01/03/1980-PZ-Minutes-RegularMinutes: Planning & Zoning_ Commission January 3, 1980 Present: Billye Hollingsworth - Acting Chairman, Cecil Snellgrove, Willard Bounds, and Harold Easley Absent: lack Armstrong, Virgil. Ward, and Jimmy Frazier Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, and J.W. Buckl.ew 1. Minutes of the December 21, 1979 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Llovd explained that P & Z and Council had approved a PreliminaryPlat on Section IT1, Block A, Bucklew-Freese Addition. City staff searched both P & z Minutes and Council Minutes and could not find where the final plat was ever approved. Lloyd explained that a Final Plat had been filed at the County Court Hquse but did not bear any of the official signatures. Mary Jo Hill told Lloyd she didn't know how the Plat got there without the signature, but that it was not a legal document as filed. Council instructed J.W. to go back to P & Z and start again. Discussion. Harold Easley made the motion to approve the Final Plat with a variance to use the north paved 25_ footage of Lot 8, for a driveway entrance with no half street to be built on the remainder of the frontage of this Wit. Wi ]ard Bounds second. Voted unan. [t was the request of the Commissioners that no half street be allowed. 3. Harold Easley made the motion to amend the Building ordinance to delete the need for a permit to tear down structures. Willard Bounds second. Voted unan. meeting adjourned.