01/08/1980-PZ-Minutes-RegularMinutes: Planning & Zoning Commission January 8, 1980 Present: Chairman Jack Armstrong, Willard Bounds, Billye Hollings Harold lev Absent: Jimmy Frazier, Virgil Ward, and Cecil Snellgrove Others Present: LloandyMartha B. Elliary iott,JVancever, Martha Elliott Travelstead 1. Minutes of the Januray 3, 1980 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Public hearing on zoning petition Z-46 for Vance Travlestead to change the class on Lot 1, Block B, White Addition from R-1 Single Family to LI - Light Industry was presented. Vance spoke in favor of the petition and stated he wanted to build mini warehouses on the lot in the future. No immediate plans. Martha Elliott spoke in opposition of the petition. She did not object to the warehouses but to all the other allowable uses under Light Industry Classification. City Manager Henderson read aloud all the uses under Light Industry. It was mentioned the lot would have to be built up before anvthing could be built due to the flooding on the lot. The pros and cons of the petition were discussed. Harold Easley made the motion the petition be denied. Hollingsworth second. Voted unan. 3. Hollingsworth made the motion to approve the ordinance amending the paving under the Subdivision Ordinance. To be amended as follows: SECTION I Article 2-7E of OrdinacNo. 1-20-72 of the City of Sanger, ne Texas, shall be and the same is hereby amended hereafter to read as follows: ARTICLE 2-7E RESIDENTIAL STREETS -11 " ASPHALTIC CONCRETE After the prime coat has surfaced with a minimum mix asphaltic concrete, of the City of Sanger, crushed limestone. Easley second. Voted unan. 4. Other Matters: A. Lloyd presented a proceed with the 7th adjoining his treatment. been absorbed by the base it shall fbhot of one and one half inches (lz") type "D" complying with requirements with coarse aggregate limited to variance request for Harold Easley to construction of the 1 half street of 6th and subdivision without the lime I 1 Motion by Hollingsworth to grant the variance. Second by Armstrong. Voted unan. B. Lloyd gave a progress report on Freese Drive. C. Commissioners were made aware that most of the city ordinances has a statement "as specified by City specifications." The city does not have such specifications. Lloyd showed spec. brochures from other cities and advised P & Z that Hunter and Associates could do 20 copies for around $500.00. There is $600.00 Budgeted that could be used for such a project. It was agreed by Commissioners this would be money well spent. Motion was made by Harold Easley to get this done. Second by Bounds. Voted unan. Meeting adjourned.