12/14/1983-PZ-Minutes-RegularHLNUTIi5: Planning and Zoning, Commission December 14, 1.983 PRESENT (;chairman Jack Armstrong, Billye Hollingsworth, Willard Bounds, Jim Frazier, Bill Enlow, and 'Pommy Kincaid. ABSENT: Georgia Royal. OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover 1. The minutes of the September 13, 1983 meeting were approved with one correction. Jim Frazier was present at the meeting and his name should be added to commissioners present. 2. Mr. John Wilson, who is representing Mr. Royce Jones on the Replat of Block 10-R, Lot A, and Block 12-R, Lot A & B, M. H. Shirley Addition, was unable to attend the meeting because of sickness. City Manager, Lloyd Henderson, went over the replat with commissioners. When Mr. Royce Jones sold his house and lot. (Lot A, Block 10- R) to Mr. and Mrs. Fagan Burns he did not sell all the lot as he had platted with the city. This caused problems with the appraisal district and the city. He is again sub- dividing in noncompliance with his original plat and the city cannot furnish utilities to the property until the property has been replatted. Mr. John Wilson is .assisting Mr. Jones in getting the property replatted as required by the city. It was noted that Wilson has a sell pending on the property. Drainage and street r-o-w were discussed. Motion was made by Jimmy Frazier to approve the Preliminary Plat for the Replat of Block 10-R, Lot A, and Block 12-R, Lots A & B of the M. 14. Shirley Addition. Willard Bounds gave the second. Voted unan. Billye Hollingsworth made the motion to adjourn. Willard Bounds gave the second. Voted unan.