07/31/1979-PZ-Minutes-RegularMinutes: Planning and Zoning Commission July 31, L979 Present: Chairman Armstrong, Frazier, Easley, Bounds, and Hollingsworth Absent: Ward and Snellgrove others Present: City Sec., R. Adkins, and R. Jones 1. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved on a motion by Hollingsworth. Bounds second. Voted unan. 2. The revised preliminary plat on Block A, Section IV, of the Bucklew-Freese Addition for George Clements was ap- proved on a motion by Frazier. Easley second. Voted unan. It was to be noted to Council that P. & Z. did approve the 15' Building line set back on Lot 11 which will re- quire them to grant a variance.