01/28/1964-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES of the ZONING COMMISSION of the CITY OF SANGER, January 28, 1964. The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Sanger City Council met at 7 P.M. the 28th Day of January, 1964, in the Council Room of the City Hall, Sanger, Tex. Zoning Commission members present were Mrs. W.B. Chambers, Mrs. Jack Hall, Bill Enlow, Alvin Brown and J. C. Landers. Moderator Ray McClendon made the motion that Alvin Brown be made chairman of the Commission. Bill Enlow seconded the motion. Mr. Brown was elected unani- rmusly. Mrs. Chambers moved that Mrs. Hall be recording secretary. Mr. Landers seconded the motion. Mrs. Hall was elected unanimously. During the public hearing Jesse Earl Seal and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Buel voiced their appeal for zoning changes to be made from Residential. to Local Retail for a strip of ' . their property. The property in discussion is south of FM 455 and East of Interstate 35 described as the North half of Block 106, extending South and including Lot No, 2, and West to Interstate 35. A motion was made by Bill Enlow and seconded by Mrs. Chambers that we, the Zoning Commission, bring this as a recommendation to the City Council of Sanger. The Commission further recommended that the strip of land South of FM 455 and West to Interstate 35, described as the East half of Blk. No 106-B, South to and including lots No. 95-A, F, I, G and H, be zoned as Local Retail. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Ella Hall, Secretary Jan. 28, 1964 Approved 4/23/'64