04/20/1977-PZ-Minutes-RegularMinutest Planning and Zoning Commission April 20, 1977 Present: Chairman Cundiff, Bounds, Lovell, Armstrong, Snellgrove, Higgs, Absent v Brown Others Presents City Manager, Anthony, Jones, Adkins 1. Minutes of the March 8, 19?7 meeting were approved on a motion by Armstrong seconded by Bounds, voted unanimous. 2. Bruce Anthony's Subdivision -Approved as presented on a motion by Cundiff, seconded by Armstrong, voted unanimous, The sub- division includes 15 ft. set back on the house to face 60th Street. 3. Variance for Ronnie Jones- John Cundiff made the motion that the variance be denied since it was not in compliance with the City Zoning Ordinance and it was recommended that if the Council determines 6 ft. to be the proper side lot line that the ordinance should be modified. Seconded by Lovell, voted 2 in favor, with 4 opposed, Motion failed, Cundiff remotioned that the variance be granted due to the fact that prior approval had been given by the Mayor and Council to allow Mr. Jones to begin construction. Denial by the commission would cause a hardship and an approximate 2 weeks delay to worms and the home owner, Approval is with the recommendation that general various guide- lines should be adopted by the Council and submitted to the commission, Seconded by Higgs, passed unanimous. Meeting adjourned 9:00 p,, sipnnd APPYOVON Bohn D. QW0 Q