04/24/1986-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commission April 24, 1986 I' MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth, Tommy Kincaid, Fred Yeatts, Bill Enlow, and Georgia Royal MEMBERS ABSENT: Eileen Brittian and Joe Waide OTHERS PRESENT: Stephen Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, Richard Brown, B. McMurray, Charlene Williams, Jim Conley, and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hauptman 1. Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth called the meeting to order. 2. The minutes of the March 25th meeting were approved as printed. 3. The commissioners heard the request of Charlene Williams to locate a Day Care Center/Kindergarten in a Single Family (R-1) District. Charlene Williams presented her request to commissioners. She stated she planned to stay where she was at on Second Street but wanted to expand part of the Day Care to include younger children (infants). She is requesting the Day Care to be located at 707 So. 5th Street. She discussed her plans for a circular _ driveway in front of the house, stating it could be necessary to remove some trees located at the front of the property. She stated before she could do anything with the State she would have to get approval to locate or be rezoned for an area. Richard Brown advised commissioners that this type of business was not specifically stated in the city's ordinance. He stated he did not have a problem with the Day Care locating at 707 So. 5th. Brown stated he had met with the State regarding the circular drive and the State felt there would be no problem. That they recommended contoured drive approaches where possible instead of culvert pipe. Discussion. Charlene stated she had talked with her neighbors and they were not in opposition to the Day Care. City Manager, Stephen Shutt advised commissioners that he did not feel that on anon -going basis that Day Care Centers should arbitrarily be dumped in an R-1 zone. He stated he felt in the future,notices should be given to the adjacent property owners. He stated P & Z would be legitimizing businesses in a residential area that they would be circumventing the home occupation zoning. He stated being on 5th Street and in that particular area he did not see a problem with it. But if someone wanted to put one in on Kathryn Dr. or Stephen Dr. or some area that is obviously residential, that would be mixed use and he stated he would not recommend a zoning change. Should take each request on an individual basis. Cautioned P & Z about allowing Day Care Center's in R-1. Felt it should be handled as a zoning change even though it wasn't. Discussion. planning & Zoning Commission April 24, 1986 nacre 2 Motion was made by Bill Enlow to recommend to the City Council to allow the request of Charlene Williams to locate a Day Care Center/Kindergarten at 707 So. 5th Street without a zoning change for this individual request; however, any future request of this nature should be treated on an individual basis and that a public hearing should be held giving notice to every- one within 200 feet of the location site. Tommy Kincaid gave the second: Voted unan. 4. Commissioners reviewed the preliminary subdivision replat of Sanger I-35 Industrial Park. Mr. Bud Hauptman explained that the Sanger I-35 Industrial Park was a platted subdivision. The owners want to replat smaller lots into two lots. They want to move an existing 6" water line in the existing easement and relocate to an easement at the back of the lots in order to have better use.of the property. Discussion. It was noted that the owners/developers would pay for the total cost to move the 6" water line to the new easement at the back of the property Richard Brown requested a 15' easement between Lots 5R and 6R of the replat. (7z' to come from each property owner.) Motion was made by Tommy Kincaid to approve the preliminary replat of the Sanger I-35 Industrial Park with the addition of a 15' Utility Easement to be denoted between Lots 5R and 6R. Fred Yeatts gave the second. Voted unan. 5. With no other business to come before the commissioners, Georgia Royal made a motion to adjourn. Fred Yeatts gave the second. Voted unan. .