09/01/1981-PZ-Minutes-Regulardes: Planning & Zoning Commission (Special Called) September 1, 1981 nt: Chairman Jack Armstrong, Jim Frazier, John Springer, Bill Enlow, Willard Bounds, Billye Hollingsworth, and Georgia Royal rs Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Ken Perry and Mr. Perry. Minutes of the August 25, 1981 meeting were approved as printed. Consider Variance request on Lot 48B, Block 24, Hampton Add. - Ken Perry came before commissioners to request that he be permitted to construct a new home and attach it to an exist- ing building located on the property. The building is on the property line. He stated that he would be adding a new cement floor to the structure and a brick ledge. Perry stated he had checked with the property owners that adjoin the alley about getting a quit claim from the city should the variance not be approved. He stated if a quit claim was granted for all of the alley it would create a problem for Mr. Puckett since his garage faces the alley and he enters that way. Motion was made by Jimmy Frazier to grant approval for adding the new structure to the existing structure that is in non- -conformance with city code. Willard Bounds gave the second. Voted unan. Reconsider Gene Hughes Replat of Block D, Hillcrest Addition - Lloyd explained to commissioners that Gene Hughes had an op- portunity to build a house on Lot 5 of the Replat. County money is still available but the house must be finished by the end of the year. Gene was upset about the zoning. Lloyd went to the county courthouse and got the map of the Hillcrest Ad- dition that was filed for record. The plat map was signed by P.& Z. Commissioner, Alvin Brown and P&Z. Secretary, Ella Hall. Lloyd felt when the original plat came before P. & Z. they accepted the Block D as Local Business and it was filed that way. Plats are not supposed to be filed at the courthouse unless they beat the Mayor's signature and other proper signa- tures, but who knows what was required in 1964. Also, the zoning map has been changed over the years, but the maps the city has do not show a Local Business zoning for Block D. Lloyd suggested that P. & Z. separate the zoning from the re - platting. He suggested that they approve the replat subject to pending zoning action by Council. He suggested Jack Arm- strong furnish Council with a letter from P. & Z. explaining the circumstance of changes that have developed since the & 'Zoning Minutes 1, 1981 continued. zoning petition was requested. Motion was made by Jimmy Frazier to approve the replat of Block D, Hillcrest Addition pending zoning action on Lot 1, Block D,Hillcrest by the City Council. John Springer g' ve the second. Voted usuch matters - None meeting adjourned.