07/12/1983-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commission July 12, 1983 PRESENT: Chairman Jack Armstrong, Billye Hollingsworth, Georgia Royal, Willard Bounds and Bill Enlow ABSENT: Tommy Kincaid and Jim Frazier OTHERS PRESENT: Mary Jo Stover and Jean Crow 1. The minutes of the May 17, 1983 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Jack Armstrong, Billye Hollingsworth and Georgia Royal took the oath of office for a new term of two years. 3. Jean Crow met with commissioners requesting a 25' variance on the placement of a new garage she is planning to build. Jack Armstrong stated that the zoning ordinance calls for set -backs and that structures are not supposed to be built on the property line. He felt it would be a hazard to anyone backing out of the garage and immediately onto the street. If the street is ever widened it would be an even greater hazard. Discussion. S Motion was made by Billye Hollingsworth that Jean Crow be allowed a 15 foot set -back giving a variance of 10 feet for the placement of the garage. Willard Bounds gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Other such matters: (a) Motion was made by Billye Hollingsworth to reappoint Jack Armstrong as Chairman of the Commissioners. Willard Bounds gave the second. Voted unan. (b) Willard Bounds made the motion to reappoint Billye Hollingsworth as Vice -Chairman. Georgia Royal gave the second. Voted unan. (c) The annual trip to McGehee's was set for Tuesday, August 9, at 5:30 p.m. Motion was made by Willard Bounds to adjourn the meeting. Georgia Royal gave the second. Voted unan.