01/09/1973-PZ-Minutes-RegularMinutes of the Sanger Planning add Zoning BCommission on 1/9/73 The Planning and Zoning Commission of Sanger, Texas met Tuuesday evening, January 9, 1973 to consider a petition by Arnold Lynch requesting that the zoning classification of property described below be changed from R-1 (Single Family Dwelling District) to R-3 (Multi -Family Dwelling District) under the provisions of Sec- tion 10 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanger, Texas. The said property is located on the Northwest corner of the inter- section of loth and Church Streets and is more particularly des- cribed as follows: Lott, Block 78 of the H. Tierwester Survey in the City of Sanger, Texas of the demension 215 215 x 210 feet. Present for the public hearing were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lynch, Tommy Chapman, Alvin Brown, Mrs. Neilan Cook, J.C. Landers, Mrs. Jack Hall and Dave Morris. A motion was made by Tommy Chapman that the Commission recommend to the City Council the rezoning request be approved. Mrs. Cook seconded the motion; it passed unanimously. A motion was made by J.C. Landers that the Commission instruct the City Secretary to advertise a public hearing on the rezoning of Lot of the City of Sanger,(bordeted on the South by Church Street, on the East by loth Street, qn-' on the North by Wood Street and on the West by Interstate 35 East, and excluding that property already zoned Local Retail and Light Industry) from R-1 (Single Family Dwelling District) to r-3 (Multi -Family Dwelling District). The motion was seconded by Tommy Chapman and passed unanimously. MTS. hall made a motion that the Planning and Zoning Commission meet for a public hearing on Tuesday evening, Bebruary 6, 1973• The ±htion was seconded by J.C. Landers and passed unanimously. that the meeting be adjourned The motion by Mrs._Cook/was seconded by Tommy Chapman and passed. Respectfully submitted, Mrs. Jack Hall, Secretary Approved: - -F-%g' Alvin Brown, Chairman