08/01/1985-PZ-Minutes-RegularAugust 1, 1985 Minutes: Planning & Zoning Commission Special Called Meeting Members Present: Tommy Kincaid, Joe S Bill Enlow Waide, Eileen Brittian, and Members Absent: Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth,.Georgia Royal, and Fred Yeatts Others Present: Mary Jo Stover, Mayor Nel Armstrong, Jim Coulson and Terry Garland 1. Vice Chairman, Tommy Kincaid conducted the meeting in the absence of Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth. Kincaid called the meeting to order. 2. Superintendent Jim Coulson presented a request for a variance on behalf of the Sanger I.S.D. Coulson stated that the I.S.D. had purchased a total of eight portable buildings. Four of the portables would be used at the Middle School and four would be used at the Elementary. Plenty of space exist to house the four at the Elementary School but the four at the Middle School would not be in compliance to city code. The portables are to be used for an approximate two year period. Coulson stated the I.S.D. is working toward a lease for the property (back lot) belonging to Terry Bohm. The building would extend over the Bohm property line but would be an approximate 60' from the Bohm's house. A diagram of the size of the portables and the placement on the property was illustrated by a drawing prepared by the I.S.D. Construction of the portables, land purchase, and growth was fur- ther discussed. Motion was made by Eileen Brittian to grant the I.S.D.'s request for an approximate 11' variance on the 25' setback requirement and to allow for the placement across a property line since it would be on a temporary basis. Joe Waide gave the second. Voted unan. With no other business to come before the commission, Joe Waide made a motion to adjourn. Eileen Brittian gave the second. Voted unan.