08/14/1984-PZ-Minutes-Regulari Minutes: Planning and Zoning Commission August 14, 1984 Present: Chairman Billye Hollingsworth, Fred Yeatts, John Anderson Georgia Royal, Bill Enlow, Eileen Brittian and Tommy Kincaid. Others Present: Mary Jo Stover, Roy Taylor, Jim Neal, Gary Hammett, Herbert Arledge, C. G. McNeill, Jerry Jenkins, and Pat Ficorilli 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Billye Hollingsworth. The minutes of the July 24, 1984 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Chairman Hollingsworth declared the public hearing open and re- quested those in favor of the petition to speak. Roy Taylor spoke in support of his petition to change the zoning on Lots 2 and 3, Block 47, Original Town, from R-1 (Single Family) to LR (Local Retail). Taylor stated for years he had run his photography business out of his home. He stated he intends to take the first two rooms of the house for a studio and plans to do garden scenes etc on the outside. Taylor was asked if he was requesting this zoning in order to sell the property. He responded with this divorce finalized that he did not plan to sell at the present time. Chairman Hollingsworth called for the opposition to speak. No one spoke in opposition although numerous questions were posed to Taylor. The chairman closed the public hearing. Motion was made by Bill Enlow to allow the zoning change for Taylor to continue using the property for a photography studio only. If Taylor were to sell the property or use it for any other purpose than the photography studio the zoning change would become null and void and revert back to R-1 (Single Family). Tommy Kincaid gave the second. Discussion: Taylor brought up the fact that the zoning map showed Single Family where businesses are now operating. Item to be checked out. Spot zoning was discussed. Taylor requested the full zoning. He did not want a limited zoning. Voting for the motion was: Enlow, Kincaid, Hollingsworth, Royal and Yeatts. Voting against was: Anderson and Brittian. Motion carried 5-2. Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes Continued August 14, 1984 Page 2 3. Motion was made by Fred Yeatts to approve the preliminary subdivision plat on Lots 3, 4, and 5, Block 1, Extension to the Hughes Addition for Neham Investments. John Anderson gave the second. Voted unan. 4. With no other business to come before the commissioners the meeting was adjourned.