09/14/1982-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning G Zoning Commission September 14, 1982 PRESENT: Vice Chairman Billye Hollingsworth, Bill Enlow, John Springer, Willard Bounds, and Georgia Royal ABSENT: Chairman Jack Armstrong and Jim Frazier OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, John Coxsey, Willie Mae Conley, Ken Cornell,. Laverne and Hubert Scheri:z, Donn Nesbitt, Charlotte Jolly and Ronnie Jones Vice -Chairman Billye Hollingsworth presided over the meeting in the absence of Chairman Jack Armstrong, 1. The minutes of the August 17, 1982 meeting were approved as printed. 2. 'Zoning Petition Z-59 for John Coxsey on Lt. 1, Blk. 3, North Sullivan from (R-3) Multi -Family to(LB)Local Business was pre- sented. The floor, was opened to those in favor of his petition. Mr. Coxsey spoke on behalf of his petition. Discussion. With no one else speaking in favor of, the floor was opened to the opposition. Laverne Schertz presented a petition with 46 names from area residents stating they felt the business would devaluate their property and cause too much congestion in the neighborhood. Charlotte Jolly stated she had purchased her home on a long term basis (30 yrs.) and objected very strongly to the petition. She felt concern about the traffic around the business area when children would be walking to and from school. Discussion. Motion was made by Willard Bounds to deny petition Z-59. Bill Enlow gave the second. Voting for were: Bounds, Enlow, and Hollingsworth. Voting against was Georgia Royal. John Springer abstained. Motion carried 3-1. 3. Ken Cornell presented his preliminary subdivision plat of Elm Street Addition. Cornell stated there was actually two tracts but that he had inherited another 20' x 40' strip when Johnson had his property surveyed and all of it together makes the subdivision. Cornell is planning to build 5 houses on the 5 lots. Cornell discussed the placing of survey stakes out in the middle of Acker Street. He stated he was working at getting this changed. Motion was made by John Springer to approve the Preliminary Plat contingent upon the preliminary plat details being worked out with the city. Georgia Royal gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Ron Jones presented his single lot subdivision on Block 4, Sullivan West and his request for lot size variance. Lot size is 55' x 100' which is 500 sq. ft. less than code. He stated the house he was planning to build would have the 8 foot sideyards and more than the 25 foot required front and back dimensions. 6C Motion was made by John Springer to approve the preliminary plat and lot variance for Ron Jones. Willard Bounds gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Lloyd presented the trailer park expansion plans. Discussion on the necessity of the Commission to approve the plan since it was not stated in the City Ordinance. To divert any delays motion was made by Bill Enlow to approve the trailer park plan as submitted. John Springer gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Other matters: (a.) Lloyd requested commissioners to go over reasons for denying Petition Z-59 in order that he would be able to answer to council about the denial. 1.) Willard Bounds stated he voted against it because the neighbors were against it. 2.) Bill Enlow stated it would be a traffic hazard since lots of kiddos go down 7th Street on their, way to school. 3.) Billye Hollingsworth stated parking would be a problem. (b.) Lloyd requested the need for the Commissioners to consider a program and plan for growth and development for the future. Plan rules to make judgments on. Meeting adjourned. -2-