12/16/1980-PZ-Minutes-RegularMinutes: Planning and Zoning Commission December 16, 1980 Present: Chairman Armstrong, Willard Bounds, Bill Enlow, Jimmy Frazier, John Springer, Billye Hollingsworth, Georgia Royal Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, L. L. Browning, Gene Hughes, Lucille Enlow, Jesse Boyd 1. The minutes of the November 11, 1980 meeting were approved as printed. 2. The variance request on the Beatrice Banks home was approved on a motion by John Springer. Willard Bounds gave the second. Voted unan. This variance request was on the Front and Back yards. Back yard requirements carry a 25' setback. Cornell requested 10' for back yard. Front yard requires a 25' setback. Cornell requested the required 25' less the size of the porch. The existing house is to be removed and a new brick house built. 3. Zoning Petition Z-50 Gene Hughes - Gene's request was to change the zoning on Lot 2, Block 49, Original Town from R1 - Single Family to R2 - Two Family and construct a duplex on the property. Chairman Armstrong called for those who opposed to speak as well as those who favored the change. Mr. L. L. Browning was against the petition because of his experience with other duplexes — parking and upkeep. Bill Enlow opposed the petition for reason of traffic congestion already existing in the area. He stated he would prefer a single family dwelling for this site. Mr. Jesse Boyd was neither for or against. He ask about the duplex. Gene Hughes described it as a 1-story brick with two rooms on each side. He presented plans to commissioners. Billye Hollingsworth requested the width and length of the duplex which is 50' x 8" and 37' x 8" with a carport on each side. Chairman Armstrong read aloud the letter from neighbor Sid Hampton who was not in favor of two-family zoning. Mrs. Viola Green had called the city staff stating she was unable to attend because of surgery but was opposed to the change. Willard Bounds stated he would prefer single family rather than two-family. After much deliberation and comments from the floor Georgia Royal made the motion to deny the Z-50 petition because of the neighbors feelings. Hollingsworth gave the second. Voting against the petition were Royal, Hollingsworth, Frazier, Springer, and Armstrong. Bounds and Enlow abstained. Motion carried 5-0. 4. With no other matters presented to commissioners the meeting adjourned. -2-