03/31/1969-PZ-Minutes-RegularMinutes of Zoning and Planning Commission of City of Sanger March 31, 1969 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Sanger City Council met in the Council Room of the City Hall, for a called meeting Monday) March 31, 1969 at 7:30 P-M- to consider submitting a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change -in -zon- ing -classification petition filed by John W. Coker and Gene A. Hughes:_ After discussion, a motion was made by Bill Enlow and seconded by J.9. Landers that the following recommdndation be submitted to the City Council: That a date be set for a Public Hearing to consider a peti- tion for change in zoning classification filed by John W. Coker and Gene A. Hughes asking that the zoning classifica- tion of the said property be changed from Single Family Dwelling District to Double Family Dwelling District, under the --provisions of Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanger, Texas. The said property is located on Hughes Street and is more particularly described as follows: Block Three (3) Lot One and Two (1 and 2) Hughes Addition. The motion carried unanimously by all Commission members pre- sent: Chairman Alvin Brown, J.C. Landers, W.L. (Bill) Enlow and airs. Jack Hall. The fifth member of the Commission, Mrs. Neilan Cooke was absent. The meeting was adjourned. Respectively submitted, Ella Hall, Secretary March 31, 1969 5F