chairman Alvin Brown. A motion was made by Tommy Chapman that the Commission re- commend to the City Council that Mrs. Cole's petition.be accepted; Ella. Hall seconded the motion. Following the dis- cussion, Daisy Cook proposed an amendment that there be a period of study of the, proposed rezoning issue,,prior to a final vote. The amedment was seconded by Bruce Anthony and passed unanimously._ Th vpte was tabled until March 21st. A plat presented by Bruce Anthony was discussed. Daisy Cook made a motion that the Commission recommend to the city Coun- cil that it be platted into the City of Sanger. Tommy Chapman seconded the motion, which carried The *meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Mrs. Ella Hall, Secretary Signed: , ,4d44k 2 AC7 Alvin BrolWnl Chairman APPROVED: 3— I Date