03/26/1968-PZ-Minutes-Regularminutes of fleeting Tuesday, March 26, 1968 The Zoning and Planning Commission of the Sanger City Council met Tuesday night, fiarch 26, 1968 in the Council Room of City Hall at 7;30 with all members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved. a motion was made by J.C. Landers and seconded by Mrs. Neilan Cook that a recommendation be made to the Sanger City Council as follows:: That any individual(s) moving a dwelling into the Sanger City Limits be required to sign an agreement which states to the effect that the dwelling by improved to neighboring surroundings, within ninety (90) working days, or the city be allowed to sell the dwelling to the highest bidder, same also abiding by terms of agreement. The agreement is to state further that the dwelling not be moved into until terms of the agreement have been met. The meeting was adjourned. 2L' w Ella Hall, Secretary lvin Brown, Chairmarz, _ W.L. (Bill) Enlow Mrs. Neilan Cook J.C. Landers