03/27/1984-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commission (Special Called) March 27, 1984 PRESENT: Chairman Jack Armstrong, Billye Hollingsworth, Willard Bounds, Jim Frazier, Bill Enlow, and Tommy Kincaid. ABSENT: Georgia Royal OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Martha McNeill, C. G. McNeill, Burl H. Bourland, L. D. Fergus, Bill Rice, Tenia Hoops, and Elizabeth J. Forrester. 1. The minutes of the March 13, 1984 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Chairman Armstrong called the public hearing open on zoning Petition Z-64 for the City of Sanger. Armstrong requested City Manager, Lloyd Henderson to explain the purpose of the re -hearing of this petition. Lloyd reviewed the past events with commissioners, stating that they had received and taken action two times for zoning change on this particular tract of land. Twice it was brought there while under the ownership of Gene Hughes and P & Z recommended each time the petition be denied. It is now being brought back to P & Z at the request of the City Council. Lloyd stated that a group of citizens that were in opposition to the petition had called Council's attention to the fact that they had violated state law. This was due to Council having received a protest petition against the change signed by 20 percent or more of the area owners. A three -fourth vote by Council is necessary when a petition of protest is received. Council was not aware of this when they took action on the petition. After it was pointed out, Council felt they had to take the petition back through the legal process in order to clear up the matter. If a three - fourth's vote is not received in favor of the petition, it will be denied. Chairman Armstrong called for those in favor of the petition to be recognized. Mr. Burl Bourland spoke in favor of the petition stating that he had purchased the property for a mobile home park because he thought it was properly zoned for that and that he had applied for his license from the city and received that. He stated they were pretty far along with the park and that they were ready to start moving mobile homes in. He requested P & Z's consideration to approve the petition. i Planning & Zoning Commission March 27, 1984 Page 2 Chairman Armstrong asked Mr. Bourland about the letter he had received from the City. Bourland stated he had received a letter from the City stating they were no longer responsible for anything done on the property. Everything was done at the time the letter was received but the electrical, and they went ahead and completed that. Willard Bounds asked Bourland if he was going to hard top all the streets. Bourland stated he was and also the off street parking. He stated that everything would be done by city specifications. With no one else wishing to speak in favor of the petition, Chairman Armstrong called for the opposition to speak. C. G. McNeill, 701 Diane, spoke in opposition of the petition. He spoke in response to the letter from the City notifying Bourland that there was a problem and he ignored the letter and continued with the construction of the park. He requested P & Z to recommend the petition be denied. Chairman Armstrong asked McNeill, "What is your argument against?" McNeill stated he had heard that all of the trailers would be rent trailers and that he was scared of "rent trailers." He did state he had several of his own. Bill Rice spoke in opposition of the change. Stated he would like P & Z to vote like they had before, that he was building an expensive house in the area and didn't want property value dropping. He stated he was building the house before they ever got the zoning. Tenia Hoops spoke in opposition of the petition. She stated as of May 16th she would no longer be a resident of the City of Sanger. That she had had to give up her home, her church, and her friends. People in the area should be treated fairly but she was told the night of Council action that Council would vote like they wanted to. The people should realize other people's interest. She stated the property was being pulled down. Mr. Bourland knew when he bought the property that the people were protesting. She stated she appreciated the stand P & Z Commissioners had taken and hoped that they would vote the same way again. The butden placed on the schools and taxes were discussed. Jim Frazier stated that the P & Z had given their opinion twice and that he planned to make a motion the same way. Motion was made by Jim Frazier to deny Petition Z-64 to re- zone from R1 to LB. Bill Enlow gave the second. Voted unan. i March 27, 1984 v page 3 3. Other such matters: (a) Jack Armstrong requested that the commissioners make a recommendation to Council that would require a mobile home park to be better constructed (such as paved streets, lot size, etc.). Lloyd advised Jack that Council had amended the Trailer Park Ordinance and it is now called a Mobile Home Park Ordinance. He stated he would get commissioners a copy of the old and new ordinance for comparison. Lloyd went over some of the changes in the new ordinance. (1) It increased the size of the lot from 1000 to 5000 sq. ft. (2) It puts more responsibility on the park owner. Help to insure more administration - someone in charge. (3) Size of streets were enlarged considerably. (4) The new ordinance does not call for paving streets Lloyd is to check with other cities and see what they require. It was noted that Denton has a new ordinance but they are waiting until the new city council takes office before it will be voted on. (5) It restricts the selling of lots and mobile homes. Also if you sell the park Council has to be notified. Taxes were brought up again. Lloyd stated that he questioned the appraisal district's know how to appraise mobile homes. The highest amount they show on tax roll is 15,000 value. This is too low. City will be asking questions of the appraisal district. Lloyd encouraged commissioners to make recommendations to the Council and assured them they would be open to what they had to say. (b) Lloyd requested that P & Z consider two meetings per month instead of one due to the amount of new business that will be coming in in the future (subdivisions, zoning chgs. etc.) He further requested that the city secretary be relieved of the two meetings and that the commissioners elect someone on the commission to take the minutes. The gity staff would type up all handwritten notes taken. Motion was made by Billye Hollingsworth to have two meetings per month (the 2nd and 4th Tuesday) if needed. Tommy Kincaid gave the second. Voted unan i +, Motion was made by Jack Armstrong to appoint Billye Hollingsworth, ' secretary to the commission." I Planning & Zoning Commission March 27, 1984 Page 4 Willard Bounds gave the second. Voted unan. Commissioners requested two dinners per year since there would be more meetings. Tommy Kincaid made the motion to adjourn. Bill Enlow gave the second. Voted unan.