08/17/1982-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning and Zoning Commission August 17, 1982 PRESENT: Chairman Jack Armstrong, Willard Bounds, Billye Hollingsworth, Jim Frazier and Georgia Royal ABSENT: John Springer and Bill Enlow OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Oma Pennington, Eva Lynch, JoDean Pace Sampley, Harlon Sampley, Betty Coffey, Billie Jean Coffey, R. D. and John Sheckells, Dorothy Smith, Wilma Gray, James Smith, Robert Gray, Ann Ramsey, Bob Ramsey, C. W. Rogers, Reva Rogers, Barbara Enlow, Sammy Enlow, Ruth Lester, S. L. Lester, D. W. Broom and Charles Blakely 1, The minutes of the previous meeting were approved with the addition of Billye Hollingsworth's name to those P & Z Members present. 2, Zoning Petition Z-58. Chairman Armstrong read aloud a note from B. R. Hopper of Daytona Corporation stating "Due to the response of the citizens of Sanger, Texas please withdraw our request for rezoning." Motion was made by Willard Bounds to approve the withdrawal of Petition Z-58 for Daytona Corporation. Georgia Royal gave the second. Voted unan. 3. A variance request by Ronny Jones on Block 4, Sullivan West was considered by Commissioners. After discussion it was noted that Ronny was also subdividing the lot on which the variance was requested. Motion was made by Jim Frazier that the request for variance be resubmitted along with subdivision plat. Billye Hollingsworth gave the second. Voted unan. Meeting adjourned.