04/23/1985-PZ-Minutes-Regularp & Z Meeting Minutes April 23, 1985 MEMBERS PRESENT: Billye Hollingsworth, Bill Enlow, Tommy Kincaid, Eileen Brittian, Fred Yeatts. MEMBERS ABSENT: Georgia Royal and John Anderson OTHERS PRESENT: Sue Masten, Mrs. Robert L. Tucker, Donald Masten, and Jerry Jenkins. 1. Chairman Hollingsworth called the meeting to order. Minutes were approved as printed. 2. A preliminary plat of Choctaw Ridge Subdivision for Don Holson was presented. Lloyd Henderson explained this plat was reviewed by P & Z and recommended to and approved by Council. However, the plat could not be filed at County Courthouse until it had been approved by the County Commissioners Court. The plat was then sent to County Plat Office. Here it was rejected because of several things which do not meet county specifications. The County Plat Office then contacted Mr. Holson's engineers to inform them of the corrections which needed to be made. These corrections supposedly have been made but the plat was presented at City Hall too late on April 23rd to check with the County Plat Office. Tommy Kincaid made the motion that this plat be recommended for approval to council contingent upon its acceptance by the County Plat Office. Bill Enlow made the second and vote was unanimous. 3. Consideration was then given to a variance request.by Larry Masten at 205 South 5th. Mrs. Masten spoke in favor of the request asking for a 7i feet variance. The rear lot depth would be 17i feet instead of 25 ft. as, required by ordinance. Fred Yeatts made the motion and Eileen Brittian gave the second to recommend approval of this request to council. Vote was unanimous. 4. Mrs. Robert Tucker spoke in favor of her request for a 15 ft. variance to build a carport on the front of her home at 917 N. 8th Street. P & Z Commission voted unanimously to recommend this approval after a motion by Tommy Kincaid and seconded by Eileen Brittian. Eileen Brittian made the motion to adjourn and Fred Yeatts gave the second. p & Z Commission adjourned.