07/17/1979-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning and Zoning Commission July 17, 1979 PRESENT: Chairman Armstrong, Willard Bounds, Jimmy Frazier, Billye Hollingsworth, Harold Easley and Virgil Ward ABSENT: Cecil Snellgrove Others Present: City Secretary, Greg Edwards and Wendall Thomas 1. Virgil Ward was sworn in as new Planning and Zoning Commission member. 2. Minutes of the June 26, 1979 meeting were approved as printed. 3. Final Plat on the Gateway Addition was presented. Greg Edwards with Schoell and Fields requested by letter the following variances which Jack Armstrong read to Commission. 1. Location of Sanitary Sewer and Water lines within the street right of way. This was approved by Planning and Zoning on the preliminary plat, and provides for best acesss for maintenance purposes for City of Sanger personnel. 2. Surmountable Curb, Alternate No. 1. This type of curb and gutter was installed in Forrestridge Section I, a very exclusive subdivision in Denton, Texas. This type curb allows the homeowner to build the driveway right up to the curb, and saves the cost of removing expensive curb and gutter then replacing it with a driveway approach. This eliminates the waste of pouring then tearing up curb and gutter and helps hold the cost of housing down. 3. Driveway Gutter Sections, Alternate No. 2. This alternate solution to the problem and waste involved with removing curb and gutter in order to install driveways. This alternate provides for adapting Standard Curb and Gutter to provide for driveway openings at their anticipated locations. A similar solution was worked in Denton in Mr. Coffey's subdivision and resulted in substantial savings to homeowners in that addition. 4. Deletion of reinforcing steel in curb and gutter. The major function of concrete curb and gutter is to define and beautify the edge of the roadway and to act as an erosion resistant barrier to hold storm runoff on the roadway. We feel the Curb and Gutter without reinforcing steel placed on suitable subgrade provides this function without the added cost of materials and labor associated with City of Sanger Standard Curb and Gutter. We feel that whatever benefit the reinforcing steel provides does not outweigh its cost which will eventually be paid by future residents of the City of Sanger. Other cities which do not require the use of rein- forcing steel include - Bowie, Decatur, Grapevine, North Richland Hills, Lewisville, Gainesville, and Denton. We feel that relaxing this requirement would be a reasonable step in trying to hold down development costs. Land development costs have been rising at a rate of approximately 30 percent per year for the past three years. It now costs as much to develop the 65 foot frontage lots that Mr. Coffey plans as it did to develop 100 foot frontage lots two years ago. This staggering inflation must eventually be borne by the perspective homeowner. We feel that if these variances are granted that they could reduce the development cost by as much as $400 per lot, and still insure that Gateway Addition is a high quality development in which to live. Commissioners voted on and approved the following: #1. Motion to accept #1 was made by Harold Easley. Willard Bounds second. Voted unan. #2. Motion to accept surmountable curb, Alternative No. 1 was made by Jimmy Frazier. Harold Easley second. Voted unan. Driveway Gutter Sections, Alternative No. 2 was not needed since Alternative No. 1 was accepted. #4 Virgil Ward made the motion not to grant the request for the deletion of reinforcing steel in curb and gutter, but to stay with the city ordinance as defined in Article 2-6 Curb and Gutter. Billye Hollingsworth second. Voted unan. Harold Easley made the motion to recommend to City Council that expansion joints and distance for same be added to the subdivision ordinance. Jimmy Frazier Second. Voted unan. Chairman Armstrong went over the following list of items which the City engineer advised was needed before the final plat goes to Council for approval. 1. We do not have an approved copy of the preliminary plat. The City should check to see that the final plat conforms with the approved preliminary plat. 2. From the previously submitted preliminary plat a 15 foot utility easement was shown for Block D. An easement of 7.5 feet is shown on the final plat submitted for this block. Mr. Edwards with Shoell, Fields and Associates indicates the remainder of the easement will be dedicated with the next section. The City at this time should request the full 19 foot easement be dedicated in order to be assured of the full utility easement. 3. The road right-of-way for the road on the east boundary of the property should be shown. This is the road on the east side of Lots 16 and 17 of Block A. 4. The surveyor's certification required by the zoning ordinance should be added to the plat. 5. The right-of-way for Interstate 35 should be shown. 6. The certificate of dedication of streets and easements should be signed by the owner. All places to be signed and sealed should be filled prior to presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission. 7. Building line of 25 feet is required on all lots. The final plat shows a 15 foot building line on the lots fronting on the Interstate 35 frontage road and other locations. 2 MINUTES: Planning and Zoning Commission DATE: June 26, 1979 PRESENT: Armstrong, Frazier, Hollingsworth and Bounds others Present: Dave Isbell, Virgil Ward 1. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as written. 2. Dave Isbell presented the Plat of W. B. Shirley Addition. There was discussion concerning the 15' set back lines. Isbell stated that the drainage easement on the railroad will handle the drainage. The sewer will have to be placed on railroad unless an easement can be obtained from the adjoining property owner. Motion to approve the plat as presented including a variance for 15' set back as shown on the plat. The motion was made by Bounds and the second by Frazier. Voted unan. Meeting adjourned. r i